05-08-2003, 04:01 PM
New things going on~

My old Poetry Thread (http://forums.ffshrine.net/showthread.php?threadid=2826)

I decided that I'd start something new... so... here goes... :D


Whispering words
spoken in the dark...
Secret feelings shared
that no one else knows...

We've been through so much...
Can't we just stop the pain?
I just want you to hold me...

Now I'm wondering why I'm
feeling this way again...
Wondering why I couldn't
have felt it with you sooner...

I guess it all led up to this.
I guess it was meant to be...

I ask myself why...
Go over the what if's...
If it made sense I wouldn't be here...

It's been about 2 years
since we met face to face...
and about 2 more since we started talking...
After all this time we still have a connection,
both of us wondering why we still do...

I still care about you,
I know that much...
But where do we go from here?

These feelings still churn...
My heart still yearns...
I've admitted my feelings before,
now it's your turn...

Memento Mori
05-09-2003, 05:00 PM
Very nice Drea. I like the way it's written, kinda like a proposition in a way. Great job, I like it a lot :)

05-20-2003, 05:04 PM
Thanks Chris. Appreciate it. :D


Here's a new one.... ^_^



I see Heaven in your eyes...
I feel like I can do anything
as long as you are by my side
Impossible feats seem reachable...

Endless possibilites hang at your lips...
Infinite reaches lie in the touch of you hand...
your very words...
the sound of your voice...

Make me believe in salvation.
In YOUR salvation.

You could save me in your breath...
Hold me for the all the eons
in the promises of your arms...

Make me believe in salvation.

Love never was until you...
I never realized that until now...
Let the possibilities fall from your lips...
Let me catch them with my tongue....

Make me believe in salvation....

I feel safe when I'm with you...
I feel protected....

Help me reach Nirvana...
Take me hand and help me get there....
For I'd rage Hell and High Water...
I'd spend ages in Purgatory....

Make me believe in salvation...

Make me believe in you.

05-25-2003, 09:41 AM
Very good poems Drea because your words are so heartfelt. It seems like your writing style has changed and has got longer at that, which is good. Keep up the great work.

05-29-2003, 04:09 PM
New one... it just came to my mind. Kinda short, but nyeh. =D


Your words shook the floor
Lyrical phrases shattered the windowpanes
and causes the light fixures to shake.

Your words shook the floor
shimmied through the carpet
to brace themselves before me.

Your words shook the floor
the power of them radiated through your eyes
motivated your hand gestures.

Your words took my heart by the hand
Framed them for me to see
Forever kept inside of my memories.

Your words shook.

FD Return
06-02-2003, 06:23 PM
Great poem as usual Drea. And remember, even the shortest poems can be master pieces. Keep on writing and I'll keep reading.

06-15-2003, 04:45 PM
This first poem is inspired by me graduating...


Your Hand

There in the crowd,
you took my hand
There in the crowd,
you took my hand.

I was lost,
looking for you in the crowd
and you came seemingly
out of no where,
and you took my hand.

You took me by the hand
and dragged me with you.
In the press of people,
we got separated.

Our hands weren't bonded anymore.

You took me the hand again,
and we finally got free of the crowd.
Arm in arm, we walked together,
a pair, two of a kind.

You took me by the hand.

We are all that we have left.
We are everything to each other.
I care for you deeply as a friend...
We watch each others back,
always looking out for each other.

You are my tether, my link to the world.

You took me by the hand.


This one was inspired by... yeah... some stuff. ^_^



How many people have been crushed by you?
How many?

Tens of thousands crushed under your self centered talons?
The dragon of hurting the helpless.
The dragon of inflicting pain on the innocent.

How many people have been crushed by you?
How many?

People batt their eyelashes at you,
unaware of the monster that lurks within.
But I see.
I see the darkness within.

How many people have you killed?
Slaying spirits, claiming ignorance
as you kill all with your skillful words?

How many?

I know how many you slaughtered,
Because you crushed me...

06-15-2003, 05:18 PM
I like all of them. Two in particular, though. ''Salvation'', as I think it is very wellwritten, and you express feelings of love in it very well :)
Behemoth was probably my favourite. Expressions of love now replaced with feelings of anger and vengeance. And again, very wellwritten and heartfelt.
You rule ^^

06-17-2003, 05:22 AM
I was just thinking about my friend and the talk we had yesterday about him and Redemption... this poem came to mind.

(It might be a bit longish...) hehe....


Do they Still?

Do you still believe in Hell and Purgatory?
You said once that you felt the fiery coals
of Hell sprinkling at your heels.

Do you still believe that Faith is
only found in a Deity and that True Faith
can't be written in the pathways of the heart?

We argued a lot and fought even more.
Emotional scars left on the other simply
to settle a debating score.

It's more than that now.
We've actually became friends.

I wish you Salvation...
I wish you the Redemption you seek...
I wish you the best that Life can wreak...

Do angels still brush your lips
with celestial breath?
Do they still caress you with ethereal
wings so soft?
Bless you with melodies that carreen
you off to sleep?

I wish you a glimmer of this
perfection you still reach for,
but keep failing to catch and hold.

Do they still?

Was your dreams all you thought they'd be?

Once your perfect bubble popped,
you found yourself in a crude nightmare.

Do you still dream of the Heaven you reach for?
The Heaven you told me lies beyond the sunrise?
The sunrise that you are still afraid to this day to watch...

Do you still?
Do they still?
Do they still haunt your dreams?
Their unreal screams painting the walls of your bedroom
Your wrongs clear for all to see except those
who don't live in the space between your two ears and eyes.

I shared those screams...
Those same horrid dreams...

You said I was your concsious.
Am I still?

Do they still?

What lies behind your haunted eyes now?

Whatever it is friend, take my hand
we will embrace it together.
We've been through Hell and Heaven both.

It's only fair that we face the past,
the present and the future together.
We'll fight the past as it comes to
swallow us both in the shards of time...
We'll face the nightmares and
make our own dreams...

Do they still?

06-17-2003, 12:53 PM
This poem is definitely my favourite of the ones you've posted so far. ''Do They Still'', or ''Redemtion'' as you referred to it as, is a great poem, with a lot of emotion, and a few political undertones- at least I see it that way :)
It reminds me of a Christian I know on a forum, always trying to revert me, and a Jehova's Witness I know in real life- Even though that may not be what you had in mind for this one :)
Very good job, indeed.

06-24-2003, 10:55 PM
Thank you for your comments on my poetry Toolster. ^__^ Me appreciate much. It's interesting to see what you think of my poetry.


I was just musing... and this came to mind...


I Wonder

I wonder if Fate is treating you kind
Knowing what type of person you are
I can wish you nothing but the best

I'm glad I told you I loved you
Even though you couldn't return my feelings
You have the sweetest most untouched heart I know.

It's something about that unguarded part
of you I just want to hold and cuddle and keep safe
from the harms that others have done to wrong you.

I wonder if I was too jaded for you.
If I had seen too much in too many eyes
I wonder if I would have scarred you.

But for that one moment in time,
I experienced happiness.
Fleeting, but I held onto it -- and you -- tightly.

I wonder if I would have told you sooner...
Would it have made a difference?

I wish I could make you understand...
I wish I could tell you physically... in person how I feel.

I'd do anything for you, love.

I wonder would did my declaration
have made me any closer to your heart?
I wonder if you wouldn't have closed me out
would I have gained your heart?
... Your heart which belongs to another.

In this case, love is blind.
I want to take off the blinders.

I wonder...

06-25-2003, 01:21 PM
That poem managed to sadden me quite a bit :-/
I like it, though, and I am glad to see someone who expresses emotions as heartfelt and real as you, your poetry is really something :)
Although this one isn't my favourite of the ones you've posted, I can definitely see that you have talent, and that you cared deeply for that person. If it's just an imaginary person, then you do a brilliant job at writing poems out of ideas, too.
Keep it up :)

06-27-2003, 05:29 AM
Thanx Toolster for commenting. ^__^ Yanno I'm grateful. (Didn't mean to make ya sad on the last poem though...)



Today I rested my head on your shoulder,
told you all my secrets,
talked to you about my worries,
my hurts, my fears,
let you in my heart,
revealed to you my Achille's Heel.

Today, you didn't look at me as you
would a monster, like many others would.
You looked me in the eye and didn't flinch.
You looked me in the eye and you saw me.

For that I am eternally greatful.

Today, I feel renewed on the inside
for the first time in a long time.
It felt good.

For once no one had
any pressing questions for me,
no one had any demanding wants...

Today, we were just there...
and you shared with me your thoughts,
teased me a bit, and hugged me when
I got choaked up about my past.
Then you called me stronger for getting past it.

Today I found myself falling for you hard.
And now I'm left with all this emotion.
My best bet is to spill all of this feeling
within me like I so readily expressed
the other sides of me.

Whispers of you snake to me on the wind
I feel your prescence beside me.
But until I can touch you again,
I'll simply remember.


Today I rested my head on your shoulder.

06-28-2003, 05:56 AM
Another bunch of very good poems Drea. I like the way you can take the reader on a journey through your written words and your poems are so enchanting in that sense. Keep up the great work.

06-28-2003, 09:25 AM
Thank you Ame for your comments. I missed ya. ^_^ Well, anyhoo, I was thinken about mess... (and if anyone has read my last journal entry... you prolly know why.)


You left Me

You left me there to die
Lying on the bed
with my heart in my hands
bleeding from the mind
with your abuse.

You left me there to die
festering inside of my mind
thinking there was no way out
no way to get home
no way to be free

You left me there to die
didn't say you were sorry
didn't say it until the end
you hugged me and I felt dirty
you looked at me and I felt objectified.

I never asked for that.
You just took it.
Took it and didn't ask.
Like you were owed it.

I pulled a knife on you.
I wanted to use it.
But I was shaking so bad
I didn't have the nerve.

You left me there to die
screaming from my soul
torn from my innocence
lost forever inside your lies and deciet.

You left me there to die.

07-14-2003, 01:53 AM
Very good poem Drea. Very powerful, very touching, very emotional. Well done.

07-19-2003, 06:44 AM
Thank you from the core of me Chris. You have my eternal gratitude. ^_^;; I appreciate your kindness. Means a lot to me...


If Only

One day I will let you go,
One day, everything you will know,
One day, if Fate will let us be,
One day, to you everything I will show.

Never thought that it would end this way,
Never thought that this would lie unfinished.

But I know that if we met again, nothing would matter.
Despite who, what, where or when,
You will be mine for that space in Time
I could lie in your arms and not worry about
the what, where, why, when or how.

I don�t know when, and I don�t know how,
but somehow, somewhere, deep within me,
I feel that we will meet again.

That our paths will cross,
and whenever it does, we will be. . .
. . . permanently.

For now, I�ll let the rain resemble my tears
and I�ll let Hope whisper in my ear,
for I feel that together we belong.

Wish that you could be mine,
but for now, Prince Charming I will forever wait for,
whether or not it be you.

I can only hope that it will be you.
Wish it didn�t have to be like this,
Wish all this dismay, depression
and despair I could resist and dismiss.
But in truth, only Time knows in this.

One thing I do know, your heart
is in mine and my heart is in yours now.

. . . No time,
No tricks of the mind,
Could ever change that.


I don�t know when,
and I don�t know how,
But one day I will get the
chance to say what I now cannot.

. . . If only.

07-19-2003, 08:38 AM
Good poem Drea. It's very prettiful and touching. Great job~

07-21-2003, 03:18 AM

For all those who read my poetry (and those who have complemented me in my thread and out of it,) I'd appreciate it MUCH if you could just post here what poems I should turn into songs.

(If you guys have looked in mah journal... I'm going to be recording some songs at my sister's house pretty soon....)

So I'd like it if you guys who read my stuffs could tell me which ones I should turn into songs and whatnot... ^_^

Thanks in advance all~

07-28-2003, 08:34 AM
Sounds like a good idea to me, Drea. Anyways, I suggest that you should choose the 1st poem, Behemoth, Do They Still?, I Wonder, Today, You Left Me and If Only. Yeah, a lot of choices but I'm sure that you will make the right choice in the end by myself either way.

10-19-2003, 05:11 PM
Well... to make a long story short.. I've decided to take up prose again.

On a side note, I don't know what to make of this poem.



The view from your soul
is like a window to nature.

The view from your soul
reminds me of the snow capture fields.

It's like gazing at the purity,
the innocence that still remains in this life.

Crystalline, untarnished and true
is what I see when I look at you.

Not marked by hatred or time,
Only prancing through this
world by the goodness of your heart
and that timeless blunderings
like a curious child.

That innocence in you makes
me want to hold you close
and shield you from the world.

The cruelness in me wants to break you
to make you see the harshness in reality
to face the truth, the darkness, the unpleasant.

I tried to help and you pushed away my hand..
once more like an imputent child.

I wonder. Will those truths break you?


Bahamut ZERO
10-19-2003, 05:22 PM
I'm impressed. Very, very impressed.

That last poem was absolutely awesome.

The description of innocence was spot on. I like. :)

Keep up the good work.

11-02-2003, 06:42 AM
I have to get this out of me... it's been on my heart since I heard.

Instead, I'm writing a piece on Tina, simply because I cared for her a lot and we both considered each other friends.

I cherish that...


Too Bittersweet

From the time we talked
I knew there was something there
Something, the makings of something great.

Your honestly touched my heart
your sweetness brightened my day.
I was glad to have made
a friend so fast in you.

The precious simplicity that was your words.
The words I look back on and smile
while the tears glimmer in my eyes
to know that I can never talk to you
just for the sake of talking.

Or to be silly with you
simply for the sake
of being silly.

Our friendship was fleeting, though never forgotten
you will linger on in my heart always
I will never forget you or your gentle spirit,
the kind of person hard to find --
the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have...

Only to be snatched from this world... into the next.

I hope that God treats you kindly,
and the angel's guide you safely,
and you are embraced with your family,
safe and warm with them who came
to greet you at the Gate...

And wherever you are...
I hope you can see all of us who knew you
Saddened but wishing you to rest in peace,
because in truth, you are missed dearly.

We'll see you again someday Tina dear...

01-13-2004, 04:54 AM
Been gone long time, yush I have. (FEEDBACK PLZ!~)

Long, mindless close to my heart dribble...



Every time I meet your eyes
glowing globes that glimmer
with hidden truths from the depths of your soul
It feels like the sun has buried itself in my spine
tingles -- I can't speak -- much less think.
It feels like time has stopped

"Please tell me why do birds
sing when you're near me
sing when you're close to me"

Every time I stand back to admire you
straight spine -- elegant poise --
masked expressions -- curious eyes
I am intrigued to plumb your secrets
to observe what the world does not.
To see, to know the unlikable, tolerate the irritable.
To see what makes you shy away from my gaze.

"and I call out your name
whenever you are gone"

Something within myself feels unworthy of you.
But something within myself feels unworthy period.
Almost as if you're intangible
Soul, prescence, so beautiful I don't deserve it.

"Please tell me why can't I
breathe when you're near me
breathe when you're close to me"

It's almost as if you're something that's too good to be true.
But it is.
Because we deserve each other.

"they say that I'm a fool
for loving you deeply
loving you secretly"

Every imagined touch is like a burn on my conscious,
searing my skin and spiraling outwards
Scenarios of the two of us spiral through my brain:
hand in hand -- a simple handshake --
us in an embrace -- an improptu hug

"I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name"

Suddenly the years -- the hurt --
the pain runs away like a frightened wild thing
I feel free, like all the restraints have been broken
All else matters naught -- for I have found you --
you the object of my obsession
-- my Knight in Shining Armor,
my Prince Charming, the love of my life

"I know, you know I'm lost
in loving you deeply
loving you secretly"

The fact grates at my nerves
Haven't I waited long enough for you?
The question makes me ache.

"But I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair"

I can't have you yet...
Those five words echo in my brain
every time I think of your precious memory
... And why am I denied?
The next five words shimmer through
my tortured mind and make me saddened.

"they say that I'm a fool"

I feel impatient because the dream for you
suddenly seems so bright -- so right.
So close I can taste it -- so close I can feel it
-- so close I yearn for it --
so close I can almost touch it
-- only to have it snatched out of my hand
like a desired prize dangled
just out of reach of covetess hands.

I wish for the dream.
I wish for it to come true.
Deep inside of myself..

... I wish for you.


Lyrics taken from "The Day After Tomorrow" by Saybia

FD Return
01-14-2004, 08:25 AM
Wow, it's been a while since I last read one of your poems and if anything you've improved even more. I really like this poem, it's powerful and at the same time very sentimental. Keep writing more poetry, I'm sure there are many others here like me who are keen to see more.

Bahamut ZERO
01-18-2004, 12:20 AM
Sis, you need to whack me round the head with a cricket bat to get my attention when you write a new poem. That last one was absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful. You say I'm a genius? Well, you kinda make me look like a dunce writing stuff like that.

Awesome, awesome stuff. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you deserve it.

01-20-2004, 03:16 AM
Drea, you know how much I admire your writing skills, so I won't bother saying that here...

In fact, i've only got one thing to say...


...seriously though, you need to make things more repetitive to be a song. Apart from Behemoth. That would make a great Death Metal song. You'd have to scream it though :p

01-27-2004, 10:30 AM
I have a book of poems. Turns out I'm just too lazy to type them. lol

And yush Lee, you KNOW WHO I LIKE! *gasp shock horror* But dunna tell anyone ok? And I won't tell who YOU LIKE!!! dun dun dun.

(wtf is Toni when ya need him, *blows Toni a KISS*) :D

Below is a poem from my poem book... OR IS IT?? (That doesn't seem as fun wiffout Toni. XD)


I would say the title... but that would give the person away!

Sadistic madman
poised upon the edge of his pen
whirlwinds spiral from finger tips
gehenna like beasts swirl from lips.

Cherub face turned cold by the world
ideals that were long gone
frame the shape of his morals
wondering seemingly lost and alone
disconnected from the world around.

Not knowing the rot
that leeches from his words
the lies and deciet -
which drips off the verbs
people cling to every word

like it's life you bring
every time you speak.

But I see through all that
I see the mask you wear
and I see the true form that lies beneath.
Your anger makes your facade slip.

Why bother to lie...
when I see the fake confectionary inside?

But do you dare to peel off
that visage of calm,
for one last time?

On last verbal joust?
Or do you dare face the lies you spout?

I think not.

And so you retreat inside your cage of
mindless rants and hellish rage.

Only to rise time and time again
everytime someone commits a sin.


I need feedback on this one ne~? Tell me likes/dislikes, that sorta thing.