05-08-2003, 12:08 AM
I know no one gives a fuck, but...

I've posted stuff before, just to delete after a few replies. See, I'm just funny about leaving my words on the net. I trust all you guys, it's just me being a paranoid lil' freak. Anyway, these'll probably only stay up a little while.
I always repeat myself, but anyway, I'm one of two vocalists in a band. Were due to start studio rehearsals with-in the moth (we were due last moth, but lost a guitarist only a day before we went in).
But enough of that, here are a set of new lyrics and two ones I've posted before, only slightly edited here and there. When we never go into the studio, or just don't practice, I tend to get bored and have to do something, so I'm constantly changing words and getting new ideas. They may be a little hard to understand, so try your best to work stuff out (Even though... You wont!)...

Whatever, read, thankyou, enjoy...


From here I can see further.
From here I can see forever, more.
One light & one hill make mystery.
Saw the star to make the perfect wish.
Could you hold this very thought?
But if gravity changes now, we would fall forever.
Catch me, as I�m swallowed by this sky.
Half alive at dawn, these views, they hold something.
Laughter through sickness, this is for that perfect wish.
Swallowed by this metropolis skyline, tonight.
Your satellite is my new home.
This roof is my new mind.
You are my now my new life.
This is now my sky.


Tell me, is this how it ends?
I sit here, inspirations fused from you.
They meant nothing.
These words give me hope that was never there.
This mirror doesn�t match this face anymore, like your own eyes.
The rules were ironed down into the minds of hopefuls,
Turned into tradition, I don�t like these new Fridays.

�And I�m here, sitting sickened, and I can see your place.�
�This new� metropolis sky.�
�And I regret nearly all of it. But regret, is just a pointless wish.�
�Change, for this hole in my heart.�
�Just to touch you� one more time.�
�Before I loose you.�

Hand in hand, they slip at the crossroad and never come back.
Forgive the scissor guy.
The thought, just to touch you, before it�s now.
This is for the plague, for the killing, for the dedication,
For the ruining during every minute of my fucking life.
Dedicated & forgotten, that�s where I stand.
A theft for my sunshine.
Worst of all, you still can�t hear me crying.
Maybe now�


This is just another familiar sound.
Every moment in this cell.
Untouched, still ignored.
Thrown to you to drown out this fog.
These screams have drained for far too long.
Please, no more fucking Big Brother.
This is another dying message.

Worn out our poor tired eyes,
Can�t calculate these metaphorical lies.
Ghosts can�t reach this lazy hope,
These nights, so many angels scream down my phone.

In the nightmare she had seen.
Disgraced worn, our eyes worn.
This is our everything; we are now the new splinters.

05-08-2003, 04:49 AM
I have a bitter taste of a shattered something from you, CeeJay.

Those were superb :D

Bahamut ZERO
05-08-2003, 04:58 AM
I commented in your other thread about the last two songs, Ceejay, but I'll re-state that I think that they're both awesome.

The new lyrics to Metropolis Skyline follow the same line of awesomeness.

Your satellite is my new home.
This roof is my new mind.
You are my now my new life.
This is now my sky.

Sets the whole feeling of someone's horizons being stretched by someone whom they've met. A new definition on how to look at things. Awesome stuff.

Yeah, I like the word awesome. Keep it up my man.

Memento Mori
05-08-2003, 06:48 PM
Very cool CeeJay! I likes muey mucho. Wanna collaborate our stuff together for your band???

05-09-2003, 11:22 AM
Black Amnessia Sunshine... I loved that one. You're creative, and very good.

05-09-2003, 08:58 PM
Thanx for the comments, really appreciate it. Always cool to get good criticism (And bad, it all helps)... :D

As for a collaboration, Krelian, we'll just have to wait and see. Where can I read some of your stuff?

Memento Mori
05-09-2003, 09:06 PM
Check my threads dude. The "Relics" threads are mine...

05-10-2003, 09:44 AM
I like your lyrics CeeJay because they're different from popular bands' music and it caught my eye. Yeah,good job. Keep at it, I say.

05-11-2003, 11:01 PM
I just wrote this in 5 minutes for the hell of it. I'm in no real lyrical mood, but anyway.
These wont go anywhere, apart from here. I'm not fond of these words, at all. Although, I'd like to use the theme for a song again in the future.

Any thoughts much appreciated (again)... :D


Six years of embarrassment.
When things move on, but nothing has changed for me.
These thoughts of less leadership,
Still I�m just hoping to miss you.
A summer of best friends, and this is what I�ve learned.
I stole your philosophies, because I�m still nothing at all.
Tapped into your frequencies, and look at you now, a better man?
Was it something I said?
That hurt.
Sorry for the taming, seems I was better off dead.

05-13-2003, 01:25 PM
You ever been sick of the glaring eyes?
This pretty much takes elements of the last bunch of words I posted, but doesnt really share the same meaning. I actually like this one alot.


These words will be the lamp,
That question your thoughts and mouths.
Your face,
The fear,
Brought back,
From the eyes of the dead.
Who am I, where do I crawl?

Just judgemental at 17.
No more off putting stares.
Good riddance, good-bye and god bless.
And you are dead.

Bahamut ZERO
05-13-2003, 01:45 PM
Good stuff once again Ceejay. The words flow well in both your recent posts, but the first half of J-17 is very good. Keep up the work, my friend.

05-14-2003, 09:40 PM
Thanx again. :D

Weve started work on 'A Message to be Repeated' tonight, and I cannot explain how good it is. Sorry, I know I say so myself, but it's - just - awesome! All I'm gonna say is it's full of soul, emotion, it's heavy... and features accoustics. Ahhh, fuck it's good! We've decided we'll record this one song, alone, when it's done before moving on, just to put on the web and show friends.

I'm happy!

05-18-2003, 12:18 AM
Good set of lyrics Ceejay but I personally thought they weren't as good as your earlier lyrics. Nevertheless, keep up the great work.

06-10-2003, 07:26 PM
Well, I was going to delete this... But I didn't. So it's time for my update that nobody gives a damm about. The band is starting a new set of rehearsals soon, with our new line up. We already have guitar and voice set out for the track below, and it's freakin' good stuff.... Yeah.

Anyway, your here for the poetry, so here it is. It follows the same patterns as 'A message to be repeated' above. Two vocalists, melodic and ... Errr, harder and both...


This is just that moment when I say nothing.
Untouched, thrown to drown out these stares with silence.

These stares.
Why can�t I stay here?
My God, you�re an angel.
And these stares - I�m waiting for nothing.

Nothing does last forever.
This is another.
So Repeat.

This is a -

Oh my God you�re an angel.
In my eyes, it�s blasphemy,
But this subtle touch of nothingness.
When all it is nothingness.
When we all feel�
"My God, you�re an angel,
But it�s so hard to believe.
And I�m waiting for nothing.
Just leave it for one more day.
And I�ll tell you then."
(What am I waiting for?)
(And I cannot see through this light.)
(Still I try - I'm pathetic. )

This is my everything; you are my moment.
This is my everything; and I am your splinter.

These sad dreams...
(Why can�t you feel?)

Any name ideas, anyone?

Memento Mori
06-19-2003, 09:37 PM

Enigmatic Heaven
Necratic Angel
Nemesis Archangel?

06-19-2003, 10:26 PM
Some nice sounding words there, 'Enigmatic', 'Necratic' and the theme of heaven and angels make a good link too.
Thanx, I'll try and add them/go through some variations, theres still a chance it'll be called 'A message to be Repeated'.

Oh look...


And you had married,
The blinded white widow.
Cause� you knew best.
That�s just an understatement.
I cannot move you,
I never made the same trip,
But you were fine,
Cause� I am nothing better.

Six fucking years of -
That nervous first talk.
Six fucking years of -
That time which wasted�

So just to say your sleeping,
Will make all of this go away.
So just to say your sleeping,
Will make all of this go away.
So just to say your sleeping�

It will never rest � In my heart.

06-19-2003, 11:03 PM
Your untitled song I really liked the lyrics to, seriously good... why do you keep putting your work down? I give a damn about it, and other ppl do to I can tell; it's really good work.

Enigmatic Heaven would have been a real nice title for it out of the three Krelian mentioned :)

06-19-2003, 11:42 PM
Thanx alot, things like that really help, I really appreciate it.
Putting my own stuff down, I guess I'm just unsure of the stuff I do, I always seem to think people will look at it in a negative manner. Obviously not.

Not yet anyway. :D

06-25-2003, 10:44 AM
MeeaOw, MeeaOw, Cat chow.
Some of the parts were written by our other vocalist, mainly the parts in italic, and a few other lines.

The White Eyes [Happy delusions]:

The peering eyes.
The laughing ghosts.
I�m loosing touch.
I�m loosing touch.
The insecure.
The subtle scent.
I�m gone.
I�m dead.
I�m loosing touch!
This - alt - ered - state�

The burning ember,
As flames grew higher,
And I remember,
How you let it blow away.
But few saw.

Loosing touch.
I�ve lost my heart.
But few noticed,
When wooden sticks were good enough,
For matches.
Your white eyes.
That tasteless glint.
Fuck the time.
It�s 10 o�clock!
It�s 10 o�clock!
It�s � Time � To � Rest!

Looking down,
Onto an empty bottle,
I saw,
What everybody wants.
My mirror,
As I sit on my fence,
I see,
That this is how I�m left.
I�m gone.

I�ll watch you drown,
To watch those pretty white eyes,
Go down.