G Unit
05-07-2003, 09:57 PM

05-08-2003, 10:34 AM
Too make him special as a first move
and not all persons who have grey air are grandpa's and grandma's :rolleyes:
You don't have to be old, to have grey hair....

05-09-2003, 02:22 PM
What Tekno sez... :p

Yeah, to mark him as different and not common like everyone else in the game... I mean, how many people do you know who have eyes that colour? Even for a FF game that's unusual (besides, none of the other characters have too abnormal eye colours...)

G Unit
05-11-2003, 12:31 PM
Well how many 20-sumthin year olds have you seen walking about with totally grey hair......dont say lots cause I know your lying if you do:).

05-14-2003, 07:52 PM
well this question really cant be answered clearley i think, but hey id be pretty stressed out if i was him too *could be the stress heheh*

Neo Xzhan
05-14-2003, 11:53 PM
Why do some characers have blue or purple hair while this is genetically impossible? Forgive the sarcasm, it's just what the creators of the characters think to seem fit best. Besides, I couldn't imagine Sephiroth with another hair colour.

G Unit
05-15-2003, 12:27 AM
lol, well yeh Neo I kno what you mean but this topic is meaning hair color to do with age? Grey,brown,black,yellow and ginger are USUALLY the natural hair colors, and I know for a fact that people who grow old dont get blue and purple hair:cool:but I suppose they could have just used the grey color on purpose and nothing to do with age:P Or yes as said above most likely due to the stresses of trying to kill so many people and tryin to take over the world.;)

Vivi FF
05-15-2003, 10:51 PM
Seph would look very akward w/o grey hair... I think cause they want to make the Seph character cold and dispassionate... You know, Seph only has black, white, and grey (w/peach for skin) as his character's colors. I dunno what color his eyes are though... So the grey fits, probably more than any other color...

I dunno if Square intended that his hair color has to do with his age or lifestyle... You're probably overthinking it...

06-07-2003, 11:43 AM
I am most offended! His hair is not grey!!!!!

It's Platinum Sliver!!! Silver!!!!


Personally I think it's the only colour which suits him best, believe me I've drawn him a lot of times and did a bit of messing about seeing what he would look like in different hair colours.
:notgood: Nope, he doesn't look good in any other way.

It's Platinum Silver....Platnium Silver.

Bahamut ZERO
06-07-2003, 11:47 AM
I'm offended... I'm 20 years old, and I'm going grey... Okay, not COMPLETELY grey like our friend Sephiroth, but I have enough there to make me appear older than I look...

Anyways, yes, Sephiroth's silver-grey locks are a characterisation that makes him stand out. It looks cool. Although why I thought they were dreadlocks at one point, I do not know.

06-08-2003, 02:06 AM
The reason Sephiroth has grey hair is a little known secret that Square has kept pretty well, secret. Sephiroth when he was first concieved was actually based off of real life actor Steve Martin. There was a good bit a back story that was cut out of the game about Sephiroths earlier career as a stand up comic and after that failed simple stopped shaving and getting haircuts, with no reason to go on living Sephiroth joined the military where they made him shave but feeling pitty for him allowed Sephiroth to keep his long hair.

Hope that clears a few things up.

06-08-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Durendal
The reason Sephiroth has grey hair is a little known secret that Square has kept pretty well, secret. Sephiroth when he was first concieved was actually based off of real life actor Steve Martin. There was a good bit a back story that was cut out of the game about Sephiroths earlier career as a stand up comic and after that failed simple stopped shaving and getting haircuts, with no reason to go on living Sephiroth joined the military where they made him shave but feeling pitty for him allowed Sephiroth to keep his long hair.

Hope that clears a few things up.

No! Not true! That's insane! It's...it's...


David F
06-11-2003, 08:56 PM
That�s just his natural hair color dude, and Teknoness said it best.

06-15-2003, 10:59 AM
Anyway, watch more animes, my friend, and you will meet a lot of other white-haired characters, young ones, too.
When it comes to manga, anime, video games, whatever, FANTASY... the creators don�t stick to the common black, blonde, brown and red hair colours, but tend to be a bit more creative.

Sephiroth�s white hair is probably there to make him appear cooler, more stylish, just like the many others said before me.
Imagine Sephiroth with brown hair: Would that be cool?

Actually in Japan there is also the belief or legend or whatever that your hair can turn white after a terrible shock or tragedy. So white-haired people would be those with a horrible past or someserious childhood traumas.
However, this does not really apply to Sephiroth here because the only traumatic moment I could think of in his life would be that Nibelheim incident, and he already had his white hair before that.

But keep in mind he is not a real natural human being.

Cetra Angel
06-17-2003, 01:23 AM
IT'S SILVER! S-I-L-V-E-R~~ *pouts*

Say it with me: SIL-VER~

now we got that cleared up.... SPOILERS POSSIBLE

Is it not true that Jenova has silver/gold hair (can't remember... meep)?

Sephiroth was pumped full of Jenova cells while still a foetus, so surely they would have an effect on his appearance, ne?

So, correct me if I'm wrong but Sephiroths SILVER hair is inherited from Jenova. ^_^

~Your Friendly Aeris and Sephiroth Fanatic~

Random snippets: Seph is approx. 30 years old.
Jenova sounds like Jennifer (creepy) and ova means egg - egg, baby, mother - get the link?
Aeris and Ifalna must have been kept in captivity for a few years, long enough for Sephiroth to discover them?

The mysteries of FF7 continue...........

06-17-2003, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by Cetra Angel
IT'S SILVER! S-I-L-V-E-R~~ *pouts*

Say it with me: SIL-VER~

now we got that cleared up.... SPOILERS POSSIBLE

Is it not true that Jenova has silver/gold hair (can't remember... meep)?

Sephiroth was pumped full of Jenova cells while still a foetus, so surely they would have an effect on his appearance, ne?

So, correct me if I'm wrong but Sephiroths SILVER hair is inherited from Jenova. ^_^

~Your Friendly Aeris and Sephiroth Fanatic~

Random snippets: Seph is approx. 30 years old.
Jenova sounds like Jennifer (creepy) and ova means egg - egg, baby, mother - get the link?
Aeris and Ifalna must have been kept in captivity for a few years, long enough for Sephiroth to discover them?

The mysteries of FF7 continue...........

My sentiments exactly. I believe that the Sephy mixing up with Jenova cells made his hair white as well. ^__^

(And as far as the random snippets Cetra Angel...)


Aeris and Ifalna lived in Icicle Village (City) and since Ifalna was married to Professor Gast, Professor Hojo (his rival) found them with two ShinRa soliders and threatened him for a bit, and attempted to capture Aeris, but Professor Gast stood in the way of the shots and paid with his life.

Ifalna took Aeris and went to Midgar. (Thus ensues the whole Elmyra finding the dying Ifalna at the Train Station and that's how she took Aeris in.)

^__^ Mmmkkay... I'm done.

06-22-2003, 04:46 PM
some peeps do

07-06-2003, 05:44 PM
Who knows why he has grey hair.

07-07-2003, 08:53 AM
I'm not good with names, but am gonna have to agree with the people who said something about the black and white color of his clothes, which makes it simply grey...okay pardon me SILVER, but still stands as some kind of meaning to it. Think about it, if black and white were mixed, what do u get? GREY! But making it shinier makes it SILVER, get the drift? White in context represents the purity, prolly shows that Sephiroth was once an innocent little boy who was engulfed in *SPOILER* makou by his OWN father! Black could represent his evilness, so when u mix black and white, u get he color of grey in his hair...maybe it could mean he was prolly misunderstood in the context of having white in his clothes or not for the black color, but when it comes to silver, it could prolly just mean he could have been good OR bad....IONO! do i make sense? mebbe not, but for some reason it sounded good in my head that it sounded here....^^;

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-10-2003, 06:22 PM
Perhaps he's had some kind of huge trauma in his early life, as some who have been majorly scared there hair may turn white/silver..so perhaps thats why. But who cres it makes him look cool.

07-10-2003, 06:51 PM
It's made in Japan... SILVER HAIR IS THE KELW!11

07-22-2003, 02:52 PM
seph is just going trough a lot of stress right now with this whole



and...... SO AM I!!!!

but seriousley watch anime! very few characters have the

traditional hair styles and colors. Trust me everyone has thier

quirks, cloud has hair like a porcupine, seph is going (oops gone) gray, and aeris is dead. FF7 Is just chocked full of character quirks!!!:mew:

07-24-2003, 09:32 PM
It's just style. I mean, if he had PROPER hair, it would just be dull...

Neo Xzhan
07-25-2003, 01:44 AM
The creators of the game are free to make the characters as they seem fit to. Besides there are no rules bound to what colour the hair, eyes or what so ever. Besides he does look cool with his hair and everything.

07-26-2003, 09:53 PM
I know someone whose hair went grey at 16. It's not weird. However, I think if mine did I'd definitely dye it.
Hmm... what's more strange about his hair (and the hair of everyone else in the game) is that even when he walks around and has fights all the time it remains neat and tidy, not a hair out of place. :)

Cetra Angel
08-05-2003, 12:52 AM
That's because Sephiroth ownz ^_^ He's also..... see my Sephy thread lol

The Wandering Knight
08-09-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Cetra Angel
IT'S SILVER! S-I-L-V-E-R~~ *pouts*

Sephiroth was pumped full of Jenova cells while still a foetus, so surely they would have an effect on his appearance, ne?

Yeah it's platinum silver.... But does it make any difference (My girlfreind would shout too saying the same thing...damn that Sephiroth guy, he's lucky he's not real or I would've got him:p)... the point here is the relation between the color and the age...

And about the Jonva thingy.... ****It's Spoilers here****

Cloud is also injected by those damn cells, that's one...
Two, Cloud is a Sepheroth clone, considered a failier and came out to be the only success....

****End of Spoilers****

Anyways... Cloud remains BLONDE... so I guess you've got that part wrong....

Well, his hair is silver (Trying to watch my mouth (my fingers I mean:p) because some people might get hurt (probably me)) to make him somewhat different in looks as well as charactaristics...

BTW, Silver isn't a strange hair color even though it's rare, you can see it alot in anime and video games and I can give you many examples such as Ivy, Inuyasha and Dante.... But it's different in reality, it's really rare... And if you happened to see someone with such hair at an early age... It's either you found the real thing (and that's 30%) or you got some Dyed hair (and that's the remaining 70% along with me:p)...For instance, I have dyed part of my hair silver and the other part is left dark brown...

In Sepheroth's case, He's Unique... but he's fictional, and the Tetsuya Numora doesn't have any retricts to stick to the real thing while creating the charecters. I mean, hey none of the charecters has realistic hair colors or styles, one of them is kinda abnormal... So what? He needs to make the charecters look cool and somehow different, so he doesn't have to stick to anything while making them.... And I completely agree...

Oops.... I'm talking too much:p....I better stop now.... Ja...


Dante Sparda
08-09-2003, 11:02 AM
Who gives a shit? It looks great, the black cape is a big ass contrast to his long white hair. He's got that "Mess with the best, die like the rest.." aura glowing around him with that outfit and not to mention his glare.

As far as looks goes, Sephy is propably the best looking humanoid(he's not 100% human remember?) game villan there is. Sadly, for me, it stops there. He sucked as a villan character wise, but that's just me ^_^

Kingdom hearts
08-25-2003, 01:55 AM
Silver hair is so cool i mean any charecter has silver hair is cool don't you think.
For Exampel: Sephiroth

Kingdom hearts
08-25-2003, 02:03 AM
Silver hair is great i mean lot of great charecters has Silver hair.
For Example:


Neo Xzhan
08-25-2003, 02:19 AM
Please don't double post, if you forgot to mention anything, please edit your previous post next time.

08-25-2003, 03:06 PM
How about "who cares?"

But if you want a reason how about "because it is so."

And it's not a legend saying your hair can go white after a tragedy, it's true. It's happened. And it's not a specifically Japanese anything either. Japanese hair is no different than anyone else's hair.

And, although I don't know why in hell this got started because it's horribly off topic, JENOVA's name probably didn't originate from Jennifer+ova. In archaic Kabbalist text (Hewbrew) God's name is Yehovah or Yahew (YHWH). Yahew also appears in the Old Testament as referencing God (a name). Nova can have severeal meanings. One of these being the less powerful form of a Super Nova (since there is "super" in it), which is the term given to a star that increases in size and intensite dramatically for a breif time but then fades into oblivion. This makes sense seeing the war that JENOVA had with the Cetra (and probably her summoning of Meteor). She was then confined in the geological stratum (her fading into oblivion). Nova may also be a take off of nuva or neo, meaning "new," so when read fully her name would be something like "New God," which makes just as much sense seeing what her goals were 2000 years ago and what her (or Sephiorth or both or whatever, it's not the place to get into theories like that) goal is now with Meteor's summoning.


Kingdom hearts
08-25-2003, 05:00 PM
Sorry :(

Sephiroth Masamune
08-29-2003, 12:40 AM
in most of the game he's got white hair, while some of the clips show greyish hair, this is probably lighting stuff....

01-18-2004, 08:10 PM
Well, keep in mind that Seph is an Ancient, giving him extended life right? For all we know, Seph could be, like, 86 but only looking in his 20's, it's a possibility........and like everyone else says.....WHITE/SILVER HAIR ROCKS!!!!!

01-20-2004, 10:21 AM
Hey man Silver and Black r A great Combination.. u dun see any clors on Sephiroth rite? Even if there were, Silver is stylish.. and im tryin ta find tat silver dye ta dye my hair.. :D

01-21-2004, 01:24 AM
lol my friend have a bunch of white hair and he's only 14, so I think Sephiroth having white hair is normal.

Sephiroth 1st Class
01-25-2004, 12:27 AM
correct me if i'm wrong, but the 'original' sephiroth was born of lucrecia, who was injected with jenova cells. couldn't white hair just be a side effect?

his hair seems more white than silver/grey...

Lt. Lady Nyru
01-25-2004, 08:37 PM
It's silver 'cause he's hot, plain and simple.

03-19-2004, 06:29 AM
ok this is how the woop woop it is. hes a mothafukin p-i-m-p:notgood:

03-20-2004, 04:13 PM
I would have to agree with Misao about how anime characters can have unconventional hair colors. Just look at Ayato Kamina, Kaoru Nagisa, Yuki Sohma, probably Shiro Mibu, Dilandau, or Tsukasa from .hack//Sign. Most of them aren't even half the age of Sephiroth's probable age.

Rabid Monkey
03-20-2004, 05:05 PM
How about we stop reviving really old threads.