05-07-2003, 12:20 PM
if this game got many, and it may well do
what do you think of if they brought back Aeris
some people would welcome this
and some would hate it (because some people dont want the game made anyways)

what are your Views?

05-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Hmmm.. thats a tough one dante...well first things first It WOULD be wierd having aeris back as it would spoil one of the most dramatic-memorable parts of any final fantasy in history...So no I dont think she should come back. But If she did maybe as a spirit or somthin like that.

Memento Mori
05-07-2003, 02:57 PM
Spiritually would make it way too cliche. As for reviving her, I think it's pointless. It's vital to the storyline to have her dead, with the symbolism and the meaning of why she did martyr herself.

G Unit
05-11-2003, 12:34 PM
Well I dont think bringin her back would be a good idea, but in spirit like said above would be a good idea a think....maybe help the party through-out their journey or sumthing:S Would be cool to see Red XIII with all his kids too:cool:

06-07-2003, 07:02 AM
I actually think a PREquel would be much better... Maybe play as Zack getting into Soldier, or as Sephiroth before he went all corrupt, or maybe a little bit as everybody, like the original SaGa Frontier, where there was like 7 different stories all in the same game, depending on who you shoose as your main character...

07-06-2003, 06:03 PM
I would like it if they made a FF7-2
I would also like it if they brought bak Aeris.

07-06-2003, 08:47 PM
i dont think they will bring back Aeris if they did a FF7-2, i'd be happy if they did, dont think they will though

07-06-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Dante
i dont think they will bring back Aeris if they did a FF7-2, i'd be happy if they did, dont think they will though

*nods head* Agrees with you. :)

07-06-2003, 11:04 PM
Glad someone does, mose ppl are like
'i'd hate to see her back in the game'

07-07-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by AdemA
I actually think a PREquel would be much better... Maybe play as Zack getting into Soldier, or as Sephiroth before he went all corrupt, or maybe a little bit as everybody, like the original SaGa Frontier, where there was like 7 different stories all in the same game, depending on who you shoose as your main character...

Yeah a Prequel is the only way I think. Well Aeris would still be alive so everybody would be happy.

Also I think it would be cool to work as a shinra soldier fightin against Wutai or summit. But you would have to die in the end cos there aint any characters in it who would fit the build.

Or I've just thought! you could be Tseng in the turks!

The Wandering Knight
08-01-2003, 08:22 AM
Final Fantasy 7 is fine as it is...

But if they want to make something like FF7-2, I'd prefere if they make a remake with enhanced graphics. I don't see any troubles with the graphics, you can say I think it's the best ever, but the problem is most of the people who haven't played the game make an excuse of "I can't stand the graphics", "It sucks!", "Where are their mouthes and noses?!" and crap like that... I don't think that the gameplay needs improvements....

Anyways, if it must be a sequel, I don't mind Aeris coming back (actually I might be happy if they did so...), Sepheroth's coming back would be cool too... But what I hope that the fighting system (or rather the materia equipment system) would remain unchanged... That would be much better.... Actually, it's one of the most things I liked in FF7...

If other ideas should be put into the game, I wish they would make the Turks playable charecters since they didn't die in the previous game as in Reno, Rude and Elena...

Well....I guess that's it...


Batman 2000
08-01-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by AdemA
I actually think a PREquel would be much better... Maybe play as Zack getting into Soldier, or as Sephiroth before he went all corrupt, or maybe a little bit as everybody, like the original SaGa Frontier, where there was like 7 different stories all in the same game, depending on who you shoose as your main character...

Yeah that is an awesome idea! That would be SO COOL if we got to be Zack and stuff. But yes erm I think that a sequal is the wrong way to go, even if you don't revive aeris. The game came out in 97 and left it's impression on us as one of the BEST games of all time. Do you really want the chance to ruin all that with a sequal? Plus I think they left it pretty finised, not much to make a sequal about.

Bahamut ZERO
08-01-2003, 08:28 PM
Well, *if* they do make a sequel to Final Fantasy 7, I reckon that the storyline should be a little like this. (http://forums.ffshrine.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10057)

Okay, so I'm vain and I like my fan fic idea for the story... I just think it would be a cool twisty ploty thingy.

Obviously one of the key parts of any sequel would revolve around what happens after Meteor disappears and whether or not Square decide to resurrect one of their most popular characters.

We'll see...

08-02-2003, 01:32 PM
In my opinion (which isn't much :P), I think that the world of Final Fantasy 7 should be left in the dust and only remembered as a good memory. Adding more to it will just mess it up and I don't think Square-Enix would seriously consider too much about making one since it would require making a brand new system for the game which would make it into a subpar Final Fantasy game as everything is going into FFXI and all the other new Final Fantasy games coming out. :ddr:

But if say someone were to make one or FF7-2 does come out in another format (say a story book.... those are always famous in Japan). It should look at a brand new set of characters after FF7 ends. It may take place a bunch of years after the last battle or it may take place immedately. Moogles should dominate the land and everyone would be finding religion. o_O

Cetra Angel
08-05-2003, 12:40 AM
Hmm.... a sequel wouldnt be too bad I guess, but bringing Aeris back (much as we love her) would make her death in the original kinda... hollow....

If they made a sequel it would have to be set waaaaay post-game... the end of the world doesn't come twice in a lifetime ^_^;; hehe

I do like the idea of a prequel though... with either Zack, Young Vincent or *drumroll* Sephiroth as main character *ponders on that for a moment* yeah... one of those 3... Or further back.... Cloud's father? He's never mentioned in FF7, but he must've existed....right?

Hmm.... You could even go further back than that to the time of the Cetra and Jenova falling from the skies... You'd have both Cetra and Human characters and a new magic system (well, materia is created in reactors, right? No mako 2000 years ago ^_^;; )

Meh, never mind me, I'm just babbling on now lol *sweatdrop*

08-18-2003, 04:39 AM
I believe, though I would be happy to be proven otherwise (because, like most of you, I too would enjoy a good FF7 sequel and would certainly hand Squaresoft my hard-earned money in exchange for it), that FF7-2 was being looked into as a possible sequel when they were doing FF10-2 but was decided against back in May...

I might be wrong, but I believe they reasoning was something along the lines of "FF10-2 was a simple matter, and its storyline was easy to convert into a sequel. We had the working engine for the PS2 already. But if we did a sequel to an older game like, say, FF7, the original engine that it was built on would, obviously, be too antiquated for use on the PS2. We'd have to design a whole name game, basically from scratch. And if we were to create a whole new engine, why not make a whole new game?"

I read it somewhere and was really disappointed, but hell the source may be wrong. Back when the blasphemy that was FF10-2 was announced I was sickened to the core at this act of treason, but when prospects came for a game not purely based on ass-factor and cleavage that would continue FF7's beautiful storyline I was suddenly elated.

It seems it was not meant to be, and I will see if I can find that article I'm citing.

EDIT: ...and I have found said article here (http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q2-2003/050703c.html).

Sad, isn't it? But who among you can honestly say you have faith in a company that creates games based entirely on a CGI chicks' ass? We know Squaresoft (Square-Enix) and we also know they can't do anything right anymore.


(First post here in well over 15 months... =)

08-18-2003, 06:30 AM
Spoilers keep spoiling back. Spoilers get ill like a heart attack :O

Well, catching a glimpse of FFX-2, somehow a sequel was in the right place at the right time for this type of game. Since FFX ended with a pretty sad ending but with everyone all happy that the world was saved, it was easier to tack on than FF7. Square left a huge impression that in FF7, the materia removed humans since humans were the ones messing up the planet. If a sequel to this game was released, that would ruin the whole concept of how it works. FFX left an open ending and it even included several things that hinted out FFX-2's story (Another Story).

To further add, FFX-2 is far from being just showing off women.... I mean yeah, we like women @_@ but it also brings back one of the many things that you see from a Final Fantasy and what you've seen in other RPGs. Missions, Job Changing, multi-endings, etc etc.

Now, I have to agree on FF7-2 and the whole thing about creating a new engine. Basically, we all know the story about FF7, we can think all we want, we can do all we want, it's perhaps best that we leave it at that. If FF7-2 comes out, many of that stuff will be invalid and no one would care about them. Square will also be wasting it's time in the world of FF7, I'd rather jump into a new set of characters and time period rather than go back to FF7's world. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing will be an extended story and all but even I rather read about the new stuff rather than play through it.

To change FF7 to FFX-2 like and keep the interest of all (which is keeping the interest of all), many things are going to change that it will take off of other projects like FFXI (which will be wonderful when it comes out here no matter what anyone says), FFXII (which is worked on right now), and many other Square-Enix games. The only problem is that everyone demands so much that everything feels half-assed and broken expectations.

So, lets just leave FF7 alone, it's a world already explored by many and loved by some but an official add on will only make Square's reputation worst.

Kingdom hearts
08-25-2003, 01:24 AM
Final Fantasy 7-2 'd be great

Sephiroth Masamune
08-29-2003, 01:01 AM
A FF7-2 would be excellent but i'm definately all for it as a prequel, so the storyline and stuff keeps its full impact.

The Adventures of Sephiroth in the War with wutai would be really cool, but that's just me, i'm a Sephiroth nut!

08-29-2003, 01:25 AM

No way. Playing as Sephiroth would ruin his character, much like Anakin ruined Darth Vader in the new Star Wars.

If an FF7 sequel or prequel came out please leave Sephiroth off the party list. It'd trivialize his character even more so than Aeris' death would be trivialized should she be brought back.


Sephiroth Masamune
08-29-2003, 01:35 AM
Thats a damn good point, you would lose that sense of mystery and foreboding that made seph so cool.

still an FF7 prequel would be cool

09-07-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Well, *if* they do make a sequel to Final Fantasy 7, I reckon that the storyline should be a little like this. (http://forums.ffshrine.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10057)

Okay, so I'm vain and I like my fan fic idea for the story... I just think it would be a cool twisty ploty thingy.

Obviously one of the key parts of any sequel would revolve around what happens after Meteor disappears and whether or not Square decide to resurrect one of their most popular characters.

We'll see...

That's huge. :eek:

09-07-2003, 01:57 AM
I'd rather they quit while they're ahead with direct sequels, as an owner of FFX-2, I can assure you, it's an amazing game, but you can't do that everytime. FFVII ended with such lack of closure it really gets you thinking, but then on the other hand there is alot of closure aswell.

The story ended on a high note, to continue it would break the voice and destroy the song.

09-08-2003, 11:33 PM
BTW: Its official that there will NOT be a FF7-2

The famous quote that you may be thinking of is the producer (or director... his name escapes me right now) of FFX-2 was quoted as saying, when asked about making a FF7-2: "Hmm.. that would certainly be fun"

The next day Square said that there are no plans what-so-ever for a FF7-2

The Joker
09-15-2003, 12:47 AM
Well, I can agree somewhat with MogKnight in expressing the idea of the difficulties that Final Fantasy VII-2 would create.

It would have to be handled more delicately than brain surgery. Like I said in another topic, its risk versus return. Make an assessment of that before you think about your position on FF7-2.

That being said, I think the prequel idea would be best because its already part of FF7's story.

Maybe if the prequel did well, than do a sequel?

That being said, anything FF7 would do well with this in terms of gameplay mostly:

1. Spells to each element!!! Where was Air1, Water1, and such?!
2. Huge amounts of sidequests. Ones that give more characterization, limit breaks, materia, money, any kind of progression.
3. Lets see the enemies! Like Chrono Cross or Xenosaga. Lets admit random battles are somewhat annoying. >< Maybe have to use stealth a bit more and such.
4. Keep the "attacked from both sides" and "first strike" stuff!
5. Weapon, armor, accessory, and item devolopment. Like using items to strengthen or alter weapons, making items or growing items, like the loco weed. :)
6. Far more everything. Characters having like 20 limit breaks, more materia, more new commands.
7. Character specific skills. Kinda like FF6. I felt characters should have their own special tributes aside from limit breaks and initial stats, and the equipment.
8. A new adventure system. Where you don't just walk around...like say (bad example) Tomb Raider. Climb things, push things, jump, sprint, set traps for enemies, and such. Not just not run around and push levers. Lets explore the realm to the fullest.
9. Voice acting which can be turned on or off.
10. Possibly multiple paths, kinda like Chrono Cross. It increases the replay value.
11. New game option. Once you beat it, you open a game with say better stats, new cut scenes, new paths, more weapons, and such.
12. Hidden characters and secret limit breaks to look for.
13. Stats that might be applicable to the game, like on Fable. Having higher speed would help you run faster, higher strength might help you break down doors, etc.
14. Swap out characters like FFX, maybe even its different activation style overdrive.
15. Use of different characters perspective. Example, Aeris may attract more men and get non playables to be nicer. Cloud may frighten people and get different responses. Use of different character for different responses.
16. High music quality, orchestrated or digitally perfected. :)
17. Top of the line graphics.
18. Use of environments perhaps like FFX. Examples: Pushing a boss of a ledge, or activating a near by machine.
Lets hope that sounds cool. :)

UPDATE: I could've sworn I read something in a game magazine where Square Enix said it was possible or might be in progress. Forget the magaizine name, I was at a grocery store. ><

01-12-2004, 04:18 AM
If there was an FFVII-2...

Cloud should have ran away from civilization all-together, never to be seen again.

Aeris is dead, and never coming back.

Barret is now the main character.

The Turks become lap dogs for a new, much more powerful (than Sephiroth) evil that came to this world through a dimensional portal, thus, he is from a parrallel universe...his name, PIKACHU!