05-07-2003, 09:30 AM
What was the first manga you ever read? What was the manga that introduced you to this wonderful world?

My first manga was Sailor Moon, and I'm not *too* ashamed to say that it's still my favorite, in spite of the fact that I have read quite a bit of manga since then.

05-07-2003, 12:20 PM
erm read?? none....

film: Ninja Scroll first manga film i ever saw

05-07-2003, 12:49 PM
Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow. I've got most of that serie.. unless there's been new volumes since I last checked, ofcourse. :B

It didn't make me interested in manga/anime, though. DNAngel and Love Hina did that. ^_^

DNAngel is still my favourite manga. I don't really read GitS anymore because it's very different from what I usually read (and like). o_o

05-07-2003, 04:53 PM
Mine was Rurouni Kenshin volume 4. (In Paris, the right place to fall in love, yes, yes!)
It turned me into a freak at once. Although... I really did not fully get what was going on.
1) The Japanese reading direction was a little bit unusual.
2) It was in the middle of the story after all!
3) It was in French, and back then I did not use the language very often, so... you know.
4) I kept wondering about the main character. Was it a boy? Was it a girl? And why do some people call him Kenshin, others Battosai, and others Himura?

Ah, yes, I was confused.
But somehow I was also fascinated, and started collecting as soon as possible.
It�s still my favourite series after three years and many many mangas, although others are catching up (Naruto mainly...).

05-07-2003, 06:37 PM
For me, strangely enough, it was the Dirty Pair, but that's actually 'psuedomanga' (American comics drawn in a manga style), but it was quite good regardless.

Later, I started getting the Evangelion graphic novels, and currently, I'm collecting the Oh, My Goddess! mangas as well.

EDIT: Oh, and I've now started getting Love Hina in GN form too. Even though I've only got volume 11 at the moment...

05-11-2003, 03:45 PM

05-12-2003, 06:57 AM
the first one i ever baught was sailor moon volume one. the first manga i ever owned as well. it wan'st log ago either. like last year :p

i limited myself to only anime on tv. lol

05-16-2003, 06:24 PM
My first manga which I read was, no surprise really, Love Hina. Unfortunately, I only have the first two volumes. I'm starting to get interested in Oh, My Goddess! and Tenchi Muyo!

05-20-2003, 04:12 PM
my first manga was Cardcaptor Sakura.... i think its pretty good, the badthing is that i have to wait for the fifth book and so on to get here, ording can really suck, lol. Another one that i read right after that was Love Hina, its pretty good too.

06-16-2003, 02:42 AM
First Manga I read was Angel Sanctuary my friend translated it for me.
First Full length film (anime movie i mean) was Ah my Goddess and then Princess Monaoke
First Show It was either Ranma 1/2 Ah my goddess or Tenchi Muyo.

David F
06-18-2003, 07:57 AM
I got into anime first before I ever read a manga so I�ve only read one which is Video Girl Ai (Nice romantic comedy read it you bastard.):)

06-20-2003, 11:19 PM
My first manga was Sailor Moon Stars. Its all I still have for manga. I'd like to get Angel Sanctuary, but its in Japanese or French..

06-21-2003, 04:47 AM
First Anime: Samurai Pizza Cats when I was 7 :P But the first REAL anime series I saw was the Gunsmith Cats miniseries, then Evangelion
First Manga: Gundam Wing: Blind Target (it's set between End of the series and Endless Waltz)
First Full-Length Film: Probably Akira. Twas sweet!

And that's my 600th post :O

07-09-2003, 09:49 PM
The first manga I've ever read was Chobits v. 1...

I've read throught v. 6 now^^


07-10-2003, 03:08 AM
Dragon Ball Z!

07-17-2003, 06:43 AM
I believe my first was Ninja Scroll? Maybe Ghost In The Shell?

07-17-2003, 03:07 PM
Sailor Moon I nearly pissed my pants when my mom bought it for me for christmas four years ago, and now I'm drawing my own...THANKS MOM! :thumb:

07-20-2003, 05:32 PM
I'm fairly sure you'll never have heard of my first manga. Ironfist Chinmi. Kind of a kid's one, I think, read the first volume when I was.. 7, I think. And I've been kind of captivated by the whole thing since then. ^_~ It wasn't awfully good, though...

07-21-2003, 02:14 PM
My first manga was Pok�mon. I kid you not. But that was just my first manga.

My first anim� was Sailor Moon. Because I am just that l337.

Then there was DN Angel and... Mobile Suit Gundam manga. ��

Evad D'Aragon
07-21-2003, 04:37 PM
My first Manga : Dragonball

It's also one of the only ones I've read. I own the entire manga in French. I really liked it back in High School ( 5 or 6 years ago ) and still like it even though it's not my favorite anime anymore since quite a long time. I also read some Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon.

First Anime : Albator and The Transformers

Hey, I am THAT old lol

First anime movie : Akira...I think. Or Ninja Scroll. Or The Wings of Honneamise...I can't really remember.

Setsuna Yuna
07-22-2003, 06:03 PM
My first manga was Fushigi Yuugi. I remember seeing it at Barnes and Noble and it looked interesting so I read it and now I wish I had read 2 and 4. I've read up to 7 I think, excluding those two that I haven't read, and I just stopped reading it. I just don't get to go out and buy manga at the moment...

07-30-2003, 05:59 PM
Maison Ikkoku was the first manga I read but I was actually drawn into anime/manga by Card Captors (yes the buchared one which isn't too awful if you don't know better). Then after that I started looking at other things.

07-30-2003, 06:34 PM
Hmmm, I got two of them at the same time...Blade of the Immortal, and Gatekeepers. So far, Blade of the Immortal has been more of my favorite, but I just like the setting better, especially since it's a more serious manga compared to Gatekeepers.

08-05-2003, 08:56 AM
Record of Lodoss War: Grey Witch, its what got me into anime and all that... *sigh* those were the days.

Dante Sparda
08-05-2003, 09:08 PM
First Anime:
Ghost In The Shell - Didn't understand SPIT, but loved it to bits nevertheless.

First Manga:
Ah! My Goddess - Got every damn pocket there is and I'm just dying to get me hands on the next one.

First Anime Series:
I suspect that was Ah! My Goddess too, unless you count in the Hentai that is :D

Darth Revan
08-28-2003, 04:54 PM

First Manga.... Hmmm, toughie. Read quite a damn few of them, I actuall can't remember what the first one I read was. Either Dirty Pair, Akira or Guyver. Most probably Guyver. However the first Manga I've actually made a worthwhile attempt at collecting is the Love Hina series. Only have volume 14 left to get (Store will probably get it in in a couple of weeks), and then I have the whole series.

Then it'll be one of the many others I've read I'm going to want to collect. So many good choices, not enough money or time. *sigh*

12-21-2003, 04:14 AM
love hina all the way, no idea why i got it actually. just baught one of the books and i was really good so i bought the rest

12-21-2003, 04:25 AM
Dante Sparda is a pervert!!!
Hes a PERVERT!!!

"To know what is right and to choose to ignore it is the act of a coward."

12-23-2003, 09:18 PM
First tankoubon I ever bought was Fushigi Yuugi, like in 1995 or 1996. I never bothered getting the English books, though.

The first series I ever bought the whole collection for is Inuyasha. 33 volumes and counting, since the series ain't over yet. In fact, it's the ONLY series I have the whole collection for. It's the first manga I subscribed to, as well.

12-24-2003, 12:18 PM
I must admit, it was not Slayers...
it was Record of Lodoss War... I know, i know, but... I was scared of the pink cover (Slayers... it IS pink, ya know...)

Then Anna threw Kenshin at me, well--- no, she gave it to me, cause by then she already was a Kenshin- fan and would never ever throw that at me or anybody else... so far so good, other manga came and now, I�ve got too many of them... bad and good... -____- my money... I should stop that! ^^

Nevertheless, I still believe there should be a Final Fantasy manga... cause... AY! I mean, FF9 in manga style... awww---
Zidane super deformed!! :lol

:cool: "Lady Auron" give me a sake bottle please, would be cool.

12-25-2003, 02:42 PM
I started reading manga this year...first I ever read was Full Metal Panic. But I wasn't totally hooked until I started reading Chobits.

12-29-2003, 10:25 AM
First Manga I've ever read would be Samurai X. I don't know what to call it, but I'll think I'll use the title on the comic book.

First manga series I followed would be Akazukin cha cha. I just like watching akazukin cha cha's companions. Totally Hilarious!:D

12-30-2003, 01:51 PM
My adventure with manga/anime began from Yattaman (tv series) - in Poland anime was earlier available than manga..

The first manga I ever read is Neon Genesis Evangelion. It was in 1998 :]

01-04-2004, 12:48 PM
Well.... that would be magic Knights Rayearth. That was awesome! But Magic Knights Rayearth wasen't what brought me to anime. I always loved to watch my sister's computer and I saw her wallpaper of the anime Slayers and I was very curious about the beautiful drawings. So basicly my sister intreduce me to anime ^ ^

Azderiel Bane
01-11-2004, 07:58 PM
I don't read manga. Watch anime though. Firs one I seen was Akira. It didn't get me into it. i think I was just too young. Loved it but didn't know their was a thing called Anime I could get into. A year later I bought Guyver on tape and loved that so it got me buying more. Sad thing is I look at Guyver now and think it was really quite a bad anime, lol.

01-26-2004, 10:20 PM
i think my first manga was the 1st Yu-Gi-Oh graphic novel...
now i know a lot of people dismiss it as being just for 5 year olds who think the cards are "shiny" and hit up their parents for money to buy them so they can lose them the next week.
while its not my favorite manga by any is up there on my list of kewl manga.
if you give it a chance its really pretty good.

01-28-2004, 05:47 PM
Mine is either Akira, have all volumes:), or Ranma 1/2. I only have a copule of Ranma 1/2, but I have seen the whole series and am unfortunately not interested enough to buy all that manga, would cost a FORTUNE!

I watch more anime than manga, but that is mainly due to the fact that manga is more expensive the the anime I buy.

Akira is my first and was my favorite, now it' Naruto which if you haven't read or seen the anime, I suggest you do it or else I will use negative reinforcement by nagging until you do. They are HIGHLY recommended.

01-29-2004, 09:21 AM
First Manga: Akira (or Dominion - cannot remember)
First Anime: Madu king Granzort (looooooooooooooooooong time ago) ^_^