11-06-2011, 05:00 AM
Avatar: The Last Airbender

43 tracks, TRT: 70mins, 91kbps-256kbps (various)

This has been an ongoing project of mine for about two months now (it's been a bit on and off), and while lurking, err...browsing this wonderful site for some fabulous goodies I came across this (Thread 73939) thread in which I learnt apparently not a lot of people have much music from this great series apart from the tracks ripped from the Track Team's site. Well, it's not much, but since I'm a long looong time lurker here, and wanted my first post to be something of value, I thought I'd share what little music I've managed to scrounge together from this frankly amazing series.

These are all from different sources, the two main ones being Grooveshark and the awesome aforementioned tracks ripped from the official website (Thread 74175).

The one thing that always prevented me from uploading this sooner is I'm frankly ashamed of the varying bitrate; most of the tracks sit nicely around 196kbps but fluctuates from anywhere between 91-256kbps (thankfully, most of the Book 3 stuff is of higher bitrate). It goes without saying that it's not the most consistent of listening experiences, and while this isn't the kind of score that demands FLAC or even 320kbps, to be honest 91kbps is pretty woeful no matter how you look at it.

Most of the tracks have no SFX, except for some faint footsteps in "The Lion Turtle" and some (unfortunately) MAJOR SFX in the Escape to the Spirit World tracks "Roku", "Kyoshi", "Kuruk" and "Yangchen". UPDATE: The Escape From The Spirit World tracks have been removed from this version of the soundtrack. Apart from the barely noticeable SFX in "The Lion Turtle", consider this soundtrack SFX-free!

But, this is what I have, and hopefully it's better than nothing. Hope you enjoy, and a big thank you to everyone involved in keeping this wonderful site alive!

Track List:

1. Avatar* (was 196kbps NOW 256kbps)
2. Sokka (91kbps)
3. Agni Kai (192kbps)
4. Yuyan (192kbps)
5. Blue Spirit (192kbps)
6. Tsungi Horn (192kbps)
7. Panda Lily (192kbps)
8. The Northern Water Tribe (89kbps)
9. Four Seasons** (256kbps)
10. Ocean Spirit (192kbps)
11. Princess Yue (192kbps)
12. Azula (192kbps)
13. The Avatar State (192kbps)
14. Nomad Songs (128kbps)
15. The Two Lovers* (was 91kbps NOW 256kbps)
16. Safe Return (192kbps)
17. Swamp Fight (192kbps)
18. Zuko On The Mountain (192kbps)
19. Final Blow (192kbps)
20. Ba Sing Se (192kbps)
21. Leaves From The Vine (192kbps)
22. Momo (99kbps)
23. Dai Li (192kbps)
24. Whose Destiny? (192kbps)
25. Invading The Palace (192kbps)
26. Heart Chakra (192kbps)
27. Season 3 Trailer* (was 192kbps NOW 256kbps)
28. The Fire Nation (94kbps)
29. Cave Jivin' (192kbps)
30. Bending Scams (256kbps)
31. Aang's Nightmare (92kbps)
32. The End of Avatar (128kbps)
33. Reconciliation (192kbps)
34. Iroh's Speech (160kbps)
35. The Lion Turtle (128kbps)
36. White Lotus Raid** (202kbps)
37. Aang Faces Ozai (160kbps)
38. Last Agni Kai / The Phoenix King (160kbps)
39. Final Battle (Aang vs. Ozai)** (256kbps)
40. Peace (192kbps)
41. Credits (192kbps)
42. Scarf Dance (Unused) (128kbps)
43. Avatar (Alternate)** (256kbps)

*Updated for higher quality
**Previously unreleased track


The Legend of Korra: Book 1

32 tracks, TRT: 74mins, 128kbps-256kbps (various)

The commercial release of The Legend Of Korra Book 1 Soundtrack marks an important milestone for hopefully future releases of music from both The Legend Of Korra and The Last Airbender. But if that's true, why am I not just uploading the release here? Firstly, because someone beat me to it (those looking just for the commercial release as is, look here (Thread 137203)). And secondly, after pouring, analysing and dissecting the release, I've found that the new album doesn't include everything that's been released so far. Most of it, for sure, but not all of it. Not only that, but the music is not presented in chronological order, which I know is a pet peeve for quite a few people. Hence, there was work to be done.

And how much work it was! I've re-watched the series again, allowing me to rearranged the album's contents in the order that they are heard in the show. But perhaps more interesting is the inclusion of music previously released from the show (through the 2011 SDCC promo and Operation Kino broadcast). While I was certain that not everything would be included on the album, some of the stuff left out did surprise me, especially the exclusion of "The Rally" cue, the three-minute motif for the villain as we first see him demonstrate his power. Thankfully, that mistake has been rectified by putting that cue into the score.

Unfortunately, this little correction of mine is not perfect. Some of the new tracks I've put in do not match the CD quality of the rest of the album. This is the primary reason I didn't include the tracks from the Flash game even though they also play in the series (also because some of those tracks contain rather intrusive SFX) . I've also excluded some other tracks including the original version of "The Rally" (redundant), "Love Across Yue Bay" (too short) and the trailer music for Book 1 and 2 (also redundant).

If there is enough interest, I may be able to put absolutely everything into the release to form a super-expanded score, but I feel that this version will suffice most fans of this score. I guess you could call it a "Deluxe Edition" if you want (not to be confused with SonicAdventure's amazing remasterings of the same name). Overall, it is an additional 10 minutes of music to a fantastic score. Hope you enjoy!

Track List:

* - available on commercial album
** - only available on 2011 SDCC promo
*** - only available from Operation Kino podcast
**** - only available from Welcome To Republic City Flash game

1. Prologue* (245kbps)
2. Firebending Training* (245kbps)
3. Fresh Air* (244kbps)
4. Left My Heart In Republic City* (245kbps)
5. On the Lam* (242kbps)
6. Tenzin's Decision**** (192kbps)
7. A Peaceful Place* (245kbps)
8. Mako and Korra*** (256kbps)
9. Amon* (251kbps)
10. The Rally [Extended Version]*** (128kbps)
11. Hittin' On All Sixes* (247kbps)
12. Squeaky Rags* (248kbps)
13. Asami and Mako Dine* (229kbps)
14. Hardboiled...Afraid** (256kbps)
15. Amon In The Shadows** (256kbps)
16. Bolin Wants To Know** (256kbps)
17. Air Tight* (249kbps)
18. Chi Blockers* (250kbps)
19. Hardboiled...Afraid (Seperate Ways)* (246kbps)
20. Wheels* (251kbps)
21. Korra Confronts Tarrlok* (248kbps)
22. In A Box* (247kbps)
23. An Impossible Crime* (249kbps)
24. Republic City Under Attack* (250kbps)
25. Being Patient / Beifong's Sacrifice* (248kbps)
26. War* (248kbps)
27. Before* (248kbps)
28. Asami and Hiroshi / Korra Airbends* (249kbps)
29. Good Ol' Days* (245kbps)
30. Greatest Change* (249kbps)
31. The Legend of Korra End Credits* (233kbps)
32. The Legend of Korra Main Title* (234kbps)


The Legend of Korra: Books 2, 3 & 4

28 tracks, TRT: 57mins, 80kbps-320kbps (various)

Here's hoping that the commercial success of the first Legend Of Korra album will lead to a second for Book 2 (and 3)(and 4!). In the meanwhile, here's the small collection of tracks from the second (UPDATE: and third!)(UPDATE: and fourth!) season that have been released so far. Five of these tracks were ripped straight from the official "Dark Into Light" Flash game, <del>two</del> <del>three</del> <del>five</del> <del>eight</del> ten are from Jeremy Zuckerman's personal SoundCloud, one - "Nuktuk, The Hero Of The South! (Instrumental Version)" is of indeterminate origin (probably KorraNation), and two are suites played live at Playfest, 2014. A big thank you once again to tumblr user benditlikekorra ( for constantly being on the prowl for new tracks and making them available almost as soon as they are discovered.

UPDATE: After much deliberating, I've included snippets of four tracks that I was able to cleanly edit together from a new interview with Jeremy Zuckerman on KorraScope, which you can find here ( The fade-ins and outs were edited in by me, since they didn't have any. Nor did the tracks have any official names, so I made some up according to where they play in the show and how Zuckerman described them in his interview. Normally I wouldn't include tracks with this low a bitrate, but some of these tracks are very beautiful, particularly "Spirit World" and "Familiar Souls". All of these new additions (the interview tracks, the Soundcloud tracks, and the trailer theme) give this release a new total of 49 minutes, which is a pretty decent amount of score. New soundtrack covers are also included. Here's hoping that a new Korra soundtrack release is in the works!

UPDATE (18/04/2015): Much like the previous update, I've ripped and cleaned up five (very) short tracks from the latest of KorraScope's "Republic City Dispatch" podcasts, which featured the Track Team duo themselves, Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn, talking at length and featuring some of the music from Book 4. Among the five snippets are some of the finale music that many people have been very eager to get their hands on, myself included. With "The Legend Of Korra" now over, the "Republic City Dispatch" podcast seemingly discontinued (along with many of the Korra-centric podcasts), and Zuckerman having not uploaded any new tracks since the finale, this looks set to be the final update for this thread (at least for a long while). Thank you all for your support, kind words, and help over the years (wow, has it really been that long?).

UPDATE (20/12/2016): We're still live, people! Zuckerman has slowly been uploading new tracks onto his SoundCloud. Apologies for taking so long to get the upload updated, but here are the two amazing new tracks from the Book 4 finale, "Destroy The Colossus" and "Inside / Mako's Sacrifice". I've ripped them from Zuckerman's SoundCloud in 320kbps. I'm not sure if this will actually translate into higher quality than the 128kbps version, since SoundCloud only encodes in a certain quality, but I've ripped in that high a format anyways. I also re-ripped all of the other SoundCloud tracks in 320kbps. Here's to more potential Korra SoundCloud releases in the future!

Track List:

* - available from Dark Into Light Flash game
** - available from Jeremy Zuckerman's SoundCloud
*** - available from KorraScope podcasts
**** - available from miscellaneous sources
***** - Playfest, 2014 suites

1. Dark Into Light* (160kbps)
2. Dark Spirit Suite* (160kbps)
3. Spirit Oasis* (160kbps)
4. Spirit World (82kbps)***
5. Nuktuk, The Hero Of The South! (Instrumental Version)**** (160kbps)
6. Raw Edit 1 (Demo)** (320kbps)
7. Unalaq's Theme (87kbps)***
8. Tonraq's Theme (89kbps)***
9. Familiar Souls (84kbps)***
10. Unalaq Plots* (160kbps)
11. Sleeping...Not Waking** (320kbps)
12. Dark Avatar* (160kbps)
13. Korra vs. Unalaq (155kbps)****
14. Jinora's Light (320bps)**
15. Red Lotus Theme (Book 3 Trailer) (320kbps)****
16. Airbenders To The Rescue (180kbps)****
17. Service And Sacrifice (320kbps)**
18. Balance (Book 4 Trailer) (320kbps)**
19. Korra Alone (320kbps)**
20. Jazzland Interlude (86kbps)***
21. Kuvira's Theme (83kbps)***
22. Kuvira Plots (80kbps)***
23. To Heal (320kbps)**
24. Destroy The Colossus (320kbps)**
25. Inside / Mako's Sacrifice (320kbps)**
26. Infecting The Colossus Part I (89kbps)***
27. Infecting The Colossus Part II (84kbps)***
28. The Legend Of Korra (320kbps)**
29. Avatar: The Last Airbender Suite (Playfest, 2014) (128kbps)*****
30. The Legend Of Korra Suite (Playfest, 2014) (128kbps) *****


Escape From The Spirit World

5 tracks, TRT: 13mins, 128kbps

I've always thought that the four tracks from the online flash game Escape From The Spirit World, which do not appear in the series proper, were not meant to be included on the original series soundtrack. This, combined with their disjointed feeling in comparison with the rest of the album and their suspension-shattering SFX have lead me to do what I frankly should've done a while ago, and group the four tracks together in their own separate release. UPDATE: Ripped and added the fifth track that plays during the opening, where Aang is talking to Yue, which I (rather appropriately) titled "Yue".

Track List:

1. Yue (128kbps)
2. Roku (128kbps)
3. Kyoshi (128kbps)
4. Kuruk (128kbps)
5. Yangchen (128kbps)


Welcome to Republic City

10 tracks, TRT: 7mins, 80kbps (one track at 112kbps)

And here is the rip to the official Flash game "Welcome to Republic City", whose soundtrack contains small score samples from the series. Thanks go to this ( good sir for ripping them, plus putting them up on Youtube and providing a download link, what a swell guy! Since this soundtrack technically belongs as part of the main Legend of Korra soundtrack, feel free to put whatever tracks you want into the main score!

Track List:

1. Aang Memorial Island (80kbps)
2. Air Temple Island (80kbps)
3. City Hall (112kbps)
4. Central City Station (80kbps)
5. Downtown (80kbps)
6. Police Headquarters (80kbps)
7. Mako and Bolin (80kbps)
8. Future Industries (80kbps)
9. Republic City Park (80kbps)
10. Pro-Bending (80kbps)


One final note: if you are able to find any of these tracks in higher quality, feel free to post here or PM me, and I'll gladly re-upload with the higher quality tracks. Also, any cover art is welcomed; I've made all of the above covers in 30 seconds with Paint (yeah, Paint, you heard me right). Or, if you're up to it, feel free to make your own!

EDIT: Apologies for posting this in the wrong sub-forum, tried to delete that post I don't think I have enough privileges to delete it, or something. :(

EDIT 2: Big BIG thank you to impudent urinal for sending me a stack of high-quality tracks, including two all-new tracks, one of which is an unused alternate of the opening credits, which I've never heard before! I've re-upped the soundtrack with the added tracks, plus replaced some old ones, including "The Two Lovers" which has had a huge quality jump from 91kbps to 256kbps! I've also included some alternate covers and updated the track list to show EXACTLY what changed. Again, thank you so very very much!

EDIT 3: Updated link. Also changed the title to be more in line with current website guidelines. Also, totally not bumping in order to get more views/downloads. TOTALLY NOT.

EDIT 4: Nothing major, hence I didn't bump. But I've finally got around to adding "Firebending Training" to the Legend of Korra soundtrack. Feel free to rename it "Firebending Practice", "Final Firebending Exam", or any other name, as this track goes by quite a few. Also included is RedYoshiKing's amazing coverart, as well as the older, crappier artwork I did (the one on this post), and even a - ahem - special coverart as a bonus. Enjoy!

EDIT 5: Legend of Korra main soundtrack finally updated with "Tenzin's Decision", "Love Across Yue Bay" and the magnificent finale cue, dubbed "Restoration & Finale" to avoid spoilerage. Yeah, I know, I'm late as...a really late thing, so allow me to humbly apologise for taking this long. Thanks for your continual support guys!

EDIT 6: Compliments to impudent urinal once again, this time for uploading all the albums to Mediafire, after some complaints were made about having to register to use 4shared.

EDIT 7: Compliments to Tjaiko for sharing a 256kbps version of "Season 3 Trailer". Thanks for the upgrade, man!

EDIT 8: W-what? The first post looks a lot nicer all of a sudden? It's, ah, t-totally looked like that!

EDIT 9: Tracks from the second season of Legend Of Korra added!

EDIT 10: Legend Of Korra: Book 2 release expanded!

EDIT 11 (30/08/2014): Legend Of Korra: Book 2 release expanded! Again! Also, I'm time stamping these now like I should've been doing since the first one.

EDIT 12 (03/12/2014): "Final Battle (Aang vs. Ozai)" added to "Avatar: The Last Airbender" upload.

EDIT 13 (23/12/2014): The final big update! Everything that has been released for both series thus far has been added. Merry Christmas!

EDIT 14 (18/04/2015): Tracks from the latest "Republic City Dispatch" added. Most likely the last update for a long time. Thanks for your continued support, guys, and hope you enjoy!

EDIT 15 (10/10/2015): Added awesome new covers by the talented Mr Gold, as well as the amazing cue "To Heal" from Zuckerman's SoundCloud.

11-06-2011, 07:22 AM
Wow thanks. It is really sad there is no official release. The music is amazing. I watched the series quite a few times just for the music.

Screw you Nickelodeon or whoever it concerns for not releasing the soundtrack.

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

Interview if anyone is interested :- SoundtrackNet : Interview - The Music of Avatar: The Last Airbender (

11-06-2011, 01:20 PM
Thanks for saying thanks! 110% agree with everything you said. I find it interesting how up until recently Jeremy and Ben were taking requests on their site and actually RELEASING the music to the people; what's up with that? Did they not know Nickelodeon would be paranoid about their intellectual property, or were they just ignorant? Or [conspiracy theory] perhaps Nick WERE okay with them releasing snippets, but realizing how popular the music was ordered the Track Team to cease and desist, thinking if the music was this popular, they could potentially release some additional tracks on iTunes and rack in a fortune? [/conspiracy theory]

And very cool interview; I found it interesting how the two made very little distinction between sound design and music; they both compliment one another. Perhaps the high quality of the soundtrack is also responsible for the varying and interesting soundscape of the sound effects, especially the bending effects? Whichever way it was, they're both amazing.

11-06-2011, 09:42 PM
Thanks for this :)
Finally some musi of it!

11-07-2011, 02:02 AM
Avatar is not an anime.

Oh and by the way, thanks for this. A few of these I don't have, especially Aang faces Ozai.

11-07-2011, 02:26 AM
Proper place moved. :)

11-07-2011, 07:36 AM
Argh, apologies for putting this in the wrong place yet again; thanks for moving it.

Avatar is not an anime.

Oh and by the way, thanks for this. A few of these I don't have, especially Aang faces Ozai.

No problem! To be fair, the term 'anime' itself is being applied a bit too liberally as of late. I always thought of it more as a specific art style instead of "it's from Japan, therefore it's anime". I wouldn't say Avatar is 100% anime, but it does have anime qualities, much like Teen Titans. But I'm in no way an anime buff and I can see where you're coming from, so I'll try not to make the same mistake again.
Just thought I'd add my $0.02 worth!

impudent urinal
11-07-2011, 07:47 AM
I just said someone should do this like yesterday. It's like you read my mind.
Could have saved some effort if I just waited a day. I also compiled from a bunch of sources and used this as a cover

11-08-2011, 02:16 AM
Thanks for the cover, definitely might use that sometime! Here's another one that I used up until recently:

And thanks for the gif, it got a chuckle out of me!

11-08-2011, 03:03 AM
Here's my version of a cover that I've been using.


11-08-2011, 03:26 PM
Original post editted on behalf of impudent urinal, who linked me to a bunch of awesome tracks, including two all-new ones! A big thank you!

Check it out!

11-08-2011, 06:46 PM
Thank you so much for this awesome piece of music! I also can't understand how come they never released a soundtrack! The music is so amazing!

03-01-2012, 01:41 PM
MEGA-ULTRA UPDATE TIEMZ. Added FOUR new tracks, two of them ('The Dragon Dance' and 'Energybending') ripped straight from the show by Youtube user MeoTis ( (whom also uploaded 'The Lion Turtle' and I forgot to give credit for, in which case...many apologies!). The other two tracks are from the upcoming Legend of Korra spinoff show, but since I haven't managed to get my grubby little hands on the unreleased selection of Korra music The Track Team are giving away on the new fansite Korra Nation (, I've decided to just put the two tracks I have here. Oh, the things I would do if someone were to perhaps upload the tracks eternal gratitude most probably wouldn't be enough...

Oh, and I made another crappy cover for your convenience. Gaze upon it and laugh at my woeful Paint skills. (Credit to the deviantartist spacecoyote ( for the original image. Go and thank him for his amazing work...NAO).


EDIT: If someone were to change the title of the this thread to the new title of my first post...well, Valentine's Day has come and gone so I probably won't do anything. But I would be gracious; so very, very gracious! ;)

03-01-2012, 05:34 PM
Thank you kindly!

03-01-2012, 05:55 PM
Thank you!

03-01-2012, 08:57 PM
Thanks a lot!

03-02-2012, 12:53 AM
The unreleased tracks do not appear to be freely had. You have to have 150 "points" to get access to them. Ya gotta sign up on face book, then "share" with friends to earn points, and I'm sorry but that isn't happening.

03-03-2012, 02:52 AM
Well, the little disclaimer at the bottom of the page says "U.S prizing only", so either way I don't think I'd be able to get them. The best I can hope for is someone uploads them somewhere, even if it is on grooveshark or something.

03-04-2012, 09:17 AM
Thank you.

03-04-2012, 09:29 PM
It seems the Avatar series has snuck into the anime section again. I found this thread which has, apparently, Legend of Korra cues. I can't exactly verify it myself, but it sounds like The Track Team to me:

Thread 110725

03-05-2012, 05:57 AM
It seems the Avatar series has snuck into the anime section again. I found this thread which has, apparently, Legend of Korra cues. I can't exactly verify it myself, but it sounds like The Track Team to me:

Thread 110725

Fun fact, this thread actually started life in the Anime Music Downloads section, until I was told rather bluntly that Avatar "ain't an anime". So there's that.

Thanks for the detective work...I was actually just linked to these files via an acquaintance yesterday, who said he found what I thought was super-mega-ultra rare music via Google search. I'm frankly embarrassed; I swear I've searched Google for two hours or more trying to get a hold of this release, gave up, only to have someone else drop them on my lap. On the one hand, I am over-joyed to have received this music, on the other hand I feel emancipated. Am I just Googling wrong? :(

I'll upload the Korra tracks later tonight along with the two I've already uploaded. I think I'll do both of them separately, just for neatness. Would be cool if this thread could get a title change though...doesn't look very professional. And if I'm putting up the Korra tracks as well as the original ATLA stuff the old thread title is kinda misleading.

impudent urinal
03-05-2012, 06:41 AM
Thanks for the detective work...I was actually just linked to these files via an acquaintance yesterday, who said he found what I thought was super-mega-ultra rare music via Google search. I'm frankly embarrassed; I swear I've searched Google for two hours or more trying to get a hold of this release, gave up, only to have someone else drop them on my lap. On the one hand, I am over-joyed to have received this music, on the other hand I feel emancipated. Am I just Googling wrong? :(
Turn off safesearch and be clear what you want using as few words as possible. I just googled "korra nation music tracks" and boom 2nd link was a winner

Would be cool if this thread could get a title change though...doesn't look very professional. And if I'm putting up the Korra tracks as well as the original ATLA stuff the old thread title is kinda misleading.

Just ask an admin like Jessie or Marceline. They should have the means to edit thread titles.

03-07-2012, 08:33 AM
SHAMELESS BUMP DISGUISED AS AN UPDATE! I uploaded all my Legend of Korra stuff as promised, but forgot to tell anyone. So, yeah, there they are! I also asked the mods to change the title to be more in line with current title format guidelines. So, there we go!

04-30-2012, 04:46 AM

05-11-2012, 10:28 AM
A bit of house-cleaning in this update. Nothing major but a lot of little changes that add up, hence the bump. Here's the rundown:

- The 'Escape From The Spirit World' tracks have been removed from the main series soundtrack and given their own seperate folder (all four of 'em :D ) About high time I did so, I felt the inclusion of the tracks disrupted the flow of the score severely, with their tinny 'video-gamey' sound and distracting SFX. Plus, you know, the music is from the flash-game and NOT the series, so there's that.
- Gave the old album artwork to the 'Escape From The Spirit World' soundtrack, and am using the new one for the original release. I also made this crappy alternate artwork for 'Escape From The Spirit World'.
- I also removed the ripped tracks "The Dragon Dance" and "Energybending", simply because I felt they had too much SFX to be considered part of the album. I kept "The Lion Turtle" though, since the SFX is quite minimal in that track.

Perhaps the most exciting update, this ( guy was able to provide the tracks from Operation Kino's #52 podcast in better quality. Here's the track changes:
- "Leisurely Stroll" was missing a 20 second intro. Hence the track has been extended to about a minute long.
- "The Unknown" no longer has that abrupt hissing at the start of the track.
- The PROPER extended version of "The Rally", which combines the 20 second intro from the original release that didn't feature on the podcast.

I would also like to add that the names for the Operation Kino tracks are fanmade, and came out before they had appeared in the series. However, more episodes have been released now, and every single track on the 'Legend of Korra' soundtrack has now been featured on the show. Unsurprisingly, the fanmade names do not match up with the situation the music plays, so let me put out a challenge to anyone reading this to come up with some new track names! For those who are unsure where the new tracks play in the series, a quick briefing:

"Leisurely Stroll": Plays straight after "Dixieland Interlude", with Mako on his date with Asami.
"Dixieland Interlude": Plays when Mako arrives at the restaurant and is given a Makover (see what I did there?!) in preparation for his date with Asami.
"The Unknown": Plays when Mako and Korra rest in the park after looking for Bolin (who's been kidnapped) all night, Mako recounts the death of his parents and his involvement with a gang.

Oh, and a reminder that ANY album art is welcomed, particularly for the 'Legend of Korra' soundtrack. Notice the little Aang in the corner of the current album art? Yeah, doesn't look quite as good now, doesn't it?

Thanks for the views and downloads, guys!

05-14-2012, 09:21 AM
Loving the music of The Legend of Korra! I created a new album cover for its soundtrack! :) Hope you enjoy!


Uploaded with (

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

Also, here's a link to a new track! Entitled "Final Firebending Exam", it's in HD! I downloaded it as soon as I discovered it using a video to mp3 conversion site. Sounds AMAZING! :)

The Legend Of Korra Soundtrack:Firebending Training! HD! - YouTube (

06-02-2012, 05:47 PM
I tried downloading the last 2 albums, the Escape from the Spirit Realm and the Legend of Korra one, but it says they don't exist anymore.

Elenna Telrunya
06-10-2012, 03:37 PM
Is there any way that these can be put on Mediafire? I'm having trouble with the site that it is on.

06-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Is there any way that these can be put on Mediafire? I'm having trouble with the site that it is on.

The site is a bit slow at the moment, but it does eventually work.

A re-upload elsewhere is not needed.

I tried all 3 links and they all work.

06-11-2012, 01:13 PM
Thank you too for the great share, i love the series and watch it. Its a shame that the score hasnt been released, one day maybe. I had a lousy quality version but thank to your upgrade share, i have gotton better quality. If you upgrade the music then please do send me a pm so i can upgrade to the new version.
btw i love
leaves from the vine
the two lovers
Iroh's Speech
last agnikai - hope you can get the full version
and the various version of the main theme

07-10-2012, 11:25 AM
Another exciting update! (At least, I think so). This ( chap managed to rip the soundtrack to the Legend of Korra Flash game quite cleanly. The soundtrack is mostly 30-second samples of tracks from the show, and although they're quite short they're pretty much SFX-free (there's some slight footsteps at the end of "City Hall" but that's about it).

Thankfully, the first track, "Air Temple Island", is actually the track fandubbed "Tenzin's Decision", which a lot of people have been after. It's also a bit longer than the others at 1.20 min so I decided to put in the main soundtrack. The rest have been uploaded separately in their own folder. The new release also allows me to continue my proud tradition of creating awful cover art for this amazing series of soundtracks. Behold!

Another small track I found, but not from the Flash game, fandubbed "Looking Across Yue Bay" or "Love Across Yue Bay", depending on who your OTP is, has also been added to the main soundtrack. Yeah, it's a rip from the show, and I'm usually against putting those rips amongst "official" tracks, and it's a bit on the short side, but it's SFX free and sounds quite lovely.

Phew, can you believe we're almost at half an hour of clean, crisp and crazily amazing music from this awesome series? Here's to more amazing tracks being released in the future. Stay tuned!

07-10-2012, 05:28 PM
The film adaptation sucks but the score is good luckily

07-16-2012, 04:38 PM
Update time guys, and boy do I have a doozy for you! ( has just released a video on their Youtube channel showing highlights from Book One of Korra, and the music to the video is, wait for it, a clean version of the last three minutes of the finale. No spoilers here, so I'll rename the track title, but a shrewd person might be able to pick up on what's happening in the scene in question. Simply put, this has been the number 1 most sought-after piece of music from the series since the finale aired, which features the one and only reprise of the Avatar theme from the first series, and it's been ripped by quite a number of people desperate for it. It's that amazing, guys, trust me.

Here's the video, and there are download links!


Original Book 1 Highlights Video: Contains MASSIVE amounts of spoilerage (

When I went on, the track was unfortunately unavailable as it had reached it's download limit on Not to worry, brothers and sisters! I, of course, will be uploading the track into the main series soundtrack, but I've also made a separate link available. UPDATE: Minus, the file-sharing website I've previously used, no longer allows multimedia uploads. They haven't deleted previously updated files (yet), so I'll kept this track up for now. But, if it gets deleted, I won't be reuploading it. It's included in the main Legend of Korra album in higher quality anyway, so I highly recommend grabbing that.

I'm so stoked, you guys. The finale music, it's here! I totally geeked out when I found out, hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Also, thanks to the person who gave me rep, whose name I missed. Not you, impudent urinal, although you're awesome too.

09-20-2012, 03:24 PM
awesome post!
I agree it is a shame that there is no official releases of these soundtracks.

09-20-2012, 11:10 PM
AMAZING upload!!

09-23-2012, 07:52 AM
Higher quality tracks, new artwork, even more released music? It's update time once again, 'ol chaps!

Let's start with the most exciting news, a brand spankin' new track from the original series has surfaced! "White Lotus Raid", a minute-long cue that plays in the finale when the various members of the White Lotus retake Ba Sing Se, has been added to the main series album. Many, many thanks goes to tumblr user benditlikekorra ( for posting the track on the avatarsoundtracks ( tumblr page. You rock, sir.

Secondly, I've ripped the track that plays in the introduction to the Flash game "Escape From The Spirit World", where Aang speaks to Princess Yue. I've titled the cue "Yue" and put it with the other four tracks in the Escape From The Spirit World album. Like the other tracks, expect SFX.

Thirdly, a couple of updates for the Legend of Korra album. First, the tracks "Tenzin's Decision" and "Restoration & Finale" have been updated to higher bitrates. "Tenzin's Decision" no longer sounds really quiet in the second half of the track, and the finale cue has a big quality leap from 48kbps to 128kbps. The missing "oomph" when the glorious Avatar theme begins playing is back, people! Also, new crappy artwork by me!

Exciting things are happening in the musical world of the Avatar. Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for kind words and support. Until next time, chaps!

09-23-2012, 10:26 AM
too good

09-25-2012, 12:07 AM
This is possibly the greatest thread I have seen on this forum. SO happy I stumbled upon it! Thank you guys!

11-18-2012, 07:01 PM
I just finished the First Book of Korra; and I have to say it was amazing. Even though Korra is kick ass Asami is my favorite. f(^ ^;
Thank you so much for all the hard work getting these up, the music in the Avatar series is always so beautiful. ♥

11-18-2012, 07:20 PM
Do I really need to register on that site in order to download Legend of Korra soundtrack?

11-19-2012, 07:31 AM
Do I really need to register on that site in order to download Legend of Korra soundtrack?

I've just checked it out, and yes, you do unfortunately have to register to download the files. As we're all too aware of, it's getting more and more difficult to upload/download content these days. I previously hosted these links on Minus before the change only allowed the upload of image files. 4shared is one of the only semi-reliable hosting services left available. It's a shame it requires registration before allowing you to download but I'm left with very little choice. If you have any suggestions for other reliable file-sharing services that eliminates this problem, I'd be happy to set up shop there.

And to everyone who has posted and checked out the music from these incredible series, thank you for your kinds words. I very much hope you're enjoying it, and as always, stay tuned for more updates in the future!

11-19-2012, 03:48 PM
What about rapidshare or mediafire?

11-21-2012, 06:25 AM
What about rapidshare or mediafire?

Rapidshare is going through a variety of shake-ups at the moment that make it one of the least ideal services to use. As quoted directly from Rapidshare:

On November 27, RapidShare will start putting a tight cap on outbound downloads for its free users. Paid members will still have 30 gigabytes in outbound downloads per day, but everybody else will be capped at one gigabyte. This will apply to public downloads, whereas direct Dropbox-style sharing between users won't be affected.

And you can read more about it here (

Mediafire, who already has a limitation of 200MB per file, is now limiting the amount of downloads of split files. Inactive accounts also have their files deleted after a pretty short period of time, and like most of the major sites have a variety of bots that search out and delete copyrighted content.

Of course, it's all to try to distance themselves from the Megaupload debacle, and they are suffering heavily in terms of traffic because of it. In short, neither service can offer a satisfactory storage experience. Hence, for now, 4shared is one of my best options. Sorry for the inconvenience, but in terms of online file storage, things look to be getting worse before they get better.

02-22-2013, 03:17 PM
My first ever contribution to this site: Avatar, the Last Airbender, 27th track. It was in 192kbps, but I found it (quite a long time ago) in 256kbps.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Trailer (

02-22-2013, 03:20 PM
My first ever contribution to this site: Avatar, the Last Airbender, 27th track. It was in 192kbps, but I found it (quite a long time ago) in 256kbps.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Trailer (

Download permission denied by uploader. (0b67c2f5)

02-22-2013, 03:34 PM
Download permission denied by uploader. (0b67c2f5)

Damn... that's strange. I looked into the account and the file's properties, but couldn't find anything to change the status. I uploaded it to Mediafire, hope it works now:

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Trailer (

02-22-2013, 03:47 PM
That works fine.

02-23-2013, 08:58 AM
My first ever contribution to this site: Avatar, the Last Airbender, 27th track. It was in 192kbps, but I found it (quite a long time ago) in 256kbps.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Trailer (

Damn... that's strange. I looked into the account and the file's properties, but couldn't find anything to change the status. I uploaded it to Mediafire, hope it works now:

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Trailer (

Thank you so much for your contribution! This thread is very much a group effort, and my oh my how far we've come since its inception! It means a lot, especially since things have been a bit slow around here due to very little new information about the new season of Korra, which has honestly surprised me. Hopefully things will pick up once the show is back on the air, and we may even receive another album promo like we did last season (although I'm not holding my breath).

I've already updated the first post with a new link to the updated album. Thanks again for your contribution; every little one adds up!

03-09-2013, 06:15 AM
Hey, FYI, I noticed that the Korra teaser trailer music is taken from the older messed-up version. The trailer was actually sped up by a huge factor when it was originally uploaded to, so it played way too fast. When it was noticed by the people at Nick, it was taken down and re-uploaded at its proper speed. I recorded the audio from the fixed version awhile back; here you go:

The Legend of Korra - Teaser Trailer (fixed version) (

03-09-2013, 07:22 AM
Hey, FYI, I noticed that the Korra teaser trailer music is taken from the older messed-up version. The trailer was actually sped up by a huge factor when it was originally uploaded to, so it played way too fast. When it was noticed by the people at Nick, it was taken down and re-uploaded at its proper speed. I recorded the audio from the fixed version awhile back; here you go:

The Legend of Korra - Teaser Trailer (fixed version) (

I was aware of the whole trailer controversy, and my decision to include the sped-up version was deliberate. The proper version of the Korra trailer music that you've provided is basically the Season 3 Trailer music, except it's missing the 30 seconds of music between .55 and 1.25 from the full version. I don't like including material that I feel is redundant.

The sped-up version, on the other hand, sounded wicked-cool in my opinion, so I included it despite being lower quality and "messed-up". Of course, I could be wrong on this, so if I get enough calls to put this in over the sped-up version, I'll definitely consider it.

That said, thank you very much for you contribution, always glad to see interest in these amazing series of scores. Hope to see more from you in the future!

03-09-2013, 05:29 PM
Huge big thanks to everyone on this thread for putting together such a comprehensive collection of Avatar music. Hopefully one day they'll release something official :)
In the mean time, here are two lovely alternate covers done by teews666 ( over at Deviant Art, who has kindly allowed these specific pieces to be used for CD art :) 6-d5h80on.jpg

03-11-2013, 01:24 AM
I was aware of the whole trailer controversy, and my decision to include the sped-up version was deliberate. The proper version of the Korra trailer music that you've provided is basically the Season 3 Trailer music, except it's missing the 30 seconds of music between .55 and 1.25 from the full version. I don't like including material that I feel is redundant.
True, it's basically an edited version of the TLA Season 3 Trailer music. I wouldn't have posted my mp3 for that very reason if not for the fact that it's higher-quality than the mp3 for the Season 3 trailer.

Hopefully there'll actually be an official release so we can get it all in FLAC and be done with it. :)

04-05-2013, 12:08 AM
Thanks a bunch for these amazing soundtracks! You da-man!

06-09-2013, 10:12 AM
"No I am not dead" update. It's been a while guys, and I've got a mega update here. Oh boy, where to begin.

First off, new covers, courtesy of the wonderful artists of deviantART! Thanks to Full Circle ( for finding some very regal covers for the first series by user teews666 (, who I personally thanked for making them. Don't be put off by the number of the beast, check out this guy/gals gallery out for some more unique album art! NerdyGeekyDweeb ( also offers up some art of his/her own. Thanks for the amazing art!

I also made some more album art, although I decided to do something a little different. Three covers for the three books! I've included two sets (I didn't make the second set, unfortunately I can't credit whoever made them because I'm unsure who did). If anyone is able to find who is responsible for the second set, let me know so I can properly credit them for these great covers!

I've updated all of the links in my first post. Corrected a small error in the tracklist after rewatching some episodes; "The Avatar State" doesn't play until Book 2, and "Ocean Spirit" comes before "Princess Yue". I shortened "Princess Yue Becomes The Moon Spirit" to just "Princess Yue". Sounds nicer, methinks.

That's not all! I've also included a short, 25-words-or-so summary in each track, saying specifically where the track plays and other titbits. For those of you wondering where these tracks played specifically in the series, look no further!

This update ain't done yet! Also, here's a not-quite-so new track ( It's the version of "Peace" that plays in the series proper. Basically, the only difference between the two versions is that this one has an extra 10-second bit from 1.28 onwards when Ty Lee reveals herself as a Kyoshi Warrior and the string work gets a little frenetic. Interesting, but not necessary, hence why I haven't included it in the main series soundtrack (and hence why I don't call it a "new" track). Worth a listen, though!

For most of us, the wait for the new season of Korra has been excruciating. That said, there's been some interesting...developments over the past couple of weeks. First was the announcement and upload of two brand spanking new tracks for the Legend of Korra, which sent the fanbase into a frenzy (myself included)...until it was quickly debunked by Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn on their Facebook page (, who said they did not compose the tracks. Check out the two tracks here ( and here ( While this was happening, Jeremy and Ben had been cryptically alluding to "something big" on their Facebook page, which many fans have speculated to finally be the announcement of an official soundtrack release. It is as yet unconfirmed, although both Amazon ( and Barnes & Noble ( have this intriguing entries.

What could it mean? Could it be that the numerous petitions to Nickelodeon have finally paid off?! I know I'll certainly be staying tuned!

...phew, that's about everything, for now. Thank you all once again for contributions and support. Here's hoping for some more amazing music from this series in the future.

06-13-2013, 03:06 AM
Does anyone know or has ripped the song that plays when Aang goes into the Avatar State when fighting Ozai, and while Avatar Aang is chasing Ozai in the Avatar State? I have searched EVERYWHERE to no avail.

06-13-2013, 03:38 PM
I've searched for those exact same tracks many times before, I know precisely what you're going through. Unfortunately, those tracks haven't been ripped, at least in any sort of good quality.

Not An Albatross
06-21-2013, 10:05 PM
Soundtrack From The Legend of Korra to be Released - IGN (

And voila, they're doing it. 'The Legend of Korra: Original Music from Book One', 26 tracks long, releasing July 16, so it'll follow up the DVD/BluRay release of Book One on July 9.

I think I may explode with excitement, frankly. My guess is that they'll hold off on announcing more information on Book Two for that release.

06-22-2013, 10:30 AM
Me too! Here's hoping for similar releases for 'The Last Airbender', and maybe even the other Korra books!

07-31-2013, 12:34 AM
does anyone have the ost for legend of korra? the one thats just posted above

into the storm
07-31-2013, 12:45 AM
Its on ITunes.

07-31-2013, 07:13 AM
And here! (Thread 137203)

09-29-2013, 04:44 PM
Excellent job mate, I searched everywhere, and this is truly the best quality The Last Airbender soundtrack. What a shame they didn't release the official one... its a masterpiece

10-03-2013, 10:41 AM
"CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN THIS LONG SINCE AN UPDATE" UPDATE: Hope you guys have been enjoying the official Legend of Korra soundtrack like you should be! If not, what are you waiting for?

...perhaps you're waiting to hear my analysis of it and whether it includes everything that's been previously released yet? If so, check out my updated first post with the full run-down on my extended version of the official album here (! The short version? My edition includes 10 extra minutes of Korra goodness, presented in chronological order of course, along with my usual plethora of custom covers. I'm certain that you'll enjoy it!

If that wasn't enough, Book 2 has recently premiered!

Unfortunately, we didn't get a promo release of music like last season. We did, however, get another Korra Flash game, featuring music straight from the new season! Here for your listening pleasure is the short but ethereal main titles music for the Flash game featuring a lovely rendition of the main theme, as well as our first exciting action cue from the new season that plays as Mako chases down some hooligans through the busy streets of Republic City!

The Legend Of Korra: Dark Into Light Main Titles (

The Legend Of Korra: Dark Spirit Attacks (

As usual, make sure to drop by often to check for updates on these amazing series of scores. Here's hoping for future official releases of Legend of Korra (and maybe even The Last Airbender) soundtracks!

10-21-2013, 07:05 AM
Thank you!

10-22-2013, 12:22 AM
You are awesome! Thanks a ton!

10-29-2013, 07:21 PM
Thanks so much for uploading this.

impudent urinal
11-17-2013, 01:20 PM
Dl'ed the updated Korra.

Aww Yeah.... (

12-26-2013, 10:00 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS UPDATE: Merry Christmas, everyone! Most of you have probably already opened all of your presents by now, but I think you missed one! Yes, that little one way at the back of the tree...why don't you just scooch around and check it...what's inside?

What? All of the tracks that have been released so far from the second season of the incredible Legend Of Korra? You must've been a very good boy/girl this year!

That's right, the main post has been updated with the small collection of tracks from Book 2 of Korra. Maybe if we're all extra good, we might just see another official Legend Of Korra album released for Book 2!

Happy Holidays!

06-19-2014, 03:13 PM
Thanks very much for these albums.

06-26-2014, 10:52 PM
Could someone upload Avatar: The Last Airbender, because the second link is for Legend of Korra Book 1. The 1st link is for 4shared and I'm not giving into their "One-Click Download, download instantly with your social network" BS. Thanks.

06-27-2014, 03:11 AM
Could someone upload Avatar: The Last Airbender, because the second link is for Legend of Korra Book 1. The 1st link is for 4shared and I'm not giving into their "One-Click Download, download instantly with your social network" BS. Thanks.

Wow, how did I not notice this before? Fixed up the link for you. Hope it works!

06-27-2014, 08:27 PM
Thanks so much.

06-29-2014, 11:12 AM
Thank you! Incidentally, the mega link for the The Legend of Korra Book 1 doesn't work, so you might want to replace the mega link with the one that was accidentally in ATLA section, since that link did work.

06-29-2014, 11:27 AM
Thank you! Incidentally, the mega link for the The Legend of Korra Book 1 doesn't work, so you might want to replace the mega link with the one that was accidentally in ATLA section, since that link did work.

Thank for telling me! My MEGA account was flagged a while ago and I lost everything on it. I'm pretty sure I updated all of my links, but somehow this one fell under the radar. How did I miss that?

Anyways, hope you enjoy the music!

By the way, I'll be updating Book 2 of Korra with some new goodies in the next couple of days, so keep your eye out!

07-04-2014, 10:40 PM

07-08-2014, 01:22 AM
The Mediafire link for The Legend of Korra Book 1 is wrong. It's the same as The Last Airbender!

07-08-2014, 12:16 PM
The Mediafire link for The Legend of Korra Book 1 is wrong. It's the same as The Last Airbender!

Man, why does this keep happening?! Too many late nights editing these pages, most likely.


07-10-2014, 07:43 AM
BOOK 3 PREMI�RE UPDATE: Book 3 of The Legend Of Korra has begun! To celebrate, I've updated the Book 2 release of Korra with every single track I've managed to scrounge together over the past year. I've also included some new (crappy) album artworks. All-in-all, we now have 20 minutes of Korra goodness from Book 2! Let's hope that even more incredible music is released for this fantastic series in the future. Enjoy the new music, enjoy the new episodes, and enjoy The Legend Of Korra!


07-20-2014, 10:19 AM
Thank you! Thank you! You're a legend - i have been looking every where for this soundtrack. Cheers!

07-25-2014, 03:42 AM
The Book 3 soundtrack is amazing.

07-29-2014, 03:57 AM
Woah great compilation!! Thank you so much for this!

shorty spice
07-29-2014, 05:56 AM
Thanks! I've been watching the show recently and forgot how great the music was.

08-30-2014, 11:04 AM
BOOK 3 CONCLUSION UPDATE: Book 3 of The Legend Of Korra has ended! Hope you all enjoyed it; I certainly did! Here's just a quick update with TWO NEW TRACKS straight from Jeremy Zuckerman's Soundcloud for Book 3. Given that there's only three tracks for Book 3 at this moment in time, I've combined the Book 3 material into the Book 2 release, giving a total of 23 minutes. Here's hoping for some amazing new music releases in the future!

08-30-2014, 11:34 AM
any new music is appreciated

09-07-2014, 09:09 AM
Hey GlassButterflies, thanks for updating and maintaining this on a regular basis. I'm interested in helping out with new released music, trying to find other sources of cues, etc, but I only come to this site very rarely to check this single thread. Is there a way to communicate with you outside of this message board? Feel free to PM me if you want, I can't figure out how to send you one. Thanks!

09-07-2014, 01:26 PM
Hey GlassButterflies, thanks for updating and maintaining this on a regular basis. I'm interested in helping out with new released music, trying to find other sources of cues, etc, but I only come to this site very rarely to check this single thread. Is there a way to communicate with you outside of this message board? Feel free to PM me if you want, I can't figure out how to send you one. Thanks!

You can't send or receive PM's until your post count EXCEEDS 1, followed by a time-delay of up to an hour before the PM system is enabled for you.

09-07-2014, 02:27 PM
Thanks a lot.

09-07-2014, 03:32 PM
Hey GlassButterflies, thanks for updating and maintaining this on a regular basis. I'm interested in helping out with new released music, trying to find other sources of cues, etc, but I only come to this site very rarely to check this single thread. Is there a way to communicate with you outside of this message board? Feel free to PM me if you want, I can't figure out how to send you one. Thanks!

Wow, you joined this site just for my thread? Golly!

Thanks for the offer of help; a lot of these cues come from a variety of different sources (which I would've surely lost track of a long time ago if not for me labelling them) so I always get paranoid that maybe out there I'm missing an amazing cue or two. It's not just new tracks I'm looking for either; higher quality versions of the tracks posted here are also high on my priority list. So any help in scouring the web for anything would be great!

I think PM'ing me here on this site would be the best course of action, since I don't have a Twitter account, or upload videos on Youtube, etc. If you still want to contact me via PM, just follow bishtyboshty's advice and post another comment; that'll allow you to send PM's.

09-07-2014, 05:53 PM
Some very underrated music. Great thread!!

09-10-2014, 09:19 AM
Great, thanks, will do.

In the meantime, I didn't see if you'd updated the Avatar soundtrack with a new (cleaned up?) version of Iroh's Speech that Jeremy put on his soundcloud: You might have and I missed it.

09-10-2014, 12:02 PM
Great, thanks, will do.

In the meantime, I didn't see if you'd updated the Avatar soundtrack with a new (cleaned up?) version of Iroh's Speech that Jeremy put on his soundcloud: You might have and I missed it.

Ah yes, I took a quick listen to it a while ago. Is it actually cleaned up? Or is it just playing faster? It doesn't sound much different from the previous version other than sounding a little higher pitch, but I have very little musical expertise so I'm not sure.

09-26-2014, 08:07 PM
and onto the 4th season already
damnit Nick why so mean to Korra and its soundtracks as well?

hoping for a Season4 Trailer music rip down the line

10-01-2014, 08:28 AM
The trailer for the final season of "The Legend Of Korra" is up! Super excited for this season giving how amazing Book 3 was, and hopefully we'll get even more amazing music out of it.

and onto the 4th season already
damnit Nick why so mean to Korra and its soundtracks as well?

hoping for a Season4 Trailer music rip down the line

Good news! Jeremy Zuckerman has released the full theme on his SoundCloud!

the marvin
10-07-2014, 09:33 PM
Thanks a lot for everything!

10-25-2014, 01:25 PM
so the game 'Legend of Korra' uses music from the show I heard
anyone been able to get on that yet?

10-26-2014, 05:34 AM
Hope you're all enjoying the fourth and final book of The Legend Of Korra! No new tracks from the series today, but I can present these lovely suites of both The Last Airbender ( and Legend Of Korra ( from Playfest 2014. Go check 'em out!

so the game 'Legend of Korra' uses music from the show I heard
anyone been able to get on that yet?

Trust me, I've been thinking (and hoping) the same thing, and I'm keeping a close eye on the situation. I haven't found any information that confirms or denies whether there is music from the show in the game, though if I had to be pessimist I would say it's likely not the case. Probably the best we can hope for is some remixed themes here and there. I'll post more info when it comes to light!

10-26-2014, 08:15 AM
the suites are nice enough
the korra one even has some awesome Avatar Wan material

10-26-2014, 01:53 PM
Yeah, we only got two 1 minute tracks featuring Wan material released, would be amazing to get a hold of more of it. Especially Wan Vs. Vaatu, that was incredible music.

11-02-2014, 06:40 AM
So I've just skimmed through a playthrough of the new Legend of Korra game and checked the credits at the end, as well as some reviews ( of the game, and I can confirm that most of the soundtrack is indeed music Jeremy Zuckerman wrote for the series, which is amazing! There are some new compositions here and there, though, so I can't just upload pieces of music willy-nilly, so I need to confirm where they play in the show first. The soundtrack hasn't been ripped to the Shrine yet either, which is a bit of a shame. Here's hoping we'll see it sometime in the future!

For now, check out this nice piece of music ( from the game that I'm going to double-check whether or not played in Book 2.

11-03-2014, 01:13 AM
Hiya! Nice work on all these tracks!

I uploaded the Korra game music and voices (Thread 181556), not sure if it'll have anything new, but some are multi-layer.

11-03-2014, 01:26 AM
it does sound like Zuckermans music, but somewhat remixed in some cases

and there is definitely new season2-like music in there

12-19-2014, 06:44 AM
Thanks for all your work!

12-19-2014, 10:14 AM
this made me think something new had happened

also Korra is officially over today
soundtracks when :(

12-19-2014, 11:40 AM
I'm just talking so I can be notified by email for any new posts for this thread. so when's the soundtrack for Book 4 coming?

12-19-2014, 11:56 AM
after 2 and 3
so probably never

a new track was posted on JZ's soundcloud, but thats hardly enough

12-23-2014, 07:40 AM
UPDATE: The Legend Of Korra has come to a close, bringing to an end a franchise that has sculpted the childhoods and changed the lives of so many people since it first aired back in 2005. Not only does the season finale bring an end to both the show and a franchise as a whole, but also the run of modern traditionally animated action cartoons (which I like to believe started with 'Batman: The Animated Series', way back in the early 90s). Action cartoons in general have been on the decline for the better half of a decade, and it is truly saddening to see them go. Here's hoping we'll see their resurgence again someday!

Here's hoping, too, that an official release for the music from Books 2, 3 & 4 of The Legend Of Korra will also see the light of day. Until that time comes, I present to you quite possibly my last big update for this thread, including pretty much everything that has been released from this amazing series thus far. There are a slew of new tracks from Zuckerman's SoundCloud (bless him for making available the finale music for pretty much every Book of Korra thus far) as well as suites from the 2014 Playfest event. New covers are also included, since the previous release only really had covers suitable for the second Book (back when the second Book was airing).

This isn't to say that more updates aren't on the way, but in terms of new music from The Legend Of Korra, with no new games on the way it all rest on Zuckerman's shoulders to either release more music on his SoundCloud or for the executives at Nick to greenlight another album (or three).

As this is the last big update, I would like to thank everyone for both their kind words of encouragement, and in many cases their own help in helping compile the music for these incredible series together. This thread really is a collaborative effort, and the fact that it's the most popular thread I've ever made is really a testament to how strongly we all feel about these shows. Thank you all, hope you've enjoyed the ride, and Merry Christmas!

/toy/ room dumbie
01-21-2015, 08:04 PM
Thank very kindly!

01-22-2015, 06:04 PM
Support pettion

01-23-2015, 08:04 PM
Thank you so much for all of this!

01-28-2015, 12:19 AM
Below is the link to the raw, unedited version of all music to Platinum Games' The Legend Of Korra. I wanted the music and I've got it. I've extracted it and it's in its highest quality (ogg.)

I hope you guys can smash something together, perhaps a proper labelled and timed soundtrack, so here you go:

/toy/ room dumbie
02-16-2015, 11:47 AM

03-19-2015, 06:05 PM
Much appreciated!

03-23-2015, 06:37 AM
i don't really care for avatar im looking for the other nick cartoon osts does anybody know where i can find them on ffshrine? thanks in advance!

03-24-2015, 08:07 AM
Has anyone ever posted an instrumental version of the "previously" music that plays while the Announcer catches everybody up? PLEASE SAY YES. I need that music without the talking!

03-25-2015, 11:23 AM
Has anyone ever posted an instrumental version of the "previously" music that plays while the Announcer catches everybody up? PLEASE SAY YES. I need that music without the talking!

Nope. Really disappointed it wasn't included on the Book 1 album, or on Zuckerman's Soundcloud. Sorry.

04-11-2015, 08:54 AM
Below is the link to the raw, unedited version of all music to Platinum Games' The Legend Of Korra. I wanted the music and I've got it. I've extracted it and it's in its highest quality (ogg.)

I hope you guys can smash something together, perhaps a proper labelled and timed soundtrack, so here you go:

I am actually thinking of going over these files again and grabbing whatever music I haven't already gotten (Aang vs. Ozai, Korra vs. Unalaq, etc.) from these but I don't know how to convert the .ogg files. I usually use foobar2000 when converting FLAC and WAV but it says "converted with major errors" when I try to do these ones. Any ideas how I might be able to get around this, or perhaps I should be using another program?

04-11-2015, 09:09 AM
I am actually thinking of going over these files again and grabbing whatever music I haven't already gotten (Aang vs. Ozai, Korra vs. Unalaq, etc.) from these but I don't know how to convert the .ogg files. I usually use foobar2000 when converting FLAC and WAV but it says "converted with major errors" when I try to do these ones. Any ideas how I might be able to get around this, or perhaps I should be using another program?

You have to use revorb. (

04-19-2015, 08:32 AM
UPDATE: The latest "Republic City Dispatch" podcast featured Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn talking at length about the music of Books 3 & 4, and included some samples of music from the show. I've ripped and cleaned up five (very) short tracks from the podcast, which included pieces from the finale of Book 4 (how exciting)! See the first post for further details. Unless Zuckerman releases more tracks on his SoundCloud, don't expect anymore updates until after I've sifted through the Korra videogame tracks to see if there's anything new in there. Thanks for your support over the four(!) years I've had this thread up, and hope you enjoy quite possibly the final update for this thread!

04-28-2015, 01:32 AM
Thank you for your hard work on the latter Korra books. Just finished marathoning the whole wonderful series, was sad that only the first season's music was available for purchase anywhere. Hope this version will satisfy.

05-01-2015, 06:34 PM
Another big thanks GlassButterflies for your work! Maybe one day I will come out of stalking around and do something more than re-up soundtracks I have.

05-09-2015, 09:01 PM
Thank you for your great work.
Here's hoping that they see the demand for an official release of the entire series soundtrack and decide to release it :)

05-24-2015, 05:22 PM
I kinda want to look at what could possibly be extracted from Blurays
except then I start getting paranoid it will work against possible future releases somehow

05-25-2015, 09:17 AM
I kinda want to look at what could possibly be extracted from Blurays
except then I start getting paranoid it will work against possible future releases somehow

Some music from the main menus might be able to be ripped cleanly ("Airbenders To The Rescue" is from one of the Book 3 Blu-Ray menus).

05-25-2015, 07:12 PM
Actually what I found interesting is that out of all the audio channels that I can import into programs
the bottom two have the music free of most soundeffects and voices
but in return it also sounds less natural (drums especially lose some power)

05-27-2015, 09:22 AM
Actually what I found interesting is that out of all the audio channels that I can import into programs
the bottom two have the music free of most soundeffects and voices
but in return it also sounds less natural (drums especially lose some power)

Would you be able to get one of the "previously, on korra..." segments that plays before each episode with the radio announcer guy recapping in that manner? That's the piece I've always wanted.

05-27-2015, 05:04 PM
well I dont even need the bottom audio for that, but at the same time unfortunately the background filmnoise cant be removed (it seems like its firmly attached to the music in every channel)
still better than nothing

Last Time on Korra (

on another note
here is an example of how the bottom channel sounds once (taking a small bit from episode 10 of book 3)

310 Desert Ride (

05-28-2015, 12:26 PM
OMG THANK YOU!!!!!! I have been asking around for this forever! I like it with the newsreel sound still... I'm just glad the words are gone. THANK YOU.

05-28-2015, 04:54 PM
I am honestly surprised it wasnt on the first soundtrack

05-29-2015, 12:05 AM
I am honestly surprised it wasnt on the first soundtrack

There were some weird omissions on the album. I guess they assumed everybody already had "The Rally" and "Amon in the Shadows" anyway.

05-29-2015, 08:14 AM
There were some weird omissions on the album. I guess they assumed everybody already had "The Rally" and "Amon in the Shadows" anyway.

If leaving out "The Rally" and "Amon In The Shadows" meant they were able to add more unreleased material then I'm fine with them leaving them out. Still would've been nice to have them in high quality, especially "The Rally" since that cue had to be stitched together from different sources.

07-29-2015, 10:52 PM
so uhm

this slipped by us

07-30-2015, 12:09 PM
so uhm

this slipped by us

My apologies. Was enjoying the cue too much for me to upload it straight away. But allow me to add now...oh my goodness. And it wasn't a throwaway cue like "Sleeping...Not Waking" either, but a major cue many people have been looking for. Here's hoping this is a sign of things to come, with Zuckerman potentially releasing new cues periodically. I'm so excited about this.

Anyways, thanks for linking this in my laziness-induced absence, Kadron!

07-30-2015, 12:41 PM
well its still relatively new

and yeah this a bigger cue
parts of it also played during the metal healing scene and when korra bends the spiritlaser/opens a new portal (albeit rearranged)

Heck looking back, part of it was used way back in season2 when the Harmonic Convergence ended

07-31-2015, 08:34 AM
well its still relatively new

and yeah this a bigger cue
parts of it also played during the metal healing scene and when korra bends the spiritlaser/opens a new portal (albeit rearranged)

Heck looking back, part of it was used way back in season2 when the Harmonic Convergence ended

You're 100% right. I love how it also includes the "Korra Alone" subtheme. I feel like Zuckerman really hit his stride musically in Books 3 & 4, especially in terms of thematic development (love that Bolin ended up with a theme). Such a shame about the album situation, but Zuckerman did say that another album wasn't completely dead yet, so who knows? I'd love another Korra game to be released so we could perhaps get some more music from Books 3 & 4.

Mister Derp
07-31-2015, 01:34 PM
One use of theme I particularly liked was during the conclusion of Wan and Vaatu's battle, where we hear that "New Era" motif from way back when Aang took the Fire Lord's bending away. This callback often gets overlooked due to everyone usually focusing on the cool reference to the original main theme also made just before that part.

08-28-2015, 04:25 AM
Thank you

08-28-2015, 04:58 AM
i wrote to nick animation studios (who had to do with avatar) about if they would ever release any instrumental soundtracks & they said it's hard to because of legal issues BUT they (im sure including avatar) will be released on nick's youtube channel!

08-28-2015, 01:51 PM
Hey guys! Be sure to check out ( and thank Mr Gold for these incredible covers that I asked from him. Absolutely splendid!

<A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=300 SRC=""></A>

Last One I Have Done With No Book Title, As A Over All Series Collection Cover.
Click to Enlarge.

the marvin
10-09-2015, 11:33 PM
so uhm

this slipped by us

Could anyone send me a link for this cue, I can't seem to download it!
I had it until a few days ago, when i deleted it by mistake :notgood:

10-11-2015, 07:27 AM
Could anyone send me a link for this cue, I can't seem to download it!
I had it until a few days ago, when i deleted it by mistake :notgood:

I'll re-up it when I get back from vacation.

the marvin
10-12-2015, 05:27 AM
It's all right, GlassButterflies sent it to me via pm.
Thanks anyway!

10-16-2015, 07:51 AM
UPDATE: Just a small update to let you know that you can now find Mr Gold's amazing covers included in the Legend Of Korra sets, as well as the new cue "To Heal" from Zuckerman's SoundCloud. Enjoy!

10-16-2015, 10:30 AM
Every time this updates, my heart skips a beat

Nice covers at least

10-17-2015, 07:24 AM
Sorry, Kadron. Back when the show was airing and a bunch of tracks were being released at once, I tried to keep the self-promotional bumping to a minimum. Now that releases have slowed down though, any little update is something, hence the bump. Hopefully next time I'll have something more substantial. You hear that, Zuckerman? Use your SoundCloud for goodness sake!

10-19-2015, 07:32 AM

01-04-2016, 02:23 AM
Zuckerman just added a new track to his soundcloud! "Destroy the Colossus"

the marvin
01-04-2016, 05:20 AM
Hell Yeah!

01-04-2016, 09:43 PM
I have been wanting some battle music
I managed to rip this from the Bluray, but it just sounds better this way

01-05-2016, 08:59 AM
Thanks for taking so much time to do this and sharing!

01-05-2016, 07:18 PM
Has anyone ripped the menu music from the Blu-Rays? As I recall, volumes 2, 3, and 4 have tracks that haven't seen any sort of release.

08-11-2016, 07:54 PM

10-23-2016, 07:18 AM
Thank you for sharing this amazing music with us :) Btw if anyone wants to learn airbending (baguazhang), earthbending (hung gar kung fu), firebending (Northern Shaolin kung fu) or waterbending (tai chi), all you need is to find a good teacher ;)

11-25-2016, 07:02 AM
Jeremy just put up a new track from the finale a few days ago!!

"Inside/Mako's Sacrifice"

11-25-2016, 11:54 PM
and so much of it too

wish we could get the climax of the season 3 battle too

12-20-2016, 08:49 AM
UPDATE: Added the two new tracks, "Destroy The Colossus" and "Inside / Mako's Sacrifice" from Zuckerman's SoundCloud, as well as updating all of the other SoundCloud tracks to 320kbps. Many thanks to DoctorWarpdrive who keeps us well informed of when new tracks drop. Apologies to Kadron for bumping this thread and getting his hopes up for new tracks.

and so much of it too

wish we could get the climax of the season 3 battle too

We really have nothing from Book 3, don't we? We have the trailer theme, the ending music and one short cue ripped from a DVD, and that's it. Here's hoping we can get Korra Vs. Zaheer released someday!

Has anyone ripped the menu music from the Blu-Rays? As I recall, volumes 2, 3, and 4 have tracks that haven't seen any sort of release.

"Airbenders To The Rescue" is ripped from a Blu-Ray menu, I believe. I'm not sure if the other menu music is new music.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to all!

01-02-2017, 05:59 PM
Many thanks for these!

03-04-2017, 03:26 PM
some minor cues were played in this podcast
including an excerpt from 'Venom of the Red Lotus' the massive final battle track of Korra season 3

I really hope this is a sign of things to come

08-29-2017, 02:21 PM
OP there is a special place in heaven for you. I remember scouring the internet in my teens looking for any scrap of ATLA score I could get my hand on and now not only do I have a robust amount of ATLA score, but I have various tracks from Korra Books 2-4 as well. I can't thank you enough!

03-02-2018, 08:18 PM
I am having problems downloading The Legend of Korra: Books 2, 3 & 4 from media fire, it keeps saying the download needs to be repaired, and the one time it actually downloaded the rar was corrupt and it was only able to extract half of the songs.

Anyway it could be re-uploaded someplace not media fire?

These are great! Recently discovered these shows.

EDIT: 20th time was the charm, mediafire finally downloaded the complete rar and I got all the tracks. Thanks!!!

08-17-2018, 01:14 PM
Thanks a lot for everything !
I just discovered this on youtube :
Check the description, it seems it's part of a released album ?! "AudioSparx_1756"...or do they send to youtube like all their recordings so that youtube has a bigger database to easily break balls ?

08-17-2018, 02:04 PM
Thanks a lot for everything !
I just discovered this on youtube :
Check the description, it seems it's part of a released album ?! "AudioSparx_1756"...or do they send to youtube like all their recordings so that youtube has a bigger database to easily break balls ?

Along with this, I'm also wondering if someone skilled enough will create a FLAC re-release now that we've got lossless 24-bit 48KHz audio tracks on the new Blu-ray. So far Dragon Ball Z's Bruce Faulconer score has not seen unreleased FLAC versions since its respective Blu-ray release, but that doesn't mean the same should be the case for ATLA.

08-18-2018, 03:21 AM
Thanks a lot for everything !
I just discovered this on youtube :
Check the description, it seems it's part of a released album ?! "AudioSparx_1756"...or do they send to youtube like all their recordings so that youtube has a bigger database to easily break balls ?

I'm not sure where the "edit 60" comes from, but the first download I found that compiled unofficially released music had something "Scarf Dance" as the 6th track misnamed "Scraf Dance," and this youtube video dates to 2008. According to the fan wiki, it was meant to accompany a deleted scene from "The Headband" of Sokka dancing on his own, but I find nothing to verify that. The track itself is a library cue by Jonathan Geer (who, as far as I know, never worked on Avatar) from 2006 (you can find it in the AudioSparx production library's database) and they've monetized this old video. I don't know how it every became associated with Avatar, but it's probably just some filesharing mislabeling.

Along with this, I'm also wondering if someone skilled enough will create a FLAC re-release now that we've got lossless 24-bit 48KHz audio tracks on the new Blu-ray. So far Dragon Ball Z's Bruce Faulconer score has not seen unreleased FLAC versions since its respective Blu-ray release, but that doesn't mean the same should be the case for ATLA.

Unfortunately, the Blu-Ray is still just 2-channel audio.

web traveller
08-18-2018, 07:22 PM
Thanks so much for this wonderful share.

08-29-2018, 11:08 PM
anyone has a mega link? all links for Last Airbender download at 20 kbps for me :C

09-07-2018, 01:57 PM
@DragonAgeZ Here's a MEGA link (!I7pijIYb!JkwVDSBhZuMA0qE6ike0MGER9O3hw0Bm9nklUEMZi4I) ;)

Thank you very much for sharing ! The music for both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are amazing !

Here are also some covers I've made for Avatar - The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra from an illustration by Bryan Konietzko and Sara Kipin's amazing artworks:

( (
( (

09-08-2018, 02:37 AM
I saw your covers on the custom covers thread, Lightsplasher, great work. And thank you for the MEGA link!

09-08-2018, 09:42 AM
No problem. I also have a question for you, did you notice this message on Jeremy Zuckerman's Facebook wall ? A Legend Of Korra soundtrack might be coming in the next few months :

As stated above, you can request specific tracks in the post's comments if you want to ;)

09-24-2018, 01:19 AM
Heres a Gamerip from the Legend of Korra Game, which actually includes a lot of different and some new music:!6vQFmCZa!RA30BOFNIYl3cOCw_f-F-Jv3WY8A3-bp-wWTa8ImaT8

I converted the .wem files to .ogg and left everything as it is. Some of these are actually mono, or rather they only play music from the left speaker... Maybe someone here knows how to fix that and could reupload them

09-24-2018, 09:11 AM
Heres a Gamerip from the Legend of Korra Game, which actually includes a lot of different and some new music:!6vQFmCZa!RA30BOFNIYl3cOCw_f-F-Jv3WY8A3-bp-wWTa8ImaT8

I converted the .wem files to .ogg and left everything as it is. Some of these are actually mono, or rather they only play music from the left speaker... Maybe someone here knows how to fix that and could reupload them

I think its more like the left and right channels were separated into their own music files for some reason. I just pasted them together (for those where it was possible) in audacity

11-27-2018, 12:29 PM
It really is a great soundtrack, mate. much appreciated for your work.

02-19-2019, 05:58 AM
Having searched a bunch of places for ANY music for ATLA, I cannot thank you and others enough for sharing what you have. You have a few tracks that I hadn't found yet.

02-19-2019, 01:28 PM
Thank you for sharing !

02-20-2019, 03:09 AM
I'm not sure where the "edit 60" comes from, but the first download I found that compiled unofficially released music had something "Scarf Dance" as the 6th track misnamed "Scraf Dance," and this youtube video dates to 2008. According to the fan wiki, it was meant to accompany a deleted scene from "The Headband" of Sokka dancing on his own, but I find nothing to verify that. The track itself is a library cue by Jonathan Geer (who, as far as I know, never worked on Avatar) from 2006 (you can find it in the AudioSparx production library's database) and they've monetized this old video. I don't know how it every became associated with Avatar, but it's probably just some filesharing mislabeling.

Unfortunately, the Blu-Ray is still just 2-channel audio.

I actually verified that, and the complete series Blu-Ray set is 5.1.

02-20-2019, 01:03 PM
I actually verified that, and the complete series Blu-Ray set is 5.1.


Although if I were to be completely honest here (controversial opinion incoming), I prefer Zuckerman's work on 'Korra' over 'Airbender'; there's more of a mind towards themes and the sound feels more fleshed out with less of an emphasis on 'Mickey-Mousing' (which is not always a bad thing but is a little distracting over the course of a whole series). I also feel that I've got all the cues I really wanted out of 'Airbender' already, whereas 'Korra' is still missing a handful of really important cues, particularly Book 3 (seriously, where's Korra vs. Zaheer? WHERE IS IT).

Anyways, that's my $0.02 worth.

02-20-2019, 10:02 PM
I actually verified that, and the complete series Blu-Ray set is 5.1.

When I checked it still only showed 2 channels of audio and 4 empty ones.
But then I dont know if I have the right source.

02-20-2019, 10:32 PM
do you have the CD of Book One for Legend of Korra?

02-22-2019, 04:29 AM
do you have the CD of Book One for Legend of Korra?

Just download the Book 1 soundtrack from here and delete the extra tracks if you don't want them. The tracklist lays out where each track comes from.

02-26-2019, 12:18 PM
Just download the Book 1 soundtrack from here and delete the extra tracks if you don't want them. The tracklist lays out where each track comes from.

Thank you, I will keep it compiled with the bonus tracks. I wanted to know what happened to the multibook soundtrack release of The Legend of Korra.

The fb post of the composer has vanished since.

03-03-2019, 01:33 PM
Big thx!

03-04-2019, 10:25 PM
Thank you, I will keep it compiled with the bonus tracks. I wanted to know what happened to the multibook soundtrack release of The Legend of Korra.

The fb post of the composer has vanished since.

Thats annoying to hear. I wish he could just do what the Voltron composer was doing on his soundcloud.

03-16-2019, 03:45 PM
Here is the menu music someone was asking about:

I extracted the music with audacity, nothing fancy

03-17-2019, 03:38 PM
Thats annoying to hear. I wish he could just do what the Voltron composer was doing on his soundcloud.

That's weird, I always wonder how he can do that. Composers are bounded by contracts, to release soundtrack in any way they must have an approval. I have been requesting from a composer a full score as the one Brad Breeck shared on his souncloud. The composer said "My hands are tied, I can't do anything if my boss say no, it's no" even with an authorization letter it didn't worked (14 years). Regarding Sir Zuckerman, he did not answered me, when he saw the printscreen I had sent. And since he deleted his post from his official page I suppose it must have been canceled since (I think he really wanted to release the multibook soundtrack, but something happened)..

03-17-2019, 07:19 PM
Gravity Falls had its entire soundtrack put on soundcloud as well.
Steven Universe was also decent at it, until they actually started releasing soundtracks (wtih just songs mind you)
The big execs just treat background music as trash.

04-29-2019, 03:13 PM
Here is the menu music someone was asking about:

I extracted the music with audacity, nothing fancy

Oh no, I'm too late. The link's dead.

Pretty sure the Book 1 menu track is just "Firebending Training," which is on the Korra CD. And, as someone else said in this thread, Book 4's track is "Airbenders to the Rescue," though it looks like that track from this thread is only at 180kbps, so it'd be nice to get a higher quality version of it. And I can't place the menu themes for Books 2 and 3 at all. Maybe I'm just not recognizing them, but I don't think those two themes are released anywhere else. I own the Blu Rays, but I have none of the necessary hardware nor technical know-how to rip the tracks myself.

04-30-2019, 02:20 AM
All credit to Orkin. I'm just a humble reuploader:

04-30-2019, 06:58 PM
All credit to Orkin. I'm just a humble reuploader:

My thanks to both of you.

09-21-2019, 05:49 PM
Hi everyone!
I've just finished watching the series (only TLA, I don't have plans for Korra yet) and I was searching for some of its music.

All we have from TLA is just those 43 tracks, right? Or there's more?

Anyway, I just looked in Zuckerman's Soundcloud and found this, a live performance of a suite:

09-28-2019, 10:09 AM
Hi everyone!
I've just finished watching the series (only TLA, I don't have plans for Korra yet) and I was searching for some of its music.

All we have from TLA is just those 43 tracks, right? Or there's more?

Anyway, I just looked in Zuckerman's Soundcloud and found this, a live performance of a suite:

Just those tracks, unfortunately. For a long time a few tracks would come out here and there through SoundCloud, various podcasts, etc, but the flow has somewhat been stemmed the past couple of years. Tbh, I'm quite happy with the amount of music we have for ATLA, at least for me it has all the tracks that I want and consider important. Korra is the real tragedy, since it's more thematically complex and there's less balance in it in regards to released materials. That is to say, ATLA has a pretty even distribution of songs across its three books but Korra has the majority of tracks from Book 1 (because they released an album) and Book 2 (through the various videogames) but scarcely anything from Books 3 and 4 except through SoundCloud. Especially Book 3: just the trailer music, the ending music "Service & Sacrifice" and two very brief snippets. Pretty much nothing else. The music for the Korra vs. Zaheer fight is, in my opinion, the holy grail of unreleased Avatar music, and I really would like to see it surface someday. I held out hope that Zuckerman would put it up on SoundCloud like he did for a lot of Book 4's finale music but not so much a peep for the last two years. Bleh.

Also, the live performance suite from Playfest 2014 (there's two btw, one for ATLA and one for Korra) are included in my second Korra compilation. The ATLA one is just the opening titles and the "Peace" cue together, but the Korra suite is more interesting and dynamic, and includes some unreleased material.

Glad you enjoyed the music for ATLA (and the series too I hope). In my opinion you should also watch Korra. It's shorter so its not as much of a time commitment, and the music is, again in my opinion, a significant step up from ATLA.

09-28-2019, 11:18 AM
I really enjoyed the ATLA series but not as much as I wish I did.
While I felt that Book 1-2 were just nice (I always felt that the pacing in each episode was way too fast for its own good, but it allowed for a lot of progression in a small amount of episodes), Book 3 is decisively the best one. Almost every episode is a step up in many ways, they managed to do many compelling things.
Overall, I found it good, but not one of my favourites as for many others (like my friend who first recommended it to me).

The music... I never managed to pay too much attention to it, unfortunately (again, the pacing is too far, key scenes are delivered in a shorter time and musical moments end up being too short and too many). But I hope with a separate listen I can appreciate it much more.
Also, I didn't really like the synthetic sound of the music but it does its job. Am I wrong or in the last episodes of Book 3 they hired a real orchestra to performing the music?

As for Korra, I don't know.
Many (if not all, as far as I heard) of the characters are long gone and I keep hearing mixed reactions to it.
Considering that I didn't really have a passion for ATLA in the first place, I doubt I'd want to watch the entirety of Korra as well.