05-05-2003, 07:00 AM
Just so ya know.. Shidachi is molded out from the word "KODACHI". It's called Shidachi because a character in the story owns it and his last name starts with "SHI". He named it that. Kodachis are two swords incase you don't know. Alrighty.. like always, I will start off with the prologue... I will post the rest of it later.(I'll hurry up too.)


�It was two centuries ago when the Chaenzing plant came to existance. A monk named Ximeru was gifted with a healing power others claimed to have but didn�t. Ximeru was well known through out his lands. The continent he was from was unknown to the one�s who researched the past. It was said that Ximeru created the plant called Chaenzing and used it to heal the wounds of ones who were badly injured.
There was no information on the Chaenzing plant in any plantation books or in any other books and that was because it started from scratch in the palm of Ximeru�s hands. The two governments that were fighting against eachother in the war that was going on at the time both wanted to get there grimy paws on this monk named Ximeru.
Ximeru knew he was wanted for his Chaenzing plants by the foul beasts who only thought of power, so he decided to head out to sea, avoiding any contact with the governments, and find a good hiding spot to bury his Chaenzing plants. He took a large ship out to sea that was given to him by some friendly fisherman as a gift in return for the help Ximeru had aided them with.
Ximeru protected his Chaenzing plants as if they were his own cildren. The storms weren�t all that bad all up until that day the big one hit the ship. The boat couldn�t withstand the hard presure of the waves and it was soon destroyed, causing Ximeru to drift away in the cold, salty waters. Ximeru woke up on an island where no traces of human were present.
Before he could panic, he found the Chaenzing plants held tightly in his hands. After a few days on this island, Ximeru grew hungry and ate the Chaenzing plants. He survived off these plants for a whole month.
Soon after he was all out, he grew even more hungry and decided to use the plants from that island for food. He made some sort of new plant he found off of the island and tasted it for a sample. After a few minutes of the taste, bumps formed on Ximeru�s skin as measels covered his body. He then died instantly. Researchers proved this as a fact by testing it on a human being.
Later, the two governments discovered the island Ximeru was staying at and found a whole garden of poisonous plants Ximeru had created. They both seemed to have the idea of taking the plants and use it against eachother somehow, and that brought the �Xhing War�. Xhing is what researchers called the poisonous plant.�

The scene suddenly took place in a mediam sized room, curtains pulled open to allow a stream of sunshine to shine through. A woman sat at a circular table, eyes set on the young girl that read a large book very slowly. The young girl stopped reading and slammed the book shut.
�I am tired of reading these same five paragraphs of our Egoiyan history everyday. Why be forced to read something you hate so dearly, mother?�
The woman�s dark brown eyes glittered mysteriously as they stared intently at the young girl. She moved her right hand through her black, silky hair and closed her eyes. �It is what your father intends you to do. You did not know what the term your father used ment. Therefore, that leads to reading this book for you to memorize it so you can answer your father�s questions correctly.� The young girl tightened her fist and grabbed hold of the large book, then through it on the ground. �I am not going to be forced to read such rubbish ever again! I don�t care about the Egoiya Government�s history! I hate governments and emperors such as my father! He can burn in the pits of hell if all I can care--�

The woman raised her hand and slapped the young girl so hard it made her fall backwards and land on her butt. �Kibiki, I shall never again hear such words come from your mouth. You know better not to speak of your father that way.� Kibiki, who appeared to be the young girl, clutched her face-cheek where it had been sore from the slap. A tear dropped down from her eye but she wiped it away as fast as she could. Her mother turned her back and walked towards the door in front of her to exit the room they both were in.
As the mother turned the handle of the door, Kibiki spoke up with an angered voice. �You hate him too. You just don�t want to show your hatred for him. You know he does not care for you as he doesn�t care for me.� The mother stood there for a moment, silent, hand gripped firmly onto the door knob. She said silently in a shaky voice, �Unlike you, I can bare with things.� The mother left the room, leaving Kibiki by herself.
Kibiki looked around the room for a bit then locked her eyes on the book she had thrown. She gave it a glare then walked over to it and picked it up. She stared at the book in disgust, flipping through the pages. After a few seconds of turning pages, she tore all the pages in half and walked over to an opened window in the corner of the room, throwing them out into the wind. �The Emperor will be angry at me, but I care not. He can give me five hundred lashes if all I care!� Kibiki barged out of the room and walked up the hallway, ignoring the Egoiya soldiers that walked passed her. Her room was at the end of the corridor through some big double doors.
When she got to her room, she dressed into her slip and crashed down onto her bed, falling asleep as head met pillow. Kibiki didn�t dislike her mother in any way, she was just angry at her mother for being so weak when it came to her Father. Kibiki�s mother was very caring and even showed that she loved Kibiki. She was the total opposite from her father. Kibiki hated her father. Her father was the emperor of the Egoiya government, Egoiya, named after him, and was believed to be crazy in the head. He wasn�t fatherly towards Kibiki at all and never showed any effection towards her. He was the same way with his wife. He treated them both as if they were ordinary people in a lower class than him. He cared about his army of ninjas (who were actually random people picked from the streets) and the war against the Chani government more than anything. That is why Kibiki hated her father and the government because if it wasn�t for the government system, her father wouldn�t be that way.

While Kibiki was sleeping, elswhere in the Egoiya estate, her mother had been wondering down the corridors when she was supposed to be in bed. The emperor was having a late night private meeting with some hired assassins. This meeting was to be unheard by anyone, including Kibiki and her mother. Kibiki�s mother hadn�t known about this meeting, for the emperor never told her anything. While she was walking down the never-ending corridor, whispers could be heard coming from a rice-paper sliding door.
She walked over to the rice-paper sliding doors and leaned against them to hear what the people were talking about. �I have decided who will be the one to assinate the Chani emperor.� The voice sounded familiar to the emperess, and it only took her a minute to figure out it was her husband.

naka dude
05-05-2003, 09:43 PM
Finally u put ur fic in here!!! ^_____^

Its very GOOD!!!!!! and FUNNY as HELL!!! XD
Keep going with the story ann ann!!!!! ^_^

go drunk dude!! heheheh hes cool! :)

congrats ann ann! ^^v

05-06-2003, 02:03 AM
�I have decided to choose my daughter for the job.� There was a long silence then a different high-pitchedvoice spoke up. �That is obscured! The princess has no experience at all!� �Azuma, I suggest you hold your tongue and lend an ear.�

The emperess clutched her mouth, shocked at the words she heard come out of Egoiya�s mouth. �I believe it would be necessary to make my daughter of usefullness. I hoped to have a son but instead got daughter. I have dreamed for a long time to have her cooperate in the acts of assination. Females have always had alot more agility than the males. Not that I�m choosing females over males, it just states that fact in the books.� �I thought you would have made me assinate governor Chani! I feel insulted having a fifteen year old girl be chosen over somebody who has eighteen years of experience like me!� �You will get over it, Azuma.�
The emperess wasn�t paying that much attention to the weight she was pressing up against the weak sliding door. The sliding door couldn�t stand up much longer and she crashed through it, falling on the ground. She did not want to look up in everyone�s faces, but she was forced to because Egoiya grabbed her hair by his hand, raising her up on the two feet she had.
�What�s this?� The emperess did not dare look into her husband�s eyes for she had not the courage to do so. Egoiya threw her into the corridor�s walls and faced her, back to everyone. �I thought you knew better. You are disgraceful.� The empress tried to avoid in looking at his eyes and looked down at the ground instead.
Egoiya grabbed her chin and forced her to look at his face. �I will meet you in our room for I must finish this meeting.� She knodded her head nervously and ran down the corridors to the left as son as Egoiya let her go.
Tears streamed down her eyes as she crashed into her room, landing face down onto her bed. She knew she had done something horrible and was worried about the punishment she would be given as soon as Egoiya returned.

After a terrible nightmare, Kibiki woke up all sweaty, heart beating furiously. She had one of those dreams where it was impossible to escape from the enemy as they came closer and closer. She sprang from her bed and walked over to her window to see if the sun would be rising. It was still night time, so she decided to go back to sleep.
Before she could get comfortable, she was startled by a scratching noise she heard outside her bedroom door. Sweat drops started to tingle down her neck as she remembered the dream she had. She turned the knob slowly and opened the door, and to her surprise it was one of the palace cats that roamed around near the slave chambers. The cat wasn�t supposed to be roaming around at this time so she decided to put it back in its cage down near the chambers.
Attempting to grab hold of it, the cat ran away from her down the corridors. �Stupid feline...� She tried running after it but it was too fast for her. She lost sight of it and gave up but as soon as she gave up she heard faint talking coming from somewhere. It was coming from the corridor down to her right. She turned and headed for that direction. Her parents were most likely awake because it was coming from their bedroom.
She traveled down the corridor a little further down until she came across the cat again. �Now I got you..� She reached for the cat, but it dodged her once again. It ran towards Kibiki�s parent�s room, creating alot of racket. Kibiki decided to tell the truth to her parents and say she tried to catch the cat and put it back in its cage.
The cat had crawled underneath the sliding door through the space, so Kibiki had to walk inside. Before she made up her mind to open the door, she heard a weird chopping noise inside the room. She hesitated for a bit then opened the sliding door.

Before she could step one foot into the room, her face went cold and the blood burned within her body. There in front of her eyes, was Egoiya crouching on the ground holding the delecate body of her bloodied up mother. She took a step backwards, surprised she could hardly move at all. The man standing there in front of her was not her father but a mad man stained with the blood of a beautiful rose that once bloomed.

end prologue.

05-06-2003, 04:46 AM
*cracks neck*
damnit my neck...and eyes....and back...
oh on to the response.....
i've gotta say that so first the story is flowing pretty well
ya gave a bit of intro for setting and moved on to the main part...
i've gotta admit that some parts kind of made me read twice, not because it was wrong in any sort just was odd how you wrote it....all and all i think you've got something going here and i hope you'll continue the story.....ok ann doll

only thing i don't like is your grammer...ya know how i am though...:P

Bahamut ZERO
05-06-2003, 11:56 AM
Awesome stuff Ann. The story flows well, and has done a good job in once again building up the background for the characters involved.

The man standing there in front of her was not her father but a mad man stained with the blood of a beautiful rose that once bloomed.

That line rules on so many different levels, it's awe inspiring. Keep this up. Practice only improves how well you write.