Nostalgia gamer
10-31-2011, 02:54 PM
Why do people ignore this game? and even shun it?

I know it has some cute stuff,but i like it quite a bit,and think that it was refreshing from the ultra realistic games that came before it.

Why does anyone think FF9 was "good"? - Nonstop Gaming - General - LurkerFAQs (

I look at this thread on the internet,and i scratch my head thinking:Some of these people seem to criticize it too much.
I mean generic? If you can remember the characters:Vivi zidane quina marco blanc cid(frog guy) eiko dagger who was really garnet.
freya amarant steiner beatrix and queen brahne.

While i didn't like all the characters,i did like marco blank steiner and beatrix vivi and brahne as characters.
I especially found it funny when vivi auto trances when he encounters waltz who did something to his kin.It was also really cool because it was like:Vivi:Now i'm really mad.

FF9 is a dedication to old schoolers,and it does a really good job.

10-31-2011, 05:38 PM
I have to agree with you there Nostalgia gamer. In my opinion, IX is the best FF game, probably because it was the first FF game I played. I seriously think it is very under rated. There's nothing I disliked about the game, other than the ending =.= The storyline wasn't as good as other FFs but not bad.

I liked the diversity of the characters and I especially liked the battle systems, weapons synthesis and weapon skills. Every character was unique (unlike FF8, 10, 12, 13, forgot about 7, don't know the rest), Zidane was the only who could 'Steal' (if I'm not mistaken), Garnet was the only one who could summon certain eidolons, Vivi's black magic and so on. I really miss the Moogles and Chocobo Paradise!!

To top it off are the soundtracks of FF IX. I really do not get it when most people say FF VII has the best soundtracks. Sure it has some nice ones such as One Winged Angel and a few more but overall FF IX is the best for me. I still remember the bgm where Zidane crashed into the forest after kidnapping Garnet, then the Ice Cavern, the Village Dali, Treno city, Lindblum city, Terra, Bran Bal, Secret Library Daguerro, "You're not Alone", just to name a few! I would never forget the bgm during open world roaming (Crossing Those Hills), that was the best! And honestly speaking, FF IX has the best Chocobo themes! Not a single doubt about it!

Having said all that, I like all the FF soundtracks from 7 to 10-2, they're all classic! I just like 9 more than the rest. For FF 10-2 onwards (didn't play FF 11 so I wouldn't know), did they have soundtracks? I don't remember cause they are at the least memorable. It's a shame though. But then again, these are just my opinions so you don't have to take them too seriously.

Nostalgia gamer
10-31-2011, 06:48 PM
I have to agree with you there Nostalgia gamer. In my opinion, IX is the best FF game, probably because it was the first FF game I played. I seriously think it is very under rated. There's nothing I disliked about the game, other than the ending =.= The storyline wasn't as good as other FFs but not bad.

I dunno,i liked the characters in ff9 more than ff7.
I found characters like blank marco cinna with his hideous face and his jokes,involving.
I even liked freya cause you had that backstory of what happened to cleyra and burmecia which made you feel sorry for her.
Rpg games aren't meant to always take themselves serious,they are fantasy for a reason.
FF9 was a tribute to ff1-ff6,and it was one of the last ff games i really enjoyed.

I liked the diversity of the characters and I especially liked the battle systems, weapons synthesis and weapon skills. Every character was unique (unlike FF8, 10, 12, 13, forgot about 7, don't know the rest), Zidane was the only who could 'Steal' (if I'm not mistaken), Garnet was the only one who could summon certain eidolons, Vivi's black magic and so on. I really miss the Moogles and Chocobo Paradise!!

Some people keep complaining,that FF9 and ff4 and ff1 have an extremely rigid system,but they also make characters unique rather than all exactly the same.FF4 ff6 and ff9 have characters who have unique abilities that they are better with,rather than have every character the same.I kinda like that system,because it means that not every character is exactly the same.I do however also like being able to make a character the way i want too.I also thought that wearing weapons and learning abilities was clever as well.It sort of reminded me of the way you learn abilities via esper system in ff6.You equip a piece of gear/esper and learn a spell or ability.Difference is:not every class can learn every ability and completely eliminate the need for classes.

To top it off are the soundtracks of FF IX. I really do not get it when most people say FF VII has the best soundtracks. Sure it has some nice ones such as One Winged Angel and a few more but overall FF IX is the best for me. I still remember the bgm where Zidane crashed into the forest after kidnapping Garnet, then the Ice Cavern, the Village Dali, Treno city, Lindblum city, Terra, Bran Bal, Secret Library Daguerro, "You're not Alone", just to name a few! I would never forget the bgm during open world roaming (Crossing Those Hills), that was the best! And honestly speaking, FF IX has the best Chocobo themes! Not a single doubt about it!

FF9 has classic tunes,as does ff4.Some of my favorite tunes come from:FF4 FF9 and ff6
I do have a lot of tunes as well from crisis core which i adore.I like the heavy metal tunes as well,but i like sweeping melodies a lot as well.ff6 ff4 and ff9 have a lot of those,and FFX has a few that i like as well.I also can't help listen to kuja's theme once in a while which sounds like we will rock you.Its actually one of the best boss themes i've heard.

Having said all that, I like all the FF soundtracks from 7 to 10-2, they're all classic! I just like 9 more than the rest. For FF 10-2 onwards (didn't play FF 11 so I wouldn't know), did they have soundtracks? I don't remember cause they are at the least memorable. It's a shame though. But then again, these are just my opinions so you don't have to take them too seriously.

My favorite ff in order:FF6 ff4 ff tactics and ff9.
I have a special place for ff1 in my heart too,because it was my first final fantasy game i ever played,but i know that it isn't the best game in terms of story.One of these days when i finish ff tactics and FFXIII,i'l return to FF9 to see if i can finally get all the chocobo treasures and secret boss.

I can't help myself sometimes.Sometimes i feel like i love ff4 more than ff6,and sometimes i love ff6 more than ff4.I have this special connection with cecil and rosa and kain that is strong.And ff tactics:I really like delita and ramza,and hate algus and wiegraf and that damned priest who turns into the first big boss.Its the kind of hatred i had only reserved for kefka,but i felt it strongly for algus.

11-09-2011, 02:32 AM
They made this thread below haha, "Most Ignored Final Fantasy?" I wont post anything here because I raged too much in the thread below, but this was one of my favorite final fantasies.

Nostalgia gamer
11-09-2011, 12:07 PM
The problem i think,is games like ff7,ff8 and FFX overshadow games like ff4 ff6 and ff9.
Modern fans seem to ignore the below numbers more often,and ff9 because,a lot of people started with ff7 and ff8.
At least ff7 didn't have that stupid card game,with rules that are ridiculous.

11-11-2011, 01:54 AM
I dont see how 8 could EVER overshadow ff9.

Nostalgia gamer
11-12-2011, 10:00 PM
ff8 is one of those games that gets a lot of love/hate.

Its just one of those games with extreme mixed reviews.

11-15-2011, 07:14 PM
I have a particular aversion to gunblades

11-23-2011, 02:55 AM
Completely agree, its over shadowed by FFVII's storyline and FFVIII's Romance.

12-10-2011, 09:06 PM
I have heard several people complain that it was unoriginal in the sense that Square utilized a lot of themes from older titles. As one anonymous hater put it "it's a god-awful mash of the pre FF VII titles in one package." That said however, I think that's why I appreciated the game so much. They took stuff from the older titles and gave them a modern (at that time anyway) tweaking.

I suppose to put it another way, I felt like I was playing a more nostalgic title just with a refreshing story and cast. Also, the musical score was BRILLIANT!

02-23-2012, 11:54 PM
I think one of the reasons that FFIX gets overlooked so much is that the Final Fantasy series didn't really become popular in the West until FFVII... so when FFIX "returned to its Medieval fantasy roots", it made no sense for a lot of FF players who got in because of FFVII/VIII and couldn't fathom a FF games not set in the modern age lol.

03-31-2012, 12:40 AM
I dont see how 8 could EVER overshadow ff9.

Ugh.. FF8 is my favorite FF for many reasons.
But, imo, 9 and 8 cannot be compared. They are TOTALLY different on all fronts.

I absolutely loved 9 to bits too, I loved the whole fairytale-ness of it.
And 8 was more straight reality. Yes, no comparison-material.

05-09-2012, 12:23 AM
FFIX is one of my favourite of the games along with VIII and X. I don't know why other people don't like it. To be fair though, I think VIII is more heavily hated on than IX, generally I find most people like IX because of the throwbacks to the previous games which is kind of charming (though I can't appreciate them since I've only played VII and upwards). I love the characters and the places on the game, it's a simple battle system but it's nice and cool how you teach abilities to the characters and I love the story which is what I play for first and foremost.


05-11-2012, 11:59 PM
I love final fantasy ix, it's possibly my favorite ff game. But one thing I will add to this is that there were no multiple hit attacks or ones dealt more damage than 9999 like there were in the other ff games.

But yeah I agree this game is apparently shadowed beacuse of it's medieval theme while ffvii and ffviii are modernish.

05-16-2012, 06:30 AM
IV and VI are two of the most popular and loved FF titles, and they have medieval settings too, so I think people just have double standards sometimes >.< Sucks to be them, cuz they may never understand what they're missing out on :)