G Unit
05-03-2003, 10:56 PM
So whats all your best times for completing the game in and how many times have you done it? Well my 'best' not that i was tryin was like 70 hours with nearly everything done and i ve completed it only twice:P

A feel this thread has been done before but im bored n most places are deed so......yeah

05-04-2003, 02:43 PM

05-05-2003, 03:56 PM
my best time is the first, 56 someodd hours. that game is around 120-130 hours now.

05-05-2003, 11:24 PM
Best time: around 7:07:10 on the clock to make it to near the bottom of the Northern Cave. Look through the archives if you want to see the whole brew-ha-ha about that. Oh and, BTW, that was on the PC version and I know for a fact that my clock ran slow on that, so it was probably actually more like about 14 hours or so in reality, but still, not bad.

G Unit
05-06-2003, 11:45 PM
I started a new game like 6 months ago and just went bak to it and became bery confsued:S ive played for bout 19 hours, my party are all lvl 40:D and im in temple of the ancients at one of the wee purple people where u can save u r game, i have no idea where to go.....o well game faqs here i cum.....

05-07-2003, 03:46 AM
Okay, yeah, don't let the Temple of the Ancients freak you out. It can be confusing, but it's also a really cool place once you get going. I'd definitely recommend looking at that walkthrough, most of the better ones should be able to clearly direct you to where you need to go. Also, try hitting the "Select" button to turn on the location indicators. That'll also help out. (If you're playing the PC version, I don't remember what button it is. I think the "delete" key on the numpad, but I'm not sure.)

05-07-2003, 08:16 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">My best time is about 28 hours when I played a no unnecessary EXP challenge, that is, where you can only gain EXP from set battles and nothing else. I think the real time there would be about 23-24 hours because I kinda lost concentration during the lifestream part and left the game unplayed and unpaused but turned on for a couple of hours. :p

And I've completed the game about 5-6 times, and definitely started many more new games than that which never got completed. And apart from that one game, my game times have always been 99:59:59. :o