10-29-2011, 10:20 PM
It would be great if some one ripped the background music from the English versian of Digimon. I would appreciate that.

10-30-2011, 11:29 PM
Thread 94117

11-07-2011, 01:30 AM
I'm not asking for the movie score

11-07-2011, 05:19 AM
Yeah. I second request this as well. Would love to hear music from season 1 & 2.

11-07-2011, 10:20 PM
I'm not asking for the movie score

Oh, but you are, you really are. You see, season 2 uses ONLY the score from the movie. Season 1 was a mishmash of originla material and stuff pulled from other Saban shows. This is the only other track:

digi-Optimistic.mp3 (

It originates in Princess Sissi but was reused in Season 1.

11-08-2011, 02:30 AM
Ggctuk2005, what are the songs that are used at the beginning of the episodes for like the prologue part? I would really love that bgm.

11-13-2011, 08:07 PM
I have no idea. I'm just going by what I've been told, given or found. You're really lucky to have even those twelve extra tracks - I wasn't going to share them out like this, but somebody took the decision away from me.

12-01-2011, 03:48 AM
It would be really cool to hear the background music from the English version of Digimon Frontier

12-03-2011, 10:35 AM
Along with that, Tamers should have a nice collection of music too, I think the show shares music from the first two, but, man oh man, a Digimon Tamers US CD would be awesome.

12-03-2011, 09:50 PM
Tamers did share the music that Adventure 02 used, up to a certain point (I think about 2/3 in they started using original music instead).

11-06-2014, 11:46 AM
I take back my earlier statement. Season 2 uses music from a lot of Saban productions, but as well as this, it did use music from the movie, and it did have some unique music which I believe was scored at the same time.

If anybody's interested in tracking down the film's music, here's a tracklist:

1 (1m41s)
2 (1m20s)
3 (1m33s)
4 (57s)
5 (1m21s)
6 (1m30s)
7 (1m45s)
8 (47s)
9 (1m10s)
10 (41s)
11 (32s)
12 (52s)
13 (51s)
14 (54s)
15 (28s)
16 (1m8s)
17 (48s)
18 (21s)
19 (1m27s)
20 (1m3s)
21 (1m56s)
22 (1m6s)
23 (1m57s)
24 (42s)
25 (2m5s)
26 (2m48s)
27 (33s)
28 (41s)
29 (54s)
30 (1m40s)
31 (30s)
32 (23s)
33 (42s)
34 (1m11s)
35 (1m1s)
36 (1m4s)
37 (1m49s)
38 (1m18s)
39 (1m19s)
40 (47s)
41 (37s)
42 (56s)
43 (44s)
44 (24s)
45 (1m0s)
46 (1m19s)
47 (45s)
48 (1m2s)
49 (20s)
50 (1m6s)

11-25-2014, 12:09 AM
Someone uploaded 13 OST Tracks to 8Tracks ( There's no download links but someone could probably find the resources in the code and make it more widely available, right?

11-25-2014, 07:57 AM
Someone uploaded 13 OST Tracks to 8Tracks ( There's no download links but someone could probably find the resources in the code and make it more widely available, right?

That's not exactly from Digimon, though those are used in Digimon. They're from Masked Rider. That was found here last time I checked:

Thread 137736

It's also on Udi Harpaz's website IIRC.

11-25-2014, 10:36 PM
That's not exactly from Digimon, though those are used in Digimon. They're from Masked Rider. That was found here last time I checked:

Thread 137736

It's also on Udi Harpaz's website IIRC.

They are, essentially, part of the dub soundtrack, even if they're borrowed from Masked Rider.
The Masked Rider thread offers only broken links, and Udi's website is rather lacking in download options.