05-02-2003, 11:20 PM
anyways... i showed sander this..... wallpaper ()
and he said it was boring.. so out of curiousity... i just played around with ps7 until i got this ()

what do you think?

05-13-2003, 08:43 PM
To tell you th truth I think I like the first one better o.O
How unfortunate it is that there aren't a lot more FF VI CGIs.
Ayway, the first one is like the images that I used to do, I would blend them together with paintshop by using a white brush on a white background. The problem with this (which took me about 6 months to be told about, thank you krelian.) is that it usually leaves the wallpaper/sig in a state of boringness. Really one of the best things for a wallpaper/sig is a great background. As long as you make sure that is doesn't become the main focus of the art, so maybe blur it a lil' or something like that.
I think if you made a cool background using some more pics from FFIII and mixed them together using different techniques on each image and then something to link them all to each other, you could really make soemthing amazing. Just go for it, in the words of someone who I had some disputes with o.O, dun "be afraid to fuck around with it."
The second one has some potential, but you can no longer tell what the images are, which USUALLY isn't good. Try to make them a little mor disinguishable and use more than one color for the background.
Good but they need more exciting backgrounds...
So there's my two cents.

06-04-2003, 02:50 AM
heres some hand drawings
i horrible at living things but i like drawing 3D images
fire tattoos also come easy to me... so if you need a fire tattoo... just come to me... XD

56kers beware... this images are 1600 X 1200 pixels big
click here (

06-04-2003, 04:31 AM
That fire kicks ass...
Cool, I'm about the opposite as far as drawing skills go, I'm terrible with colors, and I dun even know which end of a brush to paint with.
It's good to know someone understands this color fad..