10-20-2011, 05:27 PM

Well, I took it upon myself to make a game rip, because I love this game's music and I didn't find any rips of it online.

Right now they're raw, with no track names and they're all out of order. I'm hoping someone can help me tag them.
I would, but I haven't beaten the game yet, so I don't know what all the songs are.

Also, I'd appreciate it if someone made mirrors. It's a pretty big file, so I don't know where else to upload it.

Download is here (http://leo.wetfish.net/Sounds/SO3EE9.rar)!

WAV Downloads:
Part 1 (http://www.multiupload.com/XJOAM09W4F)
Part 2 (http://www.multiupload.com/28GIZD9UIG)
Part 3 (http://www.multiupload.com/HUGWBURUE9)
Part 4 (http://www.multiupload.com/ILJAF61Z66)

10-20-2011, 08:13 PM
I'm no stranger to ripping RF music (Thread 83385) [/shamelessselfpromotion], so I'll gladly help as much as I can. Of course, I don't actually have RFTOD (I plan on getting it, but there are so many other games coming out soon and I don't have the money for all of them), but I didn't have RFF either [/moreshamelessselfpromotion].

One of my friends also happens to be an RF fan, and he's been playing RFTOD since it came out, so I'll send him the link too.

I really hate to bother you, but if you have the time later, could you please upload the original WAVs/AIFs? It's really better to work with these sorts of things with the source files, so that the quality isn't accidentally lowered. The resulting file will be huge, so it's completely reasonable not to want to/be able to. If you can't, I can probably find an ISO and rip the music myself.

Also, the composer was most likely Tomoko Morita. She's been doing the music for all of the RFs so far, and I don't think they changed composers.

10-20-2011, 09:58 PM
Do Harvest Moon/Rune Factory games usually release soundtracks?

10-21-2011, 12:24 AM
I'm no stranger to ripping RF music (Thread 83385) [/shamelessselfpromotion], so I'll gladly help as much as I can. Of course, I don't actually have RFTOD (I plan on getting it, but there are so many other games coming out soon and I don't have the money for all of them), but I didn't have RFF either [/moreshamelessselfpromotion].

One of my friends also happens to be an RF fan, and he's been playing RFTOD since it came out, so I'll send him the link too.

I really hate to bother you, but if you have the time later, could you please upload the original WAVs/AIFs? It's really better to work with these sorts of things with the source files, so that the quality isn't accidentally lowered. The resulting file will be huge, so it's completely reasonable not to want to/be able to. If you can't, I can probably find an ISO and rip the music myself.

Also, the composer was most likely Tomoko Morita. She's been doing the music for all of the RFs so far, and I don't think they changed composers.

Haha, I actually downloaded your rip of Frontier this morning because the one I had was untagged!

Sure, I'll upload the .wavs to somewhere. It'll take some time, though, because I'll have to split the files into multiple archives (a friend of mine is hosting the FTP onto which I uploaded the MP3 rip, so I don't think I can upload the massive .rar on there) and upload them too.

As to who the composer is; my copy of ToD (PS3 version) doesn't have credits at all. The manual ends with a page on how the market works in-game and another page with a limited warranty. I wonder if the Wii version has credits. My copy of Frontier has credits, so maybe! Though it's very likely that Tomoko Morita did the composing this time as well.

Do Harvest Moon/Rune Factory games usually release soundtracks?

As far as I know, only the first two have had actual releases.

10-21-2011, 12:36 AM
Haha, I actually downloaded your rip of Frontier this morning because the one I had was untagged!

Sure, I'll upload the .wavs to somewhere. It'll take some time, though, because I'll have to split the files into multiple archives (a friend of mine is hosting the FTP onto which I uploaded the MP3 rip, so I don't think I can upload the massive .rar on there) and upload them too.

As to who the composer is; my copy of ToD (PS3 version) doesn't have credits at all. The manual ends with a page on how the market works in-game and another page with a limited warranty. I wonder if the Wii version has credits. My copy of Frontier has credits, so maybe! Though it's very likely that Tomoko Morita did the composing this time as well.

As far as I know, only the first two have had actual releases.

Thanks! And apparently Tomoko's credited in the drama CD, if that helps any. And yep, only the first two got official soundtracks.

10-21-2011, 03:34 PM
Alright, I've ripped the .wavs and the resulting file is 4~ GBs. I've compressed them to 2 GBs split in 4 files.

I've uploaded the first one, and I'll keep uploading the rest throughout today!

10-21-2011, 03:47 PM
Thanks again.

10-22-2011, 02:59 AM
Alright, all links to the WAV files are up! Hopefully we can get to tagging soon~

10-23-2011, 04:10 AM
This is amazing. Thank you!

10-24-2011, 03:37 AM
New Songs
BGM_011_aif.wav - Daily Life (MOST LIKELY BUT NOT %100 SURE)
BGM_035_mix2_aif.wav - Earth Spirit Shrine
BGM_022_aif.wav - Fall Island
BGM_012_aif.wav - Family Life (MOST LIKELY BUT NOT %100 SURE)
BGM_016_LowCut_aif.wav - Fenith Island (MOST LIKELY BUT NOT %100 SURE, POSSIBLY SPRING THEME)
BGM_088_aif.wav - Fire Spirit Shrine
BGM_010_32k_aif.wav - Goodnight
BGM_007_32_aif.wav - Heavy Rain
BGM_40_short_aif.wav - Kross' Theme
BGM_28_aif.wav - Melody & Selphy's Event Bosses
BGM_003_32k_aif.wav - Night
BGM_005ambient_aif.wav - Ocean Ambience
BGM_042_mix_aif.wav - Song of Blessing
BGM_021_aif.wav - Spring Island
BGM_009_32k_aif.wav - Storm
BGM_025_aif.wav - Summer Island
BGM_018_1_aif.wav - The Spirit Song (Instrumental/Short)
BGM_018_aif.wav - The Spirit Song (Instrumental)
BGM_001_mix_aif.wav - Tides of Destiny
BGM_089_aif.wav - Water Spirit Shrine
BGM_046_LowCut_wav.wav - Wedding
BGM_090_aif.wav - Wind Spirit Shrine
BGM_024_aif.wav - Winter Island

RFF Songs
BGM_06_aif.wav - RFF - Autumn
BGM_26_aif.wav - RFF - By the Ocean
BGM_71_aif.wav - RFF - Candy's Song (Short)
BGM_20_aif.wav - RFF - Clock Tower
BGM_15_aif.wav - RFF - Daily Life
BGM_21_aif.wav - RFF - De Sainte Coquille
BGM_81_aif.wav - RFF - Ending I
BGM_16_aif.wav - RFF - Family Life
BGM_62_aif.wav - RFF - Green Ruins
BGM_65_aif.wav - RFF - Green Ruins Boss
BGM_63_LowCut_aif.wav - RFF - Lava Ruins
BGM_66_aif.wav - RFF - Lava Ruins Boss
BGM_25_aif.wav - RFF - Sadness
BGM_64_aif.wav - RFF - Snow Ruins
BGM_67_aif.wav - RFF - Snow Ruins Boss
BGM_008_32k_aif.wav - RFF - Snowy Day
BGM_04_aif.wav - RFF - Spring
BGM_04_short_aif.wav - RFF - Spring (Short)
BGM_05_aif.wav - RFF - Summer
BGM_23_aif.wav - RFF - To You
BGM_13_aif.wav - RFF - Trampoli Square
BGM_60_aif.wav - RFF - Whale Island - Outside
BGM_68_aif.wav - RFF - Whale Island Boss
BGM_07_aif.wav - RFF - Winter

Unidentified Songs

Huge thanks to this guy (www.youtube.com/user/AkieAutumn98) for uploading a lot of the tracks to YouTube and giving them titles.

10-24-2011, 06:57 AM
The file structure for them is really weird... it's split up and I think it has some duplicates in both folders.
And yeah, it has some tracks from Frontier for some reason...

ALSO, I have the opening songs from the game, but instead of being the shortened versions from the game, they're full-length.
The songs appear to be encoded into the intro cutscenes, and do not show up in the ripped files.

Should we include the shortened versions or the full-length versions?

BTW, I'm speaking in plural because there are two openings: one for the male MC and one for the female MC.

10-24-2011, 07:09 AM
Both, I guess. The short versions could be at the beginning when we put them in order, and the full versions could be at the end. Could you please upload the WAVs for them too when you get the time?

Also, in order to find the duplicates, I made a new folder, copied the stuff from BGM1, then copied everything from BGM2 over, not letting it overwrite anything, so there's one folder with everything that isn't a duplicate.

10-24-2011, 07:16 AM
Alright. The .wavs will be transcodes, though, because the official openings aren't lossless (they're 320 kbps) and the shortened ones are obviously compressed in the fmvs. I could look for a lossless rip of the official full-length openings, though... but I don't think it will be easy. It was hard enough getting the 320 kbps copy, lol.

10-24-2011, 07:19 AM
Nevermind about the full ones, then, unless I can find a lossless rip. I used the short version ripped from the video for the RFF rip, so that should be fine for the short versions with this.

10-24-2011, 07:22 AM
I'll get the short versions to you in a bit, then!

10-24-2011, 07:49 AM
Thanks a bunch! Also, what should we do about the RFF music? Cut or keep? Part of me wants to keep it all for completion, but the other half of me wants to cut the ones that aren't actually used in-game.

10-24-2011, 08:00 AM
Hmm... I think we'd be better off cutting the ones that aren't actually used in-game. We'd save a bit of space and it's a lot more convenient.

We can link to the full RFF rip when we're done in case people want the cut tracks, too!

Also, here (http://www.multiupload.com/1NAN2OXLFY) are the openings.

"MOVIE_01_01.wav" is titled 'Let This Reach You', and "MOVIE_01_02.wav" is titled 'Laugh'. Both are sung by CHI-KA.

10-24-2011, 08:07 AM
Alrighty, once anybody that wants to help out knows what songs play and what don't, they can probably tell us.

Also, singing to the instrumental Spirit Song is addictive.

10-24-2011, 09:23 AM
LOL, yeah, it is.

And, should I add something to the first post saying we need help with the tagging and sorting?

10-24-2011, 10:11 AM
That'd probably be a good idea.

Also, is there an ending video on the disc? I know there was one for RFF, and that's where I got Ending II from.

10-24-2011, 11:12 AM
Alright, nearly 50 songs done! And with all of the tracks from RFF out of the way, we can focus on the main part of this.

10-24-2011, 01:36 PM

10-25-2011, 04:03 PM
BGM_013_aif.wav - festival theme
BGM_014_mix_aif - inn - night
BGM_017_LowCut_aif - fenith island - evening
BGM_034_aif - some desert island can't remember the name
BGM_036_aif - golem battle theme
BGM_037_aif - boss battle theme (boss theme of the earth shrine boss?)
BGM_047_aif - fishing theme
BGM_048_aif - there's a fish biting! / theme of embarrassment (?)
BGM_65_aif - boss theme from previous rune factorys
BGM_069_aif - marriage candidate event theme
BGM_071_aif - panic theme
BGM_074_aif - comedic theme
BGM_091_aif - golem overhead movement theme

sorry, that's all i can give at the moment, barely any exact names there. :/ great work on this though! looking forward to the fully labelled rip. :D

10-28-2011, 07:15 AM
I'll look through the files to see if I can find an ending video!

Also, thanks for all the help tagging and whatnot!

10-29-2011, 04:24 PM
Thank you very much for doing this LeonardoGolden! I really appreciate this :) I also love the music and I'll be getting the game ASAP as well!

10-31-2011, 03:17 AM
BGM_028_LowCut_EQ_aif.wav - Raising an Island
BGM_032_aif.wav - Temporary Island 1 (sorry, best name I could think of) BGM_034_aif being Temporary Island 2
BGM_041_aif.wav - Boss Battle 2 (used against Asmodeus, and possibly others too, but I haven't gotten that far)
BGM_045_aif.wav (this plays during certain friendship scenes. I believe it ought to be something along the lines of 'Happiness')
BGM_049_aif.wav - Goblin Pirate Theme (although it also plays during the warrior festival)
BGM_050_aif.wav (also plays during certain friendship scenes, usually when something silly is happening. 'Strange People', perhaps?)
BGM_051_aif.wav (also plays in friendship scenes. Really wouldn't know what to call this one, though).
BGM_052_aif.wav - Ymir Gets an Upgrade (plays when you change his head)
BGM_054_LowCut_aif.wav - Rune Factory Tides of Destiny (title theme again, but this time used in-game)
BGM_055_aif.wav - Spirit Song ~ Odette & Violet
BGM_056_aif.wav - Spirit Song ~ Odette
BGM_057_aif.wav - Spirit Song 2 ~ Masked Man
BGM_058_aif.wav (seems to be duplicate of 57)
BGM_059_aif.wav - Spirit Song 2 ~ Masked Man & Lily
BGM_069_aif.wav (plays, again, during friendship scenes. 'Friendly Meeting', perhaps?)
BGM_070_aif.wav - Sadness
BGM_071_aif.wav (plays when something bad is about to happen. 'Dark Omens', perhaps?)
BGM_073_aif.wav (I can't decide whether this should be 'A Jewel is Broken' or 'Masked Man')
BGM_078_aif.wav - Spirit Song 2 ~ Lily (if only I had proper names for these two spirit songs)
BGM_094_aif.wav - Boss Room
BGM_095_aif.wav - Spirit Song 2 ~ Masked Man & Lily (this is the version where Lily starts mid-way)
BGM_098_LowCut2_aif.wav - Coliseum

Hope that helps, and I should be able to name more as I progress further in the game.

EDIT: Worked out a few more:

BGM_015_mix_aif.wav - Dragon Shrine
BGM_029_aif.wav - A Flash of Light (plays during movie of same name)
BGM_030_aif.wav - Birth of Earth Giant (plays during movie of same name)
BGM_076_short_aif.wav - A Sealing Released (plays during movie of same name)
BGM_096_aif.wav - Ocean Battle ~ Finish

10-31-2011, 02:22 PM
BGM_071_aif.wav could be 'suspense'. :D

got a few more:

BGM_015_mix_aif - dragon shrine
BGM_18_short_aif - RFF - Bathhouse? (From what I've seen from various RFF videos. lily plays this in the inn at night)
BGM_23_aif - RFF - Fall
BGM_25_aif - RFF - Winter

Also, the reason for the copious amounts of RFF music in this game is that when you speak to either Tabatha, Candy, or Anette (from summer Y1 on) all the BGMs in the game change to RFF music, from the town, to your house, to the inn at night, to the seasonal farming islands and everything. But only for one day.

11-01-2011, 05:01 PM
Got a couple more:

BGM_093_aif.wav - Introduction
BGM_019_wav.wav - The Pride of a Goblin Captain

EDIT: And one more:
BGM_002_test_wav.wav - End Credits

11-02-2011, 09:03 AM
Aaaaaa, thanks for helping, everyone!

I looked at the video files in the disc, and though there's an ending theme, it's mixed in with a cutscene and thus has someone else singing at the beginning (some important song from the game).

Not to worry, though! The song is in CHI-KA's CD, and since the game uses the full version, we can just use the version from the CD.
The only downside is that it's not lossless. As I've mentioned before, the highest quality version of the CD on the internet is 320 kbps, so that'll probably be the only transcode in the finished rip. For the MP3 version, it would just stay the same quality.

The track is called Sweetmoon, and you can get it here (http://www.multiupload.com/M1ZWW9MJHY)!
I've erased all the tags so it'll be easier to work with when it's incorporated in the finished, tagged product.

Thanks so much for the help, everyone!!

EDIT: Wow, way to look at the post before you, me! Yes, that's the ending theme, but as I said, it's not completely clean. I'd strongly suggest going for the clean version from the CD.

11-02-2011, 03:02 PM
I don't have much free time during the week, so I'll get to tagging stuff up/updating my post this weekend.

11-03-2011, 12:11 AM
How many more tracks do you need to identify?
I've worked out what all of them are, and have given them names for my own usage (although some could perhaps use a little work), so I can give you more names if you need them.

11-03-2011, 09:41 PM
If you've worked out what they all are, could you please post your names? It'd be a godsend.

11-04-2011, 02:02 AM
I'm afraid I deleted the environmental effects tracks (do I really want to be listening to 5 minutes of driving rain?), but I can give you names for all of the actual musical tracks:
BGM_001_mix_aif - Tides of Destiny
BGM_002_test_wav - End Credits
BGM_04_aif - RFF ~ Spring
BGM_04_short_aif - RFF ~ Spring (Short)
BGM_05_aif - RFF ~ Summer
BGM_06_aif - RFF ~ Fall
BGM_07_aif - RFF ~ Winter
BGM_008_32k_aif - Snowy Day
BGM_010_32k_aif - Time for Bed
BGM_011_aif - Daily Life
BGM_012_aif - Family Life
BGM_013_aif - Festival
BGM_13_aif - RFF ~ Trampoli Square
BGM_014_mix_aif - Three Sisters Inn
BGM_15_aif - RFF ~ Daily Life
BGM_015_mix_aif - Dragon Shrine
BGM_016_LowCut_aif - Fenith Island
BGM_017_LowCut_aif - Fenith Island ~ Night
BGM_16_aif - RFF ~ Family Life
BGM_018_1_aif - RFF ~ Spirit Song (Short)
BGM_018_aif - Two Minds, One Body
BGM_18_short_aif - RFF ~ Business District Building (Short)
BGM_019_wav - The Pride of a Goblin Captain
BGM_20_aif - RFF ~ Clock Tower
BGM_021_aif - Spring Island
BGM_21_aif - Tabatha's Theme/RFF ~ De Sainte Coquille
BGM_022_aif - Fall Island
BGM_23_aif - RFF ~ To You
BGM_024_aif - Winter Island
BGM_025_aif - Summer Island
BGM_25_aif - Resolve
BGM_26_aif -Candy's Theme/RFF ~ By the Ocean
BGM_28_aif - Pinch
BGM_028_LowCut_EQ_aif - Raising an Island
BGM_029_aif - A Flash of Light
BGM_030_aif - Birth of Earth Giant
BGM_032_aif - Temporary Island 1
BGM_034_aif - Temporary Island 2
BGM_035_mix2_aif - Earth Spirit Shrine
BGM_036_aif - Ocean Battle
BGM_037_aif - Boss Battle
BGM_40_short_aif - RFF ~ Kross' Theme (Short)
BGM_041_aif - Boss Battle ~ Asmodeus
BGM_042_mix_aif - Song of Blessing
BGM_043_aif - Masked Man ~ Final Battle
BGM_045_aif - Happiness
BGM_046_LowCut_wav - Wedding
BGM_047_aif - Fishing
BGM_048_aif - Something's Biting!
BGM_049_aif - Goblin Pirate Gang
BGM_050_aif - Strange People
BGM_051_aif - Oh Dear... (var.)
BGM_052_aif - Ymit Gets an Upgrade
BGM_054_LowCut_aif - Tides of Destiny (In-Game)
BGM_055_aif - Spirit Song ~ Odette & Violet
BGM_056_aif - Spirit Song ~ Odette
BGM_057_aif - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man
BGM_058_aif - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man (identical to above)
BGM_059_aif - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man & Lily (Full)
BGM_060_aif - Spirit Song ~ Three Sisters
BGM_60_aif - RFF ~ Whale Island Outside
BGM_061_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Instrumental
BGM_062_2_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Modern
BGM_62_aif - RFF ~ Green Ruins
BGM_063_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Ancient
BGM_63_LowCut_aif - RFF ~ Lava Ruins
BGM_064_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Lily
BGM_64_aif - RFF ~ Snow Ruins
BGM_065_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Odette
BGM_65_aif - Boss Battle ~ Chickogriff
BGM_066_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Violet
BGM_66_aif - (Lava ruins boss theme; I haven't gotten far enough to find out its official name yet)
BGM_67_aif - (Snow ruins boss theme; I haven't gotten far enough to find out its official name yet)
BGM_068_aif - Warrior Festival
BGM_68_aif - (giant squid boss theme; I haven't gotten far enough to find out its official name yet)
BGM_069_aif - Friendly Meeting
BGM_070_aif - Sadness
BGM_071_aif - Dark Omens
BGM_71_aif - Candy's Spirit Song
BGM_073_aif - Masked Man
BGM_73_aif - RFF ~ Snow Style Bar
BGM_074_aif - Oh Dear...
BGM_075_aif - Love
BGM_076_aif - The Legendary Golem
BGM_076_short_aif - A Sealing Released
BGM_077_aif - Boss Battle ~ Masked Man
BGM_078_aif - Golem Spirit Song ~ Lily
BGM_81_aif - The Power of Friendship
BGM_088_aif - Flame Spirit Shrine
BGM_089_aif - Water Spirit Shrine
BGM_090_aif - Wind Spirit Shrine
BGM_091_aif - Navigating Ymir
BGM_092_aif - Song of Blessing ~ Sonja
BGM_093_aif - Introduction
BGM_094_aif - Boss Room
BGM_095_aif - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man & Lily
BGM_096_aif - Ocean Battle ~ Finish
BGM_097_1_aif - The Golems Crumble
BGM_098_LowCut2_aif - Coliseum

18, 25 and 81 are all Frontier tracks, but since they play at important junctures in the game, I decided to give them new, more relevant names.

Hope that helps.

11-04-2011, 03:57 AM
WOW, That's super helpful! Thanks a lot!!!

11-04-2011, 02:09 PM
Your welcome. It took longer for me to transcribe that I thought it would, because it turns out that neither BGM1 nor BGM2 are complete folders. The first has some of the Frontier music missing, and the second has the seasonal island music and some of the tracks from Fenith Island missing.
Obviously they'll eventually need putting in some more pertinent order (I have the tracks ordered myself, but I decided the order they came in would be best for that track list, so as not to cause confusion. I could give you the order I used if you like).

11-04-2011, 02:41 PM
Oh does anyone have the HQ version of this?

Rune Factory Oceans OST Secret Track - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNB2EjmtoyU)

it's a medley of all the major songs in the game! It came on the drama CD that came with the first edition of the Japanese game! And it sounds really awesome.

11-04-2011, 07:08 PM
Your welcome. It took longer for me to transcribe that I thought it would, because it turns out that neither BGM1 nor BGM2 are complete folders. The first has some of the Frontier music missing, and the second has the seasonal island music and some of the tracks from Fenith Island missing.
Obviously they'll eventually need putting in some more pertinent order (I have the tracks ordered myself, but I decided the order they came in would be best for that track list, so as not to cause confusion. I could give you the order I used if you like).

Please do.

11-05-2011, 01:54 AM
01 - Let This Reach You
02 - Laugh
03 - Tides of Destiny BGM_001_mix_aif
04 - Introduction BGM_093_aif
05 - A Flash of Light BGM_029_aif
06 - Fenith Island BGM_016_LowCut_aif
07 - Fenith Island ~ Evening BGM_017_LowCut_aif
08 - Daily Life BGM_011_aif
09 - Family Life BGM_012_aif
10 - The Three Sisters Inn BGM_014_mix_aif
11 - Golem Spirit Song ~ Lily BGM_078_aif
12 - RFF ~ Spring (Short) BGM_04_short_aif
13 - RFF ~ Spirit Song (Short) BGM_018_1_aif
14 - RFF ~ Business District Building (Short) BGM_18_short_aif
15 - RFF ~ Kross' Theme (Short) BGM_40_short_aif
16 - Time for Bed BGM_010_32k_aif
17 - Birth of Earth Giant BGM_030_aif
18 - Raising an Island BGM_028_LowCut_EQ_aif
19 - Temporary Island 1 BGM_032_aif
20 - Dragon Shrine BGM_015_mix_aif
21 - Spirit Song ~ Odette BGM_056_aif
22 - RFF ~ Trampoli Square BGM_13_aif
23 - RFF ~ Clock Tower BGM_20_aif
24 - RFF ~ Daily Life BGM_15_aif
25 - RFF ~ Family Life BGM_16_aif
26 - RFF ~ Snowstyle Bar BGM_73_aif
27 - RFF ~ Whale Island Outside BGM_60_aif
28 - RFF ~ Green Ruins BGM_62_aif
29 - Navigating Ymir BGM_091_aif
30 - Ocean Battle BGM_036_aif
31 - Ocean Battle ~ Finish BGM_096_aif
32 - Ymir's Finishing Move BGM_097_1_aif
33 - Spring Island BGM_021_aif
34 - RFF ~ Spring BGM_04_aif
35 - Goblin Pirate Gang BGM_049_aif
36 - Festival BGM_013_aif
37 - Friendly Meeting BGM_069_aif
38 - Strange People BGM_050_aif
39 - Oh Dear... BGM_074_aif
40 - Oh Dear... (var.) BGM_051_aif
41 - Sadness BGM_070_aif
42 - Happiness BGM_045_aif
43 - Love BGM_075_aif
44 - Warrior Festival BGM_068_aif
45 - Fishing BGM_047_aif
46 - Something's Biting! BGM_048_aif
47 - Pinch BGM_28_aif
48 - Ymir Gets an Upgrade BGM_052_aif
49 - Earth Spirit Shrine BGM_035_mix2_aif
50 -Boss Room BGM_094_aif.wav
51 - Boss Battle BGM_037_aif
52 - Winter Island BGM_024_aif
53 - RFF ~ Winter BGM_07_aif
54 - Temporary Island 2 BGM_034_aif
55 - RFF ~ Lava Ruins BGM_63_LowCut_aif
56 - RFF ~ Snow Ruins BGM_64_aif
57 - Flame Spirit Shrine BGM_088_aif
58 - Dark Omens BGM_071_aif
59 - Summer Island BGM_025_aif
60 - RFF ~ Summer BGM_05_aif
61 - Water Spirit Shrine BGM_089_aif
62 - Masked Man BGM_073_aif
63 - Fall Island BGM_022_aif
64 - RFF ~ Fall BGM_06_aif
65 - Snowy Day BGM_008_32k_aif
66 - Wind Spirit Shrine BGM_090_aif
67 - Boss Battle ~ Asmodeus BGM_041_aif
68 - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man BGM_057_aif
69 - A Sealing Released BGM_076_short_aif
70 - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man & Lily BGM_095_aif
71 - Spirit Song ~ Odette & Violet BGM_055_aif
72 - Golem Spirit Song ~ Masked Man & Lily (Full) BGM_059_aif
73 - The Legendary Golem BGM_076_aif
74 - Spirit Song ~ Three Sisters BGM_060_aif
75 - Tides of Destiny (In-Game) BGM_054_LowCut_aif
76 - Song of Blessing ~ Instrumental BGM_061_aif
77 - Song of Blessing ~ Modern BGM_062_2_aif
78 - Song of Blessing ~ Ancient BGM_063_aif
79 - The Pride of a Goblin Captain BGM_019_wav
80 - Resolve BGM_25_aif
81 - Song of Blessing ~ Lily BGM_064_aif
82 - Song of Blessing ~ Odette BGM_065_aif
83 - Song of Blessing ~ Violet BGM_066_aif
84 - Song of Blessing BGM_042_mix_aif
85 - Boss Battle ~ Masked Man BGM_077_aif
86 - The Power of Friendship BGM_81_aif
87 - Masked Man ~ Final Battle BGM_043_aif
88 - Two Minds, One Body BGM_018_aif
89 - Song of Blessing ~ Sonja BGM_092_aif
90 - Candy's Theme/RFF ~ By the Ocean BGM_26_aif
91 - Candy's Spirit Song BGM_71_aif
92 - Tabatha's Theme/RFF ~ De Sainte Coquille BGM_21_aif
93 - RFF ~ To You BGM_23_aif
94 - Coliseum BGM_098_LowCut2_aif
95 - Boss Battle ~ Chickogriff BGM_65_aif
96 - RFF ~ Lava Ruins Boss BGM_66_aif
97 - RFF ~ Snow Ruins Boss BGM_67_aif
98 - RFF ~ Whale Island Boss BGM_68_aif
99 - Wedding BGM_046_LowCut_wav
100 - End Credits BGM_002_test_wav

Note: The Lava Ruins, Snow Ruins and Whale Island bosses are not actually in the game (only the Chickogriff is). I don't know why the music was included. Perhaps they originally intended to include them.

Right, I think that's everything. Please tell me if I missed any tracks (the musical ones, that is, not the environmental effects).

11-05-2011, 11:05 AM
Oh does anyone have the HQ version of this?

Rune Factory Oceans OST Secret Track - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNB2EjmtoyU)

it's a medley of all the major songs in the game! It came on the drama CD that came with the first edition of the Japanese game! And it sounds really awesome.

I tried looking for the CD online, and MAN, it's hard to find.

I've contacted the YouTube user to see if they can do a lossless rip of the CD for us, or point us to where they got the song if they don't actually have the disc.

We could have the song as a "bonus track"!

11-05-2011, 12:50 PM
Awesome work you're doing here guys! Keep at it :)

I can't do very much to help, but allow me to share a HQ version of that fantastic Secret Track from the game.


11-07-2011, 05:33 AM
Thanks For all the tagging! where i can get the first 2 songs? Let this reach you and Laugh?

11-07-2011, 06:34 AM
I got a response from the YouTube user saying they'd do the rip! Waiting for a download link now...

Thanks For all the tagging! where i can get the first 2 songs? Let this reach you and Laugh?

They're in a post somewhere, but I suggest waiting for the complete tagged thing to be released, we might be able to put the medley thing on there...

11-07-2011, 08:19 AM
I got a response from the YouTube user saying they'd do the rip! Waiting for a download link now...

They're in a post somewhere, but I suggest waiting for the complete tagged thing to be released, we might be able to put the medley thing on there...

Ok sure! I'll wait, and seriously Thanks for this! I love this game and the soundtrack it's awesome!

Oh btw! The full tagged gamerip will be posted here?

11-09-2011, 07:47 AM
I'm assuming it will! If not, we'll probably make a new, nice clean thread.

11-09-2011, 07:52 AM
I got a response from the YouTube user saying they'd do the rip! Waiting for a download link now...

Could you please PM me the link when you get the chance?

12-03-2011, 09:10 PM
Thanks For all the tagging! where i can get the first 2 songs? Let this reach you and Laugh?
Search for a CD Called "With You - Rune Factory Oceans Special Edition CD"

---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

The OST link it's broken, can you fix it?
Actually, i just need the song of the Wind Spirit Shrine, so if you can upload that one for me i will thank you a lot XD.

12-05-2011, 02:59 AM
I don't really thinks anyone will re-upload this, this thread have been dead for almost a month or so! =S

12-05-2011, 04:26 PM
You're looking in the wrong thread, that's why. The new one is here. (Thread 98856)
The link there is well and truly active, and everything has been tagged properly, too.

09-24-2012, 05:22 AM
Oops never mind I found the new thread

02-18-2013, 06:53 PM

The soundtrack from the new thread for anyone too lazy to go there.

03-01-2013, 04:33 AM

07-04-2014, 08:14 PM
Sweet. Now all I need is the RFF soundtrack.