04-30-2003, 06:12 AM
People say the first impression is always the lasting one. My question is, what was your first impression on anime?

My first impression on anime was that the art is really pretty. It's better than the american cartoon crap. XD

04-30-2003, 08:26 AM
First impression?
Bad voice acting, art looks interesting, all in all very very confusing.
Conclusion: Not my kind of thing.

I watched Ghost in the Shell at 2 am.

It was NOT the lasting one. XD

04-30-2003, 09:31 AM
My first impression:

OMG... It's DBZ! o_O I actually liked 10 Episodes or something, untill they figured out how to milk a cow. xD
Lucky for me it didn't last, it changed into a better taste for anime.

05-05-2003, 10:47 PM
The first anime I watched was when I was very young, and I had no idea that stuff like Speed Racer or Hello Kitty wasn't just another cartoon.

But the first anime I watched knowing it was an anime was Sailor Moon, and I had a rather unhealthy obsession with it. I credit Sailor Moon for introducing me to the wonderful world that is anime.

05-05-2003, 10:59 PM
My first impression of anime was, well, infatuation. I first saw Robotech, when I was little. I used to watch it every day before school until they took it off the air. It was at that time that I called the TV station and complained. Alas, it had no effect =/

05-06-2003, 02:42 PM
..The very first anime I ever saw was laputa..but that was when I was six. And I just thought of it as an ordinary cartoon. Now im sixteen turning seventeen and My love japanese animation has deepend...god Im crazy about it,the art and graphics are so cool but like misao said 'crap voice acting' but still its sweet.

05-11-2003, 03:58 PM

08-10-2004, 05:01 AM
First impression is everything and if I hadn't gone to a friend house that day, I would have not discover anime for at least another five years top! The anime was Zenki. Caught my attention because of the whole Zenki thing it was going on with this Asian thing with chanting spell to fight, chanting spell to break the seal, chanting spell to transform, etc... There's was action (lots of it and very well done), comedy (mostly between Chiaki and Zenki), and mysterious characters that helps them in some situations or the groups that is trying to kill them for their own evil purpose. The opening was also very catchy and gives you a peek into the series and all of the characters that you will meet in the first saga!

08-10-2004, 08:51 AM
Kinnikuman farted to fly.

He'd say, "Kinnikuman, Goooooo faaaaaaaart!!" and then he'd start farting and he'd be flying.