04-29-2003, 10:33 AM
Post you fav FF8 quote or if like many people i think you can say what you think about the Quote i Wrote onto this Thread so heres the question
Whats you fav Quote and why?

Opening FMV Sequence. The waves roll onto a smooth, yellow beach. The scene
begins to cross the ocean.

"I'll be here..."


The sea turns to a rocky, dry desert.

"I'll be 'waiting'...here..."

The scene shows a close-up of Squall's face then shifts to Rinoa standing in
a flower field. The scene returns to the desert.

"For what?"

The desert changes to the flower field.

"I'll be waiting...for you...so..."

"If you come here..."

Quick shot of Rinoa in the field, then return to the field. A second shot of
Rinoa, then the field, then Rinoa a third time.

"You'll find me."

The shot of the flower field raises, showing the petals flying in the sky.

"I promise."

One of the petals falls into Rinoa's open hand and she grasps it. She opens
her hand and reveals a glowing feather. She releases it and watches it get
caught in the wind. The feather floats freely in the darkening sky. It flies
high and disappears as lightning strikes. Suddenly, Squall's gunblade spins
from the sky and lands blade first in a dark, rocky area.
Lightning strikes and Edea is shown.

04-30-2003, 12:51 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I can't actually remember that many funny quotes in FF8... There's usually something that stands out for me as being funny form each game, but I don't remember anything particularly from FF8... although I guess that's why I liked it so much, it seemed a bit more serious than some of the others...

Anyway... favourite quotes... "Whatever". ;)

G Unit
05-03-2003, 10:38 PM
Well i can hardly mind any so ill go with " whats so weird I care like everyone else" i think that was squall not too sure tho:S

05-04-2003, 09:15 PM
Yeah, that's Squall. That's my signature picture quote. (So, of course, I know it pretty well.)

Ultimecia: Kurse all SeeDs! Like a plague of lokusts, swarming throughout time. You disgust me!

05-06-2003, 05:45 PM
ok this should be easy

and you the the little messenger girl we could get to know each

05-17-2003, 04:30 PM

06-09-2003, 08:58 PM
"...Whatever" ~ Squall

It says so little, but means so much O_o, I mean, where else in an FF can you find a character that really doesn't care?

lone wolf
06-10-2003, 09:59 PM
man, i so have to vote for this one.

Ward - Laguna, stop doddling and go talk to her.

Laguna - alright, wish me luck

(walks over to the piano to talk to the hot girl)

Laguna- oh no, not now!

(Laguna gets a huge cramp in his leg and limps around back to his seat to recover)

Kiros- nice one

Ward and Kiros - hahahahahaha

Laguna- ............(oh my leg still hurts)

.................................................. .................................................. .....
and this one

Zell- hey, this may not seam like the time, but can i have your ring?


Zell-i just want to see it, come man, what do you say?

Squall-(but i like this ring) alright, but don't lose it.

(Zell wipes of dirt and sweat from his and and takes the ring)

Zell- don't worry man, i'll keep it safe

.................................................. .................................................. .....
and my last one

Seifer- hey, just sit down and shut up chicken-wuss

Zell-WHAT! what did you just say?

Seifer- i said sit down chicken-wuss, bok bok bigack!

Qusitise- both of you knock it off!

(Zell's angry for getting made fun off)

06-21-2003, 05:39 AM
My Fav. Quote?

Seifer: Of great I've got a chicken wuss and a Guy who just hit puberty in my party.

06-26-2003, 10:46 AM
Some of my favorite lines are during the Fisherman's Horizon / concert portion of the game:

Rinoa: Y'know, when you start thinking, you tend to frown like this.
Squall: I'm out of here.

Rinoa: There's just no point if you don't show up.
Squall: (Choice: I guess I'll go / I just can't go right now)
Choose: I just can't go right now.
Squall: ...Sorry. I just don't feel like it.
Rinoa: Fine...I guess I'll have to bug you for the rest of the night. And I'm gonna keep chanting 'concert, concert, concert' and drive you nuts. Is that what you want?
Squall: ...Oh man...

Rinoa: What a night. Great music...Good-looking guy.... Not only is he good-looking. He's the sweetest guy...a great listener. Right now, he's seriously thinking about what I said.

There are also quite a few lines from the Master Fisherman/ Fisherkid sidequest that I really like, but I can't seem to find that quest in any of the transcripts for the game online and I don't remember the lines well enough to post them.