10-14-2011, 12:01 AM
For Ghibli and Joe Hisaishi fans. The title of this thread is the name of an album for Hisaishi master pieces remastered in Brazilian flavor. It also has a cello version of one of my favorite songs which is Kimi no wotse. So please if anyone would like to share this here with us it will be appreciated. Thanks in advance !

Japanese Animation!! (Brazilian Flavour)

You can listen to the samples here: iTunes - Music - Japanese Animation!! (Brazilian Flavour) by Grooploop (http://itunes.apple.com/pt/album/japanese-animation!!-brazilian/id285933921)

1. On a Clear Day (Kiki's Delivery Ser...

2. Wind Forest (My Neighbor Totoro)

3. Enveloppee de Tendresse (Kiki's ...

4. Rosa La (Only Yesterday)

5. Theme of Marco and Gena (Porco ...

6. Always With Me (Spirited Away)

7. A Town With an Ocean (Kiki's Deliv...

8. Inochi No Namae (Spirited Away)

9. Nausicca Requiem (Nausicca of Va...

10. Carrying You (Castle In the Sky)

11. Merry-Go-Round of Life (Howl's M...

12. Message En Rouge (Kiki's Delivery ...

10-25-2011, 09:05 PM
No more Hisaishi loyal fans and a lot of us still wonder why the world is becoming corrupted with the lack of originality :(

10-25-2011, 09:18 PM
I have not heard joe hisaishi latest things since 2007.
I really like his works from the past, but I cannot say if there is lack of originality or not. Everyone wants ghibli soundtracks because of him, but what about Takeshi Kitano movies in which this director insists on joe hisaishi doing is soundtracks.?
They are very beautiful to hear too.

10-26-2011, 07:00 PM
My friend, what I have meant in pointing out the lack of originality is what is becoming prevailing in us, humans. I am not intending to give a lecture in human behavior and motivation. But let us see if this example works. I see it is rather a conceptual analysis within our understanding to many things, including music. Many of us could be inclined to one type of music but not the other. Some like Symphonic, others rock or heavy metal and so on. Although it does not fit into my mind how someone could like classics and orchestrations and attend heavy metal concerts. At this point arises the question of loyalty and style, something that you prefer to hold on and go beyond the traditional behavior. Getting limited edition CD for example, which could cost you more than you can afford, or will let you squeeze the expenses on certain period of the year. Here, you are truly a loyal fan and should not deviate from this style. The consequence of being lost between two genres, however, will certainly lead to an impact on your behavior sooner or later. I guess the most amazing illustrative example is the "cygnus atratus" or the black swan. When firstly discovered in Australia, many scientist gave this animal a zero chance of existence. Which appeared to be totally wrong. So it is a combination of luck, chances, probabilities and divergence of accepting what could turn out to be true. In this case the same can be applied to our "thinking" that there are a lot of loyal fans, while it is a black swan !

10-26-2011, 10:52 PM
Well, a person who likes full orchestra and attending Heavy Metal concerts is not that bad and understandable.
Has you know, I love orchestral music, but I also like heavy metal, and electronic music has well. The thing is, not wanting to offend you at some way, a person who listens all kinds of type of music is indeed a good listener. Music is music no matter what you do to it. For years there have been a great originality in creating new forms of type of music. For example, Finish & Swedish heavy metal bands are the pros of creating new music. Take for example "Machinae Supremacy", they forged the SID METAL, a new type of heavy metal songs, because they are strongly influenced by the 8bit sound of games, and there music is great.
The thing I have been noticing is, people need to understand the MUSIC itself. Me for example, I never imagine I would like Hardcore techno. I never imagine I would listen it even. But the things I listen it with an open mind, and I understand it, how they make, create, evolve one song for great listening. Of course I still say, you need to in mood to listen it because some hardcore songs are so speed up they you may not even be able to continue to listen. But with this I intend to discover more of Hardcore techno and I have been analyzing the artists that make those songs, and all have then have their own unique way and touch of creating their worlds in to music. It is just a need to understand music.

Another example. I am a fan of a Gothic Black Metal band called "Cradle of Filth", and since 1996 I have overwhelmed with their music and compositions. Black metal is a chaos to listen, yes, but for this I have rules, for me to like it, it needs a MELODY, if not, I cannot like it at any form. Chaos is chaos, but if you see that light, then you will see more then chaos. You will see a flourished world instead a of a dark and only cave. The reason I liked this so much was their unique melodies and the lyrics that looks so ancient poets of the medieval era, the guy makes rhymes that I would never remember those words. BUT.... since their albums from 2006 till now, I take too much time to like the albums. Before when I heard them, the old ones, it always impressed me so much that i was with open mouth in all music I would hear. Now..... it is just not like it used to be. And i do feel they are loosing their unique glimpse. But I keep on supporting them. I still buy their albums for my collection.
Another metal band, that is more important then these above are "Crematory" and the last albums are nothing compared to their genius works they till 2006. They are a gothic metal band, but their works are never the same. They are just a Gothic Metal band but they experience a lot of certain types of heavy metal relations, but always with their touch....

Nowadays I do feel lack of originality in almost all of music Globally speaking, because it seems music is reached all of it's points of evolution.
Americans and Europeans are make plagiarism in famous Asian songs and saying it is from them, or even evoking such old songs and just remixed them to nowadays type of music trash.

Again, music is music and every kind of music just needs a little understanding. Even if you do not like heavy metal or other kind of instruments or whatever type of music you do not like, you must agree that every music, when well understood, it is at certain point, a Show of Art and Originality.

And I am very faithful to my type of music. Some people here where I live, and I have one at my work. She only listens music that is famous NOW. If she sees me listening backstreet boys, for example , she will say "that is way overpassed". So I ask myself this question: Does she really like music and what the hell does she like in music? / really, she only listens trash. I say it is trash because my ears almost bleed with so much bad music I have to put up with.

10-27-2011, 12:39 AM
The thing I have been noticing is, people need to understand the MUSIC itself..

Exactly ! I did not really wanted to offend any body or criticize any music styles here. I really respects all music genres.

10-27-2011, 12:40 AM
That was not my point either. :)
I just let the writing flew as I was thinking ;)

01-10-2012, 04:22 PM
Final bump ! :/

01-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Did a search again... and no luck. :(

05-09-2012, 12:40 AM
Finally getting my hands on this album ! Links will be available in few hours. Interested guys should look into Joe's mega thread. Separate thread will be made for this as well.