Darth Revan
10-11-2011, 12:14 AM
There have always been games which we have been excited for, prior to release. Yet either we read some info about it we don't like, or on release you realize how bad the game is and wonder wtf you were thinking, for getting hyped for it. This has become apparent to me, in two titles I've been eagerly anticipating and I'm now reconsidering my position on them.

First, Saints Row The Third. Only a small thing, but apparently for cheats like Infinite Health/Ammo etc (cheats you can earn via completing various activities in the game itself), are being made available as paid DLC. There's also talk that Crib Customization will be a DLC paid feature, instead of being able to use it right from the get go when you get a new crib (though the latter is still being discussed at Volition).

Secondly... Mass Effect 3. Being Kinect able was one thing... but now it's been confirmed that it WILL have multiplayer.

Mass Effect 3 multiplayer - the worst kept secret in video games - has been confirmed.

Australian magazine PC Powerplay announced the feature on its website alongside an image of the cover of its November issue.

"That's right - Mass Effect 3 is getting multiplayer!" said the mag. "We travel to BioWare's office in Edmonton for hands-on time with the series' first foray into online gameplay, and chat with Mass Effect Series Producer and Mass Effect 3 Project Director Casey Hudson about the decision to go multiplayer in the epic battle for the galaxy."

"Fight alongside your friends as the galaxy goes to war!" reads the magazine's coverline.

Last month a scan of a South African magazine revealed the contents of the Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition, and in that list was mention of an "online multiplayer pass".

Sources have told Eurogamer that Mass Effect 3 includes an online enabled co-op mode that is standalone and features competitive elements.

We understand BioWare Montreal was creating a multiplayer Mass Effect experience, either as a standalone game or component of Mass Effect 3.

Source File: Mass Effect 3 multiplayer confirmed (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-10-10-mass-effect-3-multiplayer-confirmed)

Even though nothing has been mentioned as to WHAT the online mode will be... having it in a action RPG such as Mass Effect, thanks EA /sarcasm

Anywayz... I'm sure there are plenty of other games members here were once hyped for, but after release/more info, changed their minds.

10-11-2011, 01:48 AM
How long do you have?

Seriously, this is why I try to avoid hype and previews. Games are *never* as good as they seem like they will be, and the industry feeds on our continued willingness to think 'maybe this time...' If I like the sound of a game, then I'll buy it and cross my fingers. But the days when I was actually breathless with excitement waiting for a game (any game) to come out? Long gone, I'm afraid.

Games like Majora's Mask, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy 10, Mass Effect 2, Halo 3... all beat me down, by getting my hopes up and then crushing them utterly. These days, I prefer to assume nothing about a game's quality, and be pleasantly surprised if they are great (Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Persona 3 etc etc).

10-11-2011, 02:39 AM
I wasn't excited about Mass Effect 3 in the first place, but I don't think the multiplayer is a big deal.

I also don't tend to get excited about games anymore. I was initially kind of excited about Skyrim and I'm pretty neutral towards it now, but that wasn't based on new game information but rather my past experiences with TES games. Arkham City I was excited about maybe a year ago, but I'd completely forgotten about it until recently. I'm not all that excited about it now, just because I'm not really in the mood for a brawly/Metroidy game.

I am excited about some games though - The Last Spectre, Kirby and Zelda to name a few. I'm interested to see how Nintendo will localise Rhythm Heaven Wii, which is one of my favourite games this year. And, despite everybody moaning about what's happening with the 3DS and Monster Hunter, I'm pretty excited about that. I'll always be excited about Monster Hunter.

10-24-2011, 11:22 PM
Resident Evil 5 comes to mind. It was one that I decided against once I saw the final piece in action. It took a lot of motivation to get me to play it co-op with a friend of mine, but despite the letdown of what it could have been, I would say it's an acceptable title. The same goes for F.E.A.R. (a mediocre shooter at best), and Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (which actually turned out to be 500 times better than anticipated, once I bought it and gave it the chance it deserved).

10-25-2011, 12:11 AM

The more I see of it, the less I even want to rent it. Disregard my current avatar, due to the fact I own every spinoff of COD along with all BF.

Captain Crunch
10-25-2011, 02:03 AM
school mate 2

11-01-2011, 05:05 PM
yeah when i saw the trailers of some games and ultimately they have created a hype in my mind and soul and i was so crazy toplay these games some of are as follows
Battle field 3
Gears of war

11-01-2011, 06:05 PM
oh geez, the last 2 Disgaea games have been a bit of a disappointment and i was hopin that Disgaea 4 would improve, but it really hasn't and i was really lookin forward to it. some of the generic voices were terrible, and the Item World mechanics were rather troublesome as well. enemies could be right next to your base panel again as a step down from Disgaea 3, which i really enjoyed. Dimension Gates, however, are always reachable, unlike Disgaea 3 when some you had to lift and throw just to reach them. that really steamed me in Disgaea 3. Item world floors designs were sometimes too complex and not more simplistic in Disgaea 4. Disgaea 3 wasn't that bad. and theres also the last group of enemies which the Tier 6 units can be fought against after the 40th floor in rare and legend items of rank 30 and higher. Both Disgaeas kept the first 3 tiers of the group 3 human enemies (from rank 30-40 items) and i was severely disappointed by that pure fact. Disgaea 3 had Sorcerors, Berserkers, Male & Female Ninjas & Samurai, & Masked Heros. Majins were group 4 only enemies. Disgaea 4 has Magic Knights, Professors, Onymo Monks, Sorcerors, Battle Suits, even Androids, which are the Majins in this game. why keep those when its hard enough to find and capture what u want? seriously. the first 2 Disgaeas didn't have that problem, so it was good in that department. Mystery Rooms in Disgaea 4 contained some useless rooms that didnt serve any purpose. that's the biggest downfall of the game. Reverse Pirating was even worse in Disgaea 4. some areas were too complex.

So my idea of a perfect Item World is this:

More simplistic floors
The 4th group of enemies with the tier 6 units NOT havin the same tiers from the 3rd group.(example: group 3 enemies consist of a tier 5 warrior. group 4 should only have the tier 6 warrior and the tier 5 taken out.)
Mystery Gates should appear every 3-4 floors for perfectionists unlike myself.
Mystery Rooms SHOULD NOT have any useless rooms that serve absolutely no purpose.
Simpler Reverse Pirate floors with the innocents and level sphere not out of reach.

11-12-2011, 12:50 AM
How long do you have?

Seriously, this is why I try to avoid hype and previews. Games are *never* as good as they seem like they will be, and the industry feeds on our continued willingness to think 'maybe this time...' If I like the sound of a game, then I'll buy it and cross my fingers. But the days when I was actually breathless with excitement waiting for a game (any game) to come out? Long gone, I'm afraid.

Games like Majora's Mask, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy 10, Mass Effect 2, Halo 3... all beat me down, by getting my hopes up and then crushing them utterly. These days, I prefer to assume nothing about a game's quality, and be pleasantly surprised if they are great (Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Persona 3 etc etc).

This is basically my approach too, nowadays. I bought Bioshock way back when on a whim not knowing a thing about the game, and wound up loving it. Bioshock 2, then, subsequently disappointed me due to the name it had to live up to >.<

11-12-2011, 01:09 PM
I think the biggest pre-release disappointment for me this year was finding out that L.A. Noire is not REALLY free roam and the focus is entirely on the missions/cases. I still purchased the game and enjoyed it very much. However, a lot of my enthusiasm had already waned before I even started playing the game.

11-16-2011, 07:42 PM
this year i was extremely hyped for the release of modern warfare 3...got it at midnight opened it played it...then after was very dissapointed that i didnt save my money a week to get skyrim....if dnt have mw3 dont get it...im a heave fps player an that game is garbage

11-20-2011, 11:55 PM
Rayman Raving Rabbids. I love the Rayman series, but the Rabbids series I refuse to touch. The new Rayman Origins looks really good going back to the first ones gameplay, with Ren & Stimpy slapstick. I have high hopes for this new one and hoping it won't be such a disappointment.

11-21-2011, 02:20 AM
Diablo 3 obviously... It will be a huge disappointment imho

care to explain?

11-21-2011, 06:26 AM
Rayman Raving Rabbids. I love the Rayman series, but the Rabbids series I refuse to touch. The new Rayman Origins looks really good going back to the first ones gameplay, with Ren & Stimpy slapstick. I have high hopes for this new one and hoping it won't be such a disappointment.

i played the demo on my ps3. it does look really cool. i can't wait till i get the full game...eventually.

11-21-2011, 05:04 PM
I've heard quite a few good reviews on it, granted most of them are from just playing the demo. I'm also waiting a bit to get the game myself.

11-23-2011, 03:05 AM
Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3.

I'm gonna get Star Ocean The Last Hope and FFXIII when I get my PS3 in 2 days.

12-12-2011, 01:55 AM
I just fell off of the Diablo III band wagon. Was a big fan of the first game and played Diablo II for a while when it was released. I was really looking forward to Diablo III but the more I hear characters talk in the footage they've released, the more my fears of Blizzard's storytelling somehow becoming worse are solidified. I'm sure the game play will be solid, Blizzard never disappoints there, but I'll have to skip all of the cut scenes or turn my speakers off to avoid a brain aneurism.

12-12-2011, 04:33 AM
I've heard quite a few good reviews on it, granted most of them are from just playing the demo. I'm also waiting a bit to get the game myself.

i played the rayman game, and was hard as hell, tryin to get everything in the game. ubisoft made the challenges too hard and i got overly frustrated and traded the game back. glad to be rid of that garbage.

12-12-2011, 11:38 PM
i played the rayman game, and was hard as hell, tryin to get everything in the game. ubisoft made the challenges too hard and i got overly frustrated and traded the game back. glad to be rid of that garbage.

That sucks, maybe I'll rent it first then. For now I'm satisfying my Rayman craving (I know that sounds bad) by replaying Rayman 3 for the GBA and I'm stuck on the Magma Mayhem 2 level, I forgot how much these racing levels sucked.

12-12-2011, 11:50 PM
I've been playing Rayman Origins as well.

It's challenging

This is a good thing

Because I'm not a baby

12-13-2011, 05:58 PM
That sucks, maybe I'll rent it first then. For now I'm satisfying my Rayman craving (I know that sounds bad) by replaying Rayman 3

thats not too bad if its good.

I've been playing Rayman Origins as well.

It's challenging

This is a good thing

Because I'm not a baby

i got to this one area where u had to escape from this big mecha machine that was gettin destroyed and i kept on dyin and that was the end of it. it musta took me at least 20 tries before i got sick of it.

12-13-2011, 08:39 PM
You just don't got the skillz, bruv.

12-13-2011, 09:59 PM
Probably Metroid: Other M. Right before the release of the game, they released the scores and reviews for the game and how disappointing it was. However, I still gave the game a chance. It was a good distraction for about a month, but can't say it left an impression on me like Prime series did.