04-28-2003, 11:23 AM
Which FF game to you think has the best start up moive, for me its gotta be FF8, great Battle and you get to see how Squall got his Scar

what do you think?

Green Arrow
04-28-2003, 02:42 PM
Yeah FF8 was badass, I just wish Seifer ended Squall's life in the beginning... would have saved so much drama for the story, haha, well then there wouldn't have been one I spose.

Bahamut ZERO
04-28-2003, 03:12 PM
In terms of action and setting the scene, Final Fantasy VIII comes up top. You get shots of the main players (Squall, Rinoa, Seifer, Edea.) You get to see how Squall and Seifer came to their rivalry, you get to see glimpses as to what is to come. It wets your appetite ready to leap into the game.

The Blitzball game at the start of Final Fantasy X too, is pretty cool. Albeit not an actual opening movie, it's cool to see Auron stood there, knowing that there is something coming. Then flicking to Tidus seeing this thing attack him out of no-where.

04-28-2003, 04:09 PM
I have to agree with you all and say FF8. It just opens the game really good and shows all the stuff you want it to show xD o_O
The intro of FF7 was kinda weak, just Aeris and a bit of lifestream, plus midgar but not as spectaculair as FF8

04-29-2003, 12:58 AM
ff7s intro was mysterious and i think it intrigued the player and the myteriousness of it
but in terms of action and all that... i think ff8 was the best...
tho i do think that ff9 introduced you into the game more properly

04-29-2003, 03:35 PM
That movie is just incredibly... powerful. There were geat shots, especially Tidus� jump, and Auron�s standing around looking cool. o_�

It cannot really be beaten by the masterpiece of all opening movies, the almighty:

This one is simply impressive, a piece of art. It is simply a little confusing... mixing later scenes with Squal�l and Seifer�s little fight. I�d have liked to see more of that duel, and less of Rinoa. =P

04-29-2003, 09:25 PM
FF8, without a doubt. Enough said~

05-01-2003, 05:25 AM
I can't argue with FFVIII's. A true masterpiece with great music, graphics and action.

G Unit
05-03-2003, 09:31 PM
Well most likely FF8's yeh that was really kool....need to see it again tho.....BUT if the blitzball game at the start of X counts as a opening then im voting for that:D Some of the best graphics iv'e ever seen