04-24-2003, 08:20 AM
Who has played it? Who tought I beats FF? *raises hand*

Bahamut ZERO
04-24-2003, 12:21 PM
Well, I've never played the game, but I'm always on the look out for new RPGs to get into. Could you tell me why you think it's better than Final Fantasy? I'd be curious to find out to see if it's worth spending my money on. Thanks.

04-27-2003, 04:56 AM
It's alright and I really do stress the alright. I found it good, mainly because I only paid $30 AUS (Around $15US) on it (Brand new). It's more mature than the average FF game, but it certainly doesn't best any of them.

04-27-2003, 08:57 PM
like Bahamut ZERO im always looking out for new RPG's to play, dont think what ever the games like, it cant beat FF

Darth Revan
04-29-2003, 04:27 PM

I got Shadow Hearts last year, and I have to admit, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It has a darker, gothic, mature feel to it than other RPG's I've played, and it has it's moments as well. To me, it does stand up to FF quite well, considering it was made by Midway and Enix. A lot of other companies which mainly focused on other games and not the RPG genre, then tried their hands at RPG's. Off the top of my head, CAPCOM with the Breath of Fire series. That there prooves that Square, while still one of the great companies making RPG's, others make some damned good ones as well, yes?

But I digress, I've run off the topic here. Shadow Hearts (And it's Prequel, Koudelka on the PSX/PS1) is a good stand alone RPG, which if you're either A : Bored with an FF game, or B : Looking for something different, give Shadow Hearts a try. You won't be disappointed, yes?

05-07-2003, 09:53 AM
Right, and thats the reason i liked it. it quite different than ff, not cause of the gameplay, but of the more serieus, darker feel. when i got the game i was playing ff4, 5 and 6 and i was just tired of the whole series, if you played one you pretty much played them all, SH was something different

Death Knight
05-08-2003, 03:22 PM
kh sucks giant hairy balls

Bahamut ZERO
05-08-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Death Knight
kh sucks giant hairy balls

Fair enough, but this thread is discussing Shadow Hearts, not Kingdom Hearts. The two are quite dis-similar, I believe...

Right, and thats the reason i liked it. it quite different than ff, not cause of the gameplay, but of the more serieus, darker feel. when i got the game i was playing ff4, 5 and 6 and i was just tired of the whole series, if you played one you pretty much played them all, SH was something different

So the storyline of the game gives off a darker feel than the Final Fantasy series? Intriguing. I might have to look into possibly renting it to see what I think.

05-08-2003, 04:55 PM
Oh deary me, the things people come up with to bad-mouth a good game. :notgood:

IMO I very much enjoy the likes of SH, simply because it had a unique battle system, which kinda makes you wanna glue your arse to the seat. The story, is not too bad, I mean one part scared the shit out of me. This is not a spoiler but I'm only gonna say this much...that freaky Sea Mother's voice she scared the shit out of me! *shudders*

I don't understand why some people here compare it to FF, that is not a good example. Let's just say I enjoyed it more than Saga Frontier 2. That's the only rpg I can think of that SH surpasses. So...yeah, I recommend this game to those who love rpg's, and may I add rpg's with a darker essence. A must add on to your PS2 collection.

12-12-2003, 01:02 PM
I liked Shadow Hearts. It's probably one of the best RPGs I've ever played. But I don't really think it beat Final Fantasy. Cool music, interesting (if not awkward) gameplay, very good plot (has to be said, oooh Bacon :D) but not quite FF standard. Oh, and you don't even want to hear about the Kingdom Hearts mix-up... :whatever:

The Joker
12-15-2003, 01:23 AM
I definately liked this game. I have Koudelka, somewhat the prequel to it.

Shadow Hearts, provides not only to be a better sequel, but even gives some more ideas on gameplay. However, I do not think I would put this over Final Fantasy.

The game's story is definately interesting, but like many other RPGs, often revolved around saving the world and doesn't quite deter from that idea. However, the nice array of locations and even some mixed history (there really was a spy named Margarette). Final Fantasy, can usually provide a bit more varaibles. However, this game is substantially darker, variation in culture, but does not have that extremely engrossing element.

I was especially pleased with all the side quests, even though the puzzles weren't particularly favorites of mine. What I value about all in this, is the fact this game tries to be different. You can choose to play it safe and do regular damage, or take a dare and try to do more. I truly believe the future of RPGs holds a good premise with more direct skill based reliance. In addition, each character is unique. A white mage, a sage, a vampire, a spy, an orphan, and a transformer...they all have unique skills of their own. Characters are also given ample elaboration and reconizable personality. Personally, the triangle does occasionally get annoying, perhaps each character's own method of executing attacks would've been an even better idea.

A couple endings, a new game plus option, lots of sidequests a couple mini-games. This game definately has replay value to it.

The music, don't know where to start...slightly mixed. I definately love the standard battle theme in the asian half and the boss themes. They have a distinct direction and do not sound like anything I've ever heard. I believe its inspired by Celtic music much like Koudelka was. Some of it, seems much like music fillers though...listenable, but not rememerable.

About the only thing I would've seen is a huger arsenal of their good ideas for their character dependent skills. They seemed slightly short when you have them all. In RPGs, more is always more. That and the random battles...I truly beleive random battles are dying and in a game like this, it would've been perhaps nicer to integrate tension of trying to run and be undetected by enemies.

Shadow Hearts 2 is in the making, and perhaps, it will fix some of the flaws, especially the graphics.

For anyone interested in a good RPG, one with new directions and ideas, and perhaps to see the evolution of RPGs towards more than just selecting a command, Shadow Hearts is definately not a game to be missed.

12-15-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Gandalf
I definately liked this game. I have Koudelka, somewhat the prequel to it.

I didn't know that Koudelka was a prequel to it. Thats cool, i really liked Koudelka, it was much like Parasite Eve.

If ShadowHearts is a sequel to Koudelka, then they sure changed a whole bunch... the gameplay is almost entirely different. I played about halfway through Shadow Hearts and I really liked the fighting in it, and the story was interesting too, but then i had to take it back cuz i just rented it... might check it out if i can find it for a decent price later.

The Joker
12-15-2003, 03:29 AM
Yeah, you will actually encounter Koudelka and a sum of what happened and even visit the ruins of the mansion she broke into.

I have to agree with some of the people on Sea Mother. Very good voice acting, as Koudelka equally had good voice acting. Though its inconsistent in battles, I like people have distinct accents, and even speak their own 'home' language, though its somewhat mixed akwardly when you hear them talk outside of battle.

I liked Koudelka a lot too. I liked the fact especially about magic being a learning process and how you can get better with certain types of weapons and they break, so that you have to resort to looking around for new ones or conserving good ones. It almost felt like survival elements in this type of game.

In addition, its fun to try to 'haggle' with the judgement ring in Shadow Hearts to try to buy lower and sell higher, something I haven't seen in an RPG since the FF8 command "buy low" and "sell high."