04-21-2003, 08:55 AM
Might as well start this up again, before the whole forum goes into 'older then 30 dayness' ;P

Anyway, who's your favorite character and if you want your favorite GF and most of all why? xD

I like Seifer the best. He's isn't like all the others o_o His attitude and such just makes him the favorite xD
As for GF... Tonberry *doink!*

04-21-2003, 12:52 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">My favourite character would be either Squall or Zell, purely because they're so useful in battle with their limits. I'd probably say Squall's my favourite overall, as I just liked how he was, and felt I could relate to him at times.

As for GF's, I'd say Quezacotl. Looks great, and I just like lightning attacks. :D

Neo Xzhan
04-21-2003, 06:34 PM
Favorite character would be Zell, I love his limit system, as for my favorite GF it would be Shive. She has just the coolest entrance and attack, maybe not the strongest but the styliest :).

04-27-2003, 07:03 AM
Charcter: Seifer: He looks cool, he acts cool, adn hes a tough guy!

GF: Diablo: He looks cool, he is fun to get, if you get him you can get eden, adn hes strong!

Vivi FF
04-27-2003, 05:47 PM
My favorite character is Zell. He's cool and a very good fighter. Especially with his limit which you can go on for a long time and be able to do lotsa damage... Second favorite is Quistis she's cool and strong. Her limts aren't all that good (although Shcokwave Pulsar could do beyond 9999...) but she's just a great character to have. Seifer's a pretty cool guy too except that he got messed up throughout the game as it goes on...

I have lotsa favorite GFs! My most favorite is Leviathan, he's always been my favorite and he looks great in FF8! Shiva, Ifrit, Diablos, Bahamut, Eden and probably some others I forgot are also my favorites...

G Unit
04-27-2003, 09:46 PM
Well i have to say Squall, because I just liked the way he acted and the whole thing abouty him:P Also Zell was really kool and a good guy:cool: As for summons I would have to say Eden, becuase it was spectacualar and prutty dang powerful along with the GF Boost, same goes for Bahamut:cool:

04-28-2003, 04:09 AM
I loved Selphie and as for GFs, I'd say Doomtrain and Cerberus. Only because I never relied on GFs much for attacking and these GFs are kinda cool in that they do neat stuff and they don't take all that long to summon.

04-28-2003, 11:18 AM
Squall and Shiva,
Squall is the loner guy and he wears black and he suits me down to the Ground, "whatever"

Shiva, used her from the start and well kept using her, she was quite strong

05-02-2003, 03:02 AM
Squall and Shiva

Squall because I could most relate to him

Shiva because she's really strong and has the best animation sequence.

However, I actually liked all the characters...I wish they were real because then I could meet them all.

Bahamut ZERO
05-02-2003, 10:01 AM
Favourite GF is Bahamut. That's a bit of a no-brainer for a guy who named himself after a dragon summon spell.

Favourite character is a tie between Squall and Laguna, now that I think about it. I can relate to Squall, being a moody, often stand-off type like teenager who learns how to associate with his friends through a number of difficult situations. And Laguna because he is so honest and willing to help anyone, much like myself.

I lack the bad hair of either of them though.