09-20-2011, 11:24 PM
I have a proposal for anyone that can find me the proper mp3 or at least music only audio file for this video. Ill be very impressed.

Ive been looking for this for many years.

Here it is.

Cool Japan - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugeVfgS3RZM)


Chocolate Misu
09-20-2011, 11:46 PM
It definitely sounds like Yoshida Brothers but I've tried figuring out what this song is before... I went through everything I've got in my Yoshida collection but was unable to determine the song. I'll have to give it another try....

Chocolate Misu
09-21-2011, 12:53 AM
Trying to study more on this and turns out that it may very likely not be the Yoshida Brothers. I've been seeing a couple of leads that point to another shamisen duo (or taiko drummers?) called Aun (looks like that was their starting name then changed to Aun J Classic Orchestra). I've only been able to hear one of their tracks through this one youtube user -> By Popular Demand - My Intro Song - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZnqY0Hy6wc) . While this isn't the right track, it does sound like the same kind of production quality to me. I've been trying to look for some their other tracks to sample but it seems I can't find anything else on these guys :sad: I'll keep looking a bit more...

--- edit

I found the entire bit put together with location/credit roll and it does indeed say Aun -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX_rECldlmE&feature=related

A step in the right direction.

09-21-2011, 01:11 AM
Tey made a Ghibli cover album. You can listen to it on deezer (http://www.deezer.com/fr/music/aun-j-classic-orchestra/wa-gakki-de-ghibli-1051639)

Just killed my right ear with the pompoko cover...:D

Chocolate Misu
09-21-2011, 01:15 AM
Found the discography -> AUN (http://aun-japan.syncl.jp/?p=custom&id=6755204)

Still hard to find any other discs to listen to... :(

09-21-2011, 01:16 AM
Well, three albums (including the Ghibli one) are available digitally on Amazon. As far as traditionnal sounding music goes, I find it quite enjoyable :D

I'm not sure the track is on any of these album though. I'll look into tomorrow *yaaaawn*, as it's 2.19 AM around here ;)