Nostalgia gamer
09-18-2011, 01:21 PM
These are villains you find so creepy they leave an impact on you

For me:

Alfred ashford of resident evil code veronica x's nuts as you can see and wait till you see his palace with all those hanging dolls and the music.URRGH.
Ok this is just disturbing to no end.
The music of the residence.Creepy huh?

Dahlia gillespie of silent hill 1.

Silent Hill 1 Cutscenes - 17 - Balkin Church - YouTube (
She is obviously nuts because of what she puts sheryl through and the way she speaks,she gets excited about talking about the end of the world and has this paranoid delusion.She reminds me of the type of schizophrenic mother who puts her baby in the oven because god told her to,its just plain creepy.

Hojo crisis core and ff7.

FF7 Crisis Core - Genesis, Angeal, Hojo, and Bahamut (

He bobbles his head up and down giggling uncontrollably as he watches you go into the vr mode against a bunch of robots and one of the people working there tell you:don't,because they are very strong.He is a real asshole and he is seriously a sick character with real issues.
The way he giggles and his actions are of someone who shouldn't be working in that kind of business.This guy is creepy.

Anyways,these are the ones i got so far,if i find anymore or think of otehrs i didn't add,i will add them.

The psycho doctor from resident evil code veronica x.

09-19-2011, 01:04 AM
Ahh, a creepy villain; classic mark of compelling fiction. For, what good is a great hero if s/he doesn't have a great villain to counter them? Here's a list of a few that really left an impression on me for years�even to this day. I'm assuming this isn't specific to just video games, so I threw in some from movies and books too.

Kefka from FFVI (only one from the FF series)
Sander Cohen from Bioshock (Lamb was too cookiecutter for me, Fontaine didn't have the shock value)
Alfred Ashford from RE:Code Veronica
Albert Wesker in RE5 (so goddamn corny he still leaves me laughing to this day)
Rubicante from FFIV (so I lied; big deal. A villain so honorable as to heal his adversary before battle deserves special praise.)
The Penguin/Catwoman from Batman Returns
The Joker from The Dark Knight (sure he's become a cultural staple now, but Ledger knew how to captivate a viewer)
Kyle Craig from James Patterson's Alex Cross series
Arthas from World of Warcraft (it was bound to happen, mark my words)
Michael Myers from Rob Zombie's�SHUT UP! Lemme finish.�Halloween remake (he was predictable, and the atmosphere of Carpenter's classic was ruined, but dammit if Zombie didn't give him some personality)
G-man from Half-Life (sure, he may turn out to be the hero in the end�who the hell knows except Newell and his sadistic team who keep us waiting�but his visage is clearly maniacal, so he's earned a spot on this list)
GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2 ('nuff said)
Wheatley from Portal 2 (damn you Wheatley >.< traitor. Now 'nuff said.)
Wiegraf from FFTactics (you know, there really is no primary villain, is there? I guess St. Ajora, but Wiegraf . . . is somethin' else.)
Sergeant Kelly from Doom 3 (goddammit, I dunno how long he's been working against us. . . .)
Ganondorf from Zelda:Ocarina of Time (he'll kill my descendants just to get his revenge. . . . Creepy.)
Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (I dunno how she does it)
Zorndyke from Blue Submarine No. 6 (o.O)
Alma Wade from F.E.A.R. (the only scary freakin' thing in the game and she's scary as frick O.O)
Cell from Dragonball Z (at ten or eleven years old and still to this day, I recall Cell packed a hell of a punch)
Lotso from Toy Story 3 (damn you, you strawberry-smelling stuffed jerk!!! DAMN you!)
Fred from I Am Legend (DAMMIT Fred! DAMMIT! If you're real you better tell me right now!)

That's about all I got for now. . . . I'll sleep on it and come up with a few more tomorrow.

Eight days later, tomorrow came.

Frollo from Hunchback of Notr� Dame (You don't burn down a man's house right in front of him and have anything but a cold heart >.<)
Fontaine from Bioshock (yeah, okay, fine; here ya go, Franky. You earned this spot. You bio-engineer me to be a sleeper agent and kill my own father, string me along with a sob story about an imaginary family of yours, then ya try to kill me. FACK YOU, BUDDY!)
Gargarensis from Age of Mythology (I would imagine the percentage of gamers here who care about Age of Mythology�let alone the single player campaign�is in the single digits, but lemme capsize; he's pissed at his idol Poseidon for tempting his granny, but helps 'im to release Kronos from Tartarus so he'll make Gargy immortal. Buy AoM; play it; become the addict I once was.)
Dr. Lugae from Final Fantasy IV (smalltime baddie with a sinister urge; to experiment on anyone or anything handy o.O)
Dr. Steinman from Bioshock (another lowbie on the evil tier, but possibly the most notable; what other sicko is just sick enough to just want to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt until the job is done?)
Scar from The Lion King (saw it in glorious 3-d last week! You should too.)

How ya like them apples? I'd call that a complete list if I ever saw one. Maybe I'll think of more (non-sequiturs FTW) but until then, that is my list of weird ass villains who give me the creeps :)

09-19-2011, 01:14 AM
I have to say Alma from FEAR, Havok in MK Deception, The Origami Killer in Heavy Rain (Spoiler Free :p)

Nostalgia gamer
09-19-2011, 10:54 AM

Kefka from FFVI (only one from the FF series)
Yeah:kefka was legendary.The laugh,the quotes.He was a psychotic madman,and that is what made him interesting.

Sander Cohen from Bioshock (Lamb was too cookiecutter for me, Fontaine didn't have the shock value)
I only played bioshock 2

Alfred Ashford from RE:Code Veronica:
Yeah he was nuts and one hell of a creepy villain

Albert Wesker in RE5 (so goddamn corny he still leaves me laughing to this day)
But the corny part also can be a bad thing,because he would get ridiculed because he was turned into a comic book villain

Rubicante from FFIV (so I lied; big deal. A villain so honorable as to heal his adversary before battle deserves special praise.)
And golbez for that matter.I really love the music golbez has,even if he were inspired by star wars with the dark force thing.The fight between him and tellah was awesome.

The Penguin/Catwoman from Batman Returns:
i'm glad i'm not the only one who likes those.I heard people didn't like the second movie because it was darker and went to director:joe shoemaker or whatever is name is who made:batman and robin and batman forever.
I watch too many nostalgia critic reviews and got that from him.

The Joker from The Dark Knight (sure he's become a cultural staple now, but Ledger knew how to captivate a viewer)
He was really really good.He was Sadistic and less comical than the way jack nicholson did it,which is refreshing.(I like both a lot btw)
Kyle Craig from James Patterson's Alex Cross series:
never seen it
Arthas from World of Warcraft (it was bound to happen, mark my words)
I don't know that much about arthas.I know he fought against the scorge when that demon appreared in lordaeron and turned people into zombies and then used some sort of spell of something to fuse with a demon or something and turn into an undead god like.

Michael Myers from Rob Zombie's–SHUT UP! Lemme finish.–Halloween remake (he was predictable, and the atmosphere of Carpenter's classic was ruined, but dammit if Zombie didn't give him some personality)
I watched the original and enjoyed it with jamie lee curtis screaming.

G-man from Half-Life (sure, he may turn out to be the hero in the end–who the hell knows except Newell and his sadistic team who keep us waiting–but his visage is clearly maniacal, so he's earned a spot on this list)
GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2 ('nuff said)
I never played half life or half life 2 because i don't play first person or 3rd person shooters.

Wheatley from Portal 2 (damn you Wheatley >.< traitor. Now 'nuff said.)
never played portal 2.
Wiegraf from FFTactics (you know, there really is no primary villain, is there? I guess St. Ajora, but Wiegraf . . . is somethin' else.)
Wiegraf is an asshole no doubt,but i haven't gotten that far.alg something is quite violent.I was surprised from just how violent he was beating on the death corpse to death and even being stopped by ramza.

Sergeant Kelly from Doom 3 (goddammit, I dunno how long he's been working against us. . . .)
Never played doom 3 because:once again i don't like first person shooters or even third person shooters.

Ganondorf from Zelda:Ocarina of Time (he'll kill my descendants just to get his revenge. . . . Creepy.)
I love the laughter of ganon and the music in zelda64.

Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (I dunno how she does it)
never watched full metal alchemist.

Zorndyke from Blue Submarine No. 6 (o.O)
Never watched that either or read it or whatever

Alma Wade from F.E.A.R. (the only scary freakin' thing in the game and she's scary as frick O.O)
Haven't played F.E.A.R

Cell from Dragonball Z (at ten or eleven years old and still to this day, I recall Cell packed a hell of a punch)
I can't be sure about cell,because i was never a huge fan of dbz,but from what i saw,he is not a nice guy.

Lotso from Toy Story 3 (damn you, you strawberry-smelling stuffed jerk!!! DAMN you!)
Hmm i watched the last toy story movie.

Fred from I Am Legend (DAMMIT Fred! DAMMIT! If you're real you better tell me right now!)
Hmm its been a while since i last saw i am legend.

You know who should also be on this list? luca blight from suikoden 2:He enjoys killing people.He believes that if you are too weak to defend yourself,you have no rights.He is a cold blooded psychopath who even tries to kill a little girl and murders pao or whatever his name was in front of a little girl.How fucked up is that?

I think the demons are also pretty fucked up in dragon age origins like:lust trying to tempt you into becoming a demon,but she is a demon.
And of course sloth demon who has that really fucked up world.

I also almost forgot:i want to add robotnik.Robotnik with his unfathomable hatred of sonic is just sick.I mean:nobody hates someone that much that they would tatoo hate on their teath and always scowling.

Freddy kruger:He's a child molester and a murderer.Pretty evil and epic.
Pinhead hellraiser:Its so epic that they made sequels to the movies.the doctor who becomes a demon is even sicker than pinhead because he actually does it because he enjoys it in the second movie i think it is?

09-21-2011, 12:46 AM
That big worm thing at the end of the first level of Silent Hill 3 - colourfully described by one of my mates as a 'Raging Phallus'. I just can't even look at it now, after he said that.

Other notable freaks include:

Lustitia, Cardinal Virtue of Temperance - from Bayonetta.

Junsei Takemine - from Fatal Frame 1.

Basically anything from Killer7 - from Killer7, obviously.

And even though he's not a villain, an honourable mention goes to:

Spark Brushel - from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
Because he does this thing where he wraps his tie around his head several times, then pulls it up sharply, causing his face to bulge obscenely out at all kinds of unnatural and repulsive angles. Its deeply upsetting to watch!

09-21-2011, 08:41 AM
Junsei Takemine - from Fatal Frame 1.
Yes. That picture of him on the ceiling creeps me the hell out!

09-21-2011, 05:27 PM

Nostalgia gamer
09-23-2011, 11:25 AM

I was thinking about villains:

What about the chainsaw majini from resident evil 5.
With that music,that is about the only scary thing in the game.
Re4 salvador scared me the first time cause i saw him running at me with a chainsaw and i was afraid of him beheading me.
Later on,he was no longer scary because he appeared a lot in the last stages.You could kill him pretty easily.

Alexia from code veronica x is also creepy as hell.
The way she looks at her brother as those damm ants eat the wingless dragonfly? its just sick.

OH YEAH!! i just thought of another:The broodmother from dragon age origins.
That bitch is scary looking and so hideous.

That is just plain scary looking

09-23-2011, 03:11 PM
Dr. Salvador early on translates into FUCKING RUN.

The boss battles of God of War scared me because of their scale.

09-24-2011, 01:21 AM
The first chainsaw guy in RE5 probably would have scared me a lot more, if he hadn't tried to walk at me slowly, along an alley lined with explosive barrels. There's a limit to how scared I can be under those circumstances...

09-24-2011, 01:28 AM
Yeah, but Chainsaw Majini have almost doubled the health of the ones in RE4.

True, the explosive barrels were cliche, but that time at the oil platform was very intense.

Nostalgia gamer
09-24-2011, 10:55 AM
Its the music.

The music+chainsaw=HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! i am in trouble.

09-26-2011, 06:56 PM
The Penguin/Catwoman from Batman Returns:
i'm glad i'm not the only one who likes those.I heard people didn't like the second movie because it was darker and went to director:joe shoemaker or whatever is name is who made:batman and robin and batman forever.
I watch too many nostalgia critic reviews and got that from him.

Batman Returns and Batman Forever are polar opposites IMO. Though, Returns is the superior of the two I think. It was my first Batman experience, along with the SNES title of the same name :) Call me biased, but it's the best of the old Batman flicks :p

Also I highly agree with Luca Blight; don't own Suikoden 2, but I've played it and can totally vouch for ya on that. The man's a sick bastard in every way >.< A screwed up childhood is no excuse for extremist bastardry. Or maybe it is . . . ? Who knows :laugh:

Updated my list, too ^^ That's all I can come up with :p