guan yu
01-12-2002, 06:06 AM
has ne 1 even heard of the game u would if u had a ps2 :D

i want to know when does dynasty warriors 3 comes out in australia?

& if u have played dynasty warriors 2 or 3 who is ur fave cahracter?:eye:

01-21-2002, 11:14 AM
Too bad, because Guan yu will be beaten up by Lu xun, hahahaha, long live the WU ARMY.Don't be upset okay.(Zhou yu is my Fav charc)

guan yu
01-24-2002, 11:44 PM
lol nah im not upset just glad someone knows who guan yu is :D

thnx for replying :D

01-25-2002, 10:18 AM
Hahahaha, don't worry, Guan Yu was only lose just because Lu Xun use all of his troop while Guan Yu alone without ZhangFei and Liu Bei. If only Guan Yu fight one-by-one, Lu Xun wouldn't has any opportunity to win against it. SO, even my fav.character from Wu army. Guan Yu..........always the strongest.;)

guan yu
01-26-2002, 06:35 AM
yea but Lu Xun was a strategist not a fighter............ & all of guan yus troops betrade him but 200 men. he was surrounded by wu he fled but they had an ambush then he fled agin another ambush then he fled again lol but the last ambush left by Lu Xun caught him & his son guan ping & both were beheaded :(

01-26-2002, 06:44 AM
I wish I can go to the past, and see the real event about Guan YU:D

01-26-2002, 10:41 PM
I've played DW2, my favorite character was Dian Wei. He's sweet ass!

I'm hoping to get number 3 sometime soon, but iwth my little FFX thing that set me back $50. :eye:

01-27-2002, 06:10 AM
I wonder, do you think Dian Wei and Xu Zhu have some relationship?:)

guan yu
01-28-2002, 02:02 AM
dian wei & Xu Zhu were coa coa's personally bodyguards:D yea id like to go back & fight the evil wu & wei forces lol just for fun;)

01-28-2002, 10:37 AM
You want to fight my army;) OKAY, but you'll have to beat me first.

In dynasty warrior 3, i heard that there is two secret character, I wonder who?:confused:

01-28-2002, 04:41 PM
Lu Bu

guan yu
01-29-2002, 01:53 AM
lol so i guess its just us 4 that like dynasty warriors :P

01-29-2002, 11:41 AM
No,not Lu Bu, I've already know that Lu Bu is a secret character, and also i know the other secret character like Meng Huo, Zhu Rong, Diao Chan, Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao, Dong Zhuo, Zhuge Liang, Sun Ce, and many others, BUT, this two character is very new, Both of them aren't come from Dynasty warrior 2, who could be?:confused:

02-05-2002, 01:31 PM
originally posted by guan yu

lol so i guess its just us 4 that like dynasty warriors :P

Make that 5.
I love Dynasty Warriors!
I'm soo looking forward to DW3 cuz it's a 2 player cooperative or head-to-head. (I'm quite competitive when it comes to playing against my older brother)
It also has new animals such as the elephants, I'd love to see the damage done with those!

02-05-2002, 01:53 PM
Well,use elephant it will make you do much damage also the enemies have to jump very high in order to hit us,but it's very slow ya know.

In DW3,if you want to ride it(horse & Elephant), you'll have to rise your class,not like DW2.

02-07-2002, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Laburnski

In DW3,if you want to ride it(horse & Elephant), you'll have to rise your class,not like DW2.

What? You mean you can't knock over some other guy and just steal them? That you can do in DW2.
In DW2 you do have to raise your class, to get a horse. I'm pretty sure, the more points you gain the more chance you had of getting promoted to a high class soldier, then maybe, Liutenant, then maybe General.

guan yu
02-08-2002, 03:10 AM
welcome jade :)

who is ur favourite char in dunasty warriors:confused:

also r u planning on joining ff11?

if so would u like to join mine & laburnski's clan :P

lol also in dynasty warriors 2 u could ride a horse at ne rank as laburnski said :p

but class is essential to b high in order to ride a horse & elephant eh? sounds cool :D

02-08-2002, 11:18 AM
Well, my fav charc is Diao chan, she is so cute and beautifull.

Mmmm, i got some info that there is gonna be a new 3 kingdoms games:Sangokushi Senki(Japan name) it's just like FFT battle system.

02-08-2002, 04:05 PM
Im not sure I have a favorite character in the series, but then again I never played it long... But its still a fantastic game

02-08-2002, 04:11 PM
Sorry to break this but i really dont like DW2

My friend brought it round my house and he was playing it for aaaaaaaaages i got soooooo bored and it looked sooooo repetitive. I played it for a while but got bored. Now my friend keeps telling me atschool about how he has completed again with such and such a character and starts talking about it for ages and im like so bored!!

Oh and also! the sounds that the fighters make when they do a combo/move is really irritating, they say the same thing everytime!

02-08-2002, 04:51 PM
Well, sorry Sir Mannerboy~Sven.:(

I know that not all ppl like to play this game, but i think you should try another game like Kessen.

Historical value in this kinds of game are really exciting, how about you learn something from the REAL one in the public library.:)

Well, that's only my sugestion, if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, okay:)

02-08-2002, 05:38 PM
Hmmm, you're boring because play the DW2, right? so, i think you should try DW3 which is more exciting then DW2.;)

02-08-2002, 06:26 PM
i can see why people like it, its just i thought it was a bit repetative, usually i like this sort of genre

Heero Yuy
02-09-2002, 02:08 AM
I like to play DW3, my fav character is Fu Xi, who wielder a Big-Long sword just like cloud.His range are really Marvelous.

02-09-2002, 02:35 AM
What do like most is the DW3, it's very enjoyfull, its very funny to see the Nanman King, Meng huo, being humiliated be Shu/Wu army.:)

Fu xi, that's mean he is the last secret character right, so there is only one more secret character that still unknown.

02-09-2002, 02:57 AM
Aa Yes, that's the one i need to know, Fu Xi( it's true? that, in order to get him you have to finished all king's story(Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan).

How about the last one secret character?:confused:

02-09-2002, 03:57 AM
i love this game, my favorite character is Zhang he, and the guy with the mask that uses the voulge

btw: id like to join you and guan yu's clan when FF XI comes out, that is if you let me :D

02-09-2002, 04:04 AM
Of course it would be great if you want to join us. About Zhang He... do you mean Zhang He from Kessen II?

guan yu
02-09-2002, 04:37 AM
wtf!!!!!!!! i leave for 1 day & we got all these ppl well thats great :D

i havent recieved dynasty warriors 3 yet :( (its not out yet in australia :( )

yes u may join us masamune what will u call urself in ff11 :P

also laburnski zhang he is in dw3 he is in the WEI army :P

also masamune when u say the guy with the mask do u mean wei yan? :D

plz tell me more about dw3 like the levels the chars i would like it if u guys told me all the chars u have unlocked :P lol

02-09-2002, 04:45 AM
It's good to see you again:) .Well, so far i've only unlocked All chracter, except Fu Xi and one more secret character(i don't know the name)

02-09-2002, 04:53 AM
Hi! Well i've locked all character except Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Fu xi, and ????.

have ya read my post , it's about Koei's new game.How about it?;)

guan yu
02-09-2002, 04:55 AM
yea u too :) how does fu xi look like what army is he in???

02-09-2002, 05:14 AM
Well, one thing for sure he is handsome:D . wear a long sword and a bandana(maybe), I don't know where he came from, but i think he is from Liu Biao army.

and Plzzz don't double post, just delete one post(up my post).
I say this because i don't want you to have any problem with the mod(you're my husband's friend afterall).


guan yu
02-09-2002, 05:25 AM
well yea like what the title says :P dont worry in future i wont double post ne more :P

hmmmmm fu xi sounds like a great char the way some of u ppl talk about him :P what weapon does he carry?

02-09-2002, 05:33 AM
Well, i'm still can't unlocked the other army.

About Fu xi, didn't she say that Fu xI use a long sword Like cloud.?

Heero Yuy
02-09-2002, 03:38 PM
Well, in DW3, i'm only got all Shu army.Dunno about the other army:( .

I think the last character is a woman, yes a woman.It's says in the guide that she is very fast, just like Lu xun:)

02-09-2002, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Laburnski
\ About Zhang He... do you mean Zhang He from Kessen II?

well in dw3 theres a guy named zhang he, and he has the claws, i only have like 4 or 5 secret chars but i cant remember their names

my name on FF XI will probably be Pollux, or Astral Rave (old PSO names)

02-09-2002, 04:15 PM
Listen Guan Yu..

About the Level:In Dw3 ,there are 7 level for most of each character, except the king like Sun jian, Cao cao, and Liu bei and the secret character.

About the character:All character in DW2 will gonna appear in DW3(all of it).Also, you can load the saved data in DW2 to DW3 in order to get the secret character easily.There are many new character like Pang Tong, Sun Ce, Wei yan, Zhang He, Zhen ji, and many others.

Each character has a secret weapon that can make them much stronger & faster.Also, there is a new feature: we can use spesial item like armor, sword, scroll, bow,etc.

I think that's all, how about it? Guan Yu...;)

guan yu
02-10-2002, 09:27 AM
lol sounds cool laburnski ill be really looking forward to DW3 i just found out that kessen 2 is about the 3 kingdoms :P lol i thought it was about the tokugawa period in japan :P

lol yea masamune is right she said big sword like cloud i guess i wasnt listening :P sorry cutie noin :P

hey heero u like the shu army eh cool :P whos ur favourite character? i guess i like most :P

hey u guys in this thread if u r going to play ff11............ would u guys like to join me & laburnski :P

Heero Yuy
02-10-2002, 10:06 AM
Thanks for asking, my fav character in Shu army are Zhao yun ( he's combo are really strong).

About Kessen II, i'm also have already play it, it's very funny once you play it, WHY???? because all the story in this game always contain a humor.

Just think about it, Liu Bei in DW2 & DW3( looks old) > but Liu Bei in Kessen 2 still looks like a young man.

02-10-2002, 02:43 PM
It seems KOEI are gonna release the Romance of three kingdom VII---> this one would be a serious game,not like Kessen II.

Have you ever played Romance of Three Kingdom VI(english version)? because the next one ,will be.... like this one but much better.;)

02-11-2002, 11:09 AM
My fav character will be Lu Bu, he is the strongest man i've ever seen.Even Guan Yu, ZhangFei and Liu Bei couldn't match his power.:D

I've play ROTK VI, the story is very great(i use Liu Bei army and take over Cao Cao territory).

guan yu
02-13-2002, 12:47 AM
lol yea i did notice somethings strange about kessen2 like where lui bei is young & his lover is diao chan! & where the fock is lu bu is he in the game cause i thought he was with diao chan:confused:

yes heero zhao yun is great he was my fave for a while but then i read the story of the three kingdoms & guan yu sounds like a true warrior i like the name zhang fei better i use him in my msn & an online game i play :P

yes zulian lu bu take on the three bros........ he was strong i guess i cant make fun of him except for his ignorance :P

hey laburnski u said that koei is releasing ROTK VII..... yea for what console lol :P

hey heero & zulian u guys going to play ff11? i think i already asked masamune dx if not then r u guys goanna play????? ooooo also u too cutie noin play!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

02-13-2002, 12:51 AM
yup im definitely in your clan guan yu, thanks

guan yu
02-13-2002, 01:04 AM
thnx bro now all we have to do is await ff11 to b released :p

02-13-2002, 10:01 AM
Well, ROTK VII is for PS2( i see it at the website) and for comp too.

02-13-2002, 04:57 PM
Join? hmm, i want to but....I want to be a rival for Laburnski(I'd like to fight at his side too,but..)so, i'm gonna make my team( Most of it are woman>my friend at school).Let see who the best!

In DW3, when Diao Chan died, she says"Forgive me father"i wonder who ?

guan yu
02-14-2002, 05:29 AM
cool if its for ps2 then ill buy it but the question is r they planning on making a PAL version?????

hmmmm a rival eh......... well i guess were just going to have to make an example outta ur clan cutie :P

also diao chan lived with a guy who was like a father to her (she was 1 of his maids) im sure she was talking about him she failed cause her so called "father" ask her if she could assassinate dong zhou by seducing lubu & dong at the same time thus making them dislike each other (lu bu was dongs personal body guard & with out lu bu he really had no power). :)

i also hear that laburnski & masamune r working on a clan name good job guys :P perhaps the others who wanna join our clan can help also :P (i wont make a name ill help u guys choose tho :D

02-14-2002, 05:41 AM
I still need to unlock Lu Bu in DW2.. then buy DW3... and maybe Kessen 1 and 2 for the hell of it ^_^

I'm starting to get into this "Romance of Three Kingdoms" thing... Damn you Koei! ;_;

guan yu
02-14-2002, 05:48 AM
here is a cheat to unlock all fighters: square, square, L1, L2. R1,R2, square, square u should hear clapping hands

i hope it works if it doesnt then i guess u have to kill 1000 ppl on huo lao gate in mousu mode :P

also im going to make a new thread in ff11 tilted ff11 clans this should get ppl in our clan fast :P also r u planning on buying ff11 djmog?

02-14-2002, 06:54 AM
I'm planning to get FFXI... but I'll mostly be hanging around by myself... thats how I am online.

Anyways, I'm the type of person who would rather do things the hard way instead of doing it the easy way... so I rather take the time beating 1000 guys in Hu Lao Gate ^_^

02-14-2002, 02:10 PM
guan yu, I would love to join your clan, if you'll accept me that is. Yes I'm also gonna join FF11, but let me get no. X first!
Fave character? That's a tough one....uhh....I don't really have a fave character, but if I was to pick one I would say Zhou Yun. He's really cute.

Oh, by the way in the DW2 intro, who's baby was he carrying?

02-14-2002, 02:18 PM
Of course, you can join the clan.:D.Also, we'll wait until you finish the X first.

Hmmm, the baby?That's Liu Bei's son.

DuO MaXwEll
02-15-2002, 06:40 PM
Liu Bei? i tought the baby is Zhao yun's son:p .

My favorite character will be Zhuge Liang(the warlord).I've already unlocked all character.

02-16-2002, 05:10 AM
Is DW3 a good buy? I want to get it... but I heard it's just the same thing again.... just a little better o_O

02-16-2002, 06:25 AM
Well, you should try to buy it,Dj MogK'.

It's just the same as DW2,BUT, It's much better than DW2.It can do more Combo, Lots of stage, new features(Elephant, Ultimate Weapon for each ppl,also in this game you can use ITEM that very usefull in the battlefield, & can change your Bodyguard weapon's), More New character, and many others.:D

02-16-2002, 10:47 PM
Gang Ning is by far one of the best in the game. With his fourth weapon, he kicks major butt. His musou is the coolest!!!

02-17-2002, 09:39 AM
i've just bought Kessen II from my friend, it's very exciting also it have a good humor.

The grapichs is really cool, i like to use Cao Cao army and use Tiger cannon.BoOM!! hahahahaha.:D

guan yu
02-17-2002, 11:08 AM
ty jade :))))))))) nice fave char :P (didnt think u even played DW2 or 3 :P )also just as laburnski said yes u may join the clan :)))) we would love it if u joined :P

yea zhoa yun was holding lui beis child :P

its ok about not joining mog also yea u should at least hire DW3 for the reasons cutie gave ya :P

yea australia sucks :( i havent even recieved ff10 DW3 or kessen2 :( i hope they come soon :P

Heero Yuy
02-17-2002, 05:50 PM
Well, Guan Yu...If ya want that game so badly, why didn't you buy it from internet, my father would know a place like that.

Anyway,Why Liu Bei leave his son to Zhao Yun?:confused:

02-21-2002, 04:31 PM
Well, Liu Bei didn't leave his son...But, his wife give it to Zhao Yun to protect the baby from Cao Cao's army.Poor Liu Bei, his wife died because of that tragedy:(

03-10-2002, 04:25 AM
ok to all the people who have DW3, and are looking for a new weapon for their character

try to unlock "The Battle at Mt. Ding Jun", and the first general on the left or right side (i forget) almost always drops a third set weapon, after you have collected the weapon succesfully complete the level, and enjoy

i finally got the double star for wei yan and he is strong as hell and is my new character

but how do you get their ultimate 4th set weapon?

03-11-2002, 01:32 AM
Each character has to be in some condition in order to get their 4th weapon.

Here is the list:

Gourindou (Chivalric Dragon Guts)
Element : Red
Basic +43
HP +74
Attack +25
Defense +52
Musou Gage +80
Stage: Chouhan (Chang Ban)
Type: Supply Team
Location: Entry point near Choukou (Zhang He)
Direction: Toward Northeast entry point
Method: Defeat Kakouton (Xiahou Dun) and Chouryou (Zhang Liao), Sousou
(Cao Cao) backup troops appear event, Ryuubi (Liu Bei) calls for help,
ride a horse and go near Ryuubi (Liu Bei), Chou-Un (Zhao Yun) announces
his presence event, defeat Choukou (Zhang He).

Kouryuuengetsutou (Yellow Dragon Block Moon Falchion)
Element : Blue
Basic +49
HP +87
Attack +28
Defense +59
Musou Increase + 25
Stage: Kan-U Senrikou (Guan Yu Qian Li Xing)
Type: Supply team
Location: North of 4th fort
Direction: Toward South
Method: Pass the 4th gate.

Hagundabou (Break Army Snake Lance)
Element : None
Basic +47
Attack +29
Defense +58
Ride Attack +56
Ride Defense +57
Musou Increase +24
Stage: Chouhan (Chang Ban)
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point near Kyochou (Xu Zhu)
Direction: Toward Northeast entry point
Method: Meet with enemies on the Chouhan Bridge, Chouhi (Zhang Fei)
yell event, defeat Kakouton (Xiahou Dun) and Kakou-En (Xiahou Yuan).

Kousenhitou (Yellow Fairy Secret Knife)
Element : None
Basic +44
Attack +23
Defense +45
Arrow Attack +60
Arrow Defense +58
Radius +26
Stage: Teigunzan (Ding Jun Shang)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the west of Sousou (Cao Cao)'s initial position
Method: Run down the center route, defeat Kakoushou (Xiahou Shang)

Ryuukisen (Dragon Ride Sharp)
Element : Red
Basic +42
Jump +21
Ride Attack +60
Ride Defense +60
Radius +21
Stage: Doukan (Tong Guan)
Type: Supply team
Location: Right side of the bridge on the North of the map
Direction: Toward Northeast entry point
Method: Sousou (Cao Cao) meet Kansui (Han Suei) event, Kansui (Han
Suei) defect to Sousou (Cao Cao) side, wait for a while.

Soukyokumessei (Double Pole Destroy Star)
Element : Purple
Basic +46
Jump +23
Attack +24
Defense +56
Radius +22
Stage: Gaitei (Jie Ting)
Type: Precious item
Location: On top of the hill Bashyoku (Ma Su) made camp
Method: Wait for Bashyoku (Ma Su) to move up the hill on his own, enemy
surprise attack and surround Bashyoku (Ma Su), defeat the enemy general
attacking Bashyoku (Ma Su) to rescue him, defeat all enemy generals
except Shiba-Yi (Sima Yi), enter Shiba-Yi (Sima Yi) camp.

Kouissen (Maintain One Flash)
Element : Blue
Basic +41
Musou Gage +74
Attack +23
Luck +25
Stage: Gaitei (Jie Ting)
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point to the Northeast of Shiba-Yi (Sima Yi)
Direction: Toward Northwest entry point
Method: Defeat Shinki (Zhen Ji) and Soushin (Cao Zhen)

Goufuushinjyou (Chivalric Wind God Stick)
Element : None
Basic +38
HP +66
Attack +22
Arrow Attack +46
Radius +28
Musou Increase +29
Stage: Seito (Chen Du)
Type: Precious item
Location: Northwest of map
Method: Houtou (Pan Tong) surrounded by Chounin (Zhan Ren) message,
defeat Chounin (Zhang Ren).

Suzaku-usen (Red Sparrow Feather Fan)
Element : Red
Basic +40
Speed +22
Jump +22
Defense +55
Arrow Defense +55
Ride Defense +55
Stage: Gojyougen (Wu Zhang Yuan)
Type: Precious item
Location: East end of Shokatsuryou (Zhuge Liang)'s initial position
Method: Enemy backup troop appear, defeat enemy backup troop general
Soukyuu (Cao Xiu).

Shinkouryuuken (Real Yellow Dragon Sword)
Element : None
Basic +40
Speed +20
Musou Increase +70
Ride Attack +44
Ride Defense +52
Luck +22
Stage: Yi-Ryou (Yi Ling)
Type: Precious item
Location: Inside Sonken Jr (Sun Quan)'s camp
Method: Defeat Sonshyoukou (Sun Shang Xiang).


Shingokugozu (Real Extreme Cow Head)
Element : Blue
Basic +49
HP +84
Attack +27
Musou Increase +28
Stage: Enjyou (Wan Chen)
Type: Supply troop
Location: East of Koshaji (Hu Che Er)'s initial position
Direction: Toward entry point guarded by Kaku (Jia Xu)
Method: Defeat Koshyaji (Hu Che Er)

Suzakukou (Red Sparrow Rainbow)
Element : Purple
Basic +43
Jump +23
Attack +24
Radius +27
Musou Increase +29
Stage: Kanto (Guan Du)
Side: Gi (Wei)
Type: Precious item
Location: Center of map, around the bend of the central river
Method: With Ganryou (Yian Liang) and Bunshyuu (Wen Chou) still alive,
find and burn the enemy food supply.

Metsukiringa (Destroy Kirin Tooth)
Element : Red
Basic +48
Attack +26
Arrow Defense +60
Ride Defense +56
Radius +24
Stage: Kan-U Senrikou (Guan Yu Qian Li Xing)
Type: Precious item
Location: Northeast corner of the fort Kanpei (Guan Ping) is in
Method: Defeat Shyuusou (Zhou Can), Chinshin (Chen Zhen), and Kanpei
(Guan Ping).

Shinkuga (God Dog Tooth)
Element : Red
Basic +45
Musou Gage +84
HP +78
Arrow Attack +58
Arrow Defense +59
Stage: Teigunzan (Ding Jun Shan)
Type: Precious item
Location: In the alcove West of Kouchyuu (Huang Zhong)'s initial
Method: After the Kouchyuu (Huang Zhong) run down the hill event,
defeat Kouchyuu (Huang Zhong).

Shiyuubakufusai (Tribe Chief Waterfall Crush)
Element : None
Basic +50
Musou Gage +88
HP +86
Attack +28
Defense +58
Luck +27
Stage: Doukan (Tong Guan)
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of Bachou (Ma Chao)'s fort
Method: Defeat Batai (Ma Dai) and Houtoku (Pang De), then pass through
the gate of Bachou (Ma Chao)'s fort.

Kouryuukourentou (Yellow Dragon Hook Sickle Knife)
Element : None
Basic +48
HP +79
Attack +25
Ride Attack +58
Ride Defense +58
Radius +21
Stage: Gappi (He Fei)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the North of the broken bridge
Method: Defeat Shyuutai (Chow Tai).

Byakkogadan (White Tiger Tooth Break)
Element : None
Basic +46
Speed +21
Musou Gage +82
Attack +24
Luck +24
Radius +22
Stage: Hanjyo (Fan Chen)
Side: Gi (Wei)
Type: Precious item
Location: Near Northeast edge of the ground level
Method: Defeat Kanpei (Guan Ping) before the flood event.

Getsuyounikkyou (Moon Demon Sun Madness)
Element : None
Basic +37
Speed +23
Defense +52
Arrow Attack +50
Ride Attack +50
Radius +25
Stage: Gaitei (Jie Ting)
Type: Precious item
Location: Around Shokatsuryou (Zhuge Liang)'s camp
Method: Defeat Kyou-I.

Kyuuki-usen (Poor Strange Feather Fan)
Element : Blue
Basic +40
Attack +28
Arrow Attack +50
Ride Attack +55
Radius +29
Musou Increase +26
Stage: Gojyougen (Wu Zhang Yuan)
Type: Supply team & precious item
Location: Entry point Southeast of Shyoku (Shu) base
Method: Defeat Chouhou (Zhang Bao), 20 minutes later the supply team
will appear around Chouhou (Zhang Bao)'s initial position, defeat
supply team captain but receive nothing, instead receive precious item

Iten-nokanken (Iten Devious Sword)
Element : Purple
Basic +45
Attack +24
Arrow Attack +52
Ride Attack +48
Radius +24
Stage: Koukin (Huang Jing)
Type: Supply troop
Location: Entry point Northwest of map
Direction: Toward center North entry point
Method: Defeat Chouhou (Zhang Bao) and Chouryou (Zhang Liang) without
killing any of the enemy entry point captains and not losing any ally
entry points.


Koteitoushinuchi (Ancient Currency Knife Real Hit)
Element : Red
Basic +46
Attack +23
Defense +50
Radius +25
Musou Increase +27
Stage: Sekiheki (Chi Bi)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the Southwest of Sousou (Cao Cao)'s initial position
Method: Defeat Kakouton (Xiahou Dun) and Choukou (Zhang He).

Jitsugetsukenkonken (Sun Moon Kenkon Ring)
Element : None
Basic +40
Speed +23
Jump +22
HP +66
Luck +23
Radius +30
Stage: Sekitei (Shi Ting)
Type: Precious item
Location: Around Soukyuu (Cao Xiu)'s initial position
Method: Defeat Soukyuu (Cao Xiu).

Dankaiben (Break Sea Whip)
Element : None
Basic +44
HP +82
Defense +57
Ride Attack +52
Radius +23
Musou Increase +27
Stage: Sekiheki (Chi Bi)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the North of Shokatsuryou (Zhuge Liang)'s praying
Method: Defeat Chouryou.

Senhien (Flash Fly Swallow)
Element : None
Basic +42
Speed +22
Musou Gage +75
Defense +43
Radius +29
Stage: Yi-Ryou (Yi Ling)
Type: Precious item
Location: Northeast of Shokatsuryou (Zhuge Liang)'s stone maze
Method: With either Ryomou (Lu Meng) or Kan-nei (Gan Ning) still alive,
break through the Sekihei Hachijin Maze and defeat Shokatsuryou (Zhuge

Koboku-ouroukai (Tiger Jump Beat Wolf Change)
Element : Blue
Basic +45
HP +81
Attack +26
Arrow Attack +55
Ride Attack +51
Stage: Gogun Kouryakusen (Wu Jun Gong Lue Zhan)
Side: Allied Troops
Type: Precious item
Location: Area in front of the center North entry point
Method: Defeat all enemy generals except Sonsaku (Sun Ce).

Byakkogaku (White Tiger Jaw)
Element : Blue
Basic +45
Defense +53
Arrow Defense +54
Ride Defense +54
Musou Increase +25
Stage: Hanjyo (Fan Chen)
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of Gi (Wei) base, on the middle level platform.
Method: Defeat Kanpei (Guan Ping).

Hakai (Fierce Sea)
Element : Blue
Basic +46
Speed +22
Jump +21
Attack +25
Luck +26
Musou Increase +28
Stage: Gappi (He Fei)
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point Northwest of map
Direction: Toward entry point Southwest of map
Method: Wait for Taishiji (Tai Shi Ci)'s death event.

Kyoubirei (Qiao Beautiful Beauty)
Element : None
Basic +37
Musou Gage +64
HP +65
Attack +22
Defense +48
Luck +29
Stage: Sekitei (Shi Ting)
Type: Precious item
Location: Dead end to the West of the Northwest entry point
Method: Defeat Choukou (Zhang He).
Note: This one cannot be obtained in Musou Mode

Kyoukarei (Qiao Goodness Beauty)
Element : Purple
Basic +38
Speed +24
Defense +47
Luck +28
Musou Increase +30
Stage: Nanban (Nan Man)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the East of the bridge at the Northwest of map
Method: Defeat Shyukuyuu (Zhu Rong).

Haou (Fierce King)
Element : Red
Basic +42
Speed +21
Jump +20
Musou Gage +80
HP +72
Stage: Gogun Kouryakusen (Wu Jun Gong Lue Zhan)
Type: Precious item
Location: Southwest of Taishiji (Tai Shi Ci)
Method: Make Taishiji (Tai Shi Ci) defect to your side by defeating
Ryuuyou (Liu Yo) without defeating Taishiji (Tai Shi Ci).

Shin-ourouken (Real King Wolf Sword)
Element : None
Basic +42
Musou Gage +68
Attack +22
Arrow Attack +49
Arrow Defense +50
Musou Increase +26
Stage: Gappi Shinjyou (He Fei Xing Chen)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the East of the pond in the center of the castle
Method: Defeat Choukou (Zhang He)

Shintenrouken (Real Sky Wolf Sword)
Element : Red
Basic +43
Musou Gage +76
HP +68
Attack +22
Defense +49
Stage: Ryuuhyou Kishyuusen (Liu Biao Qi Xi Zhan)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the right of the entrance of the path toward Rokou (Lu
Method: Defeat Rokou (Lu Gong).


Musouhoutengeki (Musou Square Sky Lance)
Element : Blue
Basic +50
Jump +24
Musou Gage +90
HP +90
Attack +30
Defense +60
Stage: Koroukan (Hu Lao Guan)
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point Northeast of map
Direction: Toward entry point behind Sousou (Cao Cao)'s initial
Method: Defeat Chouhi (Zhang Fei), Kan-U (Guan Yu), Ryuubi (Liu Bei),
and Kousonsan (Gong Sun Dzan).

Kinreigyokusui (Gold Beautiful Jade Hammer)
Element : None
Basic +40
Musou Gage +65
Defense +48
Luck +30
Radius +28
Musou Increase +30
Stage: Koroukan (Hu Lao Guan)
Type: Precious item
Location: West of Shisuikan (Su Shuei Guan)
Method: Defeat Enjyutsu (Yuan Shu).

Shindaiseiken (Real Big Star Sword)
Element : None
Basic +41
HP +70
Defense +45
Radius +25
Stage: Koroukan (Hu Lao Guan)
Type: Precious item
Location: Entry point West of map
Method: Wait until all your generals are defeated except for Ryofu (Lu
Bu), Chousen (Diao Chan) and Chousen (Diao Chan) will defect to the
Allied Troop side, defeat Chousen (Diao Chan).

Shinhadouken (Real Fierce Path Sword)
Element : None
Basic +44
Jump +20
Musou Gage +78
Defense +54
Arrow Attack +51
Ride Attack +46
Stage: Kanto (Guan Du)
Type: Supply team
Location: North of the Southeastern fort
Direction: Toward Southeast entry point
Method: Keep Bunshyuu (Wen Chou) alive for 10 minutes.

Goukashinjyou (Explode Fire God Stick)
Element : Red
Basic +37
Musou Gage +72
Attack +43
Radius +27
Stage: Koukin (Huang Jing)
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of the river North of map
Method: Defeat all three generals of Ryuubi (Liu Bei), all five
generals of Sousou (Cao Cao), or all four generals of Sonken Sr (Sun

Hyakujyuuou (Hundred Beast King)
Element : Red
Basic +48
HP +88
Attack +27
Ride Attack +54
Ride Defense +54
Stage: Nanban (Nan Man)
Type: Precious item
Location: West of the blocking mountain at the center of the map
Method: Defeat all enemy generals on the East side - Bachou (Ma Chao),
Chouyoku (Zhang Yi), and Batai (Ma Dai), or all enemy generals on the
West side - Chouhi (Zhang Fei), Chouhou (Zhang Bao), and Kankou (Guan

Gouka (Hell Fire)
Element : Red
Basic +42
Musou Gage +72
Defense +52
Arrow Defense +52
Radius +26
Stage: Nanban (Nan Man)
Type: Precious item
Location: Near the bridge at the center of map
Method: Keep Toutona (Dong Tu Na) and Akainan (A Huei Nan) alive for 15
minutes, the two of them will meet and trigger the escape from
battlefield event.

Fukki no Taiken (Fu Xi's Big Sword)
Element : Red
Basic +46
Attack +26
Defense +51
Radius +23
Musou Increase +24
Stage: Ryuuhyou Kishyuusen (Liu Biao Qi Xi Zhan)
Side: Ryuuhyou (Liu Biao)
Type: Precious item
Location: Dead end area at the Northwest corner of the beach
Method: Defeat Kougai (Huang Gai).

Jyoka no Saiken (Nu Wa's Slender Sword)
Element : Purple
Basic +39
Musou Gage +62
HP +62
Attack +21
Defense +46
Stage: Enjyou (Wan Chen)
Side: Choushyuu (Zhang Xiu)
Type: Precious item
Location: North of Ten-I (Dian Wei)'s initial location
Method: Defeat Ten-I (Dian Wei).

03-15-2002, 05:44 AM

03-15-2002, 06:09 AM
here to help your confusion

Lu Bu Was the adopted son of Dong Zhuo Who was setting up to take control of China. Diao Chan's Father was a High ranking dignitary who feared Dong Zhuo, Diao Chan was sent to capture Lu Bu and Doong Zhuo's hearts.. she was basically cheating em both. She was killed in the Hu Lao Gate battle. Kessen 2 has things all screwy Liu Bei married Sun Shang Xiang of the Wu Kingdom creating peace between them Sun Jian died in the battle of Liu Biao and his son Sun Ce took control. Sun Ce was betrayed and murdered by an unknown source after building the Wu army. Sun Quan became the leader and with the help of his brother by two marriages (Zhou Yu who married Da Qiao sister to Xiao Qiao who was married to Sun Ce) there... Wu Kingdom explained. Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did NOT lose to Lu Bu in fact in history Guan Yu killed him and Stole Red Hair (Lu Bu's horse) This enraged Xiahou Dun who proceeded to attack Guan Yu (In DW3 it was the Guan Yu's Escape level)

Also foot note.. never explained in DW3 Wei Yan as sugjested by his appearance and attitude betrayed Liu Bei only to be slaughtered by Zhao Yun

*Breathes* anymore questions?

03-15-2002, 06:11 AM
I said Doong and Im really too lazy to edit it instead I make fun of myself for it

03-15-2002, 07:05 AM
1. Don't TRIPLE Post
2. Don't DOUBLE Post
3. Use the Edit Button to fix your mistakes.

Anyways, I heard that Lu Bu had a really messed up life... then eventually died as a messed up guy. =P

03-15-2002, 07:10 AM
I wasnt told till after all three posts were up sorry man... BTW

Lu Bu had no parent and died alone betrayed by the woman he loved so yes screwed up life. and Diao Chan wasnt working for Liu Bei as Kessen states but for Sun Jian. Kessen is just wrong they portray Lu Xun as a woman and Zhao Yun as a Mongolian soooooooo lol

03-15-2002, 04:01 PM
I it true that Wei Yan wear a mask in the true story of ROTK?

03-15-2002, 04:51 PM
i dont know, but i use wei yan as my main character and he kicks major ass

03-15-2002, 06:56 PM
Wei Yan did really wear a mask... Omega Force (The Driving factor behind the differances in Koei's two Three Kingdoms games kessen and DW) did their very best to make DW as hiostorically correct as possible

Also Laburnski I sent you a PM saying the two secret characters of DW3 Fu Xi and Nu Wa you ever get that?

03-16-2002, 01:05 AM
Yes,I've got the PM....thanks for your yelp ^^

What Do you think about ROTK VII?Also,KOEI's new game----->I forgot about the name(but it says that it'll be like Final Fantasy Tactics)

03-16-2002, 06:12 AM
I did hear about that game Laburnski it looks good.. I cant remember its name either at this point. I think Atlus put out Hoshigami and thats the only name in my head right now lol

As far as any ROTK game goes. Im into it I love Romance man they are like a staple in gaming now days... Almost as much so as Final Fantasy... An old favourite that I would love to see come back is Shinning Force and Phantasy Star (Not the trash that Sega spewwed at us with PSO) I mean I love PSO but it isn;t a Phantasy Star game....

Also I study Sun Tzu so anything about the Three Kingdoms war (Sun Jian is Sun Tzu's Great Grandson) and Im into it.. also you guys were talking about Lu Xun the strategist... Lu Xun was ok but he was no match for a mind like Zhuge Liang... men like Zhuge (Pronounced as Shew Gay in the american version which is WRONG his name is pronounced Zhew) were one in a million in fact men like him dont exist in current day. He was a brilliant man with the battle strategy that only Buddha himself could have bestowed hehe. Personally though.. Fist to fist even annoying little Xiao Qiao could whip him.. lol

And kudos to Omega Force and Koei the diversity of characters has gotten me so addicted to Dynasty Warriors 3 that I got it the first day it came out and just kept playing it non stop (a breif two day interlude for FFX just long enough to beat it) Also Laburnski for kicks go to the options menu go to Opening Edit highlight Replay and hold down the four shoulder buttons (L1 L2 R1 R2) and press X the creators made a surprise ending kinda silly... but fun none the less... anyway Laburnski Ima go ahead and end this and send ya a quick PM

03-16-2002, 07:45 AM
go to the options menu go to Opening Edit highlight Replay and hold down the four shoulder buttons (L1 L2 R1 R2) and press X the creators made a surprise ending kinda silly

I've already try that trick ^^
It's really funny to see some silly ending(I see that LuBu Dancing....weird)

Too bad that Zhuge Liang Died before he can unite china under Shu Kingdom rule..(He died at WuZhang plains right?),after that the next strategist will be Jiang Wei.
I'm just curious....who won this war?Shu,Wei or Wu...Until now....i'm still can't find the answer.

Also,have you play Kessen 2?I thought that if we play as Liu Bei(he is really young.....but not a wise leader for me)we'll got a good ending,but after i finished the game with CaoCao...I got the TRUE GOOD ending(LiuBei alive and being together with Diaochan again,CaoCao alive and married, and China will gonna peacefull for some periode)...hahahaha,strange isn't it?

03-16-2002, 08:20 AM
never played Kessen 2 I played for maybe two minutes too depressed by the mis inturpertation of history I shut it off

The Wei kingdom won the Three Kingdoms War although Jiang Wei was no where near Zhuge Liang.. The next great Strategist was actually Sima Yi who was also extremely brilliant hehe Jiang Wei while very smart was a child next to his mentor... Also dont forget Pang Tong ... Im their school they were known as the Dragon and Pheonix (Zhuge and Pang) yes they did study together... Pang Tong although his looks say otherwise is probably the second smartest man in DW3

03-16-2002, 10:36 AM
Anyway,i see at ROTK that Guan Yu, Zhang Fei,and Liu Bei are dissapeared when they're having a war in Wu Zhang Plains...I wonder if it true?

Hmm,where actually Fu Xi came from anyway?(wei,Wu,Shu, or Liu Biao army)

03-17-2002, 01:21 AM
is that game crimson sea?

03-17-2002, 03:42 AM
Crimson sea for X-Box isn't?

I think Lab tell us about a new game from KOEI for PS2,not X-Box(maybe...^^)

03-18-2002, 01:30 AM
heh that was the only one i could remember

but this so frustrating because i cant find the egm that has the name of the game you guys are talking about

03-18-2002, 01:58 AM
hey i like zhao yun,he has a good balance between power and technique and cute face,and i very proud about LuBu he can defeat great general from three kingdoom likes zhang fei,guan yu,and liu bei.

about zhuge liang i think he is a ghost he can fly,and spread out the laser.

xiahou dun he is a nice guy cuz when he defeat the guan yu,he give a chance to alive(nice guy...huh :) )

P.S:for laburnski when i look some forums you can make a good ava and sig,could you make some sig for me(plzzzz....;) )

03-21-2002, 03:50 AM
There are actually a lot of secret characters, I'd have to say my fav. is Pang Tong in Dynasty Warriors 3. His musou(sp?) rocks!

03-21-2002, 01:34 PM
I wish it would hurry up and come out in the UK!!!
I've seen the Jap import but that's no good, I got no Jap PS2:(

Wouldn't it be great if there was a Dynasty Warriors Online? I wonder how that would turn out.....

$quall Leonhart
03-21-2002, 07:09 PM
Any one seen Twin Warriors?? Well the old geezer sound JUST like one of the dudes(cant remember who..) in Dynasty Warriors2!

Dynasty Warriors2, thas a good game! I maxed out "pretty" boy ( dunno whats hes name, but he dresses in a red..)

Wish i lived in Japan, cuz then i could bye DW3:D

01-26-2007, 08:23 PM
hello guys

01-26-2007, 09:38 PM
Fave charecters are Lu Bu and Zhao Yun.

01-27-2007, 04:43 AM
Me and my friends used to play Dynasty Warriors 3 all the time. It was so much fun. But they seemed to get worse after that. I still bought them though. The empires games though were pretty fun in 1 player mode.