04-15-2003, 12:00 AM
Who else owns this little gem? I've had since it like first came out, it's definitely a fucking awesome game. I don't understand why you people don't like it.

04-15-2003, 12:09 AM
A lot of people don't like this game because it was not typical "FF". Personally, I liked it, because at the time I played it, it was different, but still fun and engaging. I liked the weapons system, as it wasn't too complicated for my young mind. It isn't my top choice of games, but neither is it near the bottom. A decent game all around, IMO.

04-15-2003, 02:38 PM
Yes, exactly. When I got it, I couldn't have been more then like... shit, 8 years old. It was just the type of RPG to get me into RPGs! (although I did try FF1 when I was 3).

04-19-2003, 05:07 AM
FF:MQ was just... well... simple. It was simple in every way: plot, battles, graphics... I mean, the 4 crystals are broken and it's the Dark Lord's fault? So you have to fight an Earth monster, a Water monster, a Fire monster and a Wind monster? Hey, I'll bet that there's a town associated with each of those AND a big ancient tower too! If we're lucky we'll even get to fight all 4 monsters again (with more powerful attacks) before we fight "The Dark Lord" and he turns into a spider and ow it makes no sense ow ow ow ow owow owowowowwwwww

04-26-2003, 11:37 PM
It had good gameplay points, but it was too easy, even when I was about 8. And too short. But, at the time, it was somewhat fun.

04-29-2003, 03:44 PM
The music when you finish a fight had been stuck in my ears for years, so I finally decided to replay and finish the game, and although it hardly took some days, it was fun.
And I found myself singing the music.

The music is awesome!
And chopping away the trees in the forest was great...

G Unit
05-03-2003, 09:37 PM
Ive never experience this altho I would like to:( What system was it released for?..I guess the only way ill b able to play it is by emulator, but im not into that so im f*cked:P

Darth Revan
05-28-2003, 05:04 PM

This was a side story FF game for the SNES, which a lot of people dislike (Try another forums, say anything about this game at all, and you get flamed to a nice crispy brown colour.) because it didn't have a lot of the hallmark FF mascots. No summon monsters etc, etc.

I got it off eBay, and I admit, it is a easy game. I can understand, how when it first came out, a lot of people bought it, and decided to track down the rest of the FF games, and got hooked.

It is a quirky little title, and, personally, I think if you consider yourself a TRUE Final Fantasy connoiseur, have a play of it. You may be surprised by what you see, yes?

07-09-2003, 07:55 AM
Yes. I absolutely love this game everyone should give it a try just because it breaks the mould of the other FF's doesn't mean it sucks. I mean, if you were an ORIGINAL FF fan (ie not a moron to started at 7) this would've been only the 3rd FF released Stateside on a console.

07-30-2003, 05:46 PM
I've had the cartridge since about 92. Still play it from time to time.

It wasn't like a normal FF game and I think thats why it got frowned upon. But it did have several good points to it. Its a well worth it game for FF newbies.

08-10-2003, 04:00 PM
It is definitely a RPG for beginners. So is Mario RPG though, and that was tons better. But FFMQ was alright, i didn't play until i had played a few others, like FF4 and FF6, so i really never made a big deal about it.

12-07-2003, 10:50 PM
I played it when it first came out for the SNES. I liked it the first time through, but I could NEVER play it again. Its definatly an RPG for the new player, and is not really much like a "traditional" FF