Darth Revan
04-14-2003, 06:39 PM

Well, I was watching Vampire Hunter D : Bloodlust earlier in the night, and I remember a discussion I had with Enkidoh. What was my favourite Anime/Manga/Comic team-up AND versus battle.

Well, I'll do my favourite team up first (I'll add more, but right now, can't think of any.) :

Vampire Hunter D and Death's Head :
D, no reason is there? I mean, D is DA MAN!! He's so damn cool. He's got a big hat, big sword, black armour, black cloak and his attitude is dark. Oh, and the fact that his hand is possessed by a demon (I'm thinking of Bruce Campbell's character Ash, from the Evil Dead movies. His hand was possessed by a demon as well.), a wisecracking, smart-alec demon, is pretty good as well.

Death's Head? I won't be surprised if not many people know who Death's Head is. My avatar is a pic of him. He's a Freelance Peacekeeping Agent (Don't call him Bounty Hunter. That makes him mad, yes? And when DH gets mad, people start dying.), a wisecracker, and loves his 'toys'. 'Toys' being all of his instruments of death, from blaster cannons, to wrist mounted blades, to missiles, to numerous edged weaponry, he is the ultimate in his field of work. (Also, Death's Head featured prominently, in Marvel UK's comic line up. Mainly in Transformers UK magazines, but he also had a brief 'run-in' with Doctor Who, also with the Fantastic Four and others.)

Now, favourite Versus battle/match, Hmmm..... this'll be a tag team match....

Sho Fukamachi (Guyver1) and Agito Makashima (Guyver3) VERSUS Ghost Rider 2099 and Geno-Cyber :

Sho Fukamachi (Guyver1) and Agito Makashima (Guyver3) :
The two wearers of alien bio booster armour, power by Life itself. Armour possesses near infinite strength, amplifies it's host own battle potential by 100%, high frequency vibration blades in forearms (which can cut through anything), an infra rays laser shooter (located on the forehead), ability to fly, can fire gravity attacks and the main reason, the Mega-Smasher super cannon, located in the chest. Also, if the Guyver is destroyed, as long as the control medal isn't damaged, the Guyver can regenerate and come back.

Ghost Rider 2099 :
The conciousness of a brash street youth, clothed in the body of a powerful warbot, bearing a resemblence to the infamous Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider 2099 has numerous abilities. A electro chainsaw in a wrist mounted sheath on one arm, a special polymer alloy hand, which can cut anything, laser beams within it's optical sensors, ability to shift from combat form to compact form, also a solidiogram system, which creates a holigram over the compact form for espionage or recon, as well as a personal cloaking device. Plus, his whole body is full of self replicating nanites, meaning he can rebuild himself after getting destroyed, and deal out punishment. Add the jet motorcycle, and he's one mean mech.

Geno-Cyber :
A girl with mental powers, can assume the form of a powerful genetic bio monster, which can fly, use telepathy, can crush it's way through almost anything, and it's almost indestructible. Nuff said.

Well, there's my favourite team up, and favourite battle/versus match. What's yours?