Memento Mori
04-10-2003, 02:57 PM
Exploring - 4/10/03

After twisting my mind through turbulence
And a lasting effect on my lethargic endurance
I'm brought to the table with the light in my face
Love on two sides of you is a bitter taste
I can see beauty in either of the two directions
I guess it's time to indulge in self-reflection
With whom could I be more content
I just can't seem to pick up on that scent...

I'm shattered
I'm battered
I once fucked up all that had mattered
Dreaded tears
Monstrous fears
I can see a life-altering decision is near

But I'm in so deep with someone
And I love her with all of my heart
Away from her I shall not shun
I don't even know where to start
But she climbed into my life and I was Mount Everest
Kicked out my loneliness, and I am forever blessed
Obsessed with melancholy, until I felt your caress
No more sharp horrible pains far into my chest....

I kept myself shut out
I kept myself unknown
But here I am, eyes open
Demons have finally flown
Once before, out of luck
Once before, depression
An end to the cluster-fuck
I open the door...
To the outside

There stands my love.

04-10-2003, 07:33 PM
*gives Chris a biiiig kiss*

That was awesome! I adore it. I thought I had some decent poetry until I read yours. You're awesome! I'll be sure to check this thread from now on. I tend to not read a lot of poetry unless someone ask me too, but you always catch my eye hun.

Great Job. Then again, great is an understatement.

04-11-2003, 11:40 AM
Kitten said the words I could have easily said but she got there first.. Anyway, great poem. Most long poems come off boring and not really making much of an impact but that poem makes a good read either way.

Well done..

Memento Mori
04-11-2003, 02:49 PM
Reflecting Back - 4/11/03

I need to release
I need to explode
This needs to cease
Life hasn't flowed
The way it once did
The road grew narrow
On the black ice I skid
Bottom of the barrow...

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to burn
So you can destroy all those scars implanted?
You'd think by now I would have just learned
Because all of these woes are being recanted
I just can't help but to bitch, whine and complain
This saga of helplessness is driving me insane
I'm on a one-way trip, arriving at disdain
These smiles, this joviality I keep trying to contain
But these smiles, this joy, I keep having to feign
I just can't get off of this hellbound train
My head is unstable and dangerous like propane
I don't want to explode, but I'm afraid I can't refrain
And I'm stuck inside with all of this unforgotten pain
I'm lost in the middle of this great open plain
But these fucking memories of dismay only remain
I wish this shit would release, and get the fuck out of my brain.

04-12-2003, 05:22 AM
Another good poem Anima Relic. Words just can't describe how good it is exactly. Well done..

04-13-2003, 07:02 AM
I really like these, very well laid out and written. I can't wait to see some more work from you. Very nice!

Memento Mori
04-13-2003, 07:06 AM
I'm not going to cry anymore
I think I've seen this light
Lucidity a subject once not in sight
When content was forcibly a chore

I'd drown in the deepest oceans
You made me see what's real
I kiss goodbye the doubts I feel
And all this emotional erosion

Our hearts poured to each other
I held you tighter than ever
Hoping your badness wouldn't sever
I guess clarity was finally discovered

What was once confusion decayed
What was once indecision died
What was once feelings denied
Came out, and replaced dismay.

04-13-2003, 07:10 AM
Amazing, I like very much! You're words are descriptive and evokative, it's very clear in the way it get's it's message across. Nice, very nice.

04-13-2003, 07:15 AM
Krelian writing :O

I like this one, it's all... flowfull and stuff :) I've always loved how you write and I still do. I'm a fan ^-^ You're very talented and each poem is good, so keep on writing.


04-13-2003, 07:23 AM
Hm, what can I say that I haven't said before? Well, the poem flows very well with the tidy paragraphs so it makes it very easy on the eyes and overall it makes for a great read. A little goes a long way (in the terms of tidy paragraphs).

Memento Mori
05-06-2003, 05:19 PM
"Alexander Hamilton" - 5/6

I'm in the middle of a black and white juxtaposition
There's people around me who are arousing suspicion
Like I don't give a fuck about a goddamn thing anymore
Since I got a girl, I've felt no fucking need to explore
I just choose and pick and sift my friends out carefully
Because I can't fucking tell if one of them will menace me
Or take me by surprise, pull the fucking wool over my eyes
Like they got an upsized, tyrannical monopolizing enterprise
I'm a straight shooter, I won't blow smoke up your ass
I'm not going to make you feel good, while I shove your face in this glass
You ain't no fucking piece of toast, I ain't gonna butter you up
But don't be fuckin talking bitch, just keep your mouth shut
I don't want to hear your bitching, or your trivial complaints
Stemming from this self-indulgence, I'm a rabid dog on restraint
So if you tell me to my face, that everything's all peachy keen
And if you take that knife and stab me, not a person will hear your scream.

Chorus: So piss off, fuck off, I don't want your opinion
I don't want your compromise, or your senseless opposition
I just want you to shut the fuck up or jump off a cliff
Just so I can smile, wave, and feel my soul float adrift

I'm not in the business of betrayal, so that argument is nil
I gotta do what I gotta do, would it kill you to stay still
Because your blood will be soaked up by my garmentation
I ain't fuckin around no more, now is its implementation
I no longer will settle for your petty fucking bullshit
I don't care how drunk you got, I hope it's fucking worth it
Because you motherfuckers just aren't worth my time
I'm not going to waste this life, because I'm in my prime
And I'm finally fucking smiling, someone brings to me hope
And I'm sorry if you feel more useless than a stand-alone isotope
It ain't my problem motherfucker, I'm sick of this infantile game
You bring to humanity, and morality, a decadence of shame
And I'm sick of this shit, now I admit it, I quit,
I'm unfit to tangle with you or any of it,
Now I'm acquitted, solicited, and now I'm committed
I'm ridded of my anger and pain, now stay the fuck out my way!

Repeat Chorus

I just don't give a fuck
I just don't give a fuck
I just don't give a fuck
so fuck you, so fuck you
I just don't give a fuck
I just don't give a fuck
I just don't give a fuck
so fuck you, so fuck you
and fuck your family too
and fuck all of your friends
And you know what, fuck you too!

Chorus out.

Memento Mori
05-07-2003, 03:50 PM
I didn't liek that last one, I was pissed off yesterday, and well, I took out on on that, LOL, so here's something real...

The Miracle - 5/7

I can't bear to see my world
Without you in my sight.
You're always there smiling
Comforting my every plight.

There's no one else I can see
Who could bring to me such joy.
There is no day of misery
Even when you're mad or coy.

Every single day I glisten
For you're my angel in disguise.
If I ever needed assistence
Your miracle would reprise.

You're hand is on my heart
My heart is in your hands,
I trust it will never drop
As if it were made of diamond sands.

The liars of yesterday
Have all but perished from my mind,
But the worries have decayed
And been devoured in the grind.

You allow me all the comfort
By your simple presence near,
And all our glorious potential
Drives away all sudden fear.

Your eyes, placid, spectacular
Your face like a panoramic view
And my jubilent delirium
It cannot be misconstrued

If it's light like day, or dark like night
Whichever your way, whenever the fight
No matter what you say when you're contrite
I love you more than my own life.

05-08-2003, 12:21 AM
Wow, I'm really liking what I'm reading.
Really good work, well done.

Memento Mori
05-09-2003, 04:13 PM
Bed of Nails - 5/9

Sleeping on a bed of nails
The comfort of you I am without when I'm alone
I intercept my own tears
And throw them back in my eyes
Every night is a new dream
As the vivid pictures are of you
Exemplified by my constant dwelling
I can drown in your love.

I would bleed for you until I was dry
I would walk the burning deserts alone
If it was for your one and only true desire
If I could give it to you
I'd deliver it with smooth delight
But those nails penetrate my skin
When I lay alone on my bed
Endless thoughts of you in my head

Every day you say you love me dearly
I smile, and warmth indulges me
Those dreams of you keep me alive
Any hour I am without your touch
I have grown immensely in my time with you
You've turned me into someone I like
And I can keep my head held high
I'm on a bed of nails without you close by.

05-11-2003, 10:04 AM
This seems like a poem I can realte to well, seems to be full of emotions.

Keep it up, we wanna see more. :D

Memento Mori
05-13-2003, 09:33 PM
Celeste. 5/13

One single smile... One shedded tear
One single breath... One shattered fear
One single touch... I feel you near
One single kiss... I feel you here

We are one body... one soul
We are one angel... one whole
We are one entity... one breath
We are one heart... no death

A love like wildfire... Can't be extinguished
A love like no other... Cant be distinguished
A love like livewire... Incomparable power
Impossible to break, Impossible to devour

Allow the object of your affection
to hold your heart in her palm
Don't victimize the crucial connection
It's as beautiful as a biblical psalm
Never cast doubt upon thy feeling
Believe it, conceive it, in all ways imaginable
For tis potent more than all healing
Allow not the venoms to ever unravel

05-13-2003, 09:41 PM
now that was a beautiful poem. I loved the flow and the feel and how the end took a different path than the rest and still hit with an intense impact. it all comes across with the feel that is coming from the soul like all good poetry should.

Nice one Chris

Memento Mori
05-28-2003, 07:22 PM










Cataclysm. 5/28

There are cults of blasphemy
But it's like a satanic scheme
My theories may seem uncalculated
But nothing is as it seems
So maybe those will open their eyes
And uncover a natural freedom
Being held by a scripture
And you actually believed them?

Pause music, then increase tempo

Why can't anybody recognize?
That evil is just beneath your nose
You'll hail a statue until a friend dies
In the name of him, and your biblical prose
Give your hard-earned money in the collector plate
Like your paying for the services of an unknown
Quite honestly, it leaves me quite irate
To see the world fooled, why can't you be shown?

This fucking bullshit, it makes me scream
It makes my skin rip at its seems
I feel the fucking need to be redeemed
The world needs relief, the church is a thief
I know what you think, such blasphemy
Maybe the lords will roll me into infamy
Fine, whatever, throw me into the depths of hell
But at least I won't be a puppet delved in my shell

chorus: The fires, the wars, the sinning, the shores
Of hatred, remorse, a matrix, of whores
And liars, deception, Require, perception
Your eyes, your ears, innocent deaths, tears.


Make no mistake, those of you under its power
It's not your fault, but I wish you'd open your minds
You're all being fooled, much like Germans under Hitler
Are you all so afraid to question yourself inside
And question your beliefs, and figure out if they're real
Or if it's all worth it, if any of it is really true
I bet you're all afraid to take that step, aren't you?
But I think you got these fucking man-made theories misconstrued

I don't think you've really noticed all the history
The Crusades, Arabs, Israeli's, is this glory?
Is this the promised land the prophets promised in the stories
I bet you walk around head held high thinking it's honky dorey.
I honestly feel deep in my heart, that it's all a fucking phony
God may possibly be real, but religion needs a stoning
I respect the providence God may have
I respect the providence God may have
I respect the providence God may have
I respect the providence God may have
But do we need a book?
Do we need a Sunday school?
Why do we need the church?
Do you think I'm being cruel?
All the wars of yesteryear! YEAH!
All the suffering and pain! PAIN!
The Muslims and the Jews!
Those people aren't to blame!

P.S. My explanation... Religion is evil. The people who believe in it are great people, and I have nothing against you. I have nothing against anybody. I am not persecuting you. I'm telling you to look at things from both ends of the spectrum. I'm not telling you to not believe in God. I believe there is a higher power, and I respect that power. But you don't need a book and a set of scriptures to tell me how to pray, and how to live my life? I will not be told how to live by a book that ancient prophets wrote with their feather pens and ink. Nobody should. Why can't anybody make their own views on life? Why do people have to be so weak that they cannot do this? Why do you need to follow a book to providence? I sigh... Think about it.

05-29-2003, 05:19 AM
the last poem... I like it alot. I always question my faith and that poem has alot of comments people make about religion, when they dont like it or are unsure. I understand it and what you think, it's reasonable. like, I always wonder why we need a bible or church, but it makes me feel kind of guilty thinking like that - but religion is something to have faith in. I like how serious you are in your poems Kre

And the one before this last poem... it was soo beautiful. I really liked that one, it makes you think about love and how powerful it can be. Religion and love can be sorta compared, because if you have a faith in them they can make you feel really good. (stating ^-^)

yay 4 deh man

05-29-2003, 01:38 PM
Woah, I haven't read this thread for a while Krelian but your new collection of poems/songs are very strongly written and I just love the way you describe your poems with words I have never heard of before. You must have a very good vocab or perhaps I just have a bad vocab but your words impress me.

Even though you said that "Alexander Hamilton" should be ignored because it's written on cold anger it's one of my favourite poems of yours because of the swearing I guess and it really shows that you strong values when it comes to life. There I go using strong again in this post but strong is a good way to describe your written work.

As for Cataclysm I liked it because you described my feelings towards religion very well and it also shows that you believe in your own beliefs, which is good.

Great job Krelian~

Memento Mori
06-18-2003, 10:01 PM
Mira-Spect - 6/18

Death of fear
Birth of sight
I adhere
To the light

Shine on me
Shine on love
To the sea
To above

To my eyes
To yours too
See the skies
Light shines through

It's like an unforgettable spectacle
It's like an unregrettable miracle
And I stay so inspired
To the girl I've admired

Daytime rise
Darkness set
No disguise
No regret

No distrust
No distaste
We must not
Move in haste

And I will love you until I die...

06-19-2003, 11:04 AM
Good, great, and grand :) I really loved that last one. lol you think of me as like a lil screaming fan girl but really, your writing hits me right *puts her hand over her heart* there! How you rhyme it, and the words you put in there makes it swift to read through. None of it's all banged up or rough edged, it's just.. real good :)

Memento Mori
06-19-2003, 03:56 PM
A Fatal Perfection - 6/19

Gazing deeply into the landscapes
Dreaming desperately to defeat despair
Fading discreetly into my dreamscape
Falling continuously to retreat open air
Gasping for every single breath...
Feeling the lungs begin to collapse
Anticipating the long winds of death
The wing of the final angel flaps
She guides me, she guides me
She smiles almost effortlessly
I'm hiding, I'm hiding
Chasing this only immaculate dream...
These hours wind like years around the clock
Like time stands still, but at the door is a knock
The clamor gets louder, what could it be?
Dream now reality, stands before me...
Staring strangely, this celestial image
Hand delicately, moves from her side
Smiling nervously, to create courage
Wondering curiously, what could be derived
Begging for one perfect night
Then the dreamscape can become earth
Avoiding the consumption of fright
In the midst of a dream, I feel a rebirth
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
The ethereal girl fades back into space
Debating, debating
Whether her steps I want to trace
These hours wind like year around the clock
Like time stands still, but at the door is a knock
The clamor gets louder, what could it be?
Dream now reality, stands before me...
I'm awake now...
I feel your eyes devouring me
I don't know how...
But it seems you're empowering me
I can feel you...
But your image seems to not be on display
I can't pull through
Reality won't stop falling into disarray

Her head is buried into supporting hands
Moisture is falling from newly formed clouds
She watches the rain eroding the sands
Cursing herself for all that was vowed
And she runs through the door, the world is white
The rain becomes blood, the times have merged
The final echoes fade, now in eternal night
It seems all her feelings, and emotions are purged
These hours now wind like years from the clock
Time had stood still, but still there is a knock
The clamor becomes louder, what could be there?
She opens the door......
I'm smiling and standing there...

Memento Mori
06-25-2003, 05:40 PM
Connect Four. - 6/25

Take the breath of me...

Inhale, exhale
Plague myself on which I fail
I think, I sink
Deeper down right to the brink

I sit and I cower to the overlords of destruction
Focus my eyes and delve into its instruction
My failures and my problems are all in conjunction
Working together to plan out my deconstruction

Take the breath of me...

Life is just a game we play
We get good then fade away
Despondent in our ruptured dreams
Succumbing to the general scheme
Situations lit like dynamite
Detrimental like kryptonite
Inundated by wretched fear
Pessimism we adhere
It's easier to be distraught
No matter what we have fought
It's natural to forget faith
Selfishness is so innate
These neo-classical Freudian theories
Like some fucking sitcom series
If my stupid life was on record
I'd laugh my ass off on my accord

Take the breath of me...
I'm dying every day...
My eyes now cannot see
Life is just a game to play


I have a black cloak for cover
I have a magazine for a lover
I have a tragedy for despondence
I have a document for independence
I have a poem for emotion
I have a novel for devotion
I have all of these little strings
None of it's real, it doesn't mean a motherfucking thing!

I have a movie for philosophy
I have a bible for a prophecy
I have a book to teach me danger
I feel like a fucking stranger
I live my life in nonchalance
I live my life without response
But these substitutions cannot be real
Nothing can describe what the fuck we feel

We're all so fucking different!
Not a thing could sum it up
Take the breath of me...
Or keep your fucking mouth shut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-25-2003, 06:52 PM
Even though I don't reply as much in your thread... I'm still reading your stuffs! ^__^

One of my favorites all the moment is "A Fatal Perfection" it reminds me somewhat of real supernatural things. "Connect Four" really touched me too... the chorus reminds me of what I tell my buddies IRL...

... you keep it real in your works. Keep it up. :D

06-25-2003, 11:23 PM
I absolutley love the rhyming in 'Connect Four'. It's seems like it has a really fast flow, yet you can really tell time has been put into the words;

"Situations lit like dynamite, Detrimental like kryptonite..." - me likes. :D

06-28-2003, 06:03 AM
Krelian, your poems seem to be getting longer and longer but nevermind they still make for a great read. I especially like 'Connect 4' mostly because of the lines such as: 'I have a novel for devotion'. Yeah, keep up the good work.