09-11-2011, 12:40 AM
Hi Guys

AlfredPianist here, something strange happened with my old account: forgot my password and when I tried to send the reset password e-mail to my e-mail (hotmail), it never arrives to my inbox!, I'm almost sure it isn't in the spam section... Anyways...

I'm not here to post my issue, but to "revive" the old Zentor thread of the Final Fantasy Piano Sheet Music. I know you guys would be pleased.

HERE ( 3193670c) is the original link posted by Zentor with all of the sheet music he could find (original thread (Thread 40139)). The reason for posting another thread of sheet music is that Zentor hasn't been around here for nearly 2 years so I can't expect him to update his.

I'll post later, say, one week, my link in mediafire share folder with the pdf version of these, I think is easier to handle than a bunch of image files.

Here's a pearl everybody has been waiting for: Final Fantasy XIII Piano Collections (, courtesy of bbear and Decimation23. I'll do a pdf version of this and the others in due time, don't hesitate guys!

The idea of this thread is, also, to post new sheet music of FF, and keep it alive. So if you know or own some of these, and will kindly share with others, please do so.

Yeah this thread is a little dumb with no images and such, I'll do it next week with the pdf versions of the aforementioned books.

See ya guys, and don't forget to share.

AlfredPianist AKA Chiqui.

09-12-2011, 01:57 AM
This is gorgeous. I can't believe I never even considered the sheets were all so readily available. Bookmarked and thanks for bringing this up.

10-07-2011, 01:17 AM
thanks very much