04-10-2003, 04:35 AM
I really want to know about where could I find the info about Doremi Harukaze & Onpu Segawa.
And let me know how do you feel about those witch girl when you watch about this anime.

04-14-2003, 02:37 AM
Birthday: July 30th
Blood Type: B
Helper: DoDo
Grade Level: 4th
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Steak, cake
Favorite Thing To Do: Sleep
Personalities: Curious, nosy, bit cowardness, boy crazy
Note: DoReMi has a little sister named Poppu. In addition, she has a phrase that she always says, "I am the most unlucky girl in the universe."

04-14-2003, 02:41 AM
Hazuki Fujiwara
Birthday: Feburary 14th
Blood Type: A
Helper: ReRe

Grade Level: 4th
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Thing: Her violin
Favorite Thing To Do: Read
Personalities: quiet, keep her feelings inside, smart
Note: Hazuki came from a very rich family, so obviously, she's rich! She gets good grades in school AND A's just about all exams, tests, etc. So she doesn't act like a little princess at all. ^_^

04-14-2003, 02:44 AM
Aiko Senoo
Birthday: November 14th
Blood Type: o
Helper: MiMi
Grade Level: 4th
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Thing: Her harmonica
Favorite Thing To Do: Sports
Personalities: Athletic
Note: A very athletic chlid. When she was young, her parents divorced and now she lives with her dad. Also, her harmonica was given by her parents when she was a little kid, so that's why she treasures it becasuse of the memories

04-14-2003, 02:47 AM
Momoko Asaka
Birthday: May 6th
Blood Type: AB
Helper: NiNi
Grade Level: (came in) 5th
Favorite Color: Yellow(?)
Favorite Thing: ?
Favorite Thing To Do: Make desserts
Personalities: ?
Note: Momoko was born in Japan, but soon her family moved to USA. After couple of years, they moved back to Japan. So Momoko's English is great, but her Japanese needs a little help ^_^" She came into the story as a 5th grade and is in the same class as DoReMi

04-14-2003, 02:51 AM
Onpu Segawa
Birthday: March 3rd
Blood Type: B
Helper: ReRe
Grade Level: 4th
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Thing: Her flute(?)
Favorite Thing To Do: Sing
Personalities: nice, very busy, somewhat in charge-like
Note: A very young singer fulfilling her mother's dream. She is very busy since she has recording to do, so she hardly has time to help out with the other girls, like cleaning, etc. But when she has time off, she does her share of the job by babysitting Hana.

04-16-2003, 03:07 PM
You posted five times in a row?
That�s a new record, but none I would be proud of.

If you want to add something to your previous post, you can edit it, not just post a new one.

I also doubt that this thread has any sense whatsoever if only you post descriptions of the characters.
Threads are not for monologues, but for discussions, dialogues, so I suggest people make one... else the thread will die.

04-20-2003, 03:07 AM
Hana-Chan (Makihatayama)

Hana-Chan (Makihatayama)

Helper: ToTo

Personalities: Childish, sweet, and cute little kid
Note: They say that Hana-Chan was a very high magical witch's baby. So apparently, Hana-Chan has magical power since she was born unlike the others. In season 2, DoReMi and her gang were assigned to take care of Hana-Chan for a year. So DoReMi aws kind of like Hana-Chan's mother. (So of course, Hana-Chan calls DoReMi, mommy! ^-^) Then in season 4, Hana-Chan was about 2-3 years old. Since DoReMi, her mother so to speak, has school and can't take care of her the full time. Hana-Chan misses her everytime. So finally Hana-Chan had enough and in a way she exploded with her magical powers and turned herself into the age of a sixth grader so she can go to school with her mommy! ^.^ In conclusion, Hana-Chan does go to school with DoReMi and the others and becomes the youngest witch in the group.

04-20-2003, 03:08 AM
Poppu Harukaze
Birthday: September 9th
Blood Type: AB
Helper: FaFa
Personalities: A bratty kid ^_^"
Note: Poppu is DoReMi's little sister. Poppu is quite bratty, but DoReMi still loves her as much. When it comes down to it, it seems that Poppu is always the one who's looking after Hana the most. In addition, Poppu wasn't really meant to be a witch, but however, Poppu somehow saw the girls' transformation, etc. and was pushed to be a witch so the whole thing would still be a secret.