Nostalgia gamer
09-09-2011, 09:22 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG this game is like chinese water torture.

Every time i think i'm getting close to beating a boss i die and die die die.

Oh god,i am so happy games are easier nowadays,cause games like this are fucking horrible.

The fact that the challenges are unfair is just beyond.I mean:you run through the hall of pain with those damm medusa heads avoiding axes and those damm axe knights which is a pain only to get there with 4 hearts,and guess what? the boss kills you in 1 hit because he takes off 4 freaking hearts.

4 MOTHERFUCKING HEARTS!! and he isn't the only enemy,every frigging enemy takes off a third of your health and come in abundance and those damm roasts are far too few and not enough of them are near the boss.

When i beat this game,i swear to god that i'm never playing this game again.

09-09-2011, 10:08 PM
Never played it myself, but I watched Egoraptor's sequelitis on that game and its sequel. Apparently it is very hard lol.

09-09-2011, 10:10 PM
old NES games are not for everyone.

impudent urinal
09-09-2011, 10:18 PM
Nintendo Hard - Television Tropes & Idioms (

Nostalgia gamer
09-09-2011, 10:29 PM
old NES games are not for everyone.

Its not that its an old nes game.I was raised with nes games and have beaten many.Its that its greatly unfair.

There is challenge,but its due to its unfairness that its challenging because it asks you to be a god in that game and be perfect,and untill then,you will do nothing but die.

I think actually that castlevania 1 is actually harder than ninja gaiden 2 and 1.
The first game is hard as hell,but the hardest level is the last level.The other levels aren't as hard and give you a more fair chance of surviving.

Castlevania 1 is ridiculous at some points.
Igor and frankenstein for an example is insane.You have to keep an eye out for its random jumping.Even if you keep an eye out on the random jumps,its almost impossible to know when or where it will land and how you will have to react.Also:if you wear yourself down in a game this,you will do worse and worse.

I still think castlevania 4 is better in the sense that its not terribly unfair with the bosses,but death isn't that hard either.

Here is my current problem:Getting to death with:Full health holy water and as many hearts as i can have.

I am not using any savestates,except for at the beginning of the level so that i actually learn the layout of the level and how to avoid certain enemies.

I have gotten better in a sense at the hall of pain,because i actually am starting to get to death alive.
I still die a lot though.I do like challenges,but i like genuine challenges that are challenging because you have to use strategy.

This one is not always about strategy,but by:Pure thumb speed and blind luck.

OMFG!! i almost killed death just now and it was completely fair.

I threw holy water on him and he had only 4 bars of life left.

09-10-2011, 03:37 AM

you automatically lost any respect.

Mercenary Raven
09-10-2011, 07:46 AM
what's wrong with savestates?

09-10-2011, 08:23 AM
that hes playing a rom, and he doesnt have to go through the game again if he gets tired of it.

when i hook my nes and play the games that dont have continues, i play them till i finish them (or i get a definite gameover, like contra or top gun).

granted, i tried to beat CV for the second time last month and i gave up. but i will try again soon.

Mercenary Raven
09-10-2011, 08:49 AM
you didn't answer the question, you just said what he's doing and not what's wrong with it

09-10-2011, 09:06 AM
hes playing a ROM

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 10:55 AM
I just beat castlevania 1 without using savestates in between levels and won:YES!!!

Dracula can be a pain,but with double shot and holy water,he goes down for the count.

I farmed 50 hearts and kept them for his second form and threw them at him when he got near and when i got double shot eventually in the middle,i started spamming them and he died without causing trouble.

09-10-2011, 05:25 PM
Castlevania is Awesome... Period...

It has the most intelligent Level Design...

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 06:05 PM
I dunno about that.

It has good level design,but it is also flawed too.
The enemies hit far too hard and this kind of makes enemies cheap whores for killing you or lowering your hp before a boss.

The least they could do,is put the roast right before the grim reaper so you are full health rather than before the hall of pain which is named correctly.

A save menu or password system would have also been a nice implement.

This game is kind of hard to beat in 1 sitting and would force you to leave your nes on all night if i were to have the original game.
It took me at least 15-20 hours to beat it due to its difficulty.Leaving your nes on for more than 4 hours is not a good idea,and 15-20 hours is a very bad idea.

There is also another thing about this too:your game could crash while playing.This means that all your hard earned work in getting past the grim reaper would mean nothing because you could not get a password on the final level.

Other than:Roasts can sometimes be a bit too scarce and force you to try and get a near perfect run being cruel and no save implement,or at least a password implement,the game definitely is good.

09-10-2011, 06:24 PM
Go play Contra, Gradius, Mega Man 1-3... Tell me there's something Flawed as you put castlevania. And there's War...

Games like that at that time were like this...

Put things on Perspective for a moment dude...


EDIT: Super Castlevania IV is the best CV Game ever...

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 06:35 PM
Actually:i have and i beat all of those except gradius,because i never played gradius.

Megaman i think 2? has a password system and some nes games also have password systems.

Some even have save systems.

Most of these games can be beaten in 1 sitting and within a few hours,castlevania is quite hard to do.

Even so:luck is a big factor in some parts of castlevania,and i really really prefer games that base on skill rather than luck.

Not everyone wants to play that game non stop without a rest,because having a rest from a game can be a good thing and actually improve how well you do.
You can tire yourself to the point where your skill deteriorates from not resting.

Was it megaman 1? or megaman 2 which started with passwords? or was that megaman 3? I can't remember now.

09-10-2011, 06:41 PM
Never played it myself, but I watched Egoraptor's sequelitis on that game and its sequel. Apparently it is very hard lol.
This, and it was easily one of the most interesting reviews I've ever seen/read in my whole life and I highly recommend everyone watches it.

I've always had some interest in playing Castlevania games as I reckon I'd pretty much like all of them, but oddly I've never gotten around to it. I have some of their beautiful, beautiful soundtracks, but have yet to play the games.

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 07:10 PM
Yeah castlevania is kind of famous for its soundtracks.

Castlevania also does have good gameplay as well.
My favorite nes castlevania soundtrack is castlevania 3.I think that all three have good soundtrack for nes games.

09-10-2011, 07:12 PM
Yeah castlevania is kind of famous for its soundtracks.

Castlevania also does have good gameplay as well.
My favorite nes castlevania soundtrack is castlevania 3.I think that all three have good soundtrack for nes games.
Agreed, the NES Castlevania soundtracks are all pretty damn classic but Castlevania 3 is probably the best.

09-10-2011, 07:15 PM
You should be stripped of your title for starting this thread!
And yeah, Castlevania is hard as hell, when I was a kid I could never get past 4th stage, I only beat the game like 15 years later haha.

09-10-2011, 07:43 PM
Even so:luck is a big factor in some parts of castlevania,and i really really prefer games that base on skill rather than luck.

You're High, or you just suck at playing it, which the 2nd is the most probable considering the level of difficulty of the game...
The game is unforgiving, which is very different from luck as a factor on the gameplay. Which means that the minimal mistake that you do, will be the reason for the game to punish you.
Plus, the game is linear and the enemy placement is fixed. So no, Luck is not a Factor on the gameplay. If it has some luck factor, it plays at the minimum possible almost to not exist.

Not everyone wants to play that game non stop without a rest,because having a rest from a game can be a good thing and actually improve how well you do.
You can tire yourself to the point where your skill deteriorates from not resting.

Truth, Contra does not have any password mechanic and it still an awesome classic. And you're still not putting things on perspective.
Search for the time Releases of these games and think for a moment how many games with the same length of timeplay had PW Mechanics.

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 08:22 PM
You're High, or you just suck at playing it, which the 2nd is the most probable considering the level of difficulty of the game...
The game is unforgiving, which is very different from luck as a factor on the gameplay. Which means that the minimal mistake that you do, will be the reason for the game to punish you.
Plus, the game is linear and the enemy placement is fixed. So no, Luck is not a Factor on the gameplay. If it has some luck factor, it plays at the minimum possible almost to not exist.

What about the way those medusa heads curve? most of the time they follow a certain pattern,but its hard to know if you are going to get hit or have a multi fire thing going on in which they sometimes fire 3 shots and fire 3 more shots after that.Sometimes they do this immediately,sometimes they don't.This kind of leaves guess work.

Also:the pattern in which the scythes moves is predictable,but you won't know where the scythes will first appear when you start the fight.
Getting it is almost a positive in that area,which is why the cross is so helpfull.

The cross helps get rid of a lot of those appearing scythes which cover a lot of ground,plus:You can hit the boss.

Truth, Contra does not have any password mechanic and it still an awesome classic. And you're still not putting things on perspective.
Search for the time Releases of these games and think for a moment how many games with the same length of timeplay had PW Mechanics.

Contra was easily beaten in 1 sitting,but you have to be able to survive the whole game.

I don't have a problem beating contra within an hour maybe or 2.

Also:a game can shame you if you never played it.
I played castlevania 4 and castlevania 2,but i never played castlevania till i downloaded it once and played through it with savestates.

This means,that its my second playthrough of castlevania 1 on the nes.
If you had asked me:have you ever played ninja turtles on the nes? it would have been different because i had played it before so i know the game far more than i know castlevania 1.

What really helped me win,was my own peserverence,because i was patient with the game,and even when i died loads and loads of times,i kept going on till i won.

I didn't cheapen the fights by using savestates between fights,so i actually had to remember the patterns of the enemies.

Mercenary Raven
09-10-2011, 08:28 PM
hes playing a ROMYeah because everyones as cool as you and owns an nes to play Castlevania on.

Nostalgia gamer
09-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Yeah because everyones as cool as you and owns an nes to play Castlevania on.

I own an nes,i just never owned the original castlevania game.

Just because i play a rom version and do it as fair as possible doesn't make me a loser.

01-27-2012, 04:30 PM
Yeah, I would say that difficulty can be relative. After perservering at it long enough, I have beaten and mastered games like Mega Man, Contra, and Ninja Gaiden. Yet, I haven't put as much time into beating Castlevania 1, and to this day remains as one of the unbeaten games in that series to me. I used to play that game a lot when my sister had the GBA port, but after she left for college, I stopped playing it. I got as far as Death, but I still couldn't beat him.