Nostalgia gamer
09-09-2011, 10:36 AM
Not only are these annoying,but they are just so cheap.

Here is a compository list with videos.

Let's Play Ninja Gaiden (NES) - Pt 9 - YouTube (
Attack of the infinite falcons:You are supposed to time your jump and avoid it all together,because they are infinite.

In ninja gaiden 2 in the final level,there is a part where there are 3 elevated platforms and these birds swoop down from every direction,surrounding you and making it hard to avoid them.You get thrown around like a rag doll knocked into the platforms when you jump.I once found a way to avoid these birds,but it was pure luck and i never did find out how i did it again.

Lets Randomly Play Castlevania 1 - Part 5 - Cheap Flea Men - YouTube (
Lets Play Castlevania Pt.2 The frustration begins - YouTube (

I'm sorry,its just that they jump so randomly and its really hard to hit them and beyond frustrating when they jump through walls and drop in infinite numbers via bats.

In level 3 i think it is? they aren't too bad.You just have to hit them as they hit the ground to avoid getting hurt and if you can,run away.
In the last level,Only way i know to avoid these guys,is by stopping time and timing your runs and go as fast as possible up the stairs to get out of this hell hole.

INFPGamer Presents: Castlevania 1 Pt 3 - Hall of Pain - YouTube (
Evil medusa heads flying around hitting you.

They fly in random patterns which can be annoying and in the level where death is in castlevania 1,you have to keep an eye out on both the stupid medusa heads and the knights who throw axes.

In castlevania 3,the stupid medusa heads as shown in angry videogame nerds video,get you on the stairs and knock you off or while jumping on a cog in the clock tower into the abyss.

Red demons in ghost and goblins:
Nintendo Frustration: Ghost 'n Goblins (ep. 1) - YouTube (
The other stuff will kill you most likely one time or another,but you learn the patterns and eventually learn how to avoid them easily.
Those stupid red demons dive in the air towards you knocking you back and destroying your armor.If you were unlucky and don't have any armor,then you are dead.

Also:I really don't like those birds in level 2,they fly out of nowhere and hit me when i'm trying to use the trick to jump over the wall to get past the area where the ogres are.

Dr jekyll and mr hyde enemies:bomb guys cat and dogs mad bombers and the evil singers. evil birds,mad bombers cats and dogs and evil singers.
Megaman is infamous for having cheap deaths that knock you off in at least every game.
Megaman series is evil in that way as you can see.

Lets start off shall we?

Megaman 1:Those platforms that shoot at you when you get near them in the ice level can be avoided,but only if you use the platform trick.

This kinda makes it cheap,but if you want to avoid some frustration,i recommend you get it.

The yellow devil boss in megaman series is pretty annoying.
It dissasembles itself and then puts itself on the other side of the room,but not before taking piece by piece apart and making you avoid being hit by each piece.

This boss is also invincible while doing this so you will just be avoiding the pieces.

Super mario 1:Hammer bros

Obviously,with practice you can learn to avoid being hit by those hammers.
In some games,like:super mario frustration:The game is edited,and bowser throws like dozens of hammers at a time and jumps in the air.This can get pretty nasty to avoid.

If you have more things you wish to add,please do.

09-30-2011, 06:12 AM
Annoying creatures. . . . Ohhh, thank you for giving me an excuse to bitch :) I have a few words for several of my biggest pet peeves in the video game world. Here goes:

1. The stupid BATS in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Wind Waker!!!!! MAN are they pesky >.<
2. The security bots in Bioshock!!!!!! >.< Then on later levels you try to hack 'em and you fuck up, and it shocks you, and you get pissed and give up, and then they kill you, then you get revived several hundred yards behind, GEH!!!! /endrage
/resumerage 3. The goddamn MANHACKS in Half-Life 2!!!!
4. This one nobody would care about, but THE DAMN SCOUTS IN AGE OF EMPIRES III -_- Frickers gotta silently stream through my city and lead my idiot guards right into ambushes!!!
5. The CROWS in all the Resident Evil games!!!!
6. GAH!!!!! This one's so annoying I won't even say it!
6. OMG it's so annoying I have to list it again!
6. And this is what it is . . .
6. THOSE FUCKING SPIDERS IN DOOM 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you little pricks ever stop coming and coming and coming?! NO!!!! You were put in the game to annoy me TO NO END!!!!! GODDAMN YOU ALL!!!!!
7. THOSE STUPID CHERUBS IN DOOM 3!!!!!!!!!!!! They all should'a been aborted!!!!!!! DAMN DEMON FETUSES -_- I think id Software kinda got the hint with the expansion, Resurrection of Evil and cut the more annoying monsters to a minimum!

Ahhhh, I feel better :) Thank you for giving me an outlet to publicly bash on my constant rivals in video games :laugh:

09-30-2011, 06:15 AM
lmao CC.

Nostalgia gamer
09-30-2011, 12:38 PM
Updating the review:

The thieves from kid kid icarus:They steal your goods and act annoyingly
Let&#39;s Play Kid Icarus 11: Anger returning. - YouTube (

The grim reapers from hell in kid icarus:they summon miniature grim reapers,and sometimes they are placed in tough places
Let&#39;s Play Kid Icarus 04: Questioning damage. - YouTube (

Eggplant men from kid icarus:They turn you into an eggplant,making it impossible to attack.You will have to go and get a cure for eggplantism.
Let&#39;s Play Kid Icarus 22: Cherrybombs in my pants. - YouTube (

09-30-2011, 01:00 PM
The giant Goblins in Demon's Souls, especially in 5-2. And if you're in Pure Black World Tendency, the fuuuuuuun begins...

Nostalgia gamer
10-01-2011, 01:09 PM
How is demon souls btw? I keep seeing that game get good reviews.

10-01-2011, 01:37 PM
It's the most amazing game I've played in recent memory. It's everything a game ought to be, and it succeeds nigh perfectly at what it tries to do. Wholeheartedly recommended.

Nostalgia gamer
10-01-2011, 03:31 PM
I heard about the difficulty in demon souls.

I can't remember the exact details,but it talked about using souls as a monetary source?

10-01-2011, 04:47 PM
Yeah, souls are the only currency. You use it to buy items, repair equipment and level up your attributes. It's difficult because you can't store them anywhere. When you die you leave a bloodstain at that location, and if you get to it before you die again you can get them back. If not, they're gone forever, and that can be a pain in the ass.

The game overall is hard, yes, but it's not unfair. You just need to experiment with different equipment and strategies, and most of all be patient. If you can do that, you'll be fine.

10-07-2011, 06:54 AM
The music ( told me I should be having a good time.

Twenty minutes later.

Twenty minutes later.

Twenty minutes later.

Nostalgia gamer
10-07-2011, 12:19 PM
heh haha.

I remember a review of the adventures of billy bayou by spoony one.
He said this game is ridiculously difficult and you have to get hit by crocs and keep attacking it with melee attacks.

HEH!! it looked pretty darn hard for a game.

10-08-2011, 03:19 AM
the Yans from Final Fantasy 9. they sure like to auto KO their foes with Comet. plus they use it frequently.