04-08-2003, 11:27 PM
Okay. So we all have our favorites as to who we think is the best/coolest in the game. (Me: Beatrix.) But out of the main characters you can fight battles with, who do you think looks the coolest in Trance? For me, it's Eiko. She has this really cool cutey-angel thing going on. Second place goes to Amarant for that really neat electric-purple look.

Edited to add: I meant to include a poll with this, but this time I'm sure that I selected the "Poll" option and I still didn't a form for it. Oh well, whatever. Just discuss, then.

04-08-2003, 11:41 PM
It's a toss up between Zidane and Amarant. In the end I vote for the most useful which is Zidane with his Dyne.

04-09-2003, 10:15 AM
Zidane had the best Trance, but i thought Vivi looked the best

04-09-2003, 12:55 PM
o.O! Who can forget KUJA??!! :D

Heehee... okay, just kidding. My favorite one in Trance is definitely Zidane. He's the only character I high tide, simply becasue Dynes are just so frikken FUN! :D (Which is why I named my website Quad-9 DYNE!) Hehe.

I never get much use of of Dagger, nor do I get much use from Quina. Elan, and the double magics are pretty handy if the characters are in battle, but...

Meh, Zidane's Dynes RULE! Grand Lethal ALL THE WAY!

04-09-2003, 05:04 PM
It's a toss up between Zidane and Amarant. In the end I vote for the most useful which is Zidane with his Dyne.
Hmm, I don't know. I'd tend to argue that Amarant is more useful, if you actually use him. Let's see, Zidane has Dyne, which lets him, well, attack. However, when Amarant trances, his Flair changes to Elan, which means that all of his "Monk Techniques" now affect all targjets. This allows him to do any of the following:

- Attack - His No Mercy could easily hit 9999 to all enemies if properly powered up. Or he could use Coin (or whatever it's called in this game) on all opponents. There's Demi Shock too, if you've already done a bunch of damage.

- Heal - Use Chakra to heal all characters.

- Aura - Cast Regen and Auto-Life on all characters.

- Revive - Basically bring the entire party back to life.

- Countdown - Put all enemies on a countdown to Death.

A pretty neat set of skills if you ask me. I think I might have missed one or two.

Vivi FF
04-12-2003, 05:37 PM
To me, Vivi's and Eiko's are the best. I like the whole "Master Wizard" look to Vivi and Eiko's "Angel" look. Not only that but they are also the most useful Trances to me. I can do 19998 per turn with one of them!

04-13-2003, 07:47 AM
None of the characters look good when they're in trance mood to me but Zidane's trance is the best to use because of the strong ability he has to use.

04-22-2003, 09:39 PM
Vivi's and amarant's Trances are the most useful......Focus with Dbl Firaga. But Vivi's looks the coolest.

04-27-2003, 07:21 AM
well Zidane, casue Dyne kicks arse, but other than him im guna go with kuja

G Unit
04-27-2003, 09:56 PM
I wou d defo have to say steiner he goes all shiny and stuff:D makes him look 'mental' lol, rather kool:cool:

04-27-2003, 10:28 PM
I think the best looking character in trance is Steiner!!

when he's in trance he really looks like a normal knight instead of that clumsy knight he looks like normally...

04-30-2003, 04:29 PM
most useful trances to me in rnaking order

1. zidane-and his grnad lethal when yu can do it for time in one battle thats almost 40 grand hehhee like somsone else said grand lethal all the way

2. vivi-people are forgetting about a nice double flare here come on great combo is vivi in trance wiht reflectx2 on with flare ability i obunce 2 flares off myself to trance kuja bam 20 grand right there!

3. eiko- hehehn double white magic is fun espicially when you got curaga and holy heheh or if vive uses his ultimate spell doomsday your there to double curaga if needed