04-07-2003, 06:09 PM
I remember seeing a thread like this on FF Online ages ago, so I thought it might be fun to have something similar here. Basically, if you were a character in a FF game, what musical theme would you have as 'your theme', and why? Technically I'm looking at FF music here, but really, any kind of music I guess is applicable.

For myself, as my character would be a White Mage, I'd either have Matoya's Cave, appropriate seeing as how it's the theme of a reclusive mage, or the Town Theme, both from FFI (in particular, a remix of FFI's Town Theme was the White Mage's theme 'Mage's Melody' in Chocobo Racing, so it suits me even more.)

For non-FF music, I think I'd also include Vangelis' To the Unknown Man, probably because it's a piece of music that I was just listening to! lol

So, what's your theme?

04-07-2003, 07:45 PM
White Mage Power!

Well, I'd most likely be a white mage, but there is a theme that suits me more than anything. Terra's theme from FFVI resembles my feelings very nicely. But also, I gotta love the Atma Weapon music too. ;)

04-07-2003, 11:52 PM
Awesome thread idea, Enkidoh. :)

Well, I'm torn between a few..and here they are

Chasing the Man in the Black Cape (FF7)
Shinra Mansion Basement/Vincent's Theme (FF7)
Trail of Blood (FF7)
Seymour Guado's Theme (FF10)

All these because they have that pint of that mystery sound to them...and I believe that describes me well.

04-08-2003, 03:55 AM
id have to pick the cloud from KH... tho i dont like that game....
and id have to pick the theme for sephiroth.... i think it was the one winged angel... or the other one... cant remember what it was called.... o well...

04-09-2003, 12:47 PM
I tend to think of myself as either a black mage (WOOHOO DAMAGE POTENTIAL, BAY-BEE!!!) or a summoner (let's call on the power of beatial ones, yeeeesssssssss!!!)

And my theme will vary, depending on my mood. ;)

Good mood: Zidane's Theme
Bad mood: Those Who Fight Further
Thoughtful/Reflective mood: Rose of May
Sad mood: Aeris' Theme
Playful mood: Tantalus' Theme
Sadistic Mood: TURKS!

Overall, though, I think I'm a Zidane's Theme person. :)

04-11-2003, 06:15 AM
If I could be a character from any Final Fantasy game I would be Rinoa and my theme songs would be 'Eyes On Me' by Faye Wong from FF8 for obvious reasons.

G Unit
04-22-2003, 12:25 AM
would have to be one winged angel as it is my fave piece and is powerful and up-standing like me.......*AHEM*