09-07-2011, 02:12 AM
Awhile ago I came across an effort by 2ch (guided from these forums, actually) to compile a list of 700 awesome video game tunes as voted on by the community (their top entries I compiled here: Hardcore Gaming 101 - Blog: Japan's Top 700 Video Game Music of All Time (http://blog.hardcoregaming101.net/2011/05/japans-top-700-video-game-music-of-all.html)). I'm attempting to do the same for the English speaking community, to formulate a large playlist (not sure how big yet) of excellent music through these votes. Since I want a wide range of stuff I'm allowing 100 tracks per person to be voted on. You can find all of the details (and all of the other votes currently up, complete with sample links) here:

HG101 - Vote Here for the Best VGM Tracks! (http://hg101.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=music&action=display&thread=8369)

With all of your guys help I think we can come up with a really interesting list!

09-09-2011, 12:59 PM
Are you accepting votes here? Or would we have to join the other forum?

09-14-2011, 02:00 AM
Yeah, sure, you can post your votes here if you want, as long as you follow the format laid out in the OP on the HG101 forums.