Nostalgia gamer
09-06-2011, 09:20 PM
I was playing it for a while,and found that i miss those cheap deaths with the music and grim reaper appearing.
There are hardly any deaths at all in this game and most of the deaths i have,are due to accidental falls.

Furthermore:The puzzles seem kinda easy and i only needed a walkthrough twice,because the rest of the game was pretty easy to figure out so far.
I haven't been using a walkthrough during most of the game and instead wander aimlessly figuring out things myself,and they give you enough clues to figure it out by yourself without too much trouble.

The music is good and there are some parts that make me tense and nervous and waiting for someone to jump from behind me to kill me but it never happens.I figure that in due time,it will happen,but so far it hasn't.

I also noticed that there are far too many npcs in this game,it doesn't have that desolated feeling like:you are alone and afraid for your life because someone might come and kill you or something.In the first game,you were completely alone and depended on the clues you gained or blind luck,or simply:trying something different if it doesn't work,so you may avoid a trap.

09-06-2011, 11:20 PM
if you payed attention to the intro, it clearly states that shadowgate is filled with thieves and the like.
its no longer the abandoned deathtrap it was during the events of the first one.

Nostalgia gamer
09-07-2011, 12:32 AM
if you payed attention to the intro, it clearly states that shadowgate is filled with thieves and the like.
its no longer the abandoned deathtrap it was during the events of the first one.

I am talking about the overal design and feel.

Yes i paid attention to the intro,and i still think there are far too many people in the game and not enough of that feeling like you are alone.

Its part of what made resident evil scary,combined with the music.Or games like:silent hill.

09-07-2011, 07:15 AM
I am newbie, to learn. Hope that we can take care

09-07-2011, 07:54 AM
but this is not resident evil.

Nostalgia gamer
09-07-2011, 08:26 AM
Still:The original shadowgate is scarier because you encountered beasts and knew that if you didn't figure out how to stop them,they would rip you apart.
Thing is:It was based mostly on trial and error,and not really solving really complex puzzles.So this is definitely an upgrade,but there are still far too many good npcs and it kind of lightens the mood.I miss the room where the slime was or:some of the later rooms with still creepy music plus that torch music that made me panic.

I'm actually glad they took out the torch segment,because it was annoying as hell.

Also:HOLY FUCK!! that music in the trials area after the sewers has some creepy ass music.

I mean that in a good way,cause i actually like it because it fits the dungeon perfectly and the feel of shadowgate.

Nostalgia gamer
09-08-2011, 10:30 PM
I just beat the game just now.

Overall:I liked it but i think it could have been better.