04-06-2003, 12:07 AM
Just to let those of you interested (Nymph & Misao) know, the first episode of the new D.N.Angel anime has been released online (fansub). A BitTorrent download for it can be found here: It's 228mb, and is in DivX or XviD

Mine is still downloading so I havent watched it yet. Will respond later with review.

Also, if you havent yet, you'll need to download the BitTorrent client. I reccomend using this one:

Also, while youre at it, there's a Chrono Trigger OVA being served on BT. I'm not too sure what this is. I'm thinking it might just be the compilation of the FMVs from the game, instead of like an actual anime. But I shall see. Can be found here (along with hundreds and hundreds of other fansubs)

(NOTE TO THOSE NOT FAMILIAR. YOU WILL NOT FIND ANY LICENSED ANIME ON THIS SITE. Meaning, no DBZ, no Kenshin, no Trigun, no .hack//SIGN, nada. Just brand new anime airing in Japan that hasnt been licensed for American release (sorry Europeans) thats been subtitled by fans for fans)

Just watched it, and it is quite cool :) The art/animation is exceptional. Very vibrant colors, slick character design, and really awesome settings. They used alot of 3D animation for things like rendering Daisuke's large Europeon-like town, among other things. This is definitely a series that I will keep up with.

04-06-2003, 11:40 AM
Thanks Atom, you�re the best (well, probably 9,8 on a 0-10 scale =P )
I�ll dive into this BitTorrent thingy now, and count the seconds till Nympg bursts into this thread. ;)

04-06-2003, 12:29 PM
Heh thanks Missy :)

Also just watched the Chrono Trigger OVA. It's actually its own little anime and not just the FMVs compiled into one. However, the OVA is actually called "Adventures in Time and Space: Nuumamonjaa". It's basically set in the Millenial Fair, except its all the monsters from the game having the fair. It follows a Nuu and a Mamo (little rabbit looking thing). It features alot of recognizable monster/enemy characters (notabley Johnny, the one racing guy) and Gato (the one Robot from the fair that you fight to get Silver Points. Though in this his name is Gonzalez). It features alot of the music from the game. It doesn't really feature any of the main game characters, except for showing the backs of Chrono's and Marle's heads at the very end. Overall, it's really cute, really funny, good stuff :) Just 15 minutes long.

04-06-2003, 12:49 PM
Eh, first off:
Sorry Nymph for misspelling your name again.

Then... Atom...
I�ve seen some pictures of the Chrono Trigger anime thingy a while back... A real Chrono Trigger anime would rock, but I�ll set it on my long lists of stuff I�d liek to see in anime form... *sigh*

04-06-2003, 01:13 PM
228 Mb? My file was 18 Kb. o_O

Anyway, thanks. Now I just gotta figure this BitTorrent thing out..

Edit: Uh, right. Never mind that. Moment of stupidity. Too bad my internet connection is so slow.. 8 friggin' download hours, shees. *huffs*

04-07-2003, 05:15 AM
Oy, more Yaoi for Nymph! xD I'll be expecting new D.N.Angel yaoi pics in the artistic discussion.

04-07-2003, 01:32 PM
It�s nice to have a reputation, isn�t it.
Honestly... a fanart Nymph posted here a long time ago first brought DN Angel to my attention.... I think it was Krad...
Good old times...!

Anyway... I�ve seen the thingy now, and like it a lot. It looks really good, and while watching it I realized that DN Angel is one of the few series where I like (almost) every character (expect for Risa, yes).
I�m looking forward to some of the later scenes, yumm~

04-07-2003, 07:34 PM
Wow, oh wow.. I finally saw it. *starry eyes*

Satoshi x Daisuke hints! Eeeee! *runs off to draw pictures*

It was quite different from the manga, but that was to be expected. But I didn't think they'd put Krad in this early.. even though it was just a prologue. o_o

[edit] The Krad picture (" target="_blank) Anna referred to, in case you were curious. ^^ It's horribly old..

04-13-2003, 06:51 AM
Just to let yall know, ep 2 is up.

04-16-2003, 02:45 PM
:erm: I could have posted something sooner... Ahem. :erm:

Fine, I watched Epi 2, and liked the opening.

Erh... I am not too fond of the fact that they seem to put all kinds of magical thingies (like birds and unicorns) in the series. That is... just so common for this kind of story.
I wonder how much the plot will be changed. And where has my favourite swimming pool episode gone?! I WANT IT!

... ... I walked into "my" comic shop today expecting to find volume 7 of the manga, but it was not there yet... *kicks the slow editor* :o
That�s stupid, because the anime put me into the mood again, I want to read more of the manga... :sad:

04-20-2003, 03:12 AM
Episode 3 is out:

05-02-2003, 07:28 PM
Cool, cool, its about time. I'm hoping that nympkie replaces Dark with Duo as her # anime guy. Bah, thats impossible. ;P

05-02-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by kayin
Cool, cool, its about time. I'm hoping that nympkie replaces Dark with Duo as her # anime guy. Bah, thats impossible. ;P

Not a chance. ;P

Episode 4 is out, by the way: or

07-03-2003, 11:53 PM
Just as a heads up to those of you following this series, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is going to get licensed this weekend at AnimeExpo. Henceforth, it will be taken off all the legit anime bittorrent sites, and most legit IRC distro channels. So if you want to get whats out now (eps 1-13), get em NOW (it MIGHT NOT get licensed, but I'd say there's a high likelihood. AX hasn't even started yet, and theyve already announced that 5 titles have been licensed by various companies: Wolf's Rain [gee nobody saw THAT coming], Hikaru no Go, Stratos4, .hack//DUSK, and Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto).

07-04-2003, 09:39 AM
Oh, shoot... I suppose it is too late to start downloading Wolf�s Rain now, isn�t it? :rolleyes:
Awww... you get all the good stuff in this US of yours. How unfair~ I wonder how likely it is for a German company to release an anime. *growls and stomps away* :D

07-05-2003, 12:15 AM
Well, just as I speculated, its official. D.N.Angel has been licensed by ADV. Along with many other titles. I will make a news story on FFS for all the Day 1 acquisitions once the day is over. If you'd like to go ahead and see whats been licensed, go to

07-05-2003, 10:28 AM
Impressive. Even more anime for America. Unfair. Grr. I mean...well, you still don�t have the manga. =P
And uh oh, you�ll get the Psychic Academy manga?! How can a company even consider releasing such crap?! Poor America.

07-09-2003, 04:56 AM
New Angel is Teh Bawm. I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. :erm:

07-12-2003, 07:07 PM
I had the first seven episodes downloaded.

Don't get the AnimeJunkie's copies. They blow ASS.

And Dark? Pu-lease... It's all about Satoshi.

Here are some screengrabs from the first episode.

<img src=>


<img src=>

Those shouldn't spoil anything. And Satoshi is the seks.