Sgt Phantomizer
09-03-2011, 08:04 PM
The other day i got the urge to play Super Mario World again, one of my all time favorite games and my very first one as well (it might very well be the reason i'am a gamer nowadays). But instead of taking out my SNES and SMW Cart, i downloaded the ROM and i'm playing it on my laptop via an emulator. Not content with just playing it however, i decided to record my gameplay and upload it to youtube as i went along.


Right now i'm about halfway through the game without counting all the secret stuff (which i will get to later).

One thing to note though is that these are NOT Let's Play videos, 1) i'm no good with commentaries and as such, i'ld make some pretty bad Let's Play videos and 2) i actually avoid Let's Play videos, if i want a walkthrough, i'll take a written one anytime, anyday and if i want to check how a game plays, i'ld rather watch a gameplay video without the commentaries i could quite possibly not care any less about (though that may just be me).

Please check it out, like, comment, subscribe, etc.

All feedback is appreciated as i plan to do other games later on ^_^


09-04-2011, 11:18 AM
i too hate commentaries.
i want to hear the sound of the game,not some fucking 10 year old talking.

also, montages with incredibly awful music, instead of the in-game audio.

also, you need some speed, man. walking in a mario game is like walking in an rpg: INCREDIBLY BORING.

although... your video gave me an idea.

it shall be called " 10 YEARS LATER.... i play super mario world" (or any other game i havent played in some time)

Sgt Phantomizer
09-04-2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :)

09-05-2011, 02:16 AM
I was idling through some of these, reliving the good old days, and I have to say I loved the jammy end of Cookie Mountain!

You get yourself in a real fix, trapped under a box and up against a pipe, as a Chargin' Chuck comes jumping in, but he jumps too far and lands instead on the box above you, just as you panic jump and hit it, bashing it open... and killing Chuck! Cue a message from you saying 'Not sure how that happened, but I'll take it!'


This game is still fantastic, even after all these years. But hey, don't avoid the secret levels - they're the best ones! At least do the Butter Bridge 'fly under the gate' trick - I haven't seen that in years. And Soda Lake is the only level with that big Torpedo baddie...

Sgt Phantomizer
09-05-2011, 02:47 AM
lol, how that chargin chuck got hit by the block without even landing on TOP (if you notice, he hits it on the side just as i break it open) of it still baffles me, but yes, i'am glad it happened, although i'm still not sure how it did :p

But yes, i do plan to do the secret levels and all that good stuff, i'm just focusing on a straight playthrough to Bowser's Castle's doorstep before i start re-tracing back for them ^_^

Sgt Phantomizer
10-22-2011, 04:26 AM
Playthrough finished and all videos are uploaded and edited :D

11-23-2011, 03:03 AM
I've made and uploaded some videos of my playthroughs of Super Mario World.

I dont do commentary as I see it as a annoyance. However the format I used for my video editing back than was a bit primitive to what I'm using now (Watch my Yoshi's Island videos I'm uploading in recent days to my old vids of Super Mario World).

I might remake my SMW videos.

(Also I record and upload per level rather than a certain amount of time).

P.S. Added you as a friend and subscribed to you ;)

Edit: What program do you use to record and what program do you use to edit the video? If you want, I can tell you what I use/recommend to get full resolution on youtube and 1080p HD quality videos.