Memento Mori
04-04-2003, 10:46 PM
One's darkest days can arrive without any precedent.... Without any warning... Life can change at a blink of an eye, or the snap of a moment. Infamy can appear just as quick as success. One can think they know themselves... And what they were can be a fading fucking reminder...


"I am dejected. What the hell is this? What the hell are you doing! Get your fuckin' ass in gear now! And don't fuck with these controls! They are volatile, and any wrong move can totally destroy the whole job. Step to the goddamned plate and do your job!"

These people are so dense. You think you have people who are responsible and accountable, and they only fuck things up. I am Devon, supreme ruler of Akhan. We are in tormenting competition with the enemy, Vaderia. The game begins here, and the changes are overwhelming... The truth is what may make or break us...

Devon spoke to Marshall, his main assistant...

"You need to drop this bomb right on to their military installation. They cannot have aerial access. We need to find the 'ring' before they do. DO IT! TAKE THE FUCKING THING OUT. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR GODDAMN IT? You people are moronic. DROP IT NOW!"

Marshall dropped the bomb, and it landed a little off, but nonetheless, did its job... Then the anti-aircraft fire came...