09-01-2011, 01:35 AM

To my fellow Fringe followers:

If you faithfully watch Fringe weekly like I do, you know who Violet Sedan Chair is. To those of you who do not:

Violet Sedan Chair is a (fictional) band from the show that only had one album (in THIS universe, anyway) - Seven Suns. Released on February 7th, 1971 on 13th Tone Records. This album has a very early 70's Pink Floyd/Queen/Psychedelic sound to it. If you're a classic rock fan, you will like this. So far, only two songs havebeen heard in the show, that being from 2x21 "Northwest Passage" and 3x10 "The Firefly".

1.) Seven Suns {Rising} (5:00)
2.) Slow Vibration (2:25)
3.) Hovercraft Mother (3:29)
4.) She's Doing Fine {from 2x21 "Northwest Passage"} (3:17)
5.) Long List of Lovers (3:27)
6.) Keep Climbing (3:49)
7.) 500 Years (3:38)
8.) Seven Suns {Setting} (4:00)
9.) Last Man in Space [from 3x10 "The Firefly"] (3:54)
10.) Re Fa Mi Si Sol La (2:15) [instrumental]

Back in January, a couple of vinyls showed up in small independent record stores across the country. It has been said that each album is unique in its own way, but how, I do not know. Also, as this was recorded on vinyl, you can hear the crackles in (I think) the left channel. It can best be heardwhen played through a stereo. I have Google imaged the album myself, and on the back is listed an 11th track, "Greenmana". This has yet to be found. Some people claim it to be heard in the promo for 3x19 "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide".

One more thing: Being a J.J. Abrams produced-show, I have a feeling Re Fa Mi Si Sol La has meaning to it. Haven't figured it out yet, but maybe someone here will....
Also, I am sure that someone with a sharp eye can spot a few things on the album cover...

Enjoy everyone!!!

NOTICE (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M0560TVS)

10-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Holy crap this is awesome! Reminds me Strawberry Alarm Clock and The Moody Blues with a slight tinge of Ziggy Stardust!

Thanks for directing me to this cool faux psychadelic art-rock album DAK!

Too bad Fringe canon already dictates that Violet Sedan Chair only made one album, but who knows maybe a "lost album" or some demos will surface someday! Or maybe Violet Sedan Chair had a long and illustrious career in the "alterverse" and Walter can score some albums to bring back here and leek!

My only question is who the real writers and musicans are? I bet JJ, being a musican himself, is possibly a member of the band!

Now if only we could find this elusive eleventh track "Greenmana"!

Thanks again!

10-03-2011, 12:20 AM
You're welcome!!! A month later and someone finally sees it lol.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Actually, I think on the season 2 Blu-ray, there's a deleted scene from "Over There, pt. II" where Peter and Walternate are driving around talking about them. I think they have more than one album over there. And in the promo for "Lysergic Acid Deithylamide" I think you can hear Greenmana at the end. I hope you like it. Re Fa Mi Si Sol La is my favorite.

10-04-2011, 07:44 PM
I'd say Violet Sedan Chair also evokes the great music of The Velvet Underground, The Guess Who and The Zombies.

I'd wholeheartedly recommend anyone who digs those bands along with the afore mentioned Strawberry Alarm Clock and Moody Blues to download this.

It really is pretty cool.

10-04-2011, 10:01 PM
Ah...I hadn't even thought of The Velvet Underground! I love them! They actually have two of their songs featured in the show. "Oh! Sweet Nothin'" & "Pale Blue Eyes", two great songs. To people who do not know them, they're who Lou Reed was with before he really became Lou Reed. He was the frontman.

I have no clue who wrote the songs, but I have no doubt J.J. Was involved. I have heard rumors that Joshua Jackson is one of the singers. But I just don't / can't hear his voice. I imagine he has a deep singing voice

01-09-2012, 06:33 PM
Thank You.

01-10-2012, 10:24 AM
Thank you so much!!

Just to be sure - this is the iTunes download, right? (Or did you convert this first yourself?)
The format is AAC (M4A) by the way, not MP3 :)

04-14-2013, 05:07 PM
any chance this could be re-uploaded?

04-14-2013, 05:14 PM
Ya, I'll eventually get to it. I just have other, more important priorities right now. But I'll get to it