Memento Mori
04-03-2003, 09:25 PM
I shall play the omniscient on-looker of the game of Xenogears. These are my interpretations, and my outlooks of the game... It will be retold in a story format, as how I looked at it...

I am Alpha and Omega
The Beginning and the end
The First and the Last

Those famous first lines really get you wondering right away, along with the opening anime FMV we see. What is up with this spaceship. It's flying through space, seemingly undaunted, and without problem, when for no initial apparent reason, the sirens sound loudly throughout the very large vessel. Warnings and danger signs shine, outlining the ship from grey to red. The crew gets on their phones and radios, in communication with their old-aged bearded captain. All weapons are taken over from some force within? What is this force? It's as if it were invasion of the body snatchers. None of the switches are working... None of the phones to the engine room are operable. It is a call for an evacuation over the intercom. Obviously, when you say, "evacuate calmly", really that doesn't happen. It's an absolute frenzy. The members of the ship bump into each other. That's when the ship comes under internal attack. Objects which look like solid, yet flexible pipes or tubes exert from the ship's body, causing malfunction and explosion. The Captain takes a sigh, and stares admirably at a locket with a picture of his wife and daughter. He smiles weakly, and pulls the emergency self-destruct switch, and the ship explodes like a violent nuclear blast. It crash-lands on a planet... The violet-haired girl curled, stands aloof, and calmly strolls to the edge of the beach, as her hair and nude body shine through the sunrise hours. The game has begun...

Section 2 will come tomorrow, April 4.

Nanaki XIII
04-04-2003, 03:59 AM
W(OOT! I was looking for a Xenogears story and found one. Great Narrative Translation of the game except the locket has just 1 girl on it, not wife and daughter right?

Anyways looking forward to section 2 =D

Memento Mori
04-04-2003, 05:05 PM
The Introduction:

Followed the seemingly out-of-place initial FMV, is the introductory statements concerning the current situations. So we're confronted with the overlaying situation, which game-time discoveries will let us know that it's only a cover for the real story. On the continent of Ignas are two territories, Kislev and Aveh. They have been conflicting for a lot of years now, roughly 500, and it has just became a static part of life. Man to man combat was initially used until the ruins of an old civilization were found, and people began to excavate into the grounds to retrieve resources for war. Since the land of Kislev had more resources, they eventually gained the upper hand. Humanoid fighting machines were built with these resources, called "Gears". This would replace that man-to-man combat idea. While Kislev began to rout Aveh for everything they had, a new military force came into play very recently. This military force was called "Gebler". From an unknown land, they had resources that nobody could have found on Ignas, and began to supply Aveh with everything they could. Soon after, Aveh began to get back what they lossed, and began to gain as well. In the midst of all this was a small, remote village on the outskirts of Aveh called Lahan. Your story begins here.

The Premonition...

Fires! Explosions! Gears firing at each other. In one is a man named Fei. Seems he's trying to help the village. The enemy gears will not go down or stay down. A man named Citan is trying to deter him from battle, for some unknown reason at the moment. As Fei goes to attack the gears that won't go down, we see Fei in front of a painting. Seems he's an artist...

Part 3 coming later...

04-04-2003, 11:57 PM
Nice narrative indeed. I've tried writing a Xenogears story like yours but failed miserably because i'm a horrible writer. It's good to see someone writing something about this interesting game...It's a very hard to understand game. I still don't fully comprehend the story. I'm pretty clueless about religion.

Awesome job so far...I hope to see futher installments :D

Nanaki XIII
04-05-2003, 01:35 AM
Hehe your making me ancy post more at a time, i anticipating Grahfs introduction :)

good work!

Memento Mori
04-07-2003, 02:54 PM
Part 3: Lahan

Fei is what we see following the harrowing premonition of destruction in Lahan, and he's in his house. He grabs a few things, then goes to speak with the maid downstairs. She says a few historical anecdotes about when Fei was delivered as a bloody mess 3 years ago. Some interesting masked man brought him there for shelter, and to start a new life. She speculates that it's perhaps his father. I didn't particularly think it was at the time. I thought that would be too easy. Fei nods away, and heads to the main floor of the village home, and speaks to everyone, including his best friend Timothy who just happens to be getting married, hence the mass congregate in his house. Alice is the 'lucky' bride, so they bullshit about that for a while, and then Alice's little brother, Dan, comes strolling in, desperately needing to speak with Fei. For some reason he can't with Timothy there. Can't imagine... Fei and Timothy chuckle briefly about it after Dan leaves, so then Fei goes to find Dan to figure out just what the hell this ugly kid wants. Well, he wants Fei to sweep Alice off her feet and flee with her. Fei says he would to appease Dan, but Dan mentions that it wouldn't be right, that he was only kidding, yet appreciative Fei even agreed. Fei then goes to see Alice, well, because Timothy asked that he would. So he goes and speaks to her, and she mentions in different words that she wished Fei was going to be her husband. Fei avoids it, seemingly a thing he likes to do, and Alice makes mention of Dan getting a camera at Doctor Uzuki's house on top of the Mountain path. Fei agrees, Alice cries in her own solace, and Fei is on his way...

part 4 coming....

04-09-2003, 10:59 PM
Great installment...Really bought back vivid memories of a couple years back when I got it.

Can't wait for further chapters! Keep up the great work!

Memento Mori
04-11-2003, 03:02 PM
Part IV: The Mountain Path/The Awakening

Fei strolled up the mountain path, and he rotated his line of sight to Citan's house at the top. He climbed and jumped around gaps and hindrances and finally made his way to the house. Fei is nosy, well, he is because I got to control him, so he checked most of the area, found Midori's Ring, and entered the home of Citan Uzuki... At this time Fei met Yui, Citan's lovely wife, and Midori, his reticent daughter. Yui told Fei that Citan was outside 'tinkering with his stuff' in the backyard. Fei extended pleasantries and made his way to the backyard to only hear something explode. Citan rambles off some random mumbo jumbo about some kind of malfunctioning part, and he finally recognizes Fei's existence. They go through all their salutations, and eventually Citan asked Fei to check out what was inside his little shed. Fei played it, and it ends up being a music box, and it's a tune that Fei recognized. Strange... Fei can't figure out why he knew it, but he did, and he left it at that. Citan made some strange speculations about someone else living inside him that liked it, but I didn't think much of it. You figure that's something anybody could say. Fei left the room, and Citan stayed to shut down, when the angel statue in the middle of the box collapses, and Citan then feared a bad omen. I didn't think much of that at the time either.

After dinner, they all say goodbye, and Citan then told Fei he would bring down the camera equipment in the morning. Fei agrees solemnly, and makes his way back down the mountain path only to see two big monstrosities making its way to Lahan and then attacking it. Fei ran towards the village, and meets Citan on the way, and they begin to try and intervene to save some of the villagers. Namely, Alice and Timothy were there looking for Dan, and so then Fei and Citan sent them off to be safe. They part, and Citan checked a house, and that's when Fei saw the empty gear. The screen goes in an out of focus on the gear, that looks different than all the rest, and then a short FMV follows and all we see is a pendant in a pendulum motion on a black screen, and some long-haired boy with a malevolent mischievous smile on his face, and a flashback of a younger looking Fei with blood on his clothing and hands. I got confused at this point, because how could you really tell what all these stupid flashbacks actually mean. Nonetheless, Fei climbed into the gear and began to fight off the enemies. Fei defeats the first line of gears, but then a second line of gears come with some sort of leader gear. Citan found Fei, and he started screaming for Fei to get the hell out of the gear. Fei ignored his pleas, and at this time Dan showed up. Citan tells Dan that Fei has a dark destiny. Dan complained, but Citan brought Dan to safety. But then Timothy showed up looking for Dan, and the gears caught wind of his presence. They gears turn, as Fei pleas for them to not to anything. His pleas went unanswered and they killed Timothy. Fei closes his eyes and a similar FMV plays with the pendulum pendant, but this time, Fei transformed into the mischievous long-haired boy. Then an explosive light came out of Fei's gear, and everything is eradicated...

04-12-2003, 06:00 AM
That was excellent!

Great narrative so far...You are a captivating story teller ;)
I really laughed out loud when you wrote...

Fei is nosy, well, he is because I got to control him, so he checked most of the area, found Midori's Ring...

I really didn't expect that so I had to laugh.

Good stuff so far...keep it up!

Memento Mori
04-14-2003, 05:26 PM
Part V: Lahan Aftermath and Blackmoon Forest

Fei awoke the next morning with the surviving villagers atop the mountain path. He was understandably dazed, and lacking memory of the night's events. Citan informs him as the villagers made fearful and mean snarls at their three-year citizen. In particular grief and disgust was Dan. Since his sister and Timothy were dead, one could understand this. Citan tries to calm the youngster down, and explain the situation, saying the gear had a malfunction, but his defense of Fei basically went unheard. Everyone was afraid and regretful of Fei's existence, and thus Citan suggested he leave and head towards Aveh through the Blackmoon Forest. Fei agreed based on the fact that all of the remaining citizens of Lahan now had an eternal grudge. Therefore, Fei took his leave toward the Blackmoon Forest

He entered the forest after a day of boosting levels, and finds his way across when he finally comes under threat by some lady also lost and strolling in the forest as well. She spoke in some unclear and unknown language to Fei, and me as well, then finally realized that her language wasn't understood, and so then spoke english. She was a beautiful red-haired girl, in a valiant uniform, nervously pointing her pistol at Fei, admonishing him. In any normal circumstances I'm sure, Fei would have been pissing his pants to death, but since he felt his life had no meaning, he was poised and negotiated... Or at least tried. But this lady, whom by surprise called her 'Elly' (Yeah, how did he know that again?). She got attacked by a Forest Elf, and Fei fought them off, and the next screen we see is nightfall, with a fire, and Elly still unconscious, but she wakes up. Fei starts talking, she turned the cold shoulder, but eventually thanked him for tending her wounds. They exchange names, and as it turns out, the girl's name IS Elly. How interesting... They turn in eventually, and then Fei has a dream in the form of an FMV...

In the desert he sits, and in the distance is a zombie-like following of unhuman creatures, sort of like what you'd see at Auschwitz during WW2. Fei kind of runs in place, starts yelling for them to wait, and realizes he's all alone, and crying. That's when the mysterious girl comes up with that very same pendant in the other two flashbacks he had before in Lahan. She talks to him in a very subtle and placid voice and it warms him. Then he wakes up with Elly attempting to awake him.

Now a conversation, or more of an argument of accusations followed. Fei began to blame the incidents at Lahan on the gears that crash-landed there, but for some reason Elly reacted back harshly about it, and said it was his fault, and that he was a coward and resisting responsibility. Fei cries and sits in his own pathetic lament, as Elly started to say something, but rather vacated the premises. She wonders why she even said anything about it in the first place, and then another FMV occurs with her in a large mental facility type room with many bludgeoned bodies, apparantly created by her power. She similarly tried to escape responsibility then. We also see a video of her and a bunch of other gears retreating from Kislev. Her gear breaks down which forced her to crash-land in Lahan. She's upset she waid what she said, but that's when she's attacked a 2nd time by a Rankar Dragon, and voila, his first major boss fight. There's a lot of boss fights. Anyway, Fei begins to fight it with his bare hands, with little avail. However, remember that stupid land crab thing in Lahan that Citan was working on when Fei first encountered him? Well, it carried the very same gear that he used in the Lahan eradication. Citan convinced Fei to use it to defeat the Rankar. He does, and he does...

Coming Up: Part VI - Leaving Blackmoon Forest, Dazil, and the introduction of Grahf.

04-14-2003, 05:52 PM
I'm really enjoying this story so far.

You're bringing back the game bit by bit for me and pretty soon I think i'm gonna replay it :)

Good job on the story so far...Hope you write some more

Nanaki XIII
04-15-2003, 02:10 AM
WOOOOT!!! Grahf is coming :)