08-31-2011, 06:26 AM
I had the itch to revisit the classic Tomb Raiders (1-4). So, I download a BIN of Tomb Raider III, get my Playstation emulator (PCSX-R), and my BIOS file. Everything seems fine, except....No music. No movie sequences either. This isn't to say there's no SOUND- ambient and SFX work perfectly. But no awesome Indiana Jones-style score. Or 90's "the-skin-looks-like-modeling-clay" cinema sequences.

I suffer.

So, I was wondering if I'm doing something patently stupid. Even magnets aren't this hard to figure out.

08-31-2011, 06:46 AM
Tomb Raider 2 and 3 both use a higher quality music that requires the use of sub channel data. You're going to have to find a sound plugin that supports that and make sure it's enabled. Google the problem for a setup guide since somebody has probably had the same problem as you before and been given a solution.

08-31-2011, 02:26 PM
EDIT: Ignore me, follow Chewey's advice.

08-31-2011, 06:25 PM
Eh...Ya know, I don't really feel like wasting anymore time on it. If the Mac actually had a decent PSX emulator, that'd be one thing. But PCSX-R really is cobbled together in the finest tradition of open source mediocrity. And there really doesn't seem to be that many competent rippers. Otherwise I wouldn't have to wade through every optical image format under the sun, in addition to the whole subchannel data bit.

Still, thank you FSITO. At least you let me know what the problem even was.

08-31-2011, 09:21 PM
use emurayden