the one
04-03-2003, 04:59 PM
omg ff7-2 has bin confirmed and square are workin gon it right now! story sounds very nice,i wont spoil it tho:P go to to read the article!:D:D

04-03-2003, 08:44 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Haha, that was an April Fool's joke at FF-WA. It's not real. ;)

Nanaki XIII
04-04-2003, 12:45 AM
Interesting, this was posted day before April Fools and there forums has like a FF7-2 subforum now. They make think this is real or maybe it is but I have a huge feeling this is false info for a FF7-2 sequel has never been confrimed anywhere else and the pictures dont even look real. I dont trust it.

04-04-2003, 03:44 AM
I don't know, based on what I see, it could be fakey, it might not be. Melti- do you have any proof that it's an April Fool's thing? Does anyone here read Japanese? If so, what does it say on those pictures?

Then again, it says there's an FF7-2 subforum, but when I checked, I couldn't find it. So it probably is fake.

Nanaki XIII
04-04-2003, 03:53 AM
Yeah, on the main forum it says theres a FF7-2 subforums, but there isnt. What a fakie, or is it?


04-04-2003, 03:58 AM
Personally, I hope it isn't a way, I hope they don't touch FF7 and just leave it wrong move, and they could fuck up the whole FF7 story...

::Crosses his fingers in hopes they aren't making FF7-2::

04-04-2003, 04:26 AM

Well it's actually fake, the "FMV" of the two people kissing was taken from a french art book, Tifa on the motor bike is a piece of fan art and the Cloud and Tifa figurines are also present. Most of the hirgana/katakana makes no sense whatsoever and says all sorts of jibberish. But it must have been good enough to fool you guys XD

04-04-2003, 05:08 AM
Well, good enough to fool the creator of this thread, although I get the feeling he actually knew it was a joke, judging by the two :D

As for the rest of us, I'd say we were at best, cautiously optimistic. I figured it was probably fakey, but since I don't read Japanese and didn't know that stuff about the pictures being grabbed from those magazines, I couldn't be absolutely certain.

04-04-2003, 08:01 AM
o_O I was so hoping this was an April fools joke and it turns out to be one XD
Cleverly down about the date before though and made believable thanks to piccies and a sub forum. 4 out of 5 :E

Darth Revan
04-04-2003, 06:15 PM

Not this again. I hear about FFVII-2 practically every month, at another forum, and it's nothing but BS. Rumours of FFVII-2 started way back in 98, and they keep coming. Some of the rumours say, it's going to be released on the PS2, Hell I even read one rumour saying it was going to be released on either the Gamecube or Xbox! There's rumours of voice acting (I don't like voice acting in games. Never had, never will.), more characters for you to control and the biggest rumour, the return of Aerith/Aeris.

Another rumour I had heard, which I do give some credit to, is that FFVII was rushed, in order to compete with the newest game in the Dragonquest/Dragonwarrior series. Apparently, originally, it was planned you COULD bring Aerith/Aeris back from the dead. It involved getting a hold of the White Materia she wore, which fell when Sephiroth killed her. Also, apparently, there was another ending for FFVII as well. Something to do with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith/Aeris fighting the Meteor itself!

How dumb do these rumour mills think people are? In my own personal opinion, FFVII is complete the way it is. Why make a sequel to it? In another forum there is a big thread about FFVII-2, and it's full of rumours and gossip. All because Square has released the remakes of FF 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. Then there's FFX-2, which I have a lot of things to say about that......but I won't.

As far as I'm concerned, If it aint broken, why fix it? Leave FFVII as is. If Square DID release a part 2, they would be treading on thin ice. If they stuffed it up, it would be a grave disservice to FFVII and the entire series.


04-05-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Nanaki XIII
Yeah, on the main forum it says theres a FF7-2 subforums, but there isnt. What a fakie, or is it?

IM SO CONFUSED! <font color=red face="comic sans ms">Well, there WAS an FF7-2 forum subforum there before, but that got moved to the archives after the joke was over. The description's been fixed now. :)

And the reason I knew it was an April Fool's joke is because there were actually threads in that subforum saying it's an April Fool's joke. I'm actually a mod at FF-WA but I didn't know it was a joke until I saw it posted, although I was always skeptical of it. ;)

04-18-2003, 10:04 AM
there was something like this last year....terrible

the one
04-19-2003, 11:41 AM
yaya well im a bit late but yeh the jokes over:p mods feel free to delete thread, yada yada......

04-19-2003, 12:38 PM
Dont Worry the game may still be made anyway if FFX-2 makes loadsa Money

04-19-2003, 01:46 PM
Don't worry? I thnk most FF fans are praying that there is no sequel to FF7! I mean, a sequel to FFX is bad enough, but god I hope Square doesn't do it for any of the classics!