08-28-2011, 02:55 PM
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian the Video Game

.MP3 VBR | 60 Tracks | Running Time: 3"19'03!KV5EzCwA!0ZhEsX3RAgsT5uLi_O_gCgU_cI23ywCVl8l6KLh o-ec

1. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Main Title (2:47)
2. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Level Select (3:51)
3. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Cair Paravel (4:35)
4. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - To the Battle (4:14)
5. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Battlefield (5:04)
6. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Scaling the Courtyard (4:25)
7. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Beach (4:00)
8. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Defending the Battlements (4:39)
9. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Defend Cair Paravel Bonus (3:11)
10. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Boss Battle (3:58)
11. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Pevensies Children (4:18)
12. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Beasts of the Woods (4:12)
13. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Through the Caves (4:27)
14. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Bats! (3:59)
15. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Beach Again (3:03)
16. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Temerian Scouts (4:18)
17. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Ruins of Cair Paravel (4:12)
18. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Treasures of the Pevensies Children (4:15)
19. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Scaling Miraz's Walls (3:54)
20. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Masked Guard (4:29)
21. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Castle Turrets (3:59)
22. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Tower Guards (4:12)
23. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - From Rooftop to Rooftop (4:06)
24. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Halls of the Castle (4:18)
25. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Down to the Dungeons (4:07)
26. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Freeing Cornelius (4:15)
27. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Castle Infiltration Bonus (2:34)
28. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Courtyard (4:21)
29. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Fighting to the Bridge (4:25)
30. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Battlements (3:59)
31. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Slipping Past the Horses (4:28)
32. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Fight in the Stables (4:28)
33. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Terrace (4:17)
34. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Assault on Castle Bonus (2:54)
35. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Aslan's How (3:27)
36. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Approaching the How (4:15)
37. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Temerian Defenders (4:24)
38. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Inside the How (3:58)
39. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Ring of Combat (4:05)
40. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Stone Table (4:24)
41. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Battlefield of Beruna (2:10)
42. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - A Secret Plan (4:29)
43. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Cistern (4:05)
44. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Surprise Attack (4:04)
45. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Battle for Narnia (3:48)
46. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Telmarines Retreat (4:05)
47. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Credits (5:01)
48. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 01 (1:01)
49. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 02 (0:14)
50. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 03 (1:04)
51. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 04 (0:16)
52. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 05 (0:47)
53. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 06 (0:17)
54. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 07 (0:28)
55. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 08 (0:36)
56. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 09 (0:51)
57. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 10 (0:10)
58. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 11 (0:19)
59. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - PC Bonus Movie 12 (0:34)
60. Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - Attract (1:47)

As of late, it seems that whenever there is a videogame license to some big profile movie, if you want good music you don't go out to buy the soundtrack but rather rip the music from the game! It's odd how so many times now that the movie tie-ins, which are universally considered to be cheap paychecks for the publisher and developer involved, actually has the tendency to have well written music composed by those that have an actual love for their craft.

Mark Griskey is well known for his dark and meticulous style of music. His main themes are usually slow, adiago dependent pieces that gives a darkened texture on the atmosphere. You can place the main theme from both Prince Caspian and The Sith Lords side by side and you would know that it was Griskey.

Lennie Moore is most well known for being a goddamn genius and his music, regardless of if they are all synth or recorded with an orchestra, being absolutely fantastic and because of these two things he has never seen a full on commercial release and practically nobody knows that he even exists.

Now the bulk of the music was done by Griskey, while Moore was listed as having doing additional music. I would take as saying he took up the final third of the score, although since I have no official documents I can't say whom did what.

The music is great. These are both high class composers, and they had such a great chemistry here. Their music meshes together so well, it might as well have been one composer. I think that is the sign of a great artistic team - when you can sense the individual, but both of the artist's persona just connects together seamlessly. This is probably why Moore is on The Old Republic team.

There are SFX here, but once the music starts they are quickly drowned out by the music. So, by a minute in, you'll barely hear any SFX. So, don't have any worries that this soundtrack is a terrible listening expierence. That is as far from the truth as you could possibly get.

Kudos to Infernus Ameritus of the VGM Legacy for ripping this at my request. Couldn't have done it without you.

08-30-2011, 02:53 AM
Thanks Doublehex. I had just gotten Infernus' rip, but I'm sure I'll enjoy going thru a soundtrack-ized version much more. Thanks for your work!

08-30-2011, 03:29 AM
All in a days work my man. Now I need to decide between Age of Empires Online or Viking - Battle for Asgard.

08-30-2011, 04:00 AM
haha, yeah, definitely excited to hear this one. I wish I knew which track was by whom. Who knows, I'll have to see if I can find interviews with them about this score. Sometimes in games each composer just works almost independently, individual tracks, whereas others really make a team a co-compose. Not sure about this one.

How's "Age of Empires Online"? I only played Age of Empires 2 years ago, great game at the time, still like it, but not a particularly great score, maybe the newer ones are better?
As to "Viking", there's already an official soundtrack out there, so would you be working from a complete game rip? is there a lot of music out there Not on the album?

08-30-2011, 04:11 AM
There's an hour's worth of extra music for Viking.

09-03-2011, 01:23 AM
sweet, that sounds awesome!

and hey guess what?-- yeah, it's Cover Time, haha!
Again, I was able to use yours and re-work it quickly. Mostly, added the top "trim" to the bottom, so that I could un-stretch the image, and make it look more natural, also changed the bottom font a bit.
Thanks again for the great share, really enjoying listening to this! it is a shame about the SFX, mostly in the battle tracks, but it is what it is, still great music!

10-09-2013, 10:08 AM
could anyone reup?

03-02-2015, 12:30 AM
Has been uploaded to MEGA. Enjoy!

03-02-2015, 02:09 AM
Thank you so much! I have been wanting to hear this score for years and I keep forgetting to look for it.

03-02-2015, 06:53 AM
Thanks :)

09-15-2016, 11:46 PM
Many thanks!