04-02-2003, 04:18 AM
never wrote poetry in my life, so i thought i'd just type something out and see what i get:

done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow
done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow
done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow

she dissapears for a day or two
boredom is broken up
by frequent trips to the loo
essay or sleep? sleep. yawn. stretch.
read a book, or a few.
Frankenstein, the student at Ingolstadt
creater of a monster, trips to the Pole, and all that.
Pope, and his Rape of the Lock
despite the name, there is no lifting of a frock
only the cutting of a maidens lock
by a Baron desperate for her hair.
Grotowski, Towards a Poor Theatre
his technique is extremely different
miles away from Shakespearean metre.

i'm not staying here just for work though
i have rehearsals for a 45 minute long show
takes part tomorrow
hope it goes well, or i'll feel alot of sorrow.
rehearsals are good, but are at the end of the day
have to eat dinner quick, or i'll be late
chomping down food too quick
is something i hate.

listen to music most of the day
tunes by many bands, but especially Feeder's Yesterday went to soon.
i need something to do...wash up this dirty spoon.

it may be boring, but maybe its a good thing
rather than going back home to a family sick of sin
torn asunder, by a fathers evil fling.

done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow
done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow
done any work today?
i'll do it tomorrow

well, there. not a great poem, i just felt like sharing something. so, mneh.

03-08-2004, 06:27 PM crazy bastard...........enough said

03-12-2004, 07:28 PM
well the rhyming scheme changed a bit randomly, you should have started a new paragraph each time you changed it but nonetheless, cool poem, very true:D

Alice Wonderbra
03-13-2004, 12:53 PM
it sounds more like lyrics than a poem. play an instrument? you should turn it into a song.