Nostalgia gamer
08-25-2011, 01:38 PM
I live in spain,it is no secret and so if i buy something,its easier to go to the local shop and buy something.

Sometimes you get options that aren't so bad like:english with spanish subtitles but other times,big games you want to play just fuck you over.

Example:Fable 2:I rushed into buying this game and got really pissed off when i found that it was dubbed in spanish and ruins the game for me.

I should have learned my lesson with ff8 which the text is in spanish and this is only a minor setback.

Sometimes with movies they do the same like:can't select english text or english voice acting,and this just pisses me off.

You would think with games on xbox 360 would try harder to keep all language options for purists,because the fucking dubbing is awfull and now i cannot even change the fucking language.

08-25-2011, 02:21 PM
I can understand the frustration for those who know 2 different languages and would prefer the original dubbing over the dubbing used in places that don't only speak English. But sometimes there are those who only know the one and even if the new dubbing is horrible (I know a few anime where I prefer subtitles over English dub any day), I'd just be happy to understand what's going on whether through horrible dubbing or subtitles.

Nostalgia gamer
08-25-2011, 03:40 PM
I'm not saying take off that language option,i'm saying:keep all the other language options.

English right now is the language of business and when things are dubbed,they sound really really horrible when they come from spain.

The spanish dubbers are absolutely terrible and i think they almost always use the same voice actors and they over act.

08-25-2011, 03:40 PM
nostalgia gamer... I think your "essay" is the shortest post I have seen you make. :)

I agree it seems like a no brainer to leave the option of using the original language. I am surprised you would be upset in the case of a game where the dialogue is all text like FF8 though. Is the translation really bad or something?

Nostalgia gamer
08-25-2011, 05:18 PM
nostalgia gamer... I think your "essay" is the shortest post I have seen you make. :)

I agree it seems like a no brainer to leave the option of using the original language. I am surprised you would be upset in the case of a game where the dialogue is all text like FF8 though. Is the translation really bad or something?

Nah its just that for me its more comfortable to read things in english because i feel i dominate it more.

I'm not even saying to keep 1 language,and honestly:text isn't even close to as annoying as a dubbed movie.

ff8 was far less annoying in fact because there was no voice acting.
Voice acting is what bothers me,but countries like spain or italy figure:all italians all spanish whatever,we figure they will only want spanish,but they won't really fully appreciate the voice acting in stuff.

Watching a good movie ruined by a spanish dubber who over acts and using always the same people to do everyone,ruins a good movie.

Just imagine james earl jones,a shakespearean actor with someone elses voice who over acts and if you never heard a natural movie with good actors,you wouldn't know and your view of movies would be that the voice and tone of an actor doesn't matter.

Imagine if you did know better and saw something dubbed anyways,it would grate on your ears.

Some voice actors aren't as bad but a lot of times they use the same guys over and over and they are just plain awful.

Nostalgia gamer
08-26-2011, 01:42 PM
Goddam fucking hell,i can't fucking win.

I installed vampire the masquerade from an enlgish game source to get the language in english and i got a dubbed version and now i have to fucking look for a way to undub it.

This pisses me off so much.

I went through hell and back to get this game to work and downloaded it a bunch of times to find a working version because i lost 1 cd and only have the second cd but its not reading it so i had to download a no cd patch to fix that and then i needed to find a new serial key so i used keygen and then i turn it on to find it fucking dubbed.


AWW FUCK!! I found a page but now its asking me to pay a membership fee but it will probably be a scam and rip me off.
Goddamit,why can't games always come with the choice of original language? Or perhaps at least also a choice always of english language?

Sorry to be complaining so much but this really really pisses me off.

08-26-2011, 02:07 PM
I understand ya Nostalgia... I'm a spansh speaker, from Argentina and all the Dubbing can get really annoying. And it's funny because it has to be done in the most neutral way of the language so it can appeal all the countries that share the same Language.

Although, you have to understand something. Voice Acting is a Job, and people get paid.

I totally prefer Orginal VA versus Dubbed. Since specially in movies it makes for the Acting. Although I have some good memories. With Metal Gear Solid, the VA was done by Spanish VA's and some of the performances were really good, and other ones were just laughable, but in the good way. Overly Exaggerated stuff. It's was fucking fun.

And what pisses me off, is that apparently nowadays it's increasing the people that are just vague or do not want to spend sometime learning english. The game's I find most of the times are in spanish. Which I hate...

Nostalgia gamer
08-26-2011, 04:57 PM
I understand ya Nostalgia... I'm a spansh speaker, from Argentina and all the Dubbing can get really annoying. And it's funny because it has to be done in the most neutral way of the language so it can appeal all the countries that share the same Language.

Although, you have to understand something. Voice Acting is a Job, and people get paid.

I totally prefer Orginal VA versus Dubbed. Since specially in movies it makes for the Acting. Although I have some good memories. With Metal Gear Solid, the VA was done by Spanish VA's and some of the performances were really good, and other ones were just laughable, but in the good way. Overly Exaggerated stuff. It's was fucking fun.

And what pisses me off, is that apparently nowadays it's increasing the people that are just vague or do not want to spend sometime learning english. The game's I find most of the times are in spanish. Which I hate...

I can't find any online language patches,i guess i am screwed with the stupid fucking dubbed version.

Spaceballs- "Keep firing assholes!" - YouTube ( original spaceballs
La Loca Historia de las Galaxias (Mayor Estupido) - YouTube ( dubbed version.

See? its much funnier when its the original.

Thing is,comedy becomes lost when it is dubbed,and the simplest of jokes might not work in another language because of cultural references or possibly the verses in a language.

Comedy pieces like mr bean are perfect for this sort of problem because there is no verbal interaction.Verbal comedy is much harder to translate,because the meaning itself and such do not translate so well in other languages and lose part of the brilliance of the original language.
The word asshole for an example,is not the same as idiot.

You can be an asshole and not be an idiot necessarily. says asshole stupid ignorant or detestable

The meanins is completely different as you can see and the change of meaning changes the joke completely and makes it lose its humor.

08-26-2011, 09:39 PM
Can I ask something really ignorant? How difficult is it to get versions of the movies in English in Spain? I know it's different for different movies, but what would you say about it just in general?

I think that by their very nature, dubs are inevitably worse than their original-language counterparts. But if there's something worth doing (like finding a copy of a movie or game that you will enjoy), isn't it worth doing right? See, I don't go out and get games/movies very often (mostly because I have Netflix and the local university library for movies and I don't like most contemporary video games). And when I do want to get specific versions of things, I usually go to So even though you prefer to go the easy route and go to your local store, it would be worth going out of your way to get the version you want so you don't waste money on something that's going to inevitably disappoint you. Of course, I don't know if you have a car or credit card or other things that would make it easier for you to buy the copies you want, but if you do, I don't see why you'd be complaining about getting bad versions of movies/games that you could avoid getting.

Nostalgia gamer
08-26-2011, 09:52 PM
Can I ask something really ignorant? How difficult is it to get versions of the movies in English in Spain? I know it's different for different movies, but what would you say about it just in general?

I think that by their very nature, dubs are inevitably worse than their original-language counterparts. But if there's something worth doing (like finding a copy of a movie or game that you will enjoy), isn't it worth doing right? See, I don't go out and get games/movies very often (mostly because I have Netflix and the local university library for movies and I don't like most contemporary video games). And when I do want to get specific versions of things, I usually go to So even though you prefer to go the easy route and go to your local store, it would be worth going out of your way to get the version you want so you don't waste money on something that's going to inevitably disappoint you. Of course, I don't know if you have a car or credit card or other things that would make it easier for you to buy the copies you want, but if you do, I don't see why you'd be complaining about getting bad versions of movies/games that you could avoid getting.

You can get movies in english that allow you to turn off the subtitles,but some games and movies have fucking companies that are complete assholes and only allow 1 language or say:you cannot take off the subtitles.

As for using amazon:its a pain in the ass to buy from us because its not in the european union.
I don't think they allow shipment to spain,but maybe possible from uk.

Even so,they should add language packs which isn't very hard for pc and always have english version just in case so it doesn't totally suck.

One thing that is a pain in the ass about buying from us,is that when it was allowed,it took ages to get here,uk is also very expensive with their whole pound thing and not adapting to the euro just so they can charge more.

With movies,you sometimes don't know if they will allow you to do that.

With games there is a good chance that english voc means it will be in english.

08-27-2011, 03:38 AM
unlike you, i actually was desperate to find a spanish dubbed copy of fable.
mainly because i had already played the demo and heard a lot of familiar voices.

the characters the dubbers are most famous for and appeared in fable 2:

lois (malcolms mom)
homer simpson

other people i barely remember but heard alot in dubbed movies/shows.

Nostalgia gamer
08-27-2011, 10:36 AM
unlike you, i actually was desperate to find a spanish dubbed copy of fable.
mainly because i had already played the demo and heard a lot of familiar voices.

the characters the dubbers are most famous for and appeared in fable 2:

lois (malcolms mom)
homer simpson

other people i barely remember but heard alot in dubbed movies/shows.

Good for you,but the english version is still superior.The voice actors who do the dubbing in fable 2 from spain,pretty much all sound the same so i can only assume they always use the same guys.Either that,or they all train to speak in the same mannerism and tone.

08-28-2011, 01:13 AM
of course, they spaniard dub sucks major balls, everyone knows that.
i once saw the third saint seiya film.
i though my ears would bleed.
then i saw FLCL, LUCIFER BUTTFUCKING GOD WITH A CACTUS, that shit was horrible! i thought naota was a kid? then why the fuck does he sound older than me? (24).

when i said spanish dub for fable 2, i meant spanish from mexico, superior in everyway.

you see, the difference from that dub is that, unlike the spaniards who dub everything literally (and with "totally not fitting" voices), mexicans tend to regionalize dubs.
for example, for spanish speakers, the shrek movies are more enjoyable in spanish than in english. for example, donkey says:
english: ill make the waffles.
spanish: yo preparo los tamales (ill make the tamales).

i really, REALLY hate the soul croushing dubbing of spaniards.

Nostalgia gamer
08-28-2011, 03:50 PM
of course, they spaniard dub sucks major balls, everyone knows that.
i once saw the third saint seiya film.
i though my ears would bleed.
then i saw FLCL, LUCIFER BUTTFUCKING GOD WITH A CACTUS, that shit was horrible! i thought naota was a kid? then why the fuck does he sound older than me? (24).

when i said spanish dub for fable 2, i meant spanish from mexico, superior in everyway.

you see, the difference from that dub is that, unlike the spaniards who dub everything literally (and with "totally not fitting" voices), mexicans tend to regionalize dubs.
for example, for spanish speakers, the shrek movies are more enjoyable in spanish than in english. for example, donkey says:
english: ill make the waffles.
spanish: yo preparo los tamales (ill make the tamales).

i really, REALLY hate the soul croushing dubbing of spaniards.

I Think i only heard one thing dubbed in mexican and it did sound better.
For the most part,games here are dubbed by spain spanish not mexican,so they always use the same actors and their voice acting doesn't match the moment,plus:the spanish they seem to use doesn't seem to have noticeable age.

In english i notice things in change like:1800's way of speaking sounds weird and when i watched i can't remember the name of the mini series,but its about calamity jane and uh i can't remember his name either but the actor is australian i think and it made him a bit famous since he wasn't supposed to be the main star of the mini series and he owns a whore house.

Anyways,that mini series,they use a way of speaking that is very strange to hear because it is very possible they were speaking like that.

I heard from my mom that the certainly did like to swear a lot back then and going back to the point:I don't notice a time period difference.

When i play vampire the masquerade and i hear 1 guy talk with a flat spanish accent and the other one with z sound in his words,i think:I don't like this,he sounds kinda madridean and not like a german.

The guards of san juan do sound french though so that kind of works well,but i still think the english voice acting was superior in quality.

I also find that in the game one of the downsides with the spanish version,the little humorous moment where cristophe meets the fbi agent in the future and tries to cover up his words so he doesn't sound like someone out of his era,sort of humorous like:he is well aware that people aren't speaking like that.I'm not sure if it would work in spanish because i don't notice a big difference in the spanish accent from something spoken in modern times.

Anyways,i rambled on too long,i'm sorry

Nostalgia gamer
08-28-2011, 06:05 PM
Deadwood,that is the name of the show

08-28-2011, 09:46 PM
thats because the game was primarily made with english voices, for english speaking markets.
they have a wider arrange of "voices" at their disposal to use.
when they have ethnically diverse characters (say, grand theft auto series) they use stereotyped accents for the foreigners.
that way, black people sound LIKE black people and not some galician fucktard with a hangover.