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08-24-2011, 03:58 AM
Well, here she blows, like a mermaid on heat!

Please refrain in catagorising me as an elitist cos I didnt share this before, or I may have other scores you guys dont - That would be like me classifying the guy across the road from me, being an elitist for have 2 Aston Martin V12's and I dont have one!

And even if you can say *Well, thas different, its not a film score* Well, I am going to bet money on guys here having more than I do and several here having something i don't have, even if it is just commercials - Does that mean you are Elitist? No, just means you have something I don't!

Or perhaps Hans Zimmer is an elitist for having complete versions of all the scores he has composed and he aint giving them to you!? who knows, where will the madness end!?!?!?!?

If people want to give them to you, they will. But i can safely say, being retarded enough to be on the backfall of jealousy or being overly sycophantic to try and obtain - Well, less said the better!
If people were more grateful and less sycophantic-misering about the scores that did come there way, maybe those that have what you want would be more compelled to share them?

Bare in mind that us *Elitists* dare i say it - dont just sit under the proverbial 'Film Score Tree' and wait for the next best thing to drop in our laps as if it were an apple!

And as much as i do not place myself under the umbrella of the elitist embrace - Have a little thought for those that do, cos to be frankfully fair, if it wasnt for them, none of the *Unreleased* scores, or at least a vast majority of them, you guys and many others would not have the luxury of listening to them!

So to have the sort of inane incoherant conversation about haing a score you dont and being verbally abused over the net, well, it is insulting! And i am sure as hell, if i insulted you cos you have score i don't it isnt going to make you think *You know, I think ill share it now I have been insulted!

Anyway, had a few moments to kill whilst this uploaded so thought I would do a bit of tired ranting - rant over - Enjoy!

'ere ya go - Couldnt code the link cos for some bizarre reason, when i went to edit the post it would not let me *Go Advanced* probably thinks i am a dolt or something! Anyhoo

May i leave you with some sound advice, of course i can -

'Dont pick your nose with the same finger you scratch your arse with!' <--- The QAR Approaches (found it on the hd someplaces else)

the gus bus
08-24-2011, 04:02 AM
Well said

you get a thumbs up from me, sir

08-24-2011, 04:03 AM
Not much to say other than thanks again. Looking forward to it.

08-24-2011, 04:05 AM
I'll be losing my right leg in less than 30 minutes. I'll look forward to it!!!!

08-24-2011, 04:13 AM
Jesus Chirst..This score has to be the biggest piecemeal compilation I've ever seen in me life. holy shit.

08-24-2011, 04:18 AM
I wish that several years ago things came our way this easy. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Terminator Salvation, King Kong etc. Thank you kind sir for sharing. You are right about the elitists - if not for them, we would not have these gems. I don't see what all the big hype about OST is, as 1-3 are far better than it. This is the reason why I held off from downloading all of those other versions being only half or three-quarters complete or whatever, I felt like there were a million. I knew this would come upon us sooner or later, and so I waited. Thanks =)

And is there a cover for it yet? The one they had on HZ was really nice......while it lasted, anyway

08-24-2011, 04:27 AM

08-24-2011, 04:34 AM
Link added! Enjoy

08-24-2011, 04:35 AM

08-24-2011, 04:36 AM
Thanks a gold bullion, scoreman. Let the download commence!!!!!!

08-24-2011, 04:38 AM
And is there a cover for it yet? The one they had on HZ was really nice......while it lasted, anyway

Nope, feel free to make one *Anybody* if you want to!

the gus bus
08-24-2011, 04:39 AM
thank you!

08-24-2011, 04:43 AM
Jesus Chirst..This score has to be the biggest piecemeal compilation I've ever seen in me life. holy shit.

I agree!

08-24-2011, 04:48 AM
Here's some artwork. I'm not sure if it fits the one posted here but someone might have use for it :)

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

08-24-2011, 04:48 AM
Damn. The tracks are impressive.

08-24-2011, 04:49 AM
Thanks a whole lot for this dude!

The Dimensioner
08-24-2011, 04:50 AM
I am speechless. And I have been trying to go to sleep. I am now tempted to get up just to start the download!

08-24-2011, 04:50 AM
How many tracks scoreman?

08-24-2011, 04:51 AM
How many tracks scoreman?


Everyone is welcome

08-24-2011, 04:56 AM
106 tracks?! This is bigger than *CENSORED* !!!!!!!!!!

08-24-2011, 04:57 AM
I agree!
Im pretty sure a definitive bootleg could be edited purely from the previous films. There really is nothing new here.

08-24-2011, 04:59 AM
Im pretty sure a definitive bootleg could be edited purely from the previous films. There really is nothing new here.

Its the 4th installment of a movie composed/headed by the same composer despite the minute new themes from different characters - what can possibly composed from the franchise that would be new? only way that would happen is to employ a new composer ;)

08-24-2011, 05:04 AM
Scoreman! Once again you're change my world man. Greatest thanks. Now wait for my 'complete suite'

08-24-2011, 05:09 AM
Awesome! Super thanks.

08-24-2011, 05:52 AM
finally the whole package! thank you! :D

08-24-2011, 06:11 AM
Thanks so much for this!

08-24-2011, 06:15 AM
Thanks so much.

Damn, today's been a lucky day. First King Kong now Pirates 4...

08-24-2011, 06:47 AM
Amazing - Thank you!

Ro Sajooc
08-24-2011, 08:08 AM

08-24-2011, 08:26 AM
Thanks scoreman, as someone has already said first King Kong and now Pirates 4, makes my upload of the full end credits suite seem very inadequate by comparison (see the Pirates 4 resources thread). Again many thanks. Just think if Zimmer actually released complete scores he would not have to worry about people sharing all these demos. Has the man not heard of market forces?

08-24-2011, 08:36 AM
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!!!!!

08-24-2011, 08:41 AM
The final complete?Thx for sharing and trying...

08-24-2011, 08:59 AM
Thanks scoreman!! As usual, it's always a pleasure...Cheers!!

08-24-2011, 09:07 AM
Yay! Thank you!

08-24-2011, 09:50 AM
Hope someday the same thing for "At world's end" will emerge!!!

08-24-2011, 11:06 AM
Thanks alot! Fing awesome!

08-24-2011, 12:38 PM

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------

Oh damn, megaupload is slow again...

08-24-2011, 12:48 PM
Thank you very much for share this!!

08-24-2011, 01:05 PM
Well, here she blows, like a mermaid on heat!

If people want to give them to you, they will. But i can safely say, being retarded enough to be on the backfall of jealousy or being overly sycophantic to try and obtain - Well, less said the better!
If people were more grateful and less sycophantic-misering about the scores that did come there way, maybe those that have what you want would be more compelled to share them?

Then don't post on a open public forum.

It's very nice that you posted the score and thanks very much, but unfortunately this is a forum to the general public. Unlike a closed forum where everyone there has been somewhat vetted and have built up time to know and respect each other you are going to get people who will suddenly see what you've posted and, based on human nature, will scream at you for more.

Thanks again for the score.

08-24-2011, 01:29 PM
blah blah blah

I don't need a life story. The fuck!

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu a link, that's nice.

The Dimensioner
08-24-2011, 01:43 PM
you are going to get people who will suddenly see what you've posted and, based on human nature, will scream at you for more.

That is literally going to be impossible considering 106 tracks is all there is. You cannot possibly have any more music for this film than what scoreman uploaded. Unless, of course, you're talking about people begging him to upload other rare scores.

@ruffneck: you sound disappointed or unsure. Why come here if all you're going to do is sound like a jerk?

08-24-2011, 01:51 PM
Careful Dimensioner. Too many words in a row, and he gets confused, and irritated, it seems. :)

And Thanks Scoreman.

Now for one question (there's always one...)

Now these are still demo cues, and not completed orchestration???

08-24-2011, 01:59 PM
Now these are still demo cues, and not completed orchestration???

Demos, but with Zimmer it's not that noticeable. :)

08-24-2011, 02:04 PM
can it be? :)

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

as for a cover... i used this for the other demos

here are 2 more

08-24-2011, 02:11 PM
Scoreman comes back with a bang!!! thanks for this piece of gold rare treasure

08-24-2011, 02:14 PM
Many thanks for posting this scoreman!!

08-24-2011, 02:16 PM
my day started off crappy... had to deal with some electrical problems due to storms... then took me a long time to get to work... this just turned my day around. :)

08-24-2011, 02:41 PM
I don't need a life story. The fuck!.

Then don't read it, can't say fairer then that on a simplistic level - Do you go to the newsagent, read all the newspapers and go to the store owner and say *cant be fucked with reading that news* after reading it - I think not!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu a link, that's nice.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr welcome!

08-24-2011, 02:42 PM
Thnak you scoreman! I don't understand the intention of your speech but, I guess, the people that you are refering will lol

08-24-2011, 02:47 PM
Then don't post on a open public forum.

It's very nice that you posted the score and thanks very much, but unfortunately this is a forum to the general public. Unlike a closed forum where everyone there has been somewhat vetted and have built up time to know and respect each other you are going to get people who will suddenly see what you've posted and, based on human nature, will scream at you for more.

Thanks again for the score.

if people claim to have something then not post cos they cant are not seeing the point of not sharing it - If they are not allowed to post it, then saying they have it is just as futile cos if the whole intention of not being able to share it is because they are not meant to have it from some higher being than God! Isnt saying they have it kinda being dickish? so i fully agree with you there!

---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

Thnak you scoreman! I don't understand the intention of your speech but, I guess, the people that you are refering will lol

Was a mindless rant at those that consider me to be Elitist despite my cynism, charm and just being fucking great! (sarcasm!) but not about the great part, i am great so get over it :P <---- notice the icon, still being overly cynical and sarcastic! But yeah, it was 5am in the morning so i am pleased that i could mulch some form of coherant sub text together at all!

08-24-2011, 02:58 PM
Thanks so much.

Damn, today's been a lucky day. First King Kong now Pirates 4...

100% Agreed

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Sorry guys for the stupid question : Was wondering where the "recording sessions" come from ?

08-24-2011, 03:04 PM
Can't thank you enough for a share like this. But nevertheless, thanks for the share.

08-24-2011, 03:07 PM
100% Agreed

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Sorry guys for the stupid question : Was wondering where the "recording sessions" come from ?

If your referring to Pirates 4, it isnt the recording sessions, which is why i never catagorised it as such, what you have here is the complete recorded demo's that would have been handed overt to orchestrators in order to orchestrate them FOR the Recording Sessions. Hope that clears that up. If you are referring to King Kong, you'r in the wrong thread :)

08-24-2011, 03:16 PM
Thanks Scoreman :) everything's clear !

08-24-2011, 03:30 PM
I only have one thing to say to you, sir. THANK YOU!!!!

08-24-2011, 03:55 PM
Not really being interested in this score, I just want to thank the uploader for sharing it. Many people were crazy about having it. Now they have it.

Even though I see claims. That's what creates the idea of not sharing just because some people don't deserve it.

So even not being interested I say, thanks.

08-24-2011, 04:46 PM
Not really being interested in this score, I just want to thank the uploader for sharing it. Many people were crazy about having it. Now they have it.

Even though I see claims. That's what creates the idea of not sharing just because some people don't deserve it.

So even not being interested I say, thanks.

+1 !

08-24-2011, 05:40 PM
@ruffneck: you sound disappointed or unsure. Why come here if all you're going to do is sound like a jerk?

Man, you need to chill the fuck out!

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

Then don't read it, can't say fairer then that on a simplistic level - Do you go to the newsagent, read all the newspapers and go to the store owner and say *cant be fucked with reading that news* after reading it - I think not!



btw, I never took it seriouz

08-24-2011, 05:52 PM
Man, you need to chill the fuck out!

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------



btw, I never took it seriouz

Cool, cos serious was something i was not intending to be! I very rarely post at all, about anything, only time i do i tend to loud my mouth of - Possibly Attention Deficit Disorder or something! ;)

08-24-2011, 05:54 PM
And thanks once again for that.

08-24-2011, 06:06 PM
nice one, thanks!

the gus bus
08-24-2011, 06:11 PM
guys... just a heads up:

Javier Burgos has posted artwork for both Kong and Pirates complete scores over on the "lost scores" website. They both look fantastic (as usual)

08-24-2011, 06:11 PM
Careful Dimensioner. Too many words in a row, and he gets confused, and irritated, it seems. :)

And Thanks Scoreman.

Now for one question (there's always one...)

Now these are still demo cues, and not completed orchestration???

How do you mean? These are demos of the orchestrated music.

08-24-2011, 06:21 PM
How do you mean? These are demos of the orchestrated music.

As I understood from Scoreman's comments these are the demos sent to orchestrators. So they convert these into "Orchestra sheet music" to be performed in the final recording sessions. There are no Demos from recording sessions. It would be just recording sessions.

That's why Scoreman titled this thread: Complete Demo Recordings instead of Recording sessions

08-24-2011, 07:29 PM
few tracks are missing * but it's still very impressive...

Thanks so much ! ! !

* 2M9, 2M10, 2M11, 4M33, 5M43, 6M52, 6M55, 6M57...

08-24-2011, 07:39 PM
few tracks are missing * but it's still very impressive...

Thanks so much ! ! !

* 2M9, 2M10, 2M11, 4M33, 5M43, 6M52, 6M55, 6M57...

they are all source music that appear within the tracks present! i have the spotting notes so i can verify this to be true!

08-24-2011, 08:01 PM
As I understood from Scoreman's comments these are the demos sent to orchestrators. So they convert these into "Orchestra sheet music" to be performed in the final recording sessions. There are no Demos from recording sessions. It would be just recording sessions.

That's why Scoreman titled this thread: Complete Demo Recordings instead of Recording sessions

Nonono. First, Hans makes sketches of the music. Then Conrad Pope engraves them. Then the demos are made with Hans' sample library. If the director likes it, they record it with the real orchestra.

08-24-2011, 08:02 PM
for exemple there are a jump from 2M8 to 2M11, 5M42 to 5M44, 6M51 to 6M53, 6M54 to 6M55, 6M57 , when the blackbird team discover the fountain (a mermaid theme alternate) is missing too BUT maybe these track were composed lately or are a recut of another present track... i think the demos set are complete because these tracks was not recorded as demos but lately inserted

for 5m42abf - Shirtless - Naming Syrena - Ponce De Leon i think the real name is maybe "5m42 - 5M43 - Shirtless - Naming Syrena - Ponce De Leon" (abf ?)

08-24-2011, 08:05 PM
1. Hans Zimmer makes sketches of the music.
2. The sketches are sent to the orchestrators who engrave them
3. Hans makes synth-mockups of the orchestrated cues on his computer with his own personal sound library which sounds good but ofcourse isn't as perfect as a real orchestra
4. The director desides whether he likes the music or not
5. They record it with a real orchestra

08-24-2011, 08:12 PM
Thank you very much Scoreman!!

08-24-2011, 08:17 PM
Scoreman... I've been listening to the PotC: On Stranger Tides Complete Demo Recordings after my return from work. Despite the minor typo ('s Ponce De Leon), I simply do not mind at all. Hans Zimmer and his colleagues (like Tom Gire, John Sponsler, Geoff Zanelli, etc.) have done an epic job. Despite the few missing tracks, this is as complete as it gets. Over 100 tracks, over 3 hours of pure platinum! Overall, I give it an 11 out of 10!

Thanks again, scoreman. I'll look forward to Klaus' complete film score of-- Not gonna mention the film title yet... or I'll nunchuk ya! I keed.

08-24-2011, 08:25 PM
“Ponthz de Leon”
00:51 MX SEGUES from 5m42E on shot of Syrenaʼs face after Philip
says, “Sheʼs Syrena”
End: MX ENDS after Jack says “You.” just before cut to Barbossa.
Instr Background

That is how it is spelt in the SN, so forgive me there!

08-24-2011, 08:36 PM
Thanks for the share scoreman ! for now, I guess this is as close as a "real" score we'll get for this movie :)

08-24-2011, 08:52 PM
“Ponthz de Leon”
00:51 MX SEGUES from 5m42E on shot of Syrenaʼs face after Philip
says, “Sheʼs Syrena”
End: MX ENDS after Jack says “You.” just before cut to Barbossa.
Instr Background

That is how it is spelt in the SN, so forgive me there!

Hakuna matata, bro... you're forgiven.

08-24-2011, 09:12 PM
thanks a million scoreman. absolutely love it. only downside is each end of most of the tracks need to be trimmed. i would do this myself if i had the software. not moaning though :D

08-24-2011, 09:59 PM
Nonono. First, Hans makes sketches of the music. Then Conrad Pope engraves them. Then the demos are made with Hans' sample library. If the director likes it, they record it with the real orchestra.

That's what I said

Demos = No orchestra

If they are approved can be used by orchestrators in order to create the sheets for the orchestra to perform the score = Recording Sessions---

In Scoreman's exact words: "If your referring to Pirates 4, it isnt the recording sessions, which is why i never catagorised it as such, what you have here is the complete recorded demo's that would have been handed overt to orchestrators in order to orchestrate them FOR the Recording Sessions. "

08-24-2011, 10:11 PM
Scoreman! Once again you're change my world man. Greatest thanks. Now wait for my 'complete suite'

waiting it! Thanks Scoreman by the way :) Always glad to see you posting something here. I know that it's something that I was waiting for :D Thanks again

08-24-2011, 10:12 PM
Thanks scoreman. Highly appreciated! :)

08-24-2011, 10:43 PM
Thank you very much, Sir. Much respect four your generosity!!!!!!!!!

The Dimensioner
08-24-2011, 11:14 PM
Well, here's something to think about: scoreman's version of 2m12 doesn't sound like it was recorded in a tube like the version on the 41-track version did. Also, the amounts of amplification, and silences before and after each track vary greatly (okay, the silences more so than the amplification). Also, "7m62 V2 - Blackbeard's Demise" is mostly silence. I guess the bit of music that's actually in the track is probably meant as an overlay on one of the other versions. Oh yeah, it is. I noticed it was missing from "7m62 - Blackbeard's Demise".

And one of the other Blackbeard's Demise tracks is just lifted from "Hello Beastie" from PotC2. And still another is one of the cues lifted from the track "At Wit's End" from PotC3. Boy, I'm glad they didn't use that one--it's got Davy Jones written all over it. However, Davy Jones' theme does make an appearance the tracks that were clearly written by John Sponsler and Tom Gire, which also happen to be remixes of "Jar of Dirt" from PotC2 and "Maelstrom" from PotC3--"Carriage Chase," "Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt1 V3," and (my favorite) "The Battle Continues". So if you like action music brought to you by Magic Box Music, these are the tracks to listen to.

To those saying this score could largely be reproduced from material in the previous movies, keep in mind we don't have a complete score to those movies, so if you really wanted to reconstruct PotC4, you'd have to have SFX in it. Someone tell me how it would be possible to reconstruct the majority of "4m34-4m36 - Mermaids Appear - Mermaids Attack" (yeah, part of it reuses Beckett's end from AWE) or, heck, the Opening for that matter. Yes, while they did reuse a lot of themes and arrangements from past films, they also spiced up those arrangements to give them a different flavor, not to mention, they did in fact write at least three definitive new themes for this film: Mermaids, Angelica, and Blackbeard.

One more thing: I can't name this track, because there's 106 of them and I've only listened to most of the new ones once, but toward the end of the score, a large portion of the opening scene to PotC1 is present in one track. This is an excellent example of my above statements. This is the first time that much of the first cue to CotBP is available, so yes although it is reused from then, we now have it sans SFX.

Pondering over (maybe).

08-24-2011, 11:52 PM
Thanks a lot

08-25-2011, 12:04 AM
@ The Dimensioner > what is the cue used for the discovery of the foutain ? (between "aqua de vida" and "Face off") i have the dvd of the movie (yes i know not released yet...) and i will record this part and add a link to show it to you...

08-25-2011, 12:10 AM
Scoreman, thanks a lot!

I think one can't mention the "be happy with what you get" fact often enough. Very well put.

08-25-2011, 12:11 AM
This may be a hard question to answer (or near impossible) but The Dimensioner might be able to tackle it. For the cues that have multiple (and alternate) versions, which one is AS close to the film version as possible? I will keep all of this for backup purposes, but for iPod listening experience purposes one of each track is quite enough. Any takers here? Thanks in advance!!

08-25-2011, 12:27 AM
here the cue between 6M56 and 6M58... named by me 6M57, it a dvd rip with a max of voices muted

there are a portion of 6m56 at the beginning and 6m58 at the end...

The Dimensioner
08-25-2011, 01:00 AM
This may be a hard question to answer (or near impossible) but The Dimensioner might be able to tackle it. For the cues that have multiple (and alternate) versions, which one is AS close to the film version as possible? I will keep all of this for backup purposes, but for iPod listening experience purposes one of each track is quite enough. Any takers here? Thanks in advance!!

I don't know which versions are the film versions. I plan to set about doing so once the DVD is (legally) available. I had initially planned to do so anyway, and planned, as well, to fill in the missing cues with DVD audio. But thanks to scoreman, I don't have to do a bit of work. (Okay, so people say cues are still missing, but look at how much we DO have! This release is so far above any music we've gotten for any other Pirates movies prior, despite the fact that the score is lacking the epicness achieved in AWE.)

@darth2602, referring back to your previous post, that question cannot be answered. If it is a cue that occurs between 6m56 and 6m58, then it clearly does not exist in the demos. Your DVD rip will have to suffice for now. I didn't realize whole cues like this would still be missing; I may have to reconsider my plans for when the DVD comes out. While these are definitely the complete demos, we do not yet have the complete finalized score, and we may never get it just like the other three films. (See posts on previous pages to see people arguing about things such as recording sessions versus complete scores and such.)

08-25-2011, 02:43 AM
I don't know which versions are the film versions. I plan to set about doing so once the DVD is (legally) available. I had initially planned to do so anyway, and planned, as well, to fill in the missing cues with DVD audio. But thanks to scoreman, I don't have to do a bit of work. (Okay, so people say cues are still missing, but look at how much we DO have! This release is so far above any music we've gotten for any other Pirates movies prior, despite the fact that the score is lacking the epicness achieved in AWE.)

Thanks man, keep me in the loop if you don't mind. And I agree, I can't imagine anything particularly substantial can be missing from this list. Four seconds of some obscure music between two cues isn't really going to keep me up at night. So if/when you figure out a track list of the cues that are actually used in the film, let me know? Thanks my friend.

08-25-2011, 03:21 AM
here's the film version's so far

the courtroom v1
the paddy wagon sting onto the paddy wagon v1
jack's escape v1
imposter swordfight v2
meet angelica angelica jack bicker v2
british attack v2
spanish ingnore barbossa with at the end spanish still ingnore barbossa
blackbeard's entrance mutineers hanged v1
blackbeard's cabin v3
barbossa having tea alt fix

08-25-2011, 06:39 AM
Hey darth2602, could you do a rip of the full end credits theme from the DVD?

08-25-2011, 08:16 AM

08-25-2011, 08:43 AM
That's what I said

Demos = No orchestra

If they are approved can be used by orchestrators in order to create the sheets for the orchestra to perform the score = Recording Sessions---

In Scoreman's exact words: "If your referring to Pirates 4, it isnt the recording sessions, which is why i never catagorised it as such, what you have here is the complete recorded demo's that would have been handed overt to orchestrators in order to orchestrate them FOR the Recording Sessions. "

NO! The sheet music sketches from Hans are transcribed into orchestra sheets by the orchestrators and THEN they make the demos and THEN they record it with a real orchestra. 100% true! Do you know how hard it is to transcribe the music without sheet music? That would be a disaster.

---------- Post added at 09:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

Well, here's something to think about: scoreman's version of 2m12 doesn't sound like it was recorded in a tube like the version on the 41-track version did. Yeah i noticed that too.

08-25-2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks. Somehow I missed this a few days ago when you posted it.

08-25-2011, 02:06 PM

im assuming this plays after the 2:11 He's A Pirate arrangement?

08-25-2011, 04:05 PM
Thanks Darth. That was the one I was looking for. The real orchestrated version of the Kraken choir piece. :)

08-25-2011, 05:21 PM

I assume this track should be called "End Credits (Part II)". Thanks so much for sharing it!!!!!!

08-25-2011, 05:37 PM
Wow, thats great! thanks =D i was waiting for it =D

08-25-2011, 07:07 PM
Thanks for this!!!

08-25-2011, 07:51 PM
thank you very much for this :)

The Dimensioner
08-25-2011, 08:04 PM
Here's another interesting little tidbit. If you are thinking Barbossa's new theme is trying to be an imitation of Cutler Beckett's main theme, then you were right...sort of. Although Beckett's original theme was used more than it should have been considering he's dead, there are several appearances of themes previously only heard in the Lord Cutler Beckett Suite on the Soundtrack Treasures Collection Suites. Barbossa's new theme is one of those; it begins around 6:11 but becomes much more apparent at 7:03 till the end. Perhaps the themes surrounding Beckett don't all belong exclusively to him as much as they belong to official figures (read: enemies of pirates). This maybe makes the use of Beckett's most-used theme slightly more acceptable in Pirates 4.

So, there's another (kind of) new theme written for the movie. Let's not forget what was written for the Spanish as well. Even though the theme was not used much throughout the movie, it makes sense because the Spanish didn't appear but roughly three times. The score reflects this with three occurrences of their theme in 1m01, 3m19, and 6m60.

@Darth2602: Thanks much for the end credits! I don't know what other cues are missing from the demos, but this should be pretty nice.

I've got more to add, whether anyone cares or not, and thought I'd just add to this post instead of making a new one. Sort of back to one of my earlier points, and the fact that some people are calling this a piecemeal score...I can very well see that perspective. They just took short samples of arrangements from previous scores and just pasted them into this one. Yeah, sometimes its repetitious, but as I said before, in some cases they spiced things up a bit. There were several minor themes or motifs or arrangements from previous films that I quite enjoyed. I very much like the several remixes they did of the end of the film version of the PotC3 track commonly known as "Choosing a Side" (I can't name them all but off the top of my head, there's 2m15 and 5m41 V1). I like the colorful remixes of all of Jack's past themes such as in 1m02, 1m03, 1m07 and 2m13ab, just to name a few.

On the other side of things, I could see how people wouldn't care much for a cue like 5m44: it's just a combination of one of the themes found in PotC3-Multiple Jacks, followed by a segment from PotC2-Wheel of Fortune, and then a sample of unreleased music from the Singapore scenes of PotC3, followed by a short nod to PotC3-Parlay, and then finishing off with the Mermaids theme.

08-25-2011, 08:16 PM

I can not wait to hear!

08-25-2011, 10:36 PM
Thank You! Love the music of Hans Zimmer

08-26-2011, 12:49 AM

08-26-2011, 03:13 AM
Here is my super thanks, again!

08-26-2011, 04:51 AM
Thank you so much, maybe this will put the pressure on studios to release full scores!

08-26-2011, 06:56 AM
No. More likely the studio will figure fuck it, why bother. The studios will never feel pressure like you are hoping for, because if every film score lover on the planet got together in protest, it would still be a barely noticeable drop in the ocean. They are a business, and the truly depressing fact is that the main buyers of, say, Pirates 4, are not us. Most soundtracks are aimed at mainstream, and until THEIR tastes and buying habits change, the albums will not.

08-26-2011, 10:09 AM
Babydoll's right. Our chances are doomed. Most people who buy soundtracks nowadays are tweens with heir High School Musical & Twilight and all that shit.

08-26-2011, 01:42 PM
Where did i hear this before: 00:30 to 01:02 of 2m8a Carriage Chase and virtually everything in 6m59a Battle for the Fountain of Youth Pt. 1?

08-26-2011, 01:51 PM
now that this has come out... i am patiently awaiting one for TF: DOTM... these 2 movies were the movies i was most excited about this year... im a HUGE POTC & TF fan... i really love their scores... been wanting a FULL or demos or TF: DOTM

08-26-2011, 02:53 PM
I was worried that would happen, which is a very sad state. People should really appreciate what a score does for a film! Ah well, we can keep trying though right?

The Dimensioner
08-26-2011, 03:36 PM
Where did i hear this before: 00:30 to 01:02 of 2m8a Carriage Chase and virtually everything in 6m59a Battle for the Fountain of Youth Pt. 1?

See this post:

08-26-2011, 03:50 PM
See this post:

I read your post now but it's actually 8m57 Jar of Dirt. (from Dead Man's Chest).

08-26-2011, 03:52 PM
thanx a lot for the great score

The Dimensioner
08-26-2011, 04:13 PM
You didn't read my post. I said it was "Jar of Dirt". How do you know the cue number of that track, by the way?

08-26-2011, 04:57 PM
You didn't read my post. I said it was "Jar of Dirt". How do you know the cue number of that track, by the way?

I have my... Sources. ;-)

Nah i got it from a Magic Box Music track. It had the cue number in the title.

The Dimensioner
08-26-2011, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I just recently ripped that from the site, myself. I found it curious that they would label it as such. I believe "Jones & Jack" from AWE also has a cue number and a bunch of other random stuff attached to its tags. The album name for it may have Demos!

08-26-2011, 05:39 PM
Yeah, I just recently ripped that from the site, myself. I found it curious that they would label it as such. I believe "Jones & Jack" from AWE also has a cue number and a bunch of other random stuff attached to its tags. The album name for it may have Demos!

Indeed, 2 cues from the site are demo cues. Which obviously means that the demo's are out there.

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

Let's see...

Dutchman Arrival (DMC) is a demo
Victory or One Fine Day (AWE) is a demo
Jones & Jack is a demo

08-26-2011, 05:56 PM

08-26-2011, 06:46 PM
any ideas of the good versions used ?

The Dimensioner
08-26-2011, 06:57 PM
any ideas of the good versions used ?

Didn't someone ask that already? I responded with a currently not-so-helpful answer while jacksparrow900 listed what he'd figured out so far. It's on the previous page.

08-26-2011, 07:54 PM
I guess the latest version was used always. Isn't that the point of writing new versions? Btw, Jack's Escape V1 is actually Jack's Escape V2.

08-27-2011, 04:24 AM
And now without further ado, ladies and gentelment I present the cover artwork hidding in my archives since the day it was listed on

There you be, enjoy! :D

08-27-2011, 04:41 AM
Thanks so very much, MasterZPrime. All we need now are the list for Disc 1-3 including the credits.

08-27-2011, 04:43 AM
looking for these? :parrot:

Pirates Of The Caribbean - On Strangers Tide (Complete Synth Mock-up Score)


1m01 Opening (3:38)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
1m02 The Courtroom (1:40)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
1m02 The Courtroom (Alternate 1) (1:41)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
1m02 The Courtroom (Alternate 2) (1:35)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
1m03 Paddy Wagon (3:03)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
1m03 Paddy Wagon (2:53)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
1m04 Palace Courtyard (0:32)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
1m05 Creampuff - King's Entrance (1:05)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
1m06 Barbossa's Entrance (2:06)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
1m07 Jack's Escape (2:19)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
1m07 Jack's Escape (Alternate) (2:17)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
2m08a Carriage Chase (2:09)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
2m08a Carriage Chase (Alternate) (2:09)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
2m08b Filthy Pirate (0:23)
Hans Zimmer, Jacob Shea
2m12 Imposter Swordfight (3:05)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
2m12 Imposter Swordfight (Alternate) (2:55)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
2m13b Meet Angelica (2:12)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
2m13b Meet Angelica (Alternate) (2:10)
Hans Zimmer
2m14 British Attack (1:17)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
2m14 British Attack (Alternate) (1:16)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
2m15 Gibbs Burns Map (2:14)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
2m16 Aboard The QAR (1:32)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
2m16 Aboard The QAR (Alternate) (0:55)
Hans Zimmer, Jacob Shea
2m17 The Prophecy (2:14)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
3m18 Barbossa Seeks Heading (0:20)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m19 Spanish Ignore Barbossa (1:27)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m19 Spanish Ignore Barbossa (0:17)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m20 Mutiny Meeting (0:49)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
3m21 Mutiny (3:08)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler


3m22-23 Blackbeard's Entrance (2:31)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
3m22-23 Blackbeard's Entrance (Alternate) (2:31)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
3m22A Upside Down Jack (0:22)
Hans Zimmer, Jacob Shea
3m24-25 Fry The Cook (3:18)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
3m26 Blackbeard's Cabin (2:09)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m26 Blackbeard's Cabin (Alternate 1) (2:06)
Hans Zimmer, Thomas Bergersen
3m26 Blackbeard's Cabin (Alternate 2) (2:10)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m27 Barbossa Having Tea (1:16)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m27 Barbossa Having Tea (Alternate) (1:12)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
3m28 Barbossa Rallies The Crew (0:43)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
4m30-31 The Dance (3:38)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
4m30-31 The Dance (Alternate) (3:39)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
4m32 Mermaid Tale (2:39)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
4m32 Mermaid Tale (Alternate 1) (2:31)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
4m32 Mermaid Tale (Alternate 2) (1:29)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
4m34-35-36 Mermaid Appear - Mermaids Attack (9:29)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
4m37-38 - 5m39 - The Beach - To The Fountain - Jungle Trek (3:16)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
4m37-38 - 5m39 - The Beach - To The Fountain - Jungle Trek (Alternate) (3:05)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
5m40a Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (0:52)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m40b Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (0:28)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m40b Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (Alternate) (0:26)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m40c Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (2:49)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m40c Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (Alternate 1) (1:59)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m40c Syrena Needs Air - The Cliff (Alternate 2) (0:26)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m41 Jack Jumps (1:21)
Hans Zimmer, Jacob Shea
5m41 Jack Jumps (Alternate) (1:15)
Hans Zimmer, Nick Phoenix
5m42 Naming Syrena (5:35)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
5m42 Naming Syrena (Alternate) (0:32)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
5m44 Don't Touch The Map (0:59)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
5m45 (0:34)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
5m46 Mermaid Pools (0:59)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m47 Mermaids Are Tough (2:43)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
5m47 Mermaids Are Tough (Alternate) (2:42)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
5m48 Spanish Camp (3:03)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
5m49 Mermaid Tears (2:18)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
5m49 Mermaid Tears (Alternate) (2:18)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m50 Palm Tree Grove (2:03)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m51 The Escape (3:05)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
6m51 The Escape (Alternate) (3:05)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli


6m53 Is That It? (1:59)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m53 Is That It? (Alternate 1) (1:53)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m53 Is That It? (Alternate 2) (1:53)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m54 Water Drop (1:52)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
6m54 Water Drop (Alternate) (1:51)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
6m56a Aqua De Vida (0:34)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
6m58 The Faceoff (1:31)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m58 The Faceoff (Alternate) (1:27)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m59a Pt1 Battle For The Fountain Of Youth (1:15)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59a Pt1 Battle For The Fountain Of Youth (Alternate 1) (0:24)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59a Pt1 Battle For The Fountain Of Youth (Alternate 2) (0:20)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59a Pt2 Battle For The Fountain Of Youth (1:03)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59a Pt2 Battle For The Fountain Of Youth (Alternate) (1:02)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59b Philip Returns To Syrena (0:50)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
6m59c Battle Continues (0:52)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m59c Battle Continues (Alternate) (0:50)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
6m60 Spanish Arrive (2:28)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
6m60 Spanish Arrive (Alternate) (2:26)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
7m61 Blackbeard Is Stabbed (3:15)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
7m62 Blackbeard's Demise (1:20)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m62 Blackbeard's Demise (Alternate 1) (0:56)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m62 Blackbeard's Demise (Alternate 2) (0:21)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m62 Blackbeard's Demise (Alternate 3) (0:50) (
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m63 Syrena Saves Philip (1:48)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m63 Syrena Saves Philip (Alternate 1) (1:46)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m63 Syrena Saves Philip (Alternate 2) (1:40)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m63 Syrena Saves Philip (Alternate 3) (1:47)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m64 One Pistol, One Shot (0:26)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
7m65 Jack Leaves Angelica (1:02)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m65 Jack Leaves Angelica (Alternate) (1:03)
Hans Zimmer, Matthew Margeson
7m66 Make Way To Tortuga (1:53)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel
7m67 Jack & Gibbs (1:38)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m67 Jack & Gibbs (Alternate 1) (1:41)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m67 Jack & Gibbs (Alternate 2) (1:38)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m67 Jack & Gibbs (Alternate 3) (0:30)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m67 Jack & Gibbs (Alternate 4) (0:10)
Hans Zimmer, Tom Gire, John Sponsler
7m68 End Credits (1:55)
Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli
7m69 Voodoo Doll (0:21)
Hans Zimmer, Guillaume Roussel

08-27-2011, 05:03 AM
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about. Thanks again.

The Dimensioner
08-27-2011, 02:17 PM
About my post earlier, detailing Barbossa's new theme: I just figured out that segment of the Lord Cutler Beckett Suite kind of has appeared in a previous movie. Hold on, folks, Privateer Barbossa's theme shows up in the Magic Box Music cue, "Will & Sao Feng" from PotC3. Just thought I'd point that out.

Also, a section of music from an unreleased track from PotC3, commonly known as "Escape from the Flying Dutchman" gets used twice in PotC4. The part I'm referring to is when Will gets stabbed, and a heartbeat pounds seven times with strings playing the background. This segment is used in 3m26 V3 with exactly seven heartbeats, as well as in 5m47 V2, where the heartbeat goes eight times.

If anyone is interested, I can probably continue pointing out bits and pieces from this score have been used previously, if only not to drive yourself crazy thinking, "Where have I heard this before?" due to this score's 'piecemeal' quality.

08-27-2011, 04:52 PM
Please feel free to make it so, Dimensioner!

08-27-2011, 07:14 PM
If you do so, post it in the Resources thread.

08-28-2011, 05:26 AM

08-28-2011, 05:54 AM
Interesting share, even if the compositions themselves sucks! but your ripp is awesome, by far better than the music ;)

08-28-2011, 10:53 AM
Interesting share, even if the compositions themselves sucks! but your ripp is awesome, by far better than the music ;)


---------- Post added at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

'ere ya go - Couldnt code the link cos for some bizarre reason, when i went to edit the post it would not let me *Go Advanced* probably thinks i am a dolt or something! Anyhoo

I had the same problem not so long ago.

08-28-2011, 12:44 PM
yes thanks so much! ^_^

but after ?

4m30-31ab - The Dance-Bottle Room-Voodoo Doll V1 or V2 ?
4m32ab - Mermaid Hunt - Mermaid Tale V1 or V2 ?
4m37-38-5m39 - The Beach-To The Fountain-Jungle Trek V1 or V2
what version for 5m40B - The Cliff Sting ?
5m41 - Jack Jumps V1 or V2 ?
5m47 - Mermaids Are Tough V1 or V2 ?
5m49 - Mermaids Tears V1 or V2 ?
6m53 - Is That It V1, V2 or V3 ?
6m54 - Water Drop V2 or V3 ?
6m58 - The Faceoff V1 or V2 ?
6m59A - Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt2 V1 or V2 ?
6m59C - The Battle Continues V1 or V2


and for the missing part "discovering of the fountain" (not the original name) ?

does it exist a tracklisting with the exact choices of versions ?

The Dimensioner
08-28-2011, 01:38 PM
Well it doesn't specify which tracks are used in the film, but someone's taken care of uploading the film versions already: Thread 94727

08-28-2011, 02:28 PM
oups ! Sorry...


08-28-2011, 02:48 PM
just added another track 'The QAR Approaches' (found it on the hd someplaces else)

08-28-2011, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the extra track!

08-28-2011, 03:13 PM
thanks a million scoreman. absolutely love it. only downside is each end of most of the tracks need to be trimmed. i would do this myself if i had the software. not moaning though :D

I did start, but got bored and assumed most would prob do it anyway! i am sure a more definitive upload will be done by someone that would have trimmed the score soon anyway, if not already ;)

08-28-2011, 03:21 PM
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

08-28-2011, 03:31 PM
Scoreman... while the second link is pending for a moment, do you have any idea which track and CD number belong to "The QAR Approaches" ?

The Dimensioner
08-28-2011, 03:31 PM
I did start, but got bored and assumed most would prob do it anyway! i am sure a more definitive upload will be done by someone that would have trimmed the score soon anyway, if not already ;)

Yeah, I wondered about that; all the silences are uneven and I wasn't sure if they came like that or what. It'd been nice if your hadn't gotten bored. ;)

About the new track: isn't it great when you just find new music laying around? lol. I wonder if you might be able to find any of the other cues missing if they were written at the time of the demos. Example: I believe there's something missing between 6m56 and 6m58.

08-28-2011, 03:48 PM
Yeah, I wondered about that; all the silences are uneven and I wasn't sure if they came like that or what. It'd been nice if your hadn't gotten bored. ;)

About the new track: isn't it great when you just find new music laying around? lol. I wonder if you might be able to find any of the other cues missing if they were written at the time of the demos. Example: I believe there's something missing between 6m56 and 6m58.

Yes, it should be the *Fountain of Youth* track, when Jack arrives at the fountain of youth, alas it never got *Demo'ed* so whether it was temped or reused cues, i couldnt tell ya!

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 AM ----------

Scoreman... while the second link is pending for a moment, do you have any idea which track and CD number belong to "The QAR Approaches" ?

2m16a (before Board the QAR) so Board the QAR will now be 2m16b

08-28-2011, 04:18 PM
2m16a (before Board the QAR) so Board the QAR will now be 2m16b

Thanks Scoreman... you are truly THE man.

08-28-2011, 04:48 PM
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

Trying again later sounds good ;)

---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

Thanks Scoreman... you are truly THE man.

I do my best with the resources I have!

08-28-2011, 07:45 PM
So overall, we now have 108 tracks so far.

Disc 1 - 40 tracks
Disc 2 - 26 tracks
Disc 3 - 42 tracks

The Dimensioner
08-28-2011, 08:59 PM
Maybe you do. With the recent addition of 2m16a, the rest of us have 107 tracks. Are there two versions of that cue or what's going on here?

08-28-2011, 09:04 PM
The extra track that I have is End Credits part 2... more like a follow-up to the first part of End Credits.

08-29-2011, 06:58 AM
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Hans Zimmer (Complete Demo Recordings) (OST) (2011)

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Miusic by: Hans Zimmer
Genre: Score
Date: 2011
Country: USA
Audio codec: MP3
Quality: 320 kbs
Playtime: 03:24:47


1. Opening
2. The Courtroom V1
3. The Courtroom V2
4. The Courtroom V3
5. Paddy Wagon (New Intro)
6. Paddy Wagon V1
7. Paddy Wagon V2
8. Paddy Wagon Sting
9. Palace Courtyard
10. Creampuff-King's Entrance
11. Barbossa's Entrance
12. Jack's Escape V1
13. Jack's Escape V2
14. Imposter Swordfight V2
15. Imposter Swordfight
16. Meet Angelica-Jack & Angelica Bicker V2
17. Meet Angelica-Jack & Angelica Bicker
18. British Attack V1
19. British Attack V2
20. Gibbs Burns Map
21. Aboard The QAR
22. First Mate Is A Her - The Prophecy
23. Carriage Chase
24. Filthy Pirate
25. Barbossa Seeks Heading
26. Spanish Ignore Barbossa
27. Spanish Still Ignore Barbossa
28. Mutiny Meeting
29. Mutiny
30. Blackbeard's Entrance - Mutineers Hang V1
31. Blackbeard's Entrance - Mutineers Hang V2
32. Upside Down Jack
33. Fry The Cook
34. Blackbeard's Cabin V1
35. Blackbeard's Cabin V2
36. Blackbeards Cabin V3
37. Barbossa Having Tea 'Alt Fix'
38. Barbossa Having Tea
39. Barbossa Rallies The Crew

1. The Dance-Bottle Room-Voodoo Doll V1
2. The Dance-Bottle Room-Voodoo Doll V2
3. Mermaid Hunt 'Insert'
4. Mermaid Hunt - Mermaid Tale V1
5. Mermaid Hunt - Mermaid Tale V2
6. Mermaids Appear - Mermaids Attack
7. The Beach-To The Fountain-Jungle Trek V1
8. The Beach-To The Fountain-Jungle Trek V2
9. Syreena Needs Air
10. The Cliff Sting V1
11. The Cliff Sting V2
12. The Cliff 'Insert'
13. The Cliff Alt
14. The Cliff
15. Jack Jumps V2
16. Jack Jumps
17. Naming Syrena 'Insert'
18. Shirtless - Naming Syrena - Ponthz De Leon
19. Dont Touch The Map
20. Ole
21. Mermaid Pools
22. Mermaids Are Tough V1
23. Mermaids Are Tough V2
24. Spanish Camp
25. Mermaid's Tears V2
26. Mermaids Tears V1

1. Palm Tree Grove
2. Jazz Hands 'Alt Insert'
3. Jazz Hands
4. Is That It V2
5. Is That It V3
6. Is That It
7. Water Drop V2
8. Water Drop V3
9. Aqua De Vida
10. The Faceoff V2
11.The Faceoff
12. Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt1 V3 'Insert'
13. Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt1 V3
14. Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt2 V1
15. Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt2 V2
16. Philip Returns To Syrena
17. The Battle Continues V2
18. The Battle Continues
19. Spanish Arrive 'Alt'
20. Spanish Arrive
21. Angelica Cut
22. Blackbeard's Demise
23. Blackbeard's Demise 'Alt Insert' V2
24. Blackbeard's Demise 'Alt Insert'
25. Blackbeard's Demise
26. Syrena Saves Philip V1
27. Syrena Saves Philip V2
28. Syrena Saves Philip V3
29. Syrena Saves Philip V4
30. One Pistol, One Shot
31. Jack Leaves Angelica V1
32. Jack Leaves Angelica
33. Make Way For Tortuga ALT
34. Jack & Gibbs 'Ending'
35. Jack & Gibbs Alt Insert'
36. Jack & Gibbs V1
37. Jack & Gibbs V2
38. Jack & Gibbs V3
39. End Credits
40. Voodoo Doll 'Alt
41. Voodoo Doll

Enjoy and Please Say Thanks :)

08-29-2011, 07:57 AM
I'm lost,is it ANOTHER different release ?

08-29-2011, 08:06 AM
demo means it is pre-orchestreted stuff?

08-29-2011, 09:28 AM
demo means it is pre-orchestreted stuff?

No. First Hans writes the music, then the orchestrators orchestrate it, then the demo's are made, and then the recordings with the orchestra are made.

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

Do you people even KNOW what orchestrating is??? I could post a little example here with sheet music but i don't think i'm allowed to do so.

The Dimensioner
08-29-2011, 01:24 PM
I'm lost,is it ANOTHER different release ?

No, it is not. This is identical to scoreman's original upload. I think Konio likes to re-upload big scores, or scores in general so that people have multiple places to download them from. It also appears he removed the cue and reel numbers--and maybe tagged all the tracks, but that's just a guess.

08-29-2011, 01:52 PM
Konio fuck off....

08-29-2011, 01:58 PM
Konio you should show some respect to scoreman.

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

He should be banned.

08-29-2011, 04:05 PM
Not only that, the track list in CD 1 is messed up. Carriage Chase and Filthy Pirate comes after Jack's Escape V2.

08-30-2011, 08:43 PM
now looking for Transformers 2 and 3 complete score :

TF3 - Dark of the moon

1. 1m0 - Logos (0:20)
2. 1m1a - Main Title-Moon Mission (4:55)
3. 1m1b Lost Signal (2:13)
4. 1m1c - Astronauts Return (1:11)
5. 1m4 - Earthly Conflicts-Discovery Chernobyl (3:33)
6. 1m5a - Optimus Arrives at Chernobyl (0:50)
7. 1m5b - Laserbeak Chernobyl Attack (0:28)
8. 2m7 - Accuretta Interview (1:48)
9. 2m7a - I Need To Matter (0:32)
10. 2m8a - Director Of National Intelligence PT 1 (0:45)
11. 2m8b - Director Of National Intelligence PT 2 (1:00)
12. 2m9 - The Ark (1:57)
13. 2m11 - Meet Dylan Gould (1:14)
14. 2m12 - Car Collection (0:35)
15. 3m13 - Finding Sentinel Prime (1:17)
16. 3m14 - Megatron In Africa (1:55)
17. 3m15 - Kill Human Collaborators (0:40)
18. 3m18 - Paying Your Dues (0:23)
19. 3m19 - I'm His Girlfriend (0:24)
20. 3m21 - Meet Deep Wang (1:40)
21. 3m22 - Hemorrhoids (1:15)
22. 3m23 - Wang Out Window (0:48)
23. 3m24a - Clean Up Wang (0:21)
24. 3m24b - Laserbeak Attacks Office (0:25)
25. 3m25 - That's My Car (1:22)
26. 4m27 - Pillars From The Moon (0:32)
27. 4m28 - Sentinel Revived (2:42)
28. 4m29 - Bumblebee at Home (1:07)
29. 4m31 - Simmons Interview (0:48)
30. 4m32 - Simmons Back In Action (1:01)
31. 4m33 - Prime's In Africa (0:47)
32. 4m34 - Intel Confab (2:47)
33. 4m35 - Are You Coming WIth Me (1:13)
34. 5m36 - Tracking Russians (0:34)
35. 5m38a - Russian Bar Standoff (0:07)
36. 5m38b - Russians Find Pillars (1:06)
37. 5m39 - Freeway Chase (3:36)
38. 5m40 - Robot Standoff (0:46)
39. 5m41 - Traitor Sentinel (3:17)
40. 5m42 - Megatron In DC (3:10)
41. 5m44 - Go Get Carly (0:27)
42. 5m46 - Assault At Dylan's (2:52)
43. 6m47 - Sentinel's Demands (0:37)
44. 6m48 - Prepping Xanthium For Liftoff (1:42)
45. 6m50a - Goodbyes (3:21)
46. 6m50b - Shuttle Liftoff (1:40)
47. 6m50c - Shuttle Explodes (0:50)
48. 6m50d - Tracking Dylan (0:55)
49. 7m51 - Dylan Arrives With Pillars-Seal Off City (3:07)
50. 7m53 - Sneak Into City (2:27)
51. 7m54 - Autobots Return (2:30)
52. 7m55 - Saving Carly (3:34)
53. 8m56 - Communicating With NEST (1:37)
54. 8m57 - Planning Attack (1:02)
55. 8m58 - Autobots Storm Chicago (1:57)
56. 8m59 - Osprey Assault (1:47)
57. 8m60 - Diving Into Chicago - Setting Up Rocket (1:53)
58. 8m62 - Trapped In Bldg - Falling Down Side (2:11)
59. 8m63 - Driller Attack (3:32)
60. 8m64 - Starscream Loses His Head (0:42)
61. 9m66 - Teams Surrounding Pillar (3:13)
62. 9m67 - Kill The Prisoners (2:24)
63. 9m68 - Parachuting In (1:13)
64. 9m69 - Pillar Assault (3:02)
65. 9m70 - Prime's Fight (3:45)
66. 9m71 - Megatron's Revenge (3:11)
67. 9m72 - Victory (1:54)
68. Conspiracy Suite (3:48)
69. Lost Signal Suite (6:22)
70. Noble Sentinel Suite (3:24)
71. Sam Suite (3:22)
72. Sentinel Suite (4:36)
73. Battle Glorious Suite (5:57)
74. Battle Suite (3:37)
75. Laserbeak Suite (2:17)
76. Driller Suite (2:05)
77. The Dark Suite (4:22)
78. Death and Return Suite (4:42)

08-30-2011, 10:14 PM
D A R T H-- You are the man! Let's all hope for a complete film score of TF3 before 2012 rings in!

08-31-2011, 03:16 AM

Everan Shepard
08-31-2011, 03:29 AM

Oh and thanks for POTC4.

The Dimensioner
08-31-2011, 03:32 AM

Everan Shepard
08-31-2011, 03:34 AM
And proud of it :D

08-31-2011, 04:22 AM
now looking for Transformers 2 and 3 complete score :

TF3 - Dark of the moon

1. 1m0 - Logos (0:20)
2. 1m1a - Main Title-Moon Mission (4:55)
3. 1m1b Lost Signal (2:13)
4. 1m1c - Astronauts Return (1:11)
5. 1m4 - Earthly Conflicts-Discovery Chernobyl (3:33)
6. 1m5a - Optimus Arrives at Chernobyl (0:50)
7. 1m5b - Laserbeak Chernobyl Attack (0:28)
8. 2m7 - Accuretta Interview (1:48)
9. 2m7a - I Need To Matter (0:32)
10. 2m8a - Director Of National Intelligence PT 1 (0:45)
11. 2m8b - Director Of National Intelligence PT 2 (1:00)
12. 2m9 - The Ark (1:57)
13. 2m11 - Meet Dylan Gould (1:14)
14. 2m12 - Car Collection (0:35)
15. 3m13 - Finding Sentinel Prime (1:17)
16. 3m14 - Megatron In Africa (1:55)
17. 3m15 - Kill Human Collaborators (0:40)
18. 3m18 - Paying Your Dues (0:23)
19. 3m19 - I'm His Girlfriend (0:24)
20. 3m21 - Meet Deep Wang (1:40)
21. 3m22 - Hemorrhoids (1:15)
22. 3m23 - Wang Out Window (0:48)
23. 3m24a - Clean Up Wang (0:21)
24. 3m24b - Laserbeak Attacks Office (0:25)
25. 3m25 - That's My Car (1:22)
26. 4m27 - Pillars From The Moon (0:32)
27. 4m28 - Sentinel Revived (2:42)
28. 4m29 - Bumblebee at Home (1:07)
29. 4m31 - Simmons Interview (0:48)
30. 4m32 - Simmons Back In Action (1:01)
31. 4m33 - Prime's In Africa (0:47)
32. 4m34 - Intel Confab (2:47)
33. 4m35 - Are You Coming WIth Me (1:13)
34. 5m36 - Tracking Russians (0:34)
35. 5m38a - Russian Bar Standoff (0:07)
36. 5m38b - Russians Find Pillars (1:06)
37. 5m39 - Freeway Chase (3:36)
38. 5m40 - Robot Standoff (0:46)
39. 5m41 - Traitor Sentinel (3:17)
40. 5m42 - Megatron In DC (3:10)
41. 5m44 - Go Get Carly (0:27)
42. 5m46 - Assault At Dylan's (2:52)
43. 6m47 - Sentinel's Demands (0:37)
44. 6m48 - Prepping Xanthium For Liftoff (1:42)
45. 6m50a - Goodbyes (3:21)
46. 6m50b - Shuttle Liftoff (1:40)
47. 6m50c - Shuttle Explodes (0:50)
48. 6m50d - Tracking Dylan (0:55)
49. 7m51 - Dylan Arrives With Pillars-Seal Off City (3:07)
50. 7m53 - Sneak Into City (2:27)
51. 7m54 - Autobots Return (2:30)
52. 7m55 - Saving Carly (3:34)
53. 8m56 - Communicating With NEST (1:37)
54. 8m57 - Planning Attack (1:02)
55. 8m58 - Autobots Storm Chicago (1:57)
56. 8m59 - Osprey Assault (1:47)
57. 8m60 - Diving Into Chicago - Setting Up Rocket (1:53)
58. 8m62 - Trapped In Bldg - Falling Down Side (2:11)
59. 8m63 - Driller Attack (3:32)
60. 8m64 - Starscream Loses His Head (0:42)
61. 9m66 - Teams Surrounding Pillar (3:13)
62. 9m67 - Kill The Prisoners (2:24)
63. 9m68 - Parachuting In (1:13)
64. 9m69 - Pillar Assault (3:02)
65. 9m70 - Prime's Fight (3:45)
66. 9m71 - Megatron's Revenge (3:11)
67. 9m72 - Victory (1:54)
68. Conspiracy Suite (3:48)
69. Lost Signal Suite (6:22)
70. Noble Sentinel Suite (3:24)
71. Sam Suite (3:22)
72. Sentinel Suite (4:36)
73. Battle Glorious Suite (5:57)
74. Battle Suite (3:37)
75. Laserbeak Suite (2:17)
76. Driller Suite (2:05)
77. The Dark Suite (4:22)
78. Death and Return Suite (4:42)

Most of these cue titles match to their counterparts in the sheet music. This is real.

08-31-2011, 10:04 PM
Great stuff, thanks!

09-09-2011, 08:39 AM
Out of the 107 tracks, what is your favorite track on this soundtrack?

09-09-2011, 12:43 PM
man if only the first 3 movies could have gotten this kind of treatment

The Dimensioner
09-09-2011, 10:29 PM
Hey, I think I figured out why this score is lackluster (in the views of some) in comparison to the previous score(s). One detail which was already known is the fact that the fourth movie is on a much lower epic-ness scale than the second and third movies--I mean, there's not a gigantic maelstrom that two ships enter and battle each other, let alone any real ship battles (or maybe I'm remembering it wrong). This automatically makes it less necessary to have a epic score; I just don't think a score on par with AWE would have worked for PotC4.

Secondly, I find the structure of this score to more greatly resemble PotC2 than any of the other scores. It feels more like an extension of that score--similar Jack themes are used and mixed into what I like to call the 'colorful remixes'. This may be yet another contributor to the claim that this is a 'piecemeal score'--but in my opinion, it is a very colorful piecemeal score, taking the coolest tunes from the previous films and remixing them just enough to make them new, but still recognizable...Although there are a few fragments that were lifted directly from previous scores (see 4m34-4m36 @ 6:13-6:22 which was lifted from one of Geoff Zanelli's cannibal tracks from DMC and the 5m42 insert which, obviously, stole from "Will and Elizabeth" from PotC1).

09-10-2011, 03:15 PM
SFX Free?

09-10-2011, 03:44 PM
SFX Free?

100% SFX free, Justin. No fillers added, no cholesterol!!!!!!

09-10-2011, 03:51 PM
I am enjoying this score

09-10-2011, 05:41 PM
Thank you a lot Scoreman!! I just wish, every Score would be available in this form! Lucky a lot of the big scores did get a "complete" release over the last years, but still some scores out there that are not treated as they should...

09-11-2011, 03:24 AM
Any idea when the official complete soundtrack is coming out? (not the one released in may)

09-11-2011, 03:35 AM
Any idea when the official complete soundtrack is coming out? (not the one released in may)

At the moment... the answer is no.

The Dimensioner
09-11-2011, 03:52 AM
It's unlikely that it will ever come out--let alone this soon after the movie came out and the complete demos surfaced. These demos are a blessing to us as they are far more music than we've received for any other Pirates movies prior (I'd even have to say it tops the recent 2CD bootleg for AWE, as that one has some massive holes in it).

09-11-2011, 04:44 AM
At the moment... the answer is no.

so this is a rumor? :'(

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Complete Original Motion Picture Score - Pirates of the Caribbean Encyclopedia ( omplete_Original_Motion_Picture_Score)

09-11-2011, 04:46 AM
Most likely a fanmade tracklist.

09-11-2011, 04:54 AM
Most likely a fanmade tracklist.

its looks pretty official to me and it even has the same typo "Ponthz De Leon" as someone elses tracklist but i cant remember whos.

and since it's not released yet can someone direct me to a sort of "expanded" score for this movie because as great
as the demos are, 106 tracks is a little too much and untrimmed from what ive heard. So basically i just want the
tracks that are orchestrated and appear in the movie

09-11-2011, 12:47 PM

That list is just the cue list without the slate numbers.

The Dimensioner
09-11-2011, 01:24 PM
StarWarsFan is right, though. This is just the track list of the full demos with the cue numbers removed, as well as all the inserts and alternate tracks.

Judging by the wording in the description at the top it sounds kinda like this post, which was made just yesterday:

Or, it could have been made by that blogger who posts track lists and then puts a due date for when the music should be out, and it never happens and/or he steals track lists and music from the Shrine.

OH! Here's an idea: did you know that anybody in the world can create and edit Wiki pages (okay, not all of them, but a large number are unprotected)? Also, does anybody remember in recent memory a person that came on here earlier this summer in search of the demos and ended being tortured and then got banned and while he was banned he did some of the most diabolical trolling ever? If you put two and two together, we may have an explanation for that Wiki page.

@cyberpwner1: perhaps this thread will be of use to you: Thread 94249. But probably this post is the only one that will have stuff you might not be aware of: They are seven tracks posted by Magic Box Music on their Virtual Resume; one is on the OST in full, two are cues that were on the OST in a suite and have now been isolated, and the rest are unreleased.

09-12-2011, 03:17 AM
aite thanks and if anyone trims all the 3cd demos and posts them here, that would be extremely chill

09-12-2011, 06:48 AM

That list is just the cue list without the slate numbers.

I thought these 3cd demos are only synthesized. . .

09-12-2011, 07:18 AM
I thought these 3cd demos are only synthesized. . .

Depends on who/what made the demos

09-13-2011, 03:04 AM
Depends on who/what made the demos

well scoreman already stated that these demos are not from recording sessions i.e. they're not orchestrated

09-13-2011, 03:29 PM
It's unlikely that it will ever come out--let alone this soon after the movie came out and the complete demos surfaced. These demos are a blessing to us as they are far more music than we've received for any other Pirates movies prior (I'd even have to say it tops the recent 2CD bootleg for AWE, as that one has some massive holes in it).

I'll agree with that because while these are demo's they really are acceptable, like jack's escape & carriage chase which really doesn't sound like much is missing.

09-13-2011, 05:38 PM
well scoreman already stated that these demos are not from recording sessions i.e. they're not orchestrated

You guys clearly don't know what orchestration is.

These demo's are made with Zimmer's sample library. A sample library is a library on a computer with recorded instrument sounds.

Orchestration is the art of applying music to several instruments, like, this and this is played by the clarinet. That is played by the trumpet.

I think you guys think orchestration is recording the music with an orchestra. Which it is not.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

The proper name of these tracks would be "synth mockups'.

09-14-2011, 04:53 AM
You guys clearly don't know what orchestration is.

These demo's are made with Zimmer's sample library. A sample library is a library on a computer with recorded instrument sounds.

Orchestration is the art of applying music to several instruments, like, this and this is played by the clarinet. That is played by the trumpet.

I think you guys think orchestration is recording the music with an orchestra. Which it is not.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

The proper name of these tracks would be "synth mockups'.

oh yea thats what i meant my bad; so these are "synth mockups" and the music from recording sessions is likely not going to be released soon, correct?

09-14-2011, 06:32 AM
and sorry for the double post, but here Talk:Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Complete Original Motion Picture Score - Pirates of the Caribbean Encyclopedia ( The_Complete_Original_Motion_Picture_Score), it seems like some people have the complete score I mentioned earlier that isn't the demos

09-14-2011, 12:06 PM
oh yea thats what i meant my bad; so these are "synth mockups" and the music from recording sessions is likely not going to be released soon, correct?


The Dimensioner
09-14-2011, 01:00 PM
and sorry for the double post, but here Talk:Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Complete Original Motion Picture Score - Pirates of the Caribbean Encyclopedia ( The_Complete_Original_Motion_Picture_Score), it seems like some people have the complete score I mentioned earlier that isn't the demos

Let me refer you back to my previous post:, and then add some more onto it. If it were actually the complete Recording Sessions, or "complete Original Motion Picture Score", it would include the cues not found on the demos such as one that could be labeled as 6m57. It says right there in the first post of the discussion:
It contains almost every single cue from the movie See the word almost? I do strongly believe they are just talking about the demos. Besides that first post also mentions how there are alternates included yet the original Wiki page that has the track list doesn't list the alternates. Captain Teague doesn't know what he's talking about.

09-14-2011, 03:32 PM
i've made my own mixed complete score : demo cue mixed with orchestrated cue when possible * (one tracks can be made with demo + orchestrated).... i'm workin on TF2 score (with sfx) and TF3 Expanded without sfx

* for me the most important difference between demo/orchestrated cues is synth voices VS Real recorded Choirs...

09-14-2011, 05:52 PM
You guys clearly don't know what orchestration is.

These demo's are made with Zimmer's sample library. A sample library is a library on a computer with recorded instrument sounds.

Orchestration is the art of applying music to several instruments, like, this and this is played by the clarinet. That is played by the trumpet.

I think you guys think orchestration is recording the music with an orchestra. Which it is not.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

The proper name of these tracks would be "synth mockups'.
These mockups however are presented in a very good condition/quality. Cf. LOTR Rarities Archives: Those mockups are beyond any measure horrible.

09-14-2011, 06:54 PM
Yes, in this case, for H Zimmer i think demos are temp multitrack score with sampled instruments, and definitive versions are the same thing with few ajustments, like, maybe, real recorded voices and few more real instruments... the demo is the draft, and the final version is an enhanced version of this base with and enhanced "texture" and "color"

09-14-2011, 10:04 PM
i've made my own mixed complete score : demo cue mixed with orchestrated cue when possible * (one tracks can be made with demo + orchestrated).... i'm workin on TF2 score (with sfx) and TF3 Expanded without sfx

* for me the most important difference between demo/orchestrated cues is synth voices VS Real recorded Choirs...

i would like to hear what you have done

09-14-2011, 10:16 PM
Thanks !!

The Dimensioner
09-14-2011, 10:50 PM
i've made my own mixed complete score : demo cue mixed with orchestrated cue when possible * (one tracks can be made with demo + orchestrated).... i'm workin on TF2 score (with sfx) and TF3 Expanded without sfx

* for me the most important difference between demo/orchestrated cues is synth voices VS Real recorded Choirs...

Hey, that's so weird because I am also doing that stuff! I mean jacksparrow900 already did his own mix of the Pirates 4 demos, so anything I assemble will just be for myself. And as for TF2, I've already uploaded quite a few first-edt tracks from my rip that can be found under this thread: I am not, however, working on an expanded TF3 score because there is only the OST to work off of, because the DVD is a long way from coming out, and also because I don't get what everyone is gushing over (I suppose it might help if I'd seen the movie)

09-14-2011, 10:51 PM
A little sample : Mermaids (11mn28sec)

09-14-2011, 11:15 PM
is their anyway you and upload it to megaupload , rapidshare doesn't work for me. thank you

09-15-2011, 12:56 AM
Cf. LOTR Rarities Archives: Those mockups are beyond any measure horrible.

those were made in 2000 - 2004, where these were made in 2010.

09-16-2011, 03:04 AM
i've made my own mixed complete score : demo cue mixed with orchestrated cue when possible * (one tracks can be made with demo + orchestrated).... i'm workin on TF2 score (with sfx) and TF3 Expanded without sfx

* for me the most important difference between demo/orchestrated cues is synth voices VS Real recorded Choirs...

I would love to hear your version because ive downloaded the 3cd demos, and honestly some tracks are lackluster in quality. Being a musician, im annoyed more than most people with this kind of stuff so a version that has less synthesized music would be great

09-16-2011, 10:48 PM
Well, here she blows, like a mermaid on heat!

Please refrain in catagorising me as an elitist cos I didnt share this before, or I may have other scores you guys dont - That would be like me classifying the guy across the road from me, being an elitist for have 2 Aston Martin V12's and I dont have one!

And even if you can say *Well, thas different, its not a film score* Well, I am going to bet money on guys here having more than I do and several here having something i don't have, even if it is just commercials - Does that mean you are Elitist? No, just means you have something I don't!

Or perhaps Hans Zimmer is an elitist for having complete versions of all the scores he has composed and he aint giving them to you!? who knows, where will the madness end!?!?!?!?

If people want to give them to you, they will. But i can safely say, being retarded enough to be on the backfall of jealousy or being overly sycophantic to try and obtain - Well, less said the better!
If people were more grateful and less sycophantic-misering about the scores that did come there way, maybe those that have what you want would be more compelled to share them?

Bare in mind that us *Elitists* dare i say it - dont just sit under the proverbial 'Film Score Tree' and wait for the next best thing to drop in our laps as if it were an apple!

And as much as i do not place myself under the umbrella of the elitist embrace - Have a little thought for those that do, cos to be frankfully fair, if it wasnt for them, none of the *Unreleased* scores, or at least a vast majority of them, you guys and many others would not have the luxury of listening to them!

So to have the sort of inane incoherant conversation about haing a score you dont and being verbally abused over the net, well, it is insulting! And i am sure as hell, if i insulted you cos you have score i don't it isnt going to make you think *You know, I think ill share it now I have been insulted!

I hear you. The attitude you describe seems to be mainly aimed at the people who refuse point blank to share any goodies they have for whatever reason and then thinly veil it by saying they're 'respecting the wishes of the composer' (while probably illicitly obtaining the sessions themselves). The problem is that when you do share something, those same cannons decide to aim at you too. At least you try to give goodies out here and there. I understand there are some things you probably can't share but you do your best. So keep up the good work.

The Dimensioner
09-25-2011, 09:35 PM
One more thing: I can't name this track, because there's 106 of them and I've only listened to most of the new ones once, but toward the end of the score, a large portion of the opening scene to PotC1 is present in one track. This is an excellent example of my above statements. This is the first time that much of the first cue to CotBP is available, so yes although it is reused from then, we now have it sans SFX.

It was 6m50 - Palm Tree Grove. Now that I'm more familiar with the score, and have encountered each cue more than once, I can tell you which one I was talking about in this post I made a month ago. I wonder if this cue was part of the 7-minute stretch that CaptainJackSparrow was torturing himself over and trying to get a hold of....

09-25-2011, 09:37 PM
I wonder if this cue was part of the 7-minute stretch that CaptainJackSparrow was torturing himself over and trying to get a hold of....

Haha ya maybe that's it

The Dimensioner
09-25-2011, 09:56 PM
The only thing that bugs me is that he was begging 7 to have some 7-minute long track that was somewhere right around Spanish Camp and Palm Tree Escape (Jazz Hands, lol). There isn't 7 minutes of music between those two cues, nor does there appear to be anything that could total 7 minutes before or after them, not to mention there's any really awesome music in that area of the movie anyway, at least in my opinion. What could he have been after?...

09-25-2011, 10:17 PM
He was just an idiot mate. We could never really know.

09-26-2011, 04:28 AM
I'm going to openly admit that this is a stupid question, but I no longer have the patience to figure it out on my own, haha. I've downloaded this, and the other seven versions before this was exposed. Does any of this sound close to the actual film versions, or are they way off? Admittedly, I've not made time to listen to it yet, but everyone's ears here are better than mine. I prefer film versions, and I realize we don't have them, but how close are the demos? Thanks in advance guys.

09-26-2011, 08:39 AM
Considering the style of composing for these scores many of the cues sound pretty damn close to the film versions, just missing instruments but overall I'd say these are nothing at all to complain about and a great listen. Oh and sound quality is amazing too for demo's.

Tracks like Jack's escape and mermaid attack really do sound like barely anything is missing.

09-26-2011, 05:18 PM
Nothing is missing from the demo's.

This is exactly the same as the orchestral version except for a few BOOTH changes, like in "Carriage Chase".

09-26-2011, 05:24 PM
Nothing is missing from the demo's.

This is exactly the same as the orchestral version except for a few BOOTH changes, like in "Carriage Chase".

you have the orchestral version?

09-26-2011, 05:54 PM
I agree with the demo recordings. Suspiciously enough, minus maybe a wee bit of equalizing, these tracks sound practically the same from the flick...I recall coming out of the theater wondering why the score sounded "bare bones" in many parts.

09-28-2011, 12:13 AM
thank you for the great music. totally love it.

09-28-2011, 02:20 AM
Thanks alot!!

09-28-2011, 06:32 AM
I'm going to openly admit that this is a stupid question, but I no longer have the patience to figure it out on my own, haha. I've downloaded this, and the other seven versions before this was exposed. Does any of this sound close to the actual film versions, or are they way off? Admittedly, I've not made time to listen to it yet, but everyone's ears here are better than mine. I prefer film versions, and I realize we don't have them, but how close are the demos? Thanks in advance guys.

Most of the tracks are pretty close, but some are painfully lackluster like Mermaids Appear and basically all the ones with a choir singing.

09-28-2011, 06:36 AM
Thanks for all the responses guys, I really appreciate it!!

09-28-2011, 12:23 PM
the discovering of the Foutain IS missing...

09-28-2011, 02:05 PM

09-29-2011, 01:12 PM
thank you

09-29-2011, 02:41 PM
Many thanks

10-04-2011, 04:37 AM
the discovering of the Foutain IS missing...

so. . . u still working on that score?

The Dimensioner
11-01-2011, 12:03 AM
Hey, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I actually listened to the very last track in this set of music. It's labeled "7m69 - Voodoo Doll" but it is wrong. That makes the alternate labeled wrongly then. It is not 7m69; it's proper title should have been something like: "6m59A - Battle For The Fountain of Youth Pt1 V3 'Alt Insert'". The end of 6m59A is a different version than that portion of the track as heard on the Magic Box Music website. I thought it was curious that MBM's version was missing from the demos. Well, it's not. It's labeled as being another version of epilogue music.

Just thought I'd let everyone be aware of this.

12-01-2011, 07:01 AM
Gotta. Stop. Downoading...

Nah, who am I kidding? Thanks for another great share, scoreman, already grabbed this. :)

02-19-2012, 05:28 PM
May someone re-upload this please? Thanks in advance

02-19-2012, 05:32 PM
May someone upload the Pirates 4 On Stranger Tides Complete Recording Sessions on mp3 again? Thanks

04-12-2012, 09:33 PM
Here is the Re-Upload
Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files ( .zip.html)

04-12-2012, 11:24 PM
So, i've made my own complete hybrid version (Demo + final) without any sfx...

04-12-2012, 11:26 PM
There is a complete version of Stranger Tides? I didn't know that well thanks for this

04-12-2012, 11:29 PM
So, i've made my own complete hybrid version (Demo + final) without any sfx...

would love to hear what this sounds like

The Dimensioner
04-12-2012, 11:42 PM
would love to hear what this sounds like

I bet it sounds like the demos except that all the tracks that can be replaced have been replaced with OST material or material from the other composers. I had better hope it doesn't have SFX in it; it has no reason to. I also made my own "complete hybrid version". Darth, how did you deal with the "Mermaids Attack" track considering we have three different variations of it, and only one of them is complete (the demo)?

04-12-2012, 11:57 PM
just curious

05-01-2012, 01:58 PM
Can anyone tell me which links are working, now that megaupload is closed? Also, does anyone know anything at all about demos for Angels & Demons, recording sessions etc.? I would do anything for the complete score of Angels and Demons!

05-01-2012, 09:08 PM
Here is the Re-Upload
Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files ( .zip.html)

Thanks for the re up. :)



11-04-2012, 03:21 AM
Here is the Re-Upload
Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files ( .zip.html)

Thanks again for the re-up!

11-04-2012, 08:41 AM
Thanks for the re-up!

11-05-2012, 08:17 AM
Thanks for this! Awesome!

11-05-2012, 01:05 PM
Thank you so much!

11-05-2012, 02:31 PM

11-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Thanks for this

The Scoreguy
11-29-2012, 07:12 PM
Thanks so much for this!

12-06-2012, 01:52 AM

12-27-2012, 09:12 AM
Thank you!

12-27-2012, 10:58 PM
thank you. will give it a try, even if the commercial version sounded like the worst HZ score ever at the first listen...

01-22-2013, 05:01 PM
Never mind. I got a link myself.

POTC4 (Sessions).rar.001 (
POTC4 (Sessions).rar.002 (
POTC4 (Sessions).rar.003 (

You will need hjsplit to combine the split files because the complete file was too large to upload.
Here is the link to the software: HJSplit: free file splitting software for Windows, Linux and other platforms (


01-22-2013, 10:37 PM
There are awesome, very thanks!

01-23-2013, 03:48 PM
Great post

01-23-2013, 08:38 PM
thank you very much!!

03-26-2013, 07:29 PM

I know, I know, this has been posted so many times already... But some of you asked me for this version, here it is : the Complete Demo from Pirates Of The Caribbean : On Stranger Tides.

It's an MP3 version, 320 kbps... A very good quality sound... It's a big big file : 1,71 Gb, and that's why it was required :) I really thought it was real Sessions when I got it...

Well...enjoy !!


01 Opening - 3:40
02 The Courtroom - 1:35
03 Paddy Wagon - 2:56
04 Palace Courtyard - 0:31
05 Creampuff-King's Entrance - 1:04
06 Barbossa's Entrance - 2:05
07 Jack's Escape - 2:18
08 Carriage Chase - 2:10
09 Filthy Pirate - 0:21
10 Imposter Swordfight - 3:10
11 Meet Angelica / Jack & Angelica Bicker - 2:09
12 British Attack - 1:17
13 Gibbs Burns Map - 2:13
14 Aboard The QAR - 1:32
15 First Mate Is A Her / The Prophecy - 2:15
16 Barbossa Seeks Heading - 0:21
17 Spanish Ignore Barbossa - 1:35
18 Spanish Still Ignore Barbossa - 0:30
19 Mutiny Meeting - 0:49
20 Mutiny - 3:12
21 Blackbeard's Entrance / Mutineers Hang - 2:32
22 Upside Down Jack - 0:21
23 Fry The Cook - 3:20
24 Blackbeard's Cabin - 2:07
25 Barbossa Having Tea - 1:13
26 Barbossa Rallies The Crew - 0:42
27 The Dance / Bottle Room / Voodoo Doll - 3:40
28 Mermaid Hunt (Insert) - 1:41
29 Mermaid Hunt / Mermaid Tale - 2:27
30 Mermaids Appear / Mermaids Attack - 9:32
31 The Beach / To The Fountain / Jungle Trek - 3:17


01 Syreena Needs Air - 0:54
02 The Cliff Sting - 0:26
03 The Cliff - 2:50
04 Jack Jumps - 1:16
05 Naming Syrena (Insert) - 0:42
06 Shirtless / Naming Syrena / Ponthz De Leon - 5:35
07 Dont Touch The Map - 1:10
08 Ole - 0:44
09 Mermaid Pools - 0:56
10 Mermaids Are Tough - 2:37
11 Spanish Camp - 3:17
12 Mermaid's Tears - 2:29
13 Palm Tree Grove - 2:20
14 Jazz Hands - 3:11
15 Is That It - 2:12
16 Water Drop - 2:02
17 Aqua De Vida - 0:46
18 The Faceoff - 1:45
19 Battle For The Fountain of Youth (Part 1) - 1:27
20 Battle For The Fountain of Youth (Part 2) - 1:13
21 Philip Returns To Syrena - 1:06
22 The Battle Continues - 1:04
23 Spanish Arrive - 2:38
24 Angelica Cut - 3:25
25 Blackbeard's Demise - 1:33
26 Syrena Saves Philip - 2:05
27 One Pistol, One Shot - 0:36
28 Jack Leaves Angelica - 1:16
29 Make Way For Tortuga - 2:03
30 Jack & Gibbs (Ending) - 0:24
31 Jack & Gibbs - 1:50
32 End Credits - 2:06


01 Opening (Alternate) - 2:44
02 The Courtroom (Alt.1) - 1:40
03 The Courtroom (Alt.2) - 1:38
04 Paddy Wagon (Alternate) - 2:57
05 Paddy Wagon (Sting) - 0:20
06 Jack's Escape (Alternate) - 2:19
07 Imposter Swordfight (Alternate) - 2:57
08 Meet Angelica / Jack & Angelica Bicker (Alternate) - 2:35
09 British Attack (Alternate) - 1:16
10 Blackbeard's Entrance / Mutineers Hang (Alternate) - 2:32
11 Blackbeard's Cabin (Alt.1) - 2:15
12 Blackbeard's Cabin (Alt.2) - 2:27
13 Barbossa Having Tea (Alt. Fix) - 1:35
14 The Dance / Bottle Room / Voodoo Doll (Alternate) - 3:51
15 Mermaid Hunt - Mermaid Tale (Alternate) - 2:55
16 The Beach / To The Fountain / Jungle Trek (Alternate) - 3:07
17 The Cliff Sting (Alternate) - 0:36
18 The Cliff (Insert) - 0:39
19 The Cliff (Alternate) - 2:13
20 Jack Jumps (Alternate) - 1:33
21 Mermaids Are Tough (Alternate) - 3:03
22 Mermaid's Tears (Alternate) - 2:23
23 Jazz Hands (Alt. Insert) - 3:11
24 Is That It (Alt.1) - 2:08
25 Is That It (Alt.2) - 2:08
26 Water Drop (Alternate) - 2:03
27 The Faceoff (Alternate) - 1:41
28 Battle For The Fountain of Youth (Part 1 / Insert) - 0:28
29 Battle For The Fountain of Youth (Part 2 / Alternate) - 1:13
30 The Battle Continues (Alternate) - 0:52
31 Spanish Arrive (Alternate) - 2:38
32 Blackbeard's Demise (Alternate) - 1:26
33 Blackbeard's Demise (Alt. Insert) - 1:03
34 Blackbeard's Demise (Alt. Insert 2) - 1:07
35 Syrena Saves Philip (Alt.1) - 2:05
36 Syrena Saves Philip (Alt.2) - 2:05
37 Syrena Saves Philip (Alt.3) - 2:05
38 Jack Leaves Angelica (Alternate) - 1:19
39 Jack & Gibbs (Alt. Insert) - 0:41
40 Jack & Gibbs (Alt.1) - 1:54
41 Jack & Gibbs (Alt.2) - 1:54
42 End Credits (Alternate) - 2:00
43 Voodoo Doll - 0:39
44 Voodoo Doll (Alternate) - 0:37
45 Blackbeard Suite - 5:05
46 Angelica Suite - 4:17
47 Marmaid Suite - 8:05


CD 1 (part 1) (
CD 1 (part 2) (
CD 2 (part 1) (
CD 2 (part 2) (

03-26-2013, 07:31 PM
Damn right this has been posted so many times before. Did you think that one of the reasons it might be so large is cause of each file being tagged with artwork? It adds up. There's no way this is 1GB

03-26-2013, 07:34 PM
Yeah this has been posted on here a lot. No need for this thread.

03-26-2013, 07:35 PM
Damn right this has been posted so many times before. Did you think that one of the reasons it might be so large is cause of each file being tagged with artwork? It adds up. There's no way this is 1GB

Honestly ?? I really don't know why my version is so large !! ;) .. And this version, this big version, I got it here, may be 2 years ago...

03-26-2013, 07:37 PM
Yeah this has been posted on here a lot. No need for this thread.

"need for this thread" because, as I said, some of members asked me for it... Not interested ? Not obliged to post, so...

03-26-2013, 07:38 PM
Honestly ?? I really don't know why my version is so large !! ;) .. And this version, this big version, I got it here, may be 2 years ago...

I got this same this from here as well... and its only 492mb...

03-26-2013, 07:39 PM
Everyone and their mother got it from here (except for those higher-up people who shall not be named). But yes, album artwork adds up. Especially if it's large. So artwork on all 110 tracks = a lot of space

03-26-2013, 07:40 PM
"need for this thread" because, as I said, some of members asked me for it... Not interested ? Not obliged to post, so...

Well then PM the link. Theres no need for multiple threads of the same thing. Or post a mirror in the original thread.

03-26-2013, 07:40 PM
I got this same this from here as well... and its only 492mb...

That seems more like it.

Now...doesn't The Dimensioner have a PotC resources thread like Transformers and Inception? If not, I think the time has come for him to create one