08-23-2011, 05:02 AM
Seeing & commenting on Jacksbrain's Best Score of 2011 thread inspired me to come up with this one. What do you think is the best movie of 2011? Why is your choice the best? Is it the music, director, visuals, acting/cast of actors and/or actresses, angle/storyline/plot? What is your most favorite scene of the movie you chose & your most meaningful/emotional scene? Why?

This dicussion will close (hopefully) on 12-31-2011 right before New Year's a.k.a. 2012. Speaking of, you could also state (if you wish) what you'd like to see in films in 2012 or what films you're most looking forward to.

btw, in case anyone's wondering, I couldn't decide which of the 2 threads to start first so I decided to combine em :)

Let's have a happy, peaceful, respectful discussion. And with that....let it begin! :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-23-2011, 05:11 AM
next year will be The Dark Knight Rises.

08-23-2011, 06:10 AM
it's quite obvious on my signature --- The Avengers.
i wonder who will be scoring the film?. i wish it could be Alan Silvestri, Michael Giacchino or Alan Silvestri. or a combination of Brian Tyler & Alan Silvestri... :D

08-23-2011, 10:29 AM
There's probably a whole lot of independent films, but all I can think of are the big films next year. Mainly, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises.

As for film in general this year, I actually don't have a favorite yet. I still haven't seen a film that completely blew me away. I've seen tons of good films, and couple average ones, but nothing spectacular. Mainly, I'm waiting on watching some of the indie films that I didn't get at my theater (due to living in a small town). The Tree of Life, Another Earth, and a whole slew of others I can't recall.

For the remaining four months of the year, I'm also looking forward to:

- Restless
- Straw Dogs
- The Ides of March
- In Time
- The Rum Diary
- Melancholia
- Immortals
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
- Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
- The Descendants
- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn

So as you can see, still plenty of contenders for best film of the year. There have been some stellar performances, though. The one that immediately leaps to mind is Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker. Also Andy Serkis as Caesar.

Everan Shepard
08-23-2011, 01:04 PM
For 2011 my favorite was Transformers 3, but for the best I say it was Super 8. For next year, it's going to be a superhero war! Waiting for TDKR and Avengers.

08-23-2011, 01:22 PM
I wasn't aware that Avengers, Spiderman, or TDK Rises were happening next year & that Dragon Tattoo was happening this year. I thought Dragon Tattoo was next year, Rises and Avengers in 2013 & Spiderman in 2013 or 2014. Interesting.

I'm glad you're all being honest. But I was kinda hoping 2 see some non-superhero favorites. I mean Dragon Tattoo & Super 8 were mentioned and those are the only ones (so far) that I know that are non-superhero films.

For me, in terms of non-superhero, it was Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, which I'm surprised but not upset it wasn't mentioned. It was emotional, great story/acting, certain scenes were done really well especially in terms of camera angles. The music was great too. As far as superhero films, Cap.

Haven't seen Super 8. But heard it was good & E.T., which as yet to receive a bluray release which is a shame IMO, like so I'll see it when it's on bluray. Haven't seen Transformers 3. Not really interested in Michael Bay's work & didn't really like the first 2 much.

"The one that immediately leaps to mind is Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker."

Agreed to a certain degree. Only thing I can't agree with is the "Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker." part. I don't think anyone will top The Joker performance and I'm not just saying that because I think he's the best villain in superhero history, out of all the villains w/o any real powers though there are others I like too.

Off topic for a sec: Best Villains IMO -

Batman - Joker, although Two-Face, Bane, Dead Shot, Croc, and Scarface are close seconds, I'd say Catwoman too. But I don't really count her as a villain. She's an anti-hero to me as he's faced, but also at times, teamed with Batman.

Spiderman - Tied between Venom, Carnage, Chameleon.

X-Men - Sentinels.

Fantastic Four - Doom & Galactus

Cap - Red Skull

Ghost Rider - Don't remember who the last villain was in the first film. I think maybe Blackheart? Whoever it was, the one with all the souls, he's it. btw, Ghost Rider himself would've also made a great villain.

Dr. Strange - Dormammu although Mordo's a close second.

Iron Man - Mandarin although Ultimo's a close second.

Nick Fury - Don't really know who consists of his Rogues gallery. But as far as Spiderman TAS goes (which is where I saw him first), Chameleon.

Hulk - Abomination Man

Superman - Tied between Braniac & Luthor. But Toy Man's a close second.

GL - Sincestro

Thor - Loki

TMNT - Shredder

I know I'm leaving some heroes out. Speaking of TMNT, another film's being made. Idk if it's gonna be CGI'ed like 2007 or live action like the 90's. Hopefully live action & I'm hopeful that of it is, the cast of the first film in 1990 return. Yeah, they made be old. But who cares considering they'd have masks or makeup. I really wanna see the Casey Jones actor. He stole the show in the first film & the only reason I saw the disaster that was the 3rd. If it's CGI'ed, at least get the 90's film actors to voice the characters. Especially for Casey Jones if he makes it in the CGI film which I hope he does.

08-23-2011, 01:23 PM
only one:Paranormal Activity 3

08-23-2011, 01:53 PM
"The one that immediately leaps to mind is Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker."

Agreed to a certain degree. Only thing I can't agree with is the "Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker." part. I don't think anyone will top The Joker performance and I'm not just saying that because I think he's the best villain in superhero history, out of all the villains w/o any real powers though there are others I like too.

When I said best villain, I didn't mean out of all of the villains in comic books. I simply meant screen villains, and not just from comic book movies. But, since you brought up comic book movies... My favorite still is Ledger's Joker, with Hiddleston's Loki and Ian McKellen's Magento running a close second. Michael Fassbender's Magneto was excellent, too, but I'm not quite convinced that he was a bad guy in First Class, even with the ending.

The main reason why I loved Loki was the raw intensity that Hiddleston brought to the role. He's also the one character I'm looking forward to most next year (don't know enough about Bane to judge TDKR). And with how the Lizard is being portrayed (like all of the main villains of the previous Spidey films), I would classify him as a bad guy, either.

My favorite comic book movie this year would be Thor. Still not quite as good as I was hoping, but it was fun enough. Loved the score, but what it made it my favorite was the actors. Hemsworth, Hopkins, Hiddleston were all knocking it out of the park.

Captain America was good, too, but they tried to cram too much into the film, and kinda made the story a mess. But again, stellar performances by Evans, Atwell, and most especially Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull (even though the part was under-written). Cap had a far better love interest (Portman's character in Thor was a joke), but that one factor isn't enough to outweight all the bad (or average).

The reason why I didn't mention any other films is because I wasn't really impressed by any of them. Source Code, Rango, POTC, Super 8, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes were all good (some less than others), but didn't blow me away. Cowboys & Aliens was crap, but I wasn't expecting anything else from the writers of Transformers and Star Trek.

08-23-2011, 02:25 PM
since it has been mentioned in the posts i might as well go off topic for a minute, for
Best Villains for a Superhero for me;

The Avengers - Ultron, Thanos, Kree, Kang...

Cap - Red Skull, Baron Zemo, Baron Strucker

Spidey - Venom, Hobgoblin, Green Goblin, Dr.Octopus, Kraven The Hunter, Electro, The Lizard, Carnage, Kingpin

Superman - Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Metallo, Lobo (could be a kick ass, could give Supes a run for his money..)

Fantastic Four - Dr. Doom, Galactus, Skrulls, Super Skrull

X-men - Magneto, Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse

Iron Man - Titanium Man, Mandarin

Justice League - The Injustice League, Darkseid and minions, Grath

Batman - The Joker, The Penguin, Ras Al Gul

Hulk - The Leader, The Abomination...

Dr. Strange - Baron Mordo, Dormamu

Thor - Loki, Surtur


back to the topic;

My choice or pick had to go to Cap TFA, followed by Thor, (for the best comic book adaptation of the year)...
Fast Five is a kick ass movie, i enjoyed GL too though i'm quite sure lots might raise their eyebrows with that one, lol

I still have to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Final Destination 5, X-Men First Class & Fright Night

for the rest of the year looking forward to

The Adventures of Tintin and War Horse.

that's all for the moment.

08-23-2011, 02:35 PM
Oh, forgot about Fright Night and Conan. Hope to see those two soon (though I'm looking forward to Fright Night more, mostly because of David Tennant).

08-23-2011, 03:41 PM
2011 is far from over, but so far my favorite movie from this year is "Rango". It was funny, the animation was great, and the performances were a lot of fun. It's easily the best non-Pixar CG animated movie I've seen.

The two movies I'm most looking forward to in 2012 are "The Dark Knight Rises" and Pixar's "Brave". There's also the double dose of Tim Burton in the form of "Dark Shadows" and the stop-motion remake of "Frankenweenie". (I'm a big Burton fan.) And it seems "Prometheus" (Ridley Scott's "Alien" prequel) comes out in June? Next year could be pretty good at the movies.

08-23-2011, 03:50 PM
Best movie of 2011 ? So far, Captain America, Thor and Battle L.A.

Most awaited ? Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn and Bilbo the Hobbit. And I'm still praying the elder gods for an adaptation of "beyond the mountains of Madness" by Del Toro. that or an adaptation of Doctor Strange by the same man.

Best villains IMHO ?:

Captain America: Red Skull, followed by Andrea Von Strucker.
Iron Man: Don't know that one enough, but i'd say the Mandarin
Hulk: Madman was a favorite of mine. A guy crazy enough to arrange himself to get exactly the same irradition as Banner...
Spiderman: Kingpin (shared with Daredevil), Venom, Hobgoblin, Jonah Jameson. Seriously, the last one IS spiderman's worst enemy, as there is NOTHING parker can do against him. the man isn't evil.
Thor: Loki,
Avengers as a team: Loki, AIM, Hydra, Red Skull or all of them tag teamed. After all, Loki and Red skull teaming with Hydra and AIM would be awesome.
Batman: Joker, Bane, Ra's al Ghul
Superman: Lex Luthor, Darkseid

08-23-2011, 04:10 PM
2012's most ancipated movie has to be Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS.

08-23-2011, 04:43 PM
Oh, my god. I cannot believe I forgot about The Hobbit and Prometheus. Can't wait for either of those, especially the Hobbit. LOTR is easily in my Top 5 favorite films (I consider them to be one film) of all time, and Jackson's video blogs have been great. The actors all look like they're having a very fun time shooting.

Mountains of Madness should be great, as well, but there's no way it's coming out next year. It'll be nice to see Tom Cruise in a serious role again (last one I can think of is Lions For Lambs).

08-23-2011, 05:01 PM
I've never been a huge fan of the LOTR movies, to be honest. I'd be more excited about the two Hobbit movies if Guillermo del Toro had stayed aboard.

08-23-2011, 05:02 PM
There's probably a whole lot of independent films, but all I can think of are the big films next year. Mainly, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises.

As for film in general this year, I actually don't have a favorite yet. I still haven't seen a film that completely blew me away. I've seen tons of good films, and couple average ones, but nothing spectacular. Mainly, I'm waiting on watching some of the indie films that I didn't get at my theater (due to living in a small town). The Tree of Life, Another Earth, and a whole slew of others I can't recall.

For the remaining four months of the year, I'm also looking forward to:

- Restless
- Straw Dogs
- The Ides of March
- In Time
- The Rum Diary
- Melancholia
- Immortals
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
- Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
- The Descendants
- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn

So as you can see, still plenty of contenders for best film of the year. There have been some stellar performances, though. The one that immediately leaps to mind is Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Easily the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker. Also Andy Serkis as Caesar.

The Girl with Dragon Tattoo is part one of "The Millenium Trilogy", with part two being "The Girl Who Played With Fire" and part three is "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest". "Millenium" refers
to an investigative publication for which "The Girl" character works. All three have been available
for over 1 year, with subtitles, on various movie torrent sites. The three films kick ass, but dont
recall if music is anything special.

08-23-2011, 05:31 PM
I've never been a huge fan of the LOTR movies, to be honest. I'd be more excited about the two Hobbit movies if Guillermo del Toro had stayed aboard.

Why is that? The only reason I've heard given for people disliking the movies is lack of faithfulness to the books. Is that your reasoning? What about del Toro's involvement excited you? He is still credited as co-writer. He might even have a producer or exec producer credit.

As for mdffyx, yes, I know about the Swedish TV adaptions. I'm talking about the American, David Finicher-directed version, starring Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig, out December 21. The score is by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, who worked on (and won an Academy Award for) Fincher's previous film, The Social Network.

08-23-2011, 05:46 PM
It's not a problem with being faithful to the books or anything. It's simply that the look and feel of the movies never particularly appealed to me. Guillermo del Toro could've brought an interesting visual flourish to "The Hobbit", but it seems unlikely that they'll use his designs.

08-23-2011, 05:56 PM
Have you seen any of the images they've released, or watched the video blogs? These two films are going to have a lot more humor in them due to the dwarves (though not too much), and Andy Serkis (Gollum) is second-unit director, so the films might have a little bit different of a feel than the trilogy.

08-23-2011, 07:06 PM
Oh, my god. I cannot believe I forgot about The Hobbit and Prometheus. Can't wait for either of those, especially the Hobbit. LOTR is easily in my Top 5 favorite films (I consider them to be one film) of all time, and Jackson's video blogs have been great. The actors all look like they're having a very fun time shooting.

Mountains of Madness should be great, as well, but there's no way it's coming out next year. It'll be nice to see Tom Cruise in a serious role again (last one I can think of is Lions For Lambs).

Nope. I guest it will be released in 2013 or 2014. Afaik, the project has been stopped, as Del Toro wants it to be rated R, and the studios want a PG13 (Yes, they want a PG 13 lovecraft based movie. these guys are either stupid or plain crazy), and I'm not sure Cruise will still be on the project at that time (and, don't take it bad, but i'm not sure he'd be the best actor to play in this movie. Unless he plays the "evil cultist" role :D)

08-23-2011, 07:26 PM
The Hobbit seems to be interesting...i forgot - the Immortals and Three Musketeer will be coming out later as well could be fun to watch as well. World War Z now that's really something i'm looking forward to catch...Zombies.......

08-23-2011, 11:25 PM
you're right on Immortals. it's also on my " to see" list as well as prometheus. In other genre, i'm waiting for Eastwood's new movie "John Edgar", about the FBI founder. and as far as potential let downs go, i'm waiting for Ghost Rider 2, GI joe 2 (I already told you: I love bad movies) and for teh lulz, the next resident evil movie:p.

Howling Mad
08-24-2011, 06:10 AM
Can't pick a best for 2011 yet.

One's I'm looking forward to are
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
James Bond 23
Harry Potter 9

If only there was a Harry Potter 9... could happen one day if J.K. decides to come back to the series.

08-24-2011, 01:58 PM
this yr...Ghost Protocol. Next yr Dark Knight rises

08-24-2011, 07:21 PM
Jesus, does '12 look like Heaven. There definitely were a lot of films I forgot about... J. Edgar, Ghost Rider, Bond... can't wait for any of those.

08-25-2011, 02:34 AM
When I said best villain, I didn't mean out of all of the villains in comic books. I simply meant screen villains, and not just from comic book movies. But, since you brought up comic book movies... My favorite still is Ledger's Joker, with Hiddleston's Loki and Ian McKellen's Magento running a close second. Michael Fassbender's Magneto was excellent, too, but I'm not quite convinced that he was a bad guy in First Class, even with the ending.

The main reason why I loved Loki was the raw intensity that Hiddleston brought to the role. He's also the one character I'm looking forward to most next year (don't know enough about Bane to judge TDKR). And with how the Lizard is being portrayed (like all of the main villains of the previous Spidey films), I would classify him as a bad guy, either.

My favorite comic book movie this year would be Thor. Still not quite as good as I was hoping, but it was fun enough. Loved the score, but what it made it my favorite was the actors. Hemsworth, Hopkins, Hiddleston were all knocking it out of the park.

Captain America was good, too, but they tried to cram too much into the film, and kinda made the story a mess. But again, stellar performances by Evans, Atwell, and most especially Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull (even though the part was under-written). Cap had a far better love interest (Portman's character in Thor was a joke), but that one factor isn't enough to outweight all the bad (or average).

The reason why I didn't mention any other films is because I wasn't really impressed by any of them. Source Code, Rango, POTC, Super 8, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes were all good (some less than others), but didn't blow me away. Cowboys & Aliens was crap, but I wasn't expecting anything else from the writers of Transformers and Star Trek.

Did you mean to say with how The Lizard was portrayed, you wouldn't classify him as a villain? He was last seen, I think in Spiderman 2. But he was Professor Connors (rather than a doctor like he was in TAS...well most of the time).

Ledger was by far THE BEST villain as The Joker. Can't be topped. However, I will agree that Ian's Magneto & Loki were good too. But I'm gonna add the 2 bad guys from Hulk to that. Don't remember the actor's names. But it was the guy who was a bad guy, I think before he became Abomination Man as well as the military leader. Perhaps the military isn't really bad per say, but since he's after Hulk, who is the "hero"/"good guy" especially as Banner, I'd classify the military leader as a bad guy. But in a sense, The Hulk can be considered a bad guy when compared to Banner so he's sort of on the list too....partially.

And yeah, Hugo's part in Cap may have been under-written. But they def had the look down right. Not really a fan of his. But I liked how he looked in Cap. But I especially enjoyed his performances in LOTR & more especially in The Matrix Trilogy.

---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

since it has been mentioned in the posts i might as well go off topic for a minute, for
Best Villains for a Superhero for me;

The Avengers - Ultron, Thanos, Kree, Kang...

Cap - Red Skull, Baron Zemo, Baron Strucker

Spidey - Venom, Hobgoblin, Green Goblin, Dr.Octopus, Kraven The Hunter, Electro, The Lizard, Carnage, Kingpin

Superman - Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Metallo, Lobo (could be a kick ass, could give Supes a run for his money..)

Fantastic Four - Dr. Doom, Galactus, Skrulls, Super Skrull

X-men - Magneto, Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse

Iron Man - Titanium Man, Mandarin

Justice League - The Injustice League, Darkseid and minions, Grath

Batman - The Joker, The Penguin, Ras Al Gul

Hulk - The Leader, The Abomination...

Dr. Strange - Baron Mordo, Dormamu

Thor - Loki, Surtur


back to the topic;

My choice or pick had to go to Cap TFA, followed by Thor, (for the best comic book adaptation of the year)...
Fast Five is a kick ass movie, i enjoyed GL too though i'm quite sure lots might raise their eyebrows with that one, lol

I still have to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Final Destination 5, X-Men First Class & Fright Night

for the rest of the year looking forward to

The Adventures of Tintin and War Horse.

that's all for the moment.

TFA? Galactus is one of the best villains ever. But I always thought of him more as a Silver Surfer villain. Surfer's an ally of the Fantastic 4. But since he's not a part of it.....

I did like GL too. It's just not among the best comic book/superhero film adaptations IMO. Fast Five was def a kick ass film. Awaiting the 6th. But I don't think it'll be in 2012. Maybe 2013/14? Tokyo Drift was ok but the other sequels before 5 were a bit kinda whack. F&F 1 & 5, so far, THE BEST IMO.

I don't know about Fright Night. Never saw it. First Class is a film I enjoyed. I just hate that Wolverine wasn't in it as he's my personal favorite. But I can't expect him to be because (1) He wasn't the first X member & (2) He's already got his own film series.

Final Destination 5 was a waste IMO. Was it bad? Not necessarily as I've seen films that were more def bad. But if you've seen one Final Destination, you have likely seen them all. But if you truly wish to see it, by all means do so.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ----------

Oh, forgot about Fright Night and Conan. Hope to see those two soon (though I'm looking forward to Fright Night more, mostly because of David Tennant).

I can't say I enjoyed Conan that much. I did not know about Conan till The Adventurer animated series. During the run of that, I saw the 2 Conan films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Those being The Barbarian, which was his breakthrough film and The Destroyer, which wasn't as successful. The 2011 version of The Barbarian did not get good reviews & I can see why lol

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

2011 is far from over, but so far my favorite movie from this year is "Rango". It was funny, the animation was great, and the performances were a lot of fun. It's easily the best non-Pixar CG animated movie I've seen.

The two movies I'm most looking forward to in 2012 are "The Dark Knight Rises" and Pixar's "Brave". There's also the double dose of Tim Burton in the form of "Dark Shadows" and the stop-motion remake of "Frankenweenie". (I'm a big Burton fan.) And it seems "Prometheus" (Ridley Scott's "Alien" prequel) comes out in June? Next year could be pretty good at the movies.

I'm a HUGE Burton fan. Saw all the films he made multiple times. I am excited for a Frankeenweenie remake. But I'm looking forward more to Dark Shadows. I saw a few episodes & I'm real happy with what I saw. Downside is Depp is in it. I know he & Burton are real life friends & he was in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, which I didn't like as I enjoyed the happier WIlly WOnka version more compared to the Depp/Burton darker version, but Depp, while an amazing actor, is IMO a bit overrated.

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

Best movie of 2011 ? So far, Captain America, Thor and Battle L.A.

Most awaited ? Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn and Bilbo the Hobbit. And I'm still praying the elder gods for an adaptation of "beyond the mountains of Madness" by Del Toro. that or an adaptation of Doctor Strange by the same man.

Best villains IMHO ?:

Captain America: Red Skull, followed by Andrea Von Strucker.
Iron Man: Don't know that one enough, but i'd say the Mandarin
Hulk: Madman was a favorite of mine. A guy crazy enough to arrange himself to get exactly the same irradition as Banner...
Spiderman: Kingpin (shared with Daredevil), Venom, Hobgoblin, Jonah Jameson. Seriously, the last one IS spiderman's worst enemy, as there is NOTHING parker can do against him. the man isn't evil.
Thor: Loki,
Avengers as a team: Loki, AIM, Hydra, Red Skull or all of them tag teamed. After all, Loki and Red skull teaming with Hydra and AIM would be awesome.
Batman: Joker, Bane, Ra's al Ghul
Superman: Lex Luthor, Darkseid

The Hobbit is definitely one I'm gonna see. Wouldn't mind seeing a Doctor Strange film. It should be an origin story though, like how he went from Stephen Strange to learning from The Ancient One & becoming Dr. Strange. Also Mordo's beginning should be there too. I'd love to see Dormammu in a big role too.

But there's been many superhero films, not enough villain films. I wanna see Galactus' rise - how he came the entity he is, etc & how it's portrayed. If they ever do it, which I doubt, they should get the guy who voiced him in the TAS or Ultimate Alliance. In Rise Of The Surfer, he was just a cloud or something like that, I believe. I would think with the technology available, he'd be portrayed better. THE BEST look of him IMO, aside from comic books & the 1994 FF TAS is in the 2 Ultimate Alliance cutscenes & Marvel Vs Capcom 3.

beyond the mountains of Madness? btw, I see you;re a Macho Man fan like me. How tragic he passed.

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

2012's most ancipated movie has to be Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS.

Most anticipated? I don't know. I don't think any of the many of the new/current generation know of The Aliens films though I could be wrong. I think the most anticipated would have to go to Avengers & perhaps even more so, TDK Rises. i am looking forward to Prometheus though as well.

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

The Girl with Dragon Tattoo is part one of "The Millenium Trilogy", with part two being "The Girl Who Played With Fire" and part three is "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest". "Millenium" refers
to an investigative publication for which "The Girl" character works. All three have been available
for over 1 year, with subtitles, on various movie torrent sites. The three films kick ass, but dont
recall if music is anything special.

Yep. I've seen all 3 films & read the books. There's a subject or more accurately a theme in the series that drew from Larsson's real life. When he was 15, he witnessed a rape of Lisbeth, same character as the heroine in the series. He never forgave himself for not saving her.

08-25-2011, 02:36 AM
My favorite movie of the year is called: Wrong section.

But belongs in the discussion forum.

08-25-2011, 02:46 AM
True. But until it's closed, there's nothing you can do about it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't close it.

By the way, there are other threads on the Film/TV Downloads section that don't belong there that are still ongoing. And these threads that I am talking about were created before I created mine. Just letting you know.....

08-25-2011, 03:06 AM
So far I've really enjoyed:
-The Beaver
-I Saw The Devil
-Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
-The Way Back
-Red State
-The Tree Of Life
-The Deathly Hallows Pt. II.

I'm still looking forward to:
-Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
-Killler Elite
-Dream House
-The Ides Of March
-J. Edgar
-The Muppets
-The Descendants
-SHerlock Holmes 2

Next year?

-The Dark Knight Rises
-The Avengers
-The Hobbit

08-25-2011, 03:24 AM
Carnage? I didn't know they were working on a spinoff for the Spiderman villain. Last I heard of a spinoff for a Spiderman character, they were working on or discussing the possibility of Venom.

I'm also looking forward to The Darkest Hour. But didn't include it originally cause I don't know of that's coming out this year, next year or sometime after that.

Best films for this year: I'll add Alice In Wonderland, Lovely Bones ( Lovely Bones especially for it's visuals & music), Tron: Legacy.

08-25-2011, 03:27 AM
Carnage? I didn't know they were working on a spinoff for the Spiderman villain. Last I heard of a spinoff for a Spiderman character, they were working on or discussing the possibility of Venom.

:laugh:'s a Roman Polanski film.

Christophe Waltz, Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet.

08-25-2011, 04:09 AM
Oh lol. That's very different than from what I was thinking. Wouldn't mind seeing Lizard, Chameleon & Carnage in Spiderman films though as long as all of them aren't in one movie.

Professor Moriarty
08-27-2011, 09:48 AM
next year i'm looking forward to Prometheus and the Dark Shadows movie. everything else i can be patient and wait for.

08-30-2011, 05:02 AM
it isnt released yet and i know it will be MOTY.

heres why:


08-30-2011, 05:07 AM
I actually think that film looks like crap (and Talyor Kitsch with a buzz cut doesn't help). But then, I hated Transformers, so what do I know about taste.

(Note: that is a joke. I'm not trying to be conceited.)

08-31-2011, 12:36 AM
Yeah I wasn't too fond of the Transformers films either. Was it just me or was it hard at times to tell which robot was who? They looked too similar. I think the movies would've been better if it was animated like the cartoon or CGI'ed IMO. And I'm not a fan of Michael Bay either.

08-31-2011, 01:33 AM
My main problem with the films were the plots (or rather, the lack of one). The actors also drove me nuts, too, though I suppose if the films had proper scripts, that might not have been a problem.

09-02-2011, 11:56 AM
I am not a fan of Shia (the actor who is the Transformers' human friend). I am not saying he's talented. But, I don't think he deserves to be where he's at. He went from that stupid Disney show, EVen Stevens & I believe he filmed the Holes movie during or after that. And from there, he's on I, Robot with Will Smith, Indiana Jones with Harrison Ford and now Transformers. Other than that, I don't know what he's done. Plus, as an actor, I simply just don't like him. So much so that I'd prefer to see a Depp movie over any of his & while Depp is talented, I think he is just a bit overrated.

And for that reason, I'm often asked who my favorite actor is. Well, I don't have one. I do watch a lot of Will Smith films so IF I had to pick one, he's probably be it. I think of Brandon Lee been around, he'd also be a favorite of mine. But as I said, I don't particularly have a favorite. It just so happens that there are certain movies or shows I watch or games I play that certain actors or voice actors just happen to be in. Maybe they were good for the role, then again maybe not. But whether they were or not won't make me like or dislike them. I think Kevin Conroy is perfect as the voice of Batman. But in a live action film, he wouldn't fit the role. On the flip side, Bale & especially Keaton are great as Batman. But as a voice of Batman in animation, it's no contest when compared to Conroy.

P.S. I absolutely LOVE this discussion & glad it's continuing. But I'd also like this discussion in the following thread to grow too because I believe it can be a great one as well. Probably as great as this one is: Thread 94739

When you're there, just follow what Sorei did, except come up with your own answers.

09-02-2011, 06:54 PM
As for film in general this year, I actually don't have a favorite yet. I still haven't seen a film that completely blew me away. I've seen tons of good films, and couple average ones, but nothing spectacular.
Pretty much this, nothing particular really springs to mind despite having seen a good number of releases this year. By this time last year I would've already had a couple in mind, but I've really nothing; if anything, it'd be Captain America, but that wasn't mindblowlingly amazing.

As for next year, the obvious choice of Dark Knight Rises would probably be my choice currently.

09-07-2011, 05:19 AM
Hoping Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol will be good. For next year, The Hobbit!

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

Oh, and Pirates 4 was fun as a Captain Jack movie. As for a movie with an actual story, not so much. But Jack is the best!

09-25-2011, 07:35 PM
Best documentary I've seen in 2011 is a tie between The Interrupters and Project Nim, amazing docs please check it out.

Best wide-released films are also a tie between Drive and the early screening for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Both for completely different reasons, hope Oscar noms for both at the next Academy Awards.

I think almost everyone is looking forward to TDKR next year so I'll go with another pick of Brad Bird's first live action film as most anticipated :D

12-27-2011, 11:52 AM
Dark KNight Rises, Avengers, and The Hobbit.
Maybe Prometheus.

12-30-2011, 01:04 PM
The Dark Knight Rises.
Nolan is the best.

01-03-2012, 07:37 AM
All movies of 2011 were great and it is really amazing....I'm looking forward for the part II of breaking dawn....

more amazing movies for 2012...wee

01-03-2012, 10:26 AM
Best movies from 2011 that I've seen were The Tree of Life and Drive. For 2012, looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus.

01-06-2012, 03:31 PM
Dark Shadows & Frankenweenie remake both courtesy of Tim Burton! I think it's safe to say Elfman will score these as these 2 guys are as tight as brothers....have been for years. One of my favorite directors (hopefully teaming with my favorite composers) is at it again!

01-07-2012, 01:47 AM
Enjoyed in 2011: Source Code
Looking forward to in 2012: The Bourne Legacy. It will be interesting to see how Renner changes the feel of the movie.

01-07-2012, 07:34 AM
for me the best of 2011 was apollo 18, hands down.
i give no fucks about the reviews or public opinion. that movie entertained me from start to finish. only one other movie has accomplished that, and thats air force one.

01-14-2012, 03:06 AM
Im really looking forward to seeing what they do with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

01-14-2012, 04:12 PM
Im really looking forward to seeing what they do with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

So am I. The original is very good, both the films & the books so I don't expect the American version to top it. I just hope they don't fuck it up.

01-17-2012, 07:11 PM
Can't wait for Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Also Avengers. I'll try to drag my bf along.

01-28-2012, 03:52 AM
Can't wait for Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Also Avengers. I'll try to drag my bf along.

I'm also looking forward to these two. The second Sherlock Holmes was my choice for 2011 favourite, but I didn't see too many films last year.

01-28-2012, 06:26 PM
Best of 2011 in chronological order

01. Tree Of Life
02. Melancholia
03. ...

02-01-2012, 06:48 PM
Best movie of 2011 for me was Super. As for 2012, I'd say I anticipate either Brave or The Avengers the most.

02-04-2012, 07:25 PM
my best 2011: Warrior and Drive
looking forward 2012: Avengers and Dark Knight Rises

02-05-2012, 10:22 PM
I absolutely loved Hugo for 2011. Maybe it's because I really had no expectations for it, but it really reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are, where it is sort of sold as a kids movie but really seems to be geared for the adults.

2012... I'm hopeful for Brave. Without a doubt The Dark Knight Rises (I'm secretly hoping it dips into Spiderman 3 level of bullshit because that'd be hilarious) and Avengers. Maybe Prometheus too.

02-06-2012, 08:02 PM
Can't wait for Promethius

03-20-2012, 09:38 AM
Dark Knight Rises
New Spiderman

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------

Dark Knight Rises
New Spiderman