The Ultimate Koopa
08-20-2011, 04:11 AM
If the topic title is slightly confusing, what I mean is, is it possible to make it so that you MUST submit MP3s no lower than 256 kbps in bitrate? The main reason is, we're in 2011. We have more than enough space, and also 128 kbps, which people still continue to use, is, let's be honest, a load of crap, right? So, 256 kbps at minimum is much better quality. Of course it's not exactly a 25 Mbps 64-bit 192 kHz FLAC, but again, just 256 kbps is better than the crappy 128 kbps.

08-20-2011, 04:52 AM
If the topic title is slightly confusing, what I mean is, is it possible to make it so that you MUST submit MP3s no lower than 256 kbps in bitrate? The main reason is, we're in 2011. We have more than enough space, and also 128 kbps, which people still continue to use, is, let's be honest, a load of crap, right? So, 256 kbps at minimum is much better quality. Of course it's not exactly a 25 Mbps 64-bit 192 kHz FLAC, but again, just 256 kbps is better than the crappy 128 kbps.I'm with you on that most of my mp3 are in V0 VBR 192 to 320kbps

08-20-2011, 05:06 AM
Some games actually use 128kbps, so does that mean we exclude these rips? L.A. Noire had pretty bad quality, i can't remember what it was exactly, think it was lower than 128kbps. Also, what about really rare official releases that can only be gotten in lower quality? Wouldn't you rather have it in low quality than not at all? You can't stop people from sharing music in any quality, really. At the least, they should give what the bit rate is, so then you can avoid it if it's not to your liking.

08-21-2011, 11:38 AM
And not everyone has a fast internet connection. I have one, but I know people with relatively slow connectiosn, for whom download a 100mb zip file is a pain in the neck, to stay polite. Also, most video games up until a few years ago rarely used anything higher than 128kbps. I even remember Doom 3, at least it's demo, using 22050 khz 33kbps ogg files. at least that's what foobar says when I play the main title theme I ripped all those years ago.

08-21-2011, 10:55 PM
Personally, I kinda ride both sides of the fence. I do prefer a higher quality version, but will take a lower quality version out of concern for space. Until they come out with a 1TB iPod, I'll probably take lower bitrates anyways. Quantity over quality.

08-28-2011, 07:26 PM
Personally, I kinda ride both sides of the fence. I do prefer a higher quality version, but will take a lower quality version out of concern for space. Until they come out with a 1TB iPod, I'll probably take lower bitrates anyways. Quantity over quality.
Huh, so you would want to carry your entire library in your iPod? 60GB is more than enough to carry songs that I rated (out of a 1TB collection) and would like to listen to while I'm on the go. Plus, my music manager transcodes on the fly (FLAC -> V2 MP3), so I can keep lossless rips on my HDD and lossy ones on my iPod. I'm not looking for any hi-def listening experience when I'm out and about. I leave my time for music discovery when I'm relaxing at home. Needless to say, IMHO, lossy rips should be at V 0 if possible. Then again, I won't reject 128kbps sources if they are the only ones to be had (e.g. SimCity 4: Rush Hour online release).

09-03-2011, 03:27 AM
Anything to stop people from using these horrible FLACoggwhatever garbage formats that can only be played on your PC at home, where pretty much nobody listens to music.

Duck King
09-03-2011, 09:08 AM
^FLAC is superior/higher bitrate to mp3. I don't use it much myself, but just thought I'd clarify

192kbps is cd quality mebbeh that should b minimum?

09-03-2011, 01:51 PM
Anything to stop people from using these horrible FLACoggwhatever garbage formats that can only be played on your PC at home, where pretty much nobody listens to music.
Don`t know much about FLAC support but an amount of portable player models supporting OGG has been constantly increasing for the last few years and I won`t be wrong if I say that there`re dozens of such models nowadays.
And about your PC remark... For example I listen to most soundtracks I get here on my PC first and only after I decided what tracks to save and what to leave out I copy the best of the best to portable device.

09-03-2011, 04:49 PM
It's all very find and good to want the best possible bit rate, but in some cases that's just not possible. Composers will occasionally stream exclusive material on their websites at 128 or less. Then there is the Invader Zim-Phony, a reproduction of a pod cast containing 5 1/2 hours of music and interviews on Invader ZIM. It was released as a limited edition single disc, at a bit rate of 64 kbs. Do you not want the music? Are you saying if I want to find it I shouldn't look for it on this site?
Enforcing a ban on lower bitrates will not get you higher bit rate music, it will just get you less music.

09-04-2011, 01:14 AM
As nice as it is to have the highest possible quality tracks, it's just not possible in many cases and it'd be silly to create a minimum like that if it's a rare soundtrack rip and that's the only available quality. I'd rather have an average quality rip of a great soundtrack than no rip of said soundtrack at all.

09-04-2011, 01:54 AM
Oh, I forgot.
You'd also get a glut of fake 320's resampled from lower bitrate material.