03-28-2003, 03:47 PM
May friend needs some help and i can't help him because i've forgotten the following:

How to get contain materia
How to get death sentence enemy skill
How to get death force enemy skill


03-28-2003, 06:05 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Contain: You'll need to have at least one of a certain type of greens (I think it's Mimett Greens, but just get one of each anyway to be sure), then go to Mideel. Talk to the white chocobo there, and it will be happy that you have the greens. Scratch it behind its ears, and it will give you the materia.

Death Sentence: You'll need to go to Corral Valley (the area between the Sleeping Forest and the Forgotten City) and fight Boundfats. They'll use it normally, but you can also manipulate them to speed it up a bit.

Death Force: Get into a battle on a beach on the Wutai continent and you should find an Adamantoise. You'll have to manipulate it, then just use Death Force on your characters.

03-28-2003, 10:59 PM
Thank you very much Meltigemini. that's perfect. i've got another one for you now:

how do you get chocobuckle?

03-29-2003, 04:50 AM
All of the Enemy Skills are listed in my Enemy Skill guide, but I'll admit that takes a while to download. So here we go: you need to find a chocobo with a level that's a multiple of 4. You can find them either on the chocobo tracks near the ranch, or the Mideel area chocobo tracks. Once you've found one, quickly use a Mimmett greens on it and then have the character who you want to learn Chocobuckle cast L4 Suicide on the Chocobo. The chocobo will perform Chocobuckle on that character and then run away. So make sure to have all four of the Enemy Skill materia on that character going into the battle (or however many you have) so you can learn it for all of them at once.

03-30-2003, 12:57 AM
thanks agent0042 that's well useful! I won't have to take up room with these questions anymore!