03-28-2003, 12:48 PM
whats your favorite ability combo i like auto-regen auto-potion and auto-haste combo i have it on zidane who has like 4500 hitpoints right now and he is umkillabale he's always gaining 300 hp form aut-regen like very 5 seconds and he has auto-potion on him along with auto-haste he's a force to be reckoned with i beat garland and kuja in memoria with zidane alone becasue he had that combo and lets jsut say grand lethal is da bomb espicailly when you can use it 3-4 tiimes in one trance ehhehe so whats your favortie ability combo who is it on and what has it helped you with in the game?

03-28-2003, 06:17 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I liked Auto-Haste and Auto-Regen too. I taught that to everyone, and there's virtually no need to heal yourself for most of the game. I don't like Auto-Potion because it takes quite a bit of time, and I prefer to do my healing myself.

03-29-2003, 03:30 AM
Auto-Haste and Auto-Regen is a requirement for my characters. I also usually add in Auto-Life. I don't use Auto-Potion for the same reasons as Meltigemini. It just uses up potions which hardly heal for anything anyway and takes up time. Other good abilities I usually have equipped are High Tide (but not for Quina, it's useless once she's learned all of her Blue Magic), Gamble Defense (I don't know how helpful it is, but I just equip it anyway because it only takes up one Magic Stone, which I don't feel I'm really going to miss.) and HP+% abilities for those characters who have them. Other abilities are based each characters' particular strengths and/or abilities that only they can use.

03-29-2003, 09:21 PM
I swear the Eleventh Commandment is

THOU SHALT LEARN AUTO-REGEN, thus your days shall be long upon this game!



I actually did used to use Auto-potion all the time. Because it takes time, it gave characters a chance to regen if needed. But then I'd die on fights like Tiamat, when I forgot to take my team off of Auto-potion and all four of my characters would drop dead when inflicted with heat. CURSES!!

The other ability I can't go without is Clear-headed. Especially when I first go to Outer Continent.

Auto-haste is pretty cool, mostly because I just like the yellow instead of green. XD Once your team is up at 99, Auto-haste doesn't make much of a diff...

And I'm growing fond of using Ziddy's KILLER abilities. Devil Killer, Bird Killer, Man Eater, etc. They seem to affect his power more than they do other characters. <_< And I ALWAYS High Tide him.

The other ability I love on Dagger is BOOST! BOOSTAGE, BAY-BEE!!

03-29-2003, 09:40 PM
I find Auto-Potion most useful for those battles where you don't have a healer in the party. For example, Zidane vs. Amarant, or the battle against Tantarian. (Amarant can serve as a healer there, but it helps to have more.)

The other ability I can't go without is Clear-headed. Especially when I first go to Outer Continent.
Clear-Headed is good, but I'll only equip it if I know I'm going to be fighting monsters that are using Confuse. Like on the Outer Continent with the Ark fight.

But then I'd die on fights like Tiamat, when I forgot to take my team off of Auto-potion and all four of my characters would drop dead when inflicted with heat. CURSES!!
Just equip Body Temp. Body Temp's probably best to have an all characters when fighting the bosses in Memoria.

04-01-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
[B]Clear-Headed is good, but I'll only equip it if I know I'm going to be fighting monsters that are using Confuse. Like on the Outer Continent with the Ark fight. EEep. I take it you never fought a Cactaur with a team below level 25 on the Outer Continent?

Just equip Body Temp. Body Temp's probably best to have an all characters when fighting the bosses in Memoria. That's exactly what I do now. But my first game of FF9, I didn't know that Tiamat hit the team with Heat, since I was playing the game virtually blind (no walkthroughs or help), so Auto-potion was what I considered "essential." I also hadn't taught Vivi or Steiner Auto-Life, or Auto-Regen, so I ended up dying pretty quick.

These days, a trip through Memoria only takes about a half-hour. ;) Back then, it took me all night and seven game overs!

Hehe, hey, FF9 was my first Final Fantasy, I had NO idea what I was doing! :D

04-01-2003, 10:20 AM
I never use Auto-Regen. I prefer to rely on me beating the enemy with brute force fast enough so i need not use it. It works too. But in case some bastard monster atacks first, Clear Headed, Jelly, and the one that protects from petrify (can't remember it) are necessities.

04-01-2003, 10:13 PM
EEep. I take it you never fought a Cactaur with a team below level 25 on the Outer Continent?
LOL. Well, no. Actually I usually just run. Or reset. Or now that I know what I'm doing, I just catch a chocobo near the area Qu marsh and forget about fighting any monsters.

Hehe, hey, FF9 was my first Final Fantasy, I had NO idea what I was doing!
FFVII was my first one. I was surprised I made it through that the one the first time as well as I did. And that I managed to beat Sephiroth on my first try even though I didn't really know much of anything about his attacks.

Jelly, and the one that protects from petrify (can't remember it)
Actually, Jelly is the one that protects against Petrify. Maybe you were thinking of something else.

Vivi FF
04-06-2003, 06:06 PM
I use Auto-Haste and Auto-Regen when I'm going to fight bosses and tougher enemies (even though I usually don't need it). Otherwise, I use other abilities like the +%'s and Half MP and Concentrate and so on...

There's SO many abilities and SO many useful ones but not enough stone-things... :( I find this particulary annoying with Eiko cause she needs alot of abilities cause she's a white mage but she has like the fewest amount of stone-things...