08-16-2011, 03:19 PM
Probably too early for these, but if anyone has any leads when available, let me know.

08-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Maybe you should have waited a while longer to ask this. The Hobbit aint coming out till 2012 and Tintin isnt coming till December of this year unless it gets pushed back into 2012. Other than if someone leaked recordings but I doubt that they would be done scoring now.

08-16-2011, 03:38 PM
I know...just wanted start early :)

08-16-2011, 09:57 PM
You must be a real noob.
The noob to noob all noobs.

08-16-2011, 09:58 PM

08-16-2011, 10:01 PM
Can someone lock this sucker down?

08-16-2011, 10:03 PM
Me? Geeze, I just wanted to get a Tintin/Hobbit score thing going. Didn't know it was a crime.

08-16-2011, 10:09 PM
Well if you want to be literal yeah it would be a crime if you somehow did manage to get the scores lol, this thread is just not going to get anywhere till the movies are closer to release.

08-16-2011, 10:19 PM
I know that. I never expected to get anything NOW. Just to see what people are expecting and when it does come up to see what we get. And I'll buy the albums anyway, like I do for everything. So...while we're on it...What are you guys thinking/expecting/hoping for these scores?

The Dimensioner
08-16-2011, 10:20 PM
You've already done a pretty good job of getting it going. Seven posts in one day for a request thread? That's like a record, as far as I know.

I was going to point it out myself, but it looks like you guys already took care of it. Why would someone start a request thread for the recording sessions for two scores, let alone not even mention their OSTs--on top of the fact that there is still a very long wait before they ever even come out?

Jedisaurus, it is too early for this.

08-16-2011, 10:25 PM
Haha. I know it. I'm just so excited about these! I loved Tintin when I was a kid as well as the Hobbit. We'll just have to see how everything pans out. And you see how Dimensioner didn't insult or start name-calling? That's nice, thank you. I know its too early, just couldn't help it as I saw the previews for Tintin just now and got me so excited. Anyhoo.

08-16-2011, 11:12 PM
If you want my advice make a thread in film music discussion that way there wont be no problems.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Or if you want to talk about Tintin and The Hobbit but not the music make one in General discussion.

08-17-2011, 02:52 AM
cool. thanks :)

08-17-2011, 03:26 AM
While it may be too early for the whole soundtrack- you can at least already find the whole theme/trailer music- much longer that the amount in the trailers itself. Just look up audiomachine -sands of time, or use a youtube mp3 converter to get it from here- The Adventure of TinTin 3D Trailer Music HD by EPPEDEI ENTERTAINMENT - YouTube (

08-17-2011, 12:08 PM
Williams is a hack. He can't even read notes.
His style is so dated, it's a miracle how the
guy is still getting jobs these days.

My expectations: Both scores will turn out
boring and stark.

Tyler Bates and Spielberg would be the
ultimate match. But guess what? It won't

It's ridiculous to start a thread like this,
4 months before the fact. You should
know that.

08-17-2011, 09:06 PM
Williams is a hack. He can't even read notes.
His style is so dated, it's a miracle how the
guy is still getting jobs these days.

My expectations: Both scores will turn out
boring and stark.

Tyler Bates and Spielberg would be the
ultimate match. But guess what? It won't

It's ridiculous to start a thread like this,
4 months before the fact. You should
know that.

You should know that I answered this before. Don't you read previous posts? I like Williams, sure he may be past his prime, but he still writes some good stuff. Can you actually read notes, or are you just angry?

08-17-2011, 09:52 PM either we are aiming to get the thread locked,,,,wit, I think that's it. Callin Williams a hack and dated? That it the entire reason I have yet to keep a score from the last three years, and I get them for free. BUT, I do not RCP composers hacks etc. You don't like the older syle..fine. But some still do.
As for the thread, sorry Jedi, but starting it is just insane

I created a discussion thread in genneral discussion. It is rarely used, but perhaps I oughtta go find it.

08-17-2011, 09:59 PM
Fine. No more posts until AFTER the films come out. I will not respond or monitor this thread until then. Bye Everyone!

08-18-2011, 02:27 PM
Excuse me.
I didn't know about the Pirates thread.

But you are right - I was overreacting.

What concerns me about older scores
is that they sound not sufficient for a
modern audience anymore (as great
anmd remarkable as they are as solo
efforts). Zimmer and Newton-Howard
brought it to another level in the mid-
90s and therefore made the Williams
or Goldsmith or Barry styles obsolete.
They still wrote/write good music, but
not modern film music that goes with
today's films and audiences (I'm not
talking about stupid or not stupid, all
I want to say is that the audience's
sensibilities have been changed). And
guys like Bates 'n' company will become
better and better in the next 12 years,
even if they now, to our ears, sound
irritating or off with certain choices they
make. And they will gradually and finally
replace even the most dominant voices
of Zimmer, Horner 'n' company.

Watching "Days of Thunder" in 1989, who
would have said that Zimmer would be the
game-changing artist some 6 years later?
And would become a master of the craft
in the noughties?

Even I thought he was just another popper
then, trying to get accepted in a field that
tends to reject the pop artists.


---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------


Carry on with your stuff.
I'm just a little touchy.
Nothing to speak of.

08-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Depending on a few things, like who's working on these scores.. demos or final mixes could be floating around alot sooner than we think.

08-18-2011, 02:49 PM

What concerns me about older scores
is that they sound not sufficient for a
modern audience anymore (as great
anmd remarkable as they are as solo
efforts). Zimmer and Newton-Howard
brought it to another level in the mid-
90s and therefore made the Williams
or Goldsmith or Barry styles obsolete.
They still wrote/write good music, but
not modern film music that goes with
today's films and audiences (I'm not
talking about stupid or not stupid, all
I want to say is that the audience's
sensibilities have been changed). And
guys like Bates 'n' company will become
better and better in the next 12 years,
even if they now, to our ears, sound
irritating or off with certain choices they
make. And they will gradually and finally
replace even the most dominant voices
of Zimmer, Horner 'n' company....

that is of course your own opinion. meaning your "own".

it's not like you know everything there is to know to properly gauge the taste of the general public for that matter.

08-18-2011, 03:27 PM

I'm sorry to correct you in that point:

That, exactly, is my JOB.

But thank you for the description.

08-18-2011, 03:45 PM
I am part of the general young audience..... I prefer Williams, Goldsmith, Horner, and Silvestri to Zimmer, Badelt, and Jablonsky

08-18-2011, 04:17 PM

On record, Faleel.
On record.

Try this:

Have you ever tried to watch a Transformers
movie, with sound off, but accompanied by
your favorite John Williams action score from
the 70's, 80's, maybe early 90's? Mind the
speed, and which thing is slowing the other
thing down?

Another one:
Watch Pirates of the Caribbean, putting
Korngold under it. What happens? Do you
realize why they've chosen a more rock
flavoured score instead the classic pirate
music that would have been on the nose?

Try to watch the whole finale of "Troy",
with Miklos Rozsa's El Cid playing in the
background. What do you notice, beyond
the logical anachronisms?

Watch Jurassic Park with the LOTR-
music by Howard Shore underneath.
Will that match? Or is it odd, throwing
you out of the experience?

Or Inception. Find music that matches
with the images, out of your Jerry Gold-
smith library.

It's not about the composition and the
quality of the music as such. It's about
finding a style that fits those new films.

All what Jablonsky, Badelt, Zimmer, Bates,
Gregson-Williams are trying to achieve in
the first place, is coming up with a style
that helps the images and the particular
film without pulling the audience out of
the movie.

For them, it's secondary if their scores
can stand up alone on Cd or record. And
these people are at the top of their game
right now. They pay them a lot of money
for that.

It will be tough to find a better score for
Inception than the one Hans has written.


08-18-2011, 04:21 PM
All I have to say is Film Score discussion In GD.

08-18-2011, 05:00 PM

On record, Faleel.
On record.

Try this:

Have you ever tried to watch a Transformers
movie, with sound off, but accompanied by
your favorite John Williams action score from
the 70's, 80's, maybe early 90's? Mind the
speed, and which thing is slowing the other
thing down?

Another one:
Watch Pirates of the Caribbean, putting
Korngold under it. What happens? Do you
realize why they've chosen a more rock
flavoured score instead the classic pirate
music that would have been on the nose?

Try to watch the whole finale of "Troy",
with Miklos Rozsa's El Cid playing in the
background. What do you notice, beyond
the logical anachronisms?

Watch Jurassic Park with the LOTR-
music by Howard Shore underneath.
Will that match? Or is it odd, throwing
you out of the experience?

Or Inception. Find music that matches
with the images, out of your Jerry Gold-
smith library.

It's not about the composition and the
quality of the music as such. It's about
finding a style that fits those new films.

All what Jablonsky, Badelt, Zimmer, Bates,
Gregson-Williams are trying to achieve in
the first place, is coming up with a style
that helps the images and the particular
film without pulling the audience out of
the movie.

For them, it's secondary if their scores
can stand up alone on Cd or record. And
these people are at the top of their game
right now. They pay them a lot of money
for that.

It will be tough to find a better score for
Inception than the one Hans has written.


I do have to say that you kind of fucked up here.

Just to be clear, you know you really arent proving a point by putting an older score on a new film who's style isnt really similar?
Its like saying, oh look.. look at this old man, if we put him in new clothes its not like he'll look any younger. OF COURSE HE WONT.. HES FUCKING OLD AND SMELLS LIKE DEATH. Sort of like the opposite of what you are trying to say.
While composing techniques have changed with the times, there are many composers who have been able transcend time, either with the scores themselves, or by adopting new styles and techniques.

08-18-2011, 05:10 PM

On record, Faleel.
On record.

Try this:

Have you ever tried to watch a Transformers
movie, with sound off, but accompanied by
your favorite John Williams action score from
the 70's, 80's, maybe early 90's? Mind the
speed, and which thing is slowing the other
thing down?

Another one:
Watch Pirates of the Caribbean, putting
Korngold under it. What happens? Do you
realize why they've chosen a more rock
flavoured score instead the classic pirate
music that would have been on the nose?

Try to watch the whole finale of "Troy",
with Miklos Rozsa's El Cid playing in the
background. What do you notice, beyond
the logical anachronisms?

Watch Jurassic Park with the LOTR-
music by Howard Shore underneath.
Will that match? Or is it odd, throwing
you out of the experience?

Or Inception. Find music that matches
with the images, out of your Jerry Gold-
smith library.

It's not about the composition and the
quality of the music as such. It's about
finding a style that fits those new films.

All what Jablonsky, Badelt, Zimmer, Bates,
Gregson-Williams are trying to achieve in
the first place, is coming up with a style
that helps the images and the particular
film without pulling the audience out of
the movie.

For them, it's secondary if their scores
can stand up alone on Cd or record. And
these people are at the top of their game
right now. They pay them a lot of money
for that.

It will be tough to find a better score for
Inception than the one Hans has written.


betcha by golly wow..i can't believe it...

N-10_Aden, just this one post please.


08-18-2011, 05:11 PM
Im not a mod so I cant keep you from doing it lol. (Last Post Here)

08-18-2011, 05:39 PM

Just try it. And be honest with yourself.

Does a score produced 16 years ago and
older still sound CONTEMPORARY to your

Say, if we had a time machine, and we
travelled back to Hollywood in the 1950's...


What if ...
we could convince Miklos Rozsa to compose
the soundtrack for TRANSFORMERS 3. What
particular style would he come up with?

I think the movies dictate 80% of what
the music has to sound like in the finished
product. Having worked in the field for some
time, I know the process.


Facing the film, and looking at the strange new
equipment in his modern office, Rozsa would do
exactly the same thing as Jablonsky.

Just with theremins.

08-18-2011, 05:50 PM

08-18-2011, 06:10 PM
Wrong thread.

The Dimensioner
08-18-2011, 07:06 PM
Who is this guy with the chicken? What is going on here? I shouldn't care, but since I posted in this thread, it is now something I have to keep coming back to. The first time I saw one of his posts, I thought he typed it like it was a poem.

08-18-2011, 07:18 PM
What you just said
makes me chicken out!

08-20-2011, 11:31 AM
The recording sessions of Tintin floating around. But they're really rare. Or maybe somebody made mockups of the sheet music... I don't know. But what i do know, is that the music is out there. I know of at least 2 people who have heard the score. They give little details on JWFan, but the site is down at the moment.

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 PM ----------

Btw i love John Williams but i love me some Pirates too.

08-20-2011, 07:27 PM
The is very little chance the music is "out there". The music may not even be done yet. Everything said on a forum is not golden truth. The "recording sessions" will most likely never leak, and not before the score is officially released. Few Williams sessions just "pop" out there, and NEVER early.

08-20-2011, 08:13 PM
The music was recorded february last year.

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

I think the first person heard the real deal and the second one has the sheet music.