03-27-2003, 02:44 AM
Yeah check it out, I drew this while I was on the phone so I think he looks kinda weird because my head was tilted to the side and I was kinda tired. O_O anyways tell me what you think.

03-28-2003, 01:23 AM
ohh i love it cyngus well i always loved oyur art work it's da'bomb *wants to buy xenosaga even more* ohh i cna't wait i wish i could draw that good nymph you should look at this. Chaos looks really kewl and i had your watercolor one as my desktop backround for a while keep up the good work

03-28-2003, 01:37 AM
Cygnus-once again a great peice or work!! i love it! Chaos is so hot!!:D he is so cute in chibi form.
so once all you people who look and never comment, if your going to look at the pictures at least have the deceancy to leave a comment, my god.